"Thank you, Lord Arthur. We have heard about your work this time.

Style, who made a grin, calls me.

You should have seen Lord Pride from the other side just now, just like me, but somehow he was right there. "Thank you," I returned. I was guided by Stayle, once away from the knights' seniors.... No, he's already in a bad mood.

Moving slightly out of the center made it easier for Master Pride to see. It's not just us, all the knights near Lord Pride talking to Prince Cedric are really concerned while keeping their gaze out of the way. I know very well that Deputy Eric and his men, who keep a little distance and watch, are also firmly pointing their consciousness toward Lord Pride's every move.

"... do you know anything about me, Arthur?

Steele asks me small with a submerged voice. I exhaled and then answered the style that suddenly threw the point at me.

The style nodded as if Lord Pride was a little convinced if he explained what he was talking about in the garden with Prince Cedric today before the tribute.

"... so I was wondering if it might be a continuation of that story.

"I guess so.

"I did care about that transformation of Prince Cedric, too," Stile continued, responding promptly to my words. Only my eyes are unchanged and straight for Dear Pride and Tiara, and Prince Cedric.

"Were you really uncomfortable with the way Prince Cedric laughed then?

"No, it's not that far. Take a good look... at what it feels like... when the knights' predecessors and nobles are so nervous about Lord Pride, they look flat... n 't be unusual or