"What do you say, Master Pride?

Lotte and Marie, the dedicated samurai, peek into me worried after I finish dressing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fine.

As I was, when I thanked them, they said, "Please be careful" and "I sincerely wish Lord Pride well" and held my hand softly. Speak to Jack the Kingsguard and ask him to open the door. "Please, be careful," Jack also spoke gently. When I got out of the room, Captain Alan and Captain Column, the Kingsguard knights who were waiting for my support, welcomed me round their eyes.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, both of you.

Still wondering if Tiara and Steel were in the process, I looked around and the Steel had just arrived.

"It looks very good on you, sister.

Style dressed in armor grins at me. Unlike the usual neat outfit, he was very masculine, weaving gussili, masculine armor and black team clothing. I thought I would take off my Dada glasses, but they're going to gear me up the same way. The trademark of the style in me stays intact and a little relieved.

"Thanks, Style. You're so nice, too. I accidentally fell in love.

A different manly appearance adds up to the gap and looks awesome. I can't believe the style in armor wasn't even in the stills of the game.

"... Hey Alan! Hold on tight."

Gasha, if anything sounded like armor bumping into each other and looking back, Captain Column was about to be poking Captain Alan with his back elbow. Captain Alan's face is bright red if you look at it. He opens his mouth with his eyes round and stares at me.

I don't know if you're feeling well, but you're worried and you're like, "Are you okay? When I called out, I said," No, no, no, no, no, no! So, it's okay, it looks great... "The bee replied. It is unusual for Captain Alan, who is always floating. Even though he started talking to my royal counterpart without nervousness after he started playing the Kingsguard Knight. After all, it seems that the long battle is nervous for knights as well.

"I'm sorry, Master Pride. Looks like Alan wanted to say that the armor looks great on him.

Captain Column interprets Captain Alan's words into a sigh of sigh. Captain Alan nodded to me again and again with a bright red face to admit it.

"Thank you, I'm glad.

I smile back at both of them and check my outfit again. It's for women, so it's a little different, but most of it matches everyone else. Only a few woven red team clothes show off their femininity… I want to think they do. The wavy redhead also got in the way so I bracketed it in one over my head, and I'm pretty sorry about the women's power. Although there are no women or men in the war, as the First Princess, I really care. But at the same time, I've never had this kind of cute armor before, so I was a little bit excited about it carelessly.

"I wonder if Tiara's about to finish. Hey, Ste...,... Style ♪"

Looking back, now Style was turning bright red on his face and covering his mouth with one hand. I'm whining a little "... look at love..." but I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I'm still not in the book shape because I let you stay up late last night.

"Sister! Dear brother,"

Gasha, Gasha, and Tiara, who looks a little heavy, rush up to us. For once, Tiara doesn't plan on joining the war either, but she's wearing armor just like us because she doesn't know what kind of danger she's in on the road.

"You're both so lovely!... Me too, maybe I'll make some matches for Marie and Lotte when I get home...

After Tiara blinked her eyes, she pinched her own white uniform like a one-piece hem.

To tell the truth, only me and Style's uniform are handmade by Lotte and Marie. We both made it every time and the quality was almost the same as that of the Knights, so we were promptly allowed to use it formally. I had some uniforms for me from the castle once, but this one sticks better to me, and my mother gave me permission.... although it was hard to deceive about why there was such clothing.

And Tiara, as a royal, weaves her usual color, white team clothes. She looks so good on her blonde tiara and cute. They have long hair in bulk, just like me. I didn't expect you to worship Tiara's armor. "It's very nice," he laughed. "This outfit will make you feel safe on the battlefield!" I politely declined because I was told. Style embarrasses Tiara by saying, "You're not going to play."

"'Cause you're going to the kingdom of Chinensis, too, Prince Cedric."

Mmm, and I laugh bitterly at Tiara for making fists in both hands and judging directly on the style. They still can't lift Tiara's guard. Well, it's 10% of what Cedric deserves.

"Shall we go, both of you?

Yes, and Style and Tiara responded to my words at the same time. We finally walk out, fluttering a little into unfamiliar armor.


"Okay, I'll go and come. Mother, Father.

We greet our mothers and fathers, and we leave the country.

As many people drop me off, I go from under the castle to out of the country in response to that cheer. With many knights, and loaded with weapons.

Early in the morning, large quantities of supplies and weapons and ammunition had been received from the kingdom of Anemone. And shiny enough to tell from my amateur eyes. Even as Chancellor Jilbert and the Knights Commander and Deputy Commander were checking all the weapons and loading them in their cars, the knights sparkled, "That's a good one," "What's that big one?" "I know that weapon!" "How much ammunition do you have?" he said, shining his eyes as if he were the first boy to come to the toy store. Sometimes, grenades and very noisy shaped guns and large cylinders that I had never seen in the first book of the Kimihika series also caught my eye, but under the judgment of Chancellor Gilbert, the Knights Commander and the Deputy Commander, "Weapons that do not know how to use them are dangerous as instant warfare", most of them were to leave a message at our castle.... Though the knights seemed very sorry shortly after the judgment was made.

