
"Dear Sister,

"Dear Pride,

After leaving King Joan behind and leaving the stage one foot ahead.

Somehow the blood changes and Steele, Tiara, Arthur, and all the column captains and knights rush over. Plus Cedric and the others were coming to make sure they followed behind them. Everyone has been watching me from the edge ever since I came up on the stage with King Joan.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. But the people of Chinensis said they would fight with me."

"Why have you been so impotent?"

... the first time I got yelled at by Stayle. It's a hard experience to get yelled at by the style, so I get unwittingly confused. Then Tiara borrowed it from me at the castle, hurried the bandage and wrapped my fingertips around it. Well, I cut my fingertips off with a dagger when I took a blood vow. Honestly, I forgot because the wound is small and it doesn't hurt against it.

"It's okay, because it's not a big scratch. Tomorrow the blood will stop.

"Oh, that's not a problem!

... Now Tiara's mad at me. The bandages were cleverly wrapped and his eyes slightly moistened as he tied them. What am I supposed to do, make me worry because I used so many blades? Though I already have a dagger in my hip and a sword in it.

"Do you understand, sister?" "Blood vows are the original ritual of faith." If you fail to protect the Hanazoo kingdom... "

"Yeah, I swore I'd be sentenced to burning with Your Majesty.

I wonder what that is. I laughed and gave it back to the Stiles, glad they didn't even think it was dangerous to have a dagger.

My reaction was unexpected or it solidified with my mouth open so that the style was speechless. With Tiara, it seems a little bloody out of her complexion. Ning Ro, I'm more worried.

"Because I thought that if I didn't do that, I would surely not have the people believe in the Kingdom of Friesia.

I told them that with a bitter laugh, but there was never any sign that their blood color would return.

As the two of you will be worried, you will certainly not be able to break your blood vows. I did it in front of many people, and even though it is a ritual in other countries, if Friesia breaks it, it will not show it to neighbouring countries either. At the end of the day, I wrote blood judgments and autographs, and "I didn't know" isn't something I could get away with. []/(adj-na, n, adj-no) (1) (uk) (uk) (uk) though/(2) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) (uk) though/(P)/

"If we win properly, Master Pride will never fit that eye...?

As soon as I tried to say it, Arthur opened his mouth first.

I looked back to Arthur's horribly low voice, surprised by the style, tiara and even Captain Column, whose blood had drawn me until just now.

It wasn't just the voice color, for some reason there was such a tremendous hegemony from Arthur's entire body that his skin tingled. A pale eye, sharply open as a wolf, is directed at me perfectly.

Am I angry, the grin I give back to the boulder makes me crack thoughtfully?

"Yeah... of course. There's nothing wrong with protecting the United Kingdom of Hanazoo or King Joan. It's an oath for that.

Even the other Knights of the Ninth Squad were a little overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the hegemony Arthur unleashed from his entire body. It was when Style whispered, "Hey, Arthur," and Captain Column put his hand on that shoulder.

"... then it's good. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever..."

What? And I watched Arthur stay beside me in a whisper rather than whine. I let Arthur, a totally battle champion-like eye, jam words so that the style was rarely pushed a little. Still, he immediately replied, "Naturally," still whispering like he couldn't hear his surroundings, slamming Arthur's belly over his armor. Captain Column saw it, exhaled a little relieved and slapped Arthur on the shoulder again.

"... sister.

Tiara, who moistened her eyes, peered into me worried. I'm sorry to make you worry, but Tiara shook my head quietly when I said it.

"It's okay, because what I believe. Everyone will win. I'm not afraid of anything.

When I said that and laughed and showed it, my breath finally leaked so that my shoulder strength could fall out of the style as well.

"... I will also report this matter to the Knights Commander from my mouth.

Oh, my God.

Unexpectedly, I say, "Eh, no, that's" and I raise my voice in a panic. Still, relentlessly, Style goes on to tell Captain Column, "Captain Column asks Captain Alan and Deputy Eric to share information," he says. Wait, wait, wait. If the Knights Commander finds out, he'll be absolutely pissed off.

He smiled and affirmed that when I grabbed the hem of the style as I said, "Because I can't choose the means to raise my morale". Style's starting to look like Chancellor Gilbert again.

Finally, now it's my turn to draw blood from my face.

"One hundred million is all.... because you can no longer lose.

Jill Baer said, "Don't worry, I'll keep my mouth shut. I was told, but I'm not at all relieved. I mean, you can't beat me from the beginning.

From the style of holding down the edge of the glasses and telling them so, now the black aura is released. I don't know what to do, Style and Arthur are absolutely mad.

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride!

Suddenly he was called, and looking back, he was King Joan. He's just finished talking to the people. King Joan, breathless even though it was not a great distance, turned his golden eyes at me still as he stood before me. When I began to breathe gradually, I leaked only one first word, "Why..." and continued.

"... why. … Are you trying to protect a small country where your alliance is neglected and has never even been involved before? You, the first princess of the great kingdom of Friesia, cannot match my life, the king of the small kingdom of China.

His words, both frowning and making his expression more rude, were heartfelt words, neither humble nor humble.

I unwittingly shut my mouth once to a word that blames me for being defenseless somewhere so that I want a convincing answer.... but the answer is simple.

