"Go ahead, Sir Hamm. Please call this way.

Sir Hamm.

Yes, with the old man Prince Cedric was calling, he enters even the guest room where the guard guided him, recommending a seat first.

Sticking his gaze in surprise at me, the old man nonetheless slowly unloaded his heavy body into the chair.

"I'm late, my name is Gilbert Butler. I am serving as Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Friesia.

If I purposefully named him in a bright tone, there was no meeting with Sir Hamm's stirrups and damp eyes pointed at me. Still don't mind, I speak to him.

"I apologize for calling you all of a sudden. Earlier, I caught your ear saying you had some information. If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you. Of course, it doesn't matter how long. Let's talk about it."

"You.... No, let me talk to you earlier. I thought it was an ambush in the kingdom of Friesia... you know, talk to me.


I'm surprised at the old man who was caught up in the topic as lightly as he thought, rather than being blocked from talking. That's probably why you suddenly felt like talking to me. I dare you to tease me, "What are you talking about? When asked," Don't delude me, "the old man roughed up his voice and called out.

"Has there been an ambush in the kingdom of Friesia?" "When?" "If so, why do you leave your own country to celebrate and stick your neck in the battle between our country?"

The old man, poking his index finger straight at me, turned his eyes at me, breathing on his shoulder if he had screamed too much.

I lowered my eyebrows and made a laugh in my mouth, letting my shoulders clasp. Can't wait to hear back from me, the old man slapped the table with a thin fist. I have no choice but to open my mouth again.

"I don't care why... it wasn't otherwise harmed. Several executioners have been captured.


As my words were incredible, the old man stripping his eyes began to shake his slapped fist with a blurb.

"I don't know yet who they are, but they were all just little villains. No, they made me deal with all those miscellaneous fish, and on the contrary, I broke my bones. Honestly, I wouldn't be interested in other countries if the Kingdom of Friesia were peaceful… I'd like to go home and meet my wife and son as soon as possible.

Phew... and exhale and let your gaze go far. Keep it up, wait a few seconds and have no response from the old man, then look back at him and make a grin again to try to fix it.

"Oh, excuse me. Please keep this to yourself. Of course, as long as I get it in return, I will work for the sincere Sursis kingdom.

"Then what if I say I promise more in return?

Suddenly, a low and exploring voice came from the old man. Only my blood-running eyes roll and gaze at my complexion.

"… what does that mean?

Turn off the grin and see the old man straight from me too... Sir Hamm. That way Sir Hamm made even more wrinkles with a grin on his wrinkled face and turned his dirty grin on me.

"What if another country's … for example, the Kingdom of Copelandi were told to cooperate instead of giving them something in return?

"That's an interesting story.... Well, honestly in return, something like that? We dedicate everything to the Kingdom of Friesia, so it is impossible to betray our own country in any return, by analogy. but... well still very much in terminal money, even if we talk about betraying another country.

The Kingdom of Friesia pays the upper echelons well. And if you joke and laugh, the old man laughs with his missing and inconsistent teeth stripped out intact.

"For example... how about 40% of the minerals in the kingdom of Chinensis?

Mineral country, kingdom of chinese sys.

All of its products, gems, are called first-class products in the world in terms of quality and size. Like the Golden Vein of the Kingdom of Sursis, the countries that want alliances with the Kingdom of China for that purpose are still endless, he said.

40% of the resources of that jewelry country. It would be impossible to use up a lifetime of playing in a normal person. More importantly, it is enough to take care of the lives of all the lower classes of the people of the Kingdom of Friesia at least the minimum.

"That's quite... a story to instigate.

If he pulled up his mouth and made him laugh, Sir Hamm shook his neck vertically over and over again, laughing satisfactorily.

"… for example.... What exactly do I do...?

Throat and peek straight into the old man. Then the old man gave it back to me, "It's easy," glaring at me.

"You just have to do the same thing with me. Report to the Kingdom of Copelandi all movements, manoeuvres and understandings of the Kingdom of Friesia. If you're a bird, let's do one of the eagles. And a prime minister would be easy to manipulate information. I dare you, just before the invasion of the Kingdom of Copelandi in the early hours of tomorrow morning, to pull the people of the Kingdom of Friesia from the Kingdom of China once. Whatever the reason. That way, 40% of the minerals are yours.

Sir Hamm commands, laughing hiccups and cramps. Which means this man is promised more in return than that.

"Who should I report to? Besides, are you sure you want to get 40%? Your share and those other than me...

"The report is fine if you keep it with the birds. It will soon be delivered to the Kingdom of Copelandi. Don't worry about your share, it's just you and me.