Leon deposited a letter addressed to me from an apostle who carried weapons and supplies from Anemone, and that's all I could send to the Kingdom of Friesia because it was sudden. and all the products traded from various countries, so be sure to consider it. A message to that effect was written with words of good struggle and labor for me.

"That's all." Even if you pull out your answering machine weapon, the knights will thrive. In addition, "Be sure to consider it." Experience services! Please try it! "" Monitor Recruiting! Free for a month now! When I was reminded of the phrase, I thought Leon was a good player. The largest player in the boulder trade.

Surely, if we had the weapons that were active in this battle, we would definitely pick them up in our country.... Most of them leave a message in my country though.

If there were still a period of time as originally planned, I'm sure every single rare weapon the Knights would have tried and scrutinized for practicality, but unfortunately there was no time for that.

At the end of the letter, I was briefly accompanied by the words, "Give me your word then," and I assumed that it would probably be a precaution not to return all this weapon to me.

"Take care!" "Dear Pride," "Knights Commander!" "His Royal Highness the First Prince of Style" "Her Highness the Second Princess of Tiara!" "Her Highness the First Princess of Pride!" "How are you safe!" and various voices can be hung.

Sometimes it's the first formation of the three royals, and like a parade start, I, Style, and Tiara travel on horses just like the rest of the knights.... now. And no one was riding a carriage or an empty luggage truck was following me loosely after that.

Though the march, we'll be traveling all the way for the next three days. Normally you have to go to the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, which takes more than ten days with a horse.

Yes,... all three days.

"All right, raise all squad horses!

The gates of our country were closed and we got off the horse quickly. Captain Column, the Kingsguard knight, lends a gentle hand.

As long as you're letting the creature pull you on a horse, you have limits on your strength and feet. Even royal carriages and knighthood horses with more strength and strength and faster legs than regular horses, the journey of a few days determines the limits, even though they pinch breaks along the way.

So this time we needed the power of the advance troops.

The advance units are basically units that belong to each unit, but are organized as needed. It was also organized in an emergency during the Knights ambush six years ago.

Horses and knights gradually board multiple cars that were empty until just now. Our country's special sturdy luggage cars come in various sizes, small, large trucks from previous life and… that's even the size of a large bus that seems likely. It's a carriage that I, Stayle, Chancellor Tiara or Gilbert ride, but it's not a horse that pulls, just like the luggage cars the knights get in.

It is a special capability vehicle, spearheaded by advance troops.

The portions of the luggage are each fitted to their vehicle, giving the impression of a carrier more than a luggage car at once. It's a big bike-like ride that I rode six years ago, too. A special vehicle that can only be driven by the special ability person who made it. Although the speed can only be as fast as the speed limit of a horse that runs on its own or a car from a previous life, it can proceed at that speed regardless of the weight of the connected load. This allows the driver to travel at constant speeds whenever possible. Although they only use large trucks and large bus sizes on boulders when traveling for such a long period of time because they don't have a small turnaround.

It seems that the advance troops may also include other people with special abilities, such as fast legs or jumping forces or running horses tirelessly, but basically the people who build and drive this vehicle seem to be the main ones. I guess it's not a machine because the driving force is not science, but special abilities... but I think this way, bikes and cars from previous life were amazing.

The carriage was connected one by one to the special abilities bike, and the other carriages were connected to each of the same sizes before being fitted to the bike, as if it were a train or train without a roof.

"I've never traveled with an advance unit before!

Tiara gladly peered forward through the carriage window. Captains Column and Alan, the Kingsguard knights, are looking at the situation with a little smile. It's like being the first child and guardian on a bus. I rode once six years ago, too, but I was just in a chair and hand wrapped around the back of a motorcycle then, and I've never had a carriage pulled.

"... I hope your brother is also close with Chancellor Jilbert.

Boom, and I heard Tiara's worried voice. I also get a little cloudy about the words.

This time it is also particularly dangerous, and the carriage has two knights of escort. In my case, he's a Kingsguard knight, but the carriage behind him is loaded with Steele and Chancellor Gilbert, as well as the Knights Commander and Knights. If it's true, Style, my assistant, is with me, and Tiara is supposed to be the next carriage, but Style himself was asked to "Jilbell, because I want to be on the road with the Knights Commander too," somewhat black-and-white aura.

"We will now depart for the United Kingdom of Hanazoo."

The knight's decree sounds, and the carriage moves loosely with Gatan. Not unlike a normal carriage at first. It accelerates gradually from there.

The speed of the car in my previous life made me remember a little, but Tiara gradually got her eyes round and grabbed me on my hem from the way in. Although it was a range of safety speeds in previous life, it is still completely faster than normal. If you've ever ridden a horse that runs on its own, it would still be awesome for Tiara, who's used to the relaxing speed of the carriage.

The distance the horses in the Knights main unit can travel in a day. Because it runs through in about an hour and a half after that.

It's much faster even if you pinch a break once an hour. Drivers aside, motorcycles of special abilities that know neither fatigue nor deceleration move loosely and at high speeds for this world.

And three days from now, as planned.

Having attacked the distance that should take us ten days, we will reach the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

... before the defensive battle, without knowing yet that it was stuffy.