"Get out of here and invade the kingdom of Sursis."

Kingdom of Sursis, South.

A significant number of enemy soldiers had already stepped into the country from beyond the national walls… damaged. Because suddenly there was a toothpick on the flow that should have kept falling into the avalanche without a stop.

The blow was enormous with the controlled movement by the knights of the Kingdom of Friesia and the sudden mysterious ambush from outside the walls of the country.

Enemy soldiers squeeze their weapons and retreat from the path that leads under the castle to the south and out of the country again. The situation was reversed by the knights of the kingdom of Friesia, and even behind... even the soldiers who refrained from leaving the country were damaged by the mysterious ambush. It was merely an elephant, such as a disturbed army of lineages.

Twitching and sure enough, enemy soldiers had lost their way outside the country's perfection and were being hunted down.

Still, from behind him, the commander of the enemy soldiers relentlessly pushes his own soldiers back to the kingdom of Sursis in an attempt to withdraw.

It was then.

Bottoms, bottoms, bottoms.

Suddenly a huge chunk of palms fell from their overhead outside the national wall.

Everyone immediately understood what it was from the smell of gunpowder and its shape. I didn't think so, and the soldiers around me fell off the scene with us, fleeing, but there were no signs of an explosion.

Look, none of them were ignited. It's just a chunk of gunpowder. Instead, I don't know where it came from, but if you throw it into the kingdom of Cerseis, it'll be our weapon, just a few soldiers thought we should walk over to that chunk.

All of a sudden, "a flaming bomb appeared on the fuse line.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Shortly afterwards, a bursting sound sounded continuously on the eardrum called Bong. One bomb ignited and detonated other explosives as well, resulting in a medium-sized explosion.

There is no great harm done to enemy soldiers. Direct strikes will not spare you from major injuries, but the scale of each bomb itself is to such an extent that it will not die as long as it takes some distance. I don't know what happened, but the moment I thought it was hard to leave.

An unparalleled amount of throws came down over their heads one after the other.

Some of the soldiers who shouted, "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey." As before, no ignition has been set yet. But if they throw the firepowder in here again, everyone ran a chill. When soldiers are ready to die when they are packed forward from behind and by allied soldiers, and are accurately hunted down by Freesian knights even at the point of invasion.

Finally, a bomb came down that tried to chase him and set him on fire.

A small bomb appearing with pong, pong, as thrown in one order at a time, appeared in the eyes of enemy soldiers in the reaper. It's no big deal if that's all. But if they detonate that pile of bombs that have already been dropped.

And the firing line of the bomb that emerged became shorter with Jizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz invites detonation, and in a matter of seconds there is a wide area outside the country from the vicinity of the national wall

Wrapped in tons of smoke.

Boo-hoo, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! There are no explosions or ruptures. But the soldier, who was originally laid down, coughed up and completely didn't know before or behind.

While doing so, the enemy soldiers, who were definitely pushed in from one direction, looked around. In my closed vision, I just had to keep pulling. Furthermore, even commanders who were pushing their own soldiers from the rearmost to the front line stopped speaking out.

If you let me know where you are right now, it's you who's going to lose your life.

It is not merely a fear of assassination from the side of the Kingdom of Sursis. Most of my soldiers spread out in front of me are slaves to increase their numbers. All I have is a grudge instead of loyalty to myself. It was no surprise that a killing took place within the military on this occasion, now that we don't know who it is.

Until the smoke clears, turn off the signs and press silence. In the meantime, their own soldiers proceeded to invade from national perfection to the interior, one after the other, reducing their numbers and even pushing them back out of the country.

Reduce feelings of impatience and even wait for your vision to brighten. Just smoke bullets. Then there was nothing to be afraid of, and I waited even for the time to set up the system.

... but I can't open my sight for long.

Too long. Besides, when the commander's man questioned him. I noticed a sound if I gazed instead of my eyes to find out a little about my army's situation.

Bots, bots, bots, bots, bots, bots…

I can even hear something fall to the ground intermittently. My vision is blocked and the sound alone gives me no idea what it is.

A smoke bomb, a bomb, is that a massive one, a small one, an ignited one, or something else?

However, what was certain was the fact that vision could not remain blocked for long. Furthermore, even judging by the signs and ringing alone, I can see that the self-armies are apparently retreating more and more.

Are you simply being pushed back, or are you trying to get off the front for good that you don't see them on the smokescreen, … looking for revenge on yourself for throwing them out on the battlefield at the end?

From time to time, a blast sounded somewhere with a do-doo. Each time, within his own army, a soldier stomped on the feeling that he was sniffing, raising his voice, and even rolling at his feet, screaming with fear. A soldier who was not a slave shouted out, "Don't pull it off, just attack... ⁉" but suddenly broke off in uncomfortable parts from time to time.

It falls from those who do not understand that it is not their men or their companions who are "slaves brought here to be thrown away.

The next thing you know, it's gonna be a bomb, where it's gonna be dropped, when the sight opens, how long this smoke will keep blocking our sight.

Fear and willingness to kill the command towers and soldiers who have stoned themselves spreads with smoke.

Slaved, bought and sold, treated less than people, thrown away stones, they are there with weapons without knowing who is next to each other.

Only now is no one to blame for pointing that weapon at anyone.