It was wonderful, and Sir Hamm raised his voice and laughed out loud if he looked open and laughed. Before the excitement cools, ask again from me.

"Speaking of which... what's in it for Prince Cedric? He's our target, too...?

"Say what! Master Cedric, after the demise of the kingdom of Chinensis, he will unite all the kingdoms of Circus. I really wanted Cedric to help me with this role... well, you're in luck. Let me ask you to work for me instead. After all Cedric has finished, you can have him on the throne instead of that fool king.

Because of that foolish king, Master Bertrand began to spoil his personal stupidity with such eyes… and I mop my back so that I can forgive Sir Hamm.

"I whipped your old body, and it would have been difficult on your own, Sir Hamm. But I'll be here from now on. So, how much credit have you had so far?

"That's a big deal already. No one in the clan agreed with this noble idea except for the eagle, and all the others died of old age... I wrote to the eagle alone, so I sent every day a fine movement of the country... my liver was cold when I heard that Master Cedric had been sent out a carriage wherever. I didn't know you were bringing the kingdom of Friesia... This is the only way to do it. Compared to the reports from Copelandi and others, it's about the dirt on my nails.

"Oh, my God, every day. That would have been tough. Are we going to be doing this for today? Shall I speak for you if necessary?

"Oh, thank God. Writing in the moonlight every night is also eye-catching. But there's a little more patience in this struggle."

"If it's that hard, let me just end it all right now.

Pita, and the old man's movements stop altogether. He hardened as if he had also held his breath for a while, then finally opened his eyes and only his neck was directed towards me.

With a heartfelt grin pointed at him, I place my hand on my shoulder as it mocks the old man's back.

"Good for you, you won't have to do anything in prison from today on. In the same castle as my beloved Prince Cedric II, for the rest of his life.

Xama, and the lips of the so-called trembling old man spin the words slightly. I dye my face bright red with anger and stretch my trembling hand to me to strangle me, but tap lightly, twisting only one arm straight up behind the old man's back, depriving him of movement.

Ahhhhhh... and the groaning old man pities him, loosening his strength only slightly to the point that it is painless,... and gently puts one foot on each knee.

"Thank you for all your interesting stories, Sir Hamm. As long as it's done, I know exactly why His Royal Highness Prince Cedric calls you" old age. "

I had heard about the ancient remorse between the upper echelons of the kingdoms of Chinensis and Sursis, but I didn't know that nail marks remained unchanged until recently. In the meantime, King Lance and King Joan, firmly linked to each other by the royal family, lose their heads. I myself have never felt such signs since my visit to this country.

"Now, I can hear most of what you would like to hear, and shall I leave the rest to the soldiers of the kingdom of Sursis?

First of all, a search in this old man's mansion. Securing birds, a means of communication. Counterfeiting of the report for today. If you're going to attack me even sooner in the morning, we have to move by tonight.

As time is narrowed, I can hope for this one in a complete manner. Perhaps it was also he who reported that Prince Cedric had left the country. But you don't even seem to know that Prince Cedric headed for the kingdom of Friesia.

"Oh... I don't care what happens to my family."

The old man's blackmail, similar to the roar, echoed in his ear.

Slightly surprised, looking down, the old man was forced to turn his face towards me, staring at me with his bloody eyes.

"… what does that mean?

Weighing onto his leg, the soft old man's bones raised a distorted sound. groaning again, urging the old man to continue again making his mouth pucker.

"You! We must have captured a secret detective from the Kingdom of Copelandi, and there will be reprisals.

I occasionally twist that wrist further to an old man who even barks his voice in agony. Still, the old man let his oil-free tongue dance desperately to threaten me.

"You said you had a wife and a daughter. Even now, they are being retaliated against. All those sent will be abandoned in the Kingdom of Copelandi. If they fail, there is no place for them to return."

As disposable as it gets.

Then none of the rest of us seem to have escaped. Because he knows that even if he leaves for the country after thirteen days, he will be destroyed.

Keep stretching the old man's arms further in the wrong direction, convinced silently. Sparkling and distorted vibrations are transmitted to your hands.

"Be sure to interrupt you! It's only a matter of time before you let me go and swear allegiance right now, or I'll talk to you, or you'll be gone by the time you get home."


Ghahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Even the voice of an old man on a boulder. When this becomes noisy, cover its filthy mouth with hands and block it.

"Oh no... sorry. It's folded.

If you don't be quiet, the second one, whispered gently in your ear, the old man's body seeped a good amount of sweat trying to endure the pain.

"Absolutely... it's called that spy, it's called you and everything you think about is still with you.

