"... why did you...?

To my words, King Joan turned his eyes round. Even Captain Alan and Captain Column are strangely comparing me to King Joan. Neither do the two of us know,... nor can King Joan be surprised or compelled.

"Divine Son."

Because there's no reason why I should know that name. But there's no way I can tell you the truth, I predicted it, and I'll give it back gently and make you laugh.

"I don't know one day. But in the coming future he will be able to accept the alias himself.

If I may say so, King Joan's eyes opened even wider and his eyes shook violently. Cedric shrugged... and his lips squeezed tightly as if he wished.

Cedric Silva Lowell.

"The Second Prince with the alias of the Divine Son.

A born genius who remembers all of it for the rest of his life just at first sight, and can accommodate everything possible.

… so he kept running away from his studies.

To forsake his own knowledge and make way for his brother.

He chose himself to become a fool and continue to fall.

Even in the game he grew up to be a fine prince only a year after the tragedy. Until then, when he kept avoiding studying, only for a year... no, he supported the country long after King Lance was distracted, so he would actually be growing up as a prince sooner.

By the talent of the "Divine Son" who kept killing until then.

That's why I took Cedric out of the castle then.

Because he wanted to change now.

If you pop out of the castle and see me and the knights fight up close with those eyes, you will surely absorb that skill.

In the game, if he crossed with Queen Pride.

If he was aware of his talents, I'm sure that would inspire him to confidently… to step out and become a weapon.

And now he is.


"Hey... what the hell are you... now...!

Tiara raised her voice from the top of the horse to Cedric with her eyes round.

Alongside the knights as they turned their backs on themselves, the way they waved their swords was completely separate from him until earlier. Surprisingly, the knights protect her from enemy soldiers with their swords instead of Tiara, who becomes confused.

"What story is that? Is that a gun or a knife?"

Standing around working with the knights, he laughed forcefully with his back to Tiara. As Tiara was angry with it, "All of it!," Cedric looks ridiculous when he absurds his voice, haha! and laughed and slashed one more enemy soldier down.

"I just learned! The sword, the gun, the pride and the knights showed off their brilliant standing in front of us."

I just imitated that! Tiara loses her word to Cedric, who says so. Speak as though it were natural, but Tiara also knew very well that it was unusual. Imitation... finally overflows my mouth, but I still can't keep up with my understanding.

"Why are you..."

"The knife is Tiara! I saw yours."

Cedric, who raised his voice in an excited manner, fired a gun at the enemy soldiers when he saw when the knights would step in. A pampering sound sounded, and enemy soldiers fell on their backs.

"I've never seen a knife throw or anything, but it's inconvenient to run out of trouble soon!

Again, it's easier this way. Khun and Cedric pick up guns from enemy soldiers' wreckage. Jumping up with two clocks in his hands, he shot through the enemy approaching behind the Tiaras without looking back. Set aside a beat and Tiara puts a few knives out of her uniform, but the enemy soldiers were already powerless.

"Huh, extra help!

Tiara gets angry at me for suppressing her desire to let the knife go Cedric. My face gets hot when I feel like I've been wasting the first knife I've ever shown you. There's still plenty of them! Cedric laughed with pleasure if he shouted.

"But there are also many advantages! Most importantly, a princess who can throw a knife is about you!

"I was never out of the country until the other day. It's not convincing for you to tell me!

You're right! Cedric put up his sword again, screaming. The knights find themselves stepping in again, slashing them into enemy soldiers to match.

A beat from when the knights were about to be slashed. Cedric deflected the attack. And the knights who slaughtered and defeated the enemy soldiers step forward the moment they try to pull it off. He aimed precisely at an enemy soldier's steeple trying to target a knight's gap, slashing and tearing diagonally from his neck in a flash across the side.

He twisted his body and waved his sword, entering the pocket of a frightened enemy soldier, as if to imitate the movement of three knights on his own, and at the next moment he clasped his neck.

"Tiara, you won't like me."

Raise your voice to her behind you as if you could still afford it, repeating the exchange of near-life. Tiara, surprised by the sudden voicing, took a breath, then looked back small, staring at Cedric with her circular eyes.

"Eh! I hate you. I hate you for making your sister cry."

"Ha ha! Well, what else?"

The look of it laughing lightly at the vice to itself reminded the soldiers who knew their royalty well of the king of the kingdom of Sursis.

Tiara breathes as she is held back by Cedric's words. Raise your voice to Cedric, who competes with the knight while releasing five more knives at once from horseback to enemy soldiers.

"Sweet boy! Insane and impolite! Crying and eating your precious dishes! Eat cookies. They belonged to your sister's precious people."

Eat! Eat, fool, fool, fool, fool, fool. Tiara repeatedly makes her voice absurd as she remembered her anger. Cedric, hearing it on his back, laughed with heartfelt pleasure. Hahahahahahaha! and laughed once more, knocking down enemy soldiers with the knights, "That's an odd encounter!," he said.

"I... always hated you like that."

Zash, and Cedric, again powerless of the two enemy soldiers, looked up at Tiara only once.

The sword dripping with blood, and his cheeks not shaded as he defiled them with blood, too. He laughs. Tiara, surprised at how much Cedric has changed, circles her eyes.

An enemy soldier put a gun to Cedric, but Tiara released the knife before the knight, powerless with a single blow. Breathless in the meantime, Cedric looks up at Tiara without breaking his grin and turns around.

"... I've always wanted beauty like pride, too.

Tiara opened her eyes to those words, which were straight and unmanageable.

Behaving like he was just on track, he burned his eyes like a grief and opened his mouth again as he looked up at Tiara on the horse. The moment that lip tried to spin the word, Cedric took Tiara's

I opened my eyes further up to the sky.