"Push with the number of avalanches! Push, crush, crush.

"Crush the castle." The king of the kingdom of Sursis is under the castle. "Find him and be sure to capture him."

kingdom of chinese, southernmost.

The soldiers of the enemy countries who destroyed the national walls were falling into a gradual avalanche without even knowing they would stop. The number of soldiers heavily increased in slavery is high, and one invasion after the other raises anger in the hands with weapons and horse reins.

The hole in the wall itself is only about the size of three people at a time. That degree was the limit in the bombs they prepared. However, it is nevertheless significant that they were allowed to penetrate the national wall. As a result, enemy soldiers were able to fall behind the kingdom of Chinensis as they thought.

Intermittently diving through holes, enemy soldiers take their feet into the kingdom of Chinesis to attack one castle after another

"Woohoo... great.

... The moment I tried to step in, the foot of one enemy soldier was slashed off its tip from the hole in an instant.

Furthermore, the moment the wind blows lightly, the enemy soldiers who had already invaded the country will also bleed out of their bodies one after the other to despair.

An enemy soldier rolled into the entrance where Harrison slashed his leg off with a scream. When Harrison looked down at it with only his eyes, he did not hesitate to kick the enemy soldiers out of the country with his feet.

"Out of the way. Now" other enemy soldiers will not be allowed in.

Harrison quickly stabbed them with a gun after making sure the kicked enemy soldiers rolled across the wall as they came.

"What's the matter, don't interrupt with the ten or twenty of soldiers. Is that all you are prepared for, loyalty?

An enemy soldier across the wall struck his weapon in his hand again in a provocative Harrison inquiry. Some of the soldiers are gunning to make cover fire. With that in mind, Harrison thought sincerely.

... Oh, my God, that's great.

"Ha... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

I can't stop laughing at the wonderful sight. Stops like an enemy soldier's foot scares me into my uncontrollable laughter.

Woohoo... I've been waiting for this time.

Assign uninterrupted enemies without boring me.

Dare to count for a few seconds, then run into enemy soldiers. I can barely breathe because I used my special abilities without rest to get here. But now it even plays comfortably.

"I'm here now with your life."

Chop up no more than one enemy soldier whose excitement overflows without cooling down. Rip your neck, crush your eyes, and stab a blade in your throat and it will cut easily.

Slash at high speed, but if you multiply the numbers, the blood splash will twitch and dye me. I don't care, even this nasty blood seems like rain of grace now.

"Nice! I don't even have time to play. Arrange as you like! I'm not gonna miss anyone."

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I walked over myself without the ability to suddenly offend and stretched my sword to slash and tear out the immobile puppet's eyes.

Screaming, letting the reclining enemy soldier despair in the next flash, returning him out of the country with his feet before falling in. There's no use for soldiers who aren't prepared.

Slash and discard one more enemy soldier that springs up. Slash your eyes, sharpen your ears, take your hands and feet, but rarely your sword, pay tribute to the enemy soldiers who hang me to kill you, and let me despair in an instant. Cross the wall and scatter as many blood splashes as you can if enemy soldiers enter.

… Her Royal Highness the First Princess.

Why were those two excellent knights wounded while they were here?

If Her Royal Highness the First Princess says, it means those two have nothing to lose.

If I were you, I'd throw everything at you and protect you. I slaughtered myself, my soldiers, my compatriots, and threw them away, but I gave priority to him.

... but perhaps that's not enough. Kingsguard knights are not sorted by simple combat power alone. If so, Alan Bernards still outranks me over Eric Gilchrist and Column Bordeaux.

But they're all good knights.

... you don't have to be chosen.

Only the deputy commander is the one I pledge my most loyalty to. And bind with the Knights Commander and the Knights. Above all, it's not for me to protect. It has been carved out to such an extent that I don't like it before joining the main unit.

After all, that Kingsguard of yours deserves the most -...

"Huh...... hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

Think about it, think about it, that's all I can't stop exhilarating. It is unacceptable that he was scratched. It is not enough to dust all the Kingdom of Copelandi, the Kingdom of Alata and the Kingdom of Rafflesiana, which I believe were involved in it.

But it's all because of those people. Wave your sword for it and slay your enemies.

Continue to do, to do, to do and to do.

I'm the only one who can do this with a sword, so I'll make sure I get this whole thing done with it.

They continue to slash and tear their current enemies, and their uniforms stain almost red. I think it's like that uniform of yours, and I can laugh zero again.

If you think so, slash it, slash it, rip it, slash it off.

... For some reason, the foot of an enemy soldier suddenly broke through the wall. There are still incomparable enemy soldiers beyond the walls.

"What are you doing? This is the only way. Just call me.

Separate the walls and wait for the enemy soldiers, but they don't come at all just to sneak across the walls. I didn't think you'd come this far and scared all the soldiers, as soon as you approached the hole to pull the enemy soldiers in.

Multiple small bombs were thrown in.

Fucking noises, flashes, blasts bursting. The explosion blasted from close range, widening the hole in the wall only slightly, and the ground of the scaffold where I was was was decided. across the wall an enemy soldier gets caught in smoke mocking me, and I

Behind that soldier.

Ha ha! And before the mocking men look back, they break all those necks around them. Slashing and tearing with a single flash, the blood splash opens. Enemy soldiers rang a step back to see if I suddenly appeared.

"... you guys are bad.

That one was entrusted with the seizure of the South from the kingdom of Chinesis.

Even so, I am now out of the country. It's their little bomb. Without that... or if they didn't rust me, they wouldn't have left the country.... but

"... well good. Only more important is not to let enemy soldiers invade within the kingdom of China. … that is."

Face up. There were so many enemy soldiers and even formations in front of them. My mouth pulls up unexpectedly on enemy soldiers as far as I can see.

Yes, there's no problem.

I tell the Deputy Commander, to the Knights Commander, to just complete what His Royal Highness the First Princess wanted and allowed.

Everything, as those people want it to be.

"If you all perish, no one will cross this wall.

Blood bloomed, scattered, wreckage rolled, organs jumped. It feels good to have a sword pierced by your enemies just by gently extending your arms.

I'm not letting any of you go through here.

There are only four people in this world, one of those I deserve to do.

As His Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride Royal Ivy wishes.