"Because I promised. King Lance of the Kingdom of Sursis, an ally, and Cedric and.

"But in a small country like this... even you risk your life for our country..."

"There are people. No more national value, etc.

"Huh... Huh?"

To my words, which were clearly exhausted, this time King Joan stuffed the words with his eyes open. A hand that grabbed his chest reflexively held his cross pendant as it was. I shook my throat so I couldn't breathe well and cramped that beautiful face.

… It is also not clear to him that it is doubtful that the big country Friesia will be involved so far.

But honestly, if all the people of the kingdom of Chinensis will rise up with one life of Las Bospride, I also think that's enough to make up for it.

There are also people in the kingdom of China. And as long as you take the hands of Freesia and the Kingdom of Sursis, we can protect them. There's a way to help around the corner, so I think we should use any hand to get them to take that hand. My life is cheap. And...

"I only took an oath. It was His Majesty the King himself who moved the hearts of the people. And it was no other Cedric who moved us.

He shifted his gaze from King Joan and turned back to Cedric, who was holding back behind us as shown by his eyes. Suddenly he was shocked when he shook the subject for a moment. With his eyes round, he is staring at me and King Joan.

"As he first spoke, it was Cedric who called us. … and because you believed in his words and moved, I was also able to cooperate with His Majesty the King.

... To be honest, Cedric's trusted part is huge.

His heartbreak was deeper than I thought, seeing the distractions of his best friend, King Lance, and the people of the castle confused by it. It's called Cedric, it's called King Joan, and I'm guessing King Lance was big enough for them.

We are the only ones who have visited King Joan, and we do not know if he has moved. He must have moved him because he was close to King Joan and even more Cedric, King Lance's brother.

... so much, two people we trust each other.

In the game, I can't believe Cedric hates you so much.

At the start of the game, King Lance lived his days remaining distracted, and Cedric continued to support the country while hiding his brother's distractions from other countries.

And Joan betrayed the kingdom of Chinensis and fell into a subordinate state

I hate Cedric so much.

Cedric would not have become a subordinate state if he hadn't stopped the full surrender of the kingdom of Chinensis by talking about "lying reinforcements.

That made Lance, his best friend, sick.

Moreover, at the same time that the Kingdom of Friesia flies the anti-flag, Cedric had exchanged a pledge to transfer all of his country's gold veins to the Kingdom of Friesia while being blackmailed by Pride.

As a result, it just seemed as if Cedric had connected with the kingdom of Friesia and sold the kingdom of Chinensis from anyone's eyes.

I believed you, but you said you were betrayed.

My heart for thinking of my country, my best friend, and even the anger and sadness of being betrayed by Cedric I trusted turned into hatred and directed at one Cedric.

Cedric route of the game.

The scene of Joan and Cedric stumbling into the Kingdom of Friesia was rather sinister. "... eh... brother..." Cedric, who hung a dark, sinking voice, looked terribly frightened. And in response to that, "Don't call me by that name..." A cursed and abominable son, "Joan also returned to hatred.

My brother, the king of my own country, went mad, and was hated by my brother and by those whom I admired and by his people. I made everyone unhappy because of what I did extra because I myself asked the Kingdom of Friesia for help.

Especially the wounds hated by his brother and admired Joan are deep, making him incredible to people.

Hated by Joan, who was convinced of his absolute trust and bond, everything in him collapsed.

With Cedric Route, Lance was the only trustworthy opponent left for him. The scene where he was talking to Lance alone, frenzied, was filled with a sense of sadness I couldn't imagine from my usual narcissistic behavior.

In the game, Cedric and Yoan have completely broken that bond because of their pride.

In the climax scene of Cedric Route, Yoan stood by Cedric at the command of Pride, … at the end of the day he was giving way. "It's not for you, it's for Lance," he insisted, but I guess that's all the bond was there.

So much so that I hate Cedric from the bottom of my heart with a betrayed recoil, and so much so that the hated recoil makes me terribly human distrust... strong, bonded.


And King Joan called his name to nil.

I bit my lips down so small that Cedric could indulge in something. It hardens as if it cannot move from the spot, and only its eyes are firmly directed towards King Joan. Then.

Earlier, King Joan moved.

I slowly walked over to Cedric's front. With a back slightly lower than the long Cedric, I looked him up with my eyes alone. And gently, I reached out that hand to his head.

"... you've grown.

Wow, and the golden hair set to his hair tip was stroked and swayed in King Joan's hand.

Cedric leaned over as he opened his eyes to King Joan's words, whining emotionally, and distracted himself.

"... come on brother, I'm already seventeen.

He leaned down and his voice was returned, trembling slightly without seeing the look on his face. But as he is accustomed to, King Joan laughs softly and does not try to stop that hand.

"Isn't my hair messy?"... I'm four years older than you.

Finally King Joan, stroking his head in one direction to retool his hair, placed his hand on Cedric's shoulder so that it flowed intact.

"Thank you, Cedric.... You've caused me a lot of hard feelings.

As soon as they hung that word.

Polo and drops fell zero out of Cedric's eyes that made him bow down.

At first, small droplets so small that I thought it was my fault gradually became larger and larger and overflowing. His shoulders swayed badly, as if to echo the amount of tears.

That hand he always wanted to reach in the game world did reach King Joan on this day.