Let go of your hand from your useless arm no more and twist your opposite arm up again within boredom with pain.

"If only we could talk about my family, that I would drown. … to that extent, you are the prime minister, but you do not have a seat.

Put your foot on the old man's back again. Even more irresistibly than earlier, the old man lay down on the spot moaning.

"Unlike you, who have been abandoned from everything, I have been blessed with those who save me.

Slowly put your weight on your feet. Also, the distorted vibrations were now passed on to the feet.

"But, well.

I'm twisting my wrist. In the same order as earlier, the old man's breathing gradually became rough and dampened with sweat to the tip of his finger.

"One by one, they send my family out to get together. That's what makes me angry.


Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Again, the old man's terminator sounds. I held it down with my hand the moment my mouth first opened, so I didn't have to sound that far this time.

"It's okay, because I just took my joints off this time.

Moving the back of an old man whose breath is going to stop first as it is. I go around in front of an old man whose freedom of both arms no longer works, peeking into his face after that scream.

"Well. Then I'd like to say it's time to have a guard...

I laugh, looking at the old man's face, which I can no longer only breathe. An old man desperately shifts away from his body and trembles when he realizes that my face is in front of him. Seeing that reaction, I'm finally somewhat satisfied.

So I recall unexpectedly the words I whispered to Prince Cedric earlier when I took this old man away.

'I'll take care of it if you're dealing with someone on the outside road.

This kind of outward path is only for me to deal with.

Prince Cedric and Master Pride disappeared from that spot, and if we followed them, it was just the harvest. I was just a little concerned about the timing of the night before the war and that unusual attitude and even calling Prince Cedric 'to destroy the cult kingdom of Chinensis together'... but if I let the fishing line drip gently, it was quite a big fish.

"But... it would be troublesome if you made a scene until you didn't need it while you were taking him out to the cell like this.

I proclaim about the safety of my family, and if those people ask me about it, I worry about it unnecessarily. Master Style will certainly worry about Lord Pride, Tiara, and Lord Arthur. That's all you have to avoid.

I seriously think about breaking all the rest of my teeth.... No, then I can't make you throw up any other information after this.

Slap the knife into your neck as much as possible to keep you from losing your mind. I was worried that I would accidentally break my neck bone, but I was alive for once.

Speak to the guard who kept him waiting outside the door and ask for the old man's company and a report to King Lance. I also intend to keep going to the report, but I would not have crossed it earlier.

Earlier words leave abominable marks in my head as I escort the old man who is being transported with the guard.

I don't care what happens to my family.

"Now they're getting revenge."

"Be sure to interrupt you! Retaliation of your family"

We have telecommuters at home now.

If you need anything, you must contact the castle. And the castle hasn't contacted me about anything family-related. Which means my family is safe at the moment.

... I know. Rest in peace.

If a telecommuter, who is also not a knight, is attacked, and in case anything happens, he will not contact the castle, nor will he be able to grasp what that old man has said is going on by now.

The special abilities of the telecommuters are only one-way.

Whether you ask a telecommuter from me or not, all you can do from here is send the footage. Unless the other comms send footage to these coordinates, I can't get any information on the other side.

Ask the telecommuters to send the footage from Maria, and I can't be sure unless I check it with this eye.

Furthermore, for three days before heading to the kingdom of Sursis, I did not go to inform the outsiders of the coordinates of the temporary resting place, and I only kept in touch with the castle. Not long after we arrived in the Kingdom of Cerseis or settled down, we have yet to be contacted at home. If you're worried, you should call the comms right away and see if they're okay. but...

"From now on, the search in that old man's mansion and securing the bird, the means of communication. And forgery of the report we're sending to the Kingdom of Copelandi… everything has to be taken up right now.

There are a lot of things to do. Besides, it's the early morning dawn that the enemy attacks. There is no time.

Perhaps I'm not the only one, but the whole castle will be in a hurry from now on.

Then we have to focus on it now.

It's okay, they have guards and comms.... I'm sure you're safe.

I move my legs with recommendations to the King now, thinking that way so I can tell myself.

Walk fast and think back in your head about what you should do after this so you can calm yourself down.

My love to my wife and daughter.

My life is for the royal good.

My life is for the people.

Words sworn four years ago and repeated over and over came to my head unconsciously when I realized.

Yes, it doesn't change. My life and my life are now dedicated to the royal family and people. Again, it is unacceptable to overshadow the authority of the Prime Minister for the sake of his family.

... I will never shake again, for that matter.

- Even now, his anger rolled quietly in Jilbel's unknown place, scattering fire powder.