The only reason they really hate it is because they are in their own positions outside the country, not within the Kingdom of Sursis.

The smoke continues uninterrupted and the time when vision is blocked remains unchanged for a moment. Fear is pushed up by the explosions you hear from time to time, the heartbeat ruptures, and you can force your hand holding your weapon to contain panic. And they pointed their weapons in that direction so as to suppress panic if they heard the targeted soldiers in the outfit.

Only soldiers who invaded the interior of the wall, inside the Kingdom of Sursis, oddly escaped the smokescreen, are keeping calm judgment and sanity. But each and every one of them was surely reduced in number to a knight, and had to retreat. No way, I never thought the outside of the wall had already turned into a lawless zone.

For slaves, it's a unique place where you get temporary freedom and a chance to reward one arrow.

For a regular soldier who was a "side of use" of slavery, he found himself in a new battlefield, indistinguishable from his enemies.

With minimal bombing and weapons, more than the maximum damage, they are drawn irresponsibly to the path of self-destruction.

Next Regent, by the plot of Stale Royal Ivy.


"... ma. If we still have all this smoke bullets, we'll make it long enough for the Knights to drive them all to the national walls.

When we're done throwing everything in, shall we go back to the south? and continue even plain work, while I throw words to the knight.

That's all we're doing is moving every single smoke bomb we borrowed from Anemone's ship, every now and then, to the outside of the country with a mix of small bombs.

If we continue to deprive the Commander of his surrounding sight, who would be in the rearmost guard intermittently, perhaps the enemy soldiers will stop the invasion foot. The slaves have no reason to fight without the eyes of a watchman. The commander would have a choice between losing his word or being attacked by slaves.

"... this is why it's useless to have soldiers, slaves, etc. who are unwilling to fight.

Had this opponent been an enemy army main unit, the United Kingdom of Hanazoo or our Knights, which would not have bribed him with slavery, he would certainly not have dealt a great blow.

It is only a measure because he was an enemy soldier who increased in slavery.

"I apologize for letting our nation's proud knight help with such plain work.

I explained the operation to the knights beforehand before going to reinforcements, but it was a coincidence that he would accompany me as my escort.

Gently apologizing to the knight who would even continue the task of lighting small bombs and smoke bombs and handing them to me, the knight would say, "No, it's not!" and gave it back to me in a slight hurry.

Look out the window of the tower with your hands moving intermittently against each other. A balloon appearance caught my eye under the castle of the kingdom of Chinensis. Expect when it was flying, after it had already been dropped by the knight on a balloon that had already descended into the building with no power.

The next thing I know, he turned his attention to the knight who would hand me the smoke bullet that set me on fire. You noticed my gaze, I drop my gaze in my own hands to divert it. A little prank lights a fire on him.

"... it could have been a massive bomb, because then it could have damaged the national walls and our Knights as well.

For the sake of pride, there is no hesitation in dropping a massive bomb. Pride... and that much preparation for our country and our people is long overdue. That's what Pride and Arthur and maybe Tiara do, but I can't stay the only one with beautiful hands, etc.

For the sake of pride, and for the sake of the people and the country, I will stain this hand with blood at all costs.

I try to smile at him, gaveling at me for fear. Once again, he turned his attention to me if I could connect with "so."

"... how about that? Could it have met your expectations this time?

Pita, and his hand stopped lighting the bomb.

Stop on the brink of ignition, round your eyes towards me and stiff. I couldn't stop the flow, so I prompted the next ignition, and I immediately noticed and handed it to me. The next time I asked for a smoke bullet, I lit it with a slightly trembling hand. And shortly after he handed it to me, a voice rang to squeeze it out of the knight.

"Thank you very much for your disrespect then..."

Sorry! And I shook my head with certainty to the knight who went on to bow his head deeply. Honestly, I've even forgotten about him so far. Rather, I admire what he himself still remembered and cared about. Beat him on the shoulder several times, reflecting on his meanness.

"Congratulations on the promotion of the Knight Squad.

It's late, but if you say so while you continue, his face will finally rise. I'm relieved by the bright look on my face and the light in my eyes.

... No hesitation.

Naturally, it was not impossible to throw a massive bomb out of the country to exhaust it. As long as there is no certainty of fear of harm to the military or the people, and only enemy soldiers can be concentrated on fire.

... I was just aware that if I did this emotion right now, it would be from my personal vengeance for Pride being wounded, not for the sake of Pride or the country and the people.

By then, my pride was still burning in my brain. To the extent that I think I would kill hundreds with this hand if I had a killer who directly injured me. And...

I also understand the dangers of my own special abilities better than anyone else.

So at the very least, I want to make it when I can wholeheartedly say that it is for pride and for the country and the people that I dirty my hands directly with this power.... retaliation, not.

I don't want to get used to taking people's lives in a filthy mood.... I'm sure I shouldn't get used to that more than anyone else.

"Why don't you just drop the bomb directly to the enemy soldier's side, Mr. Steele?"

Six years ago, I remember his words.

If Pride were safe at this time. There's no vengeance or other fine dust on this chest, and on top of that, if she wants an early solemnity by my power for any reason.

I would have definitely changed my mind.

for a more harsh and cruel way.

For pride's sake, you don't hesitate to stay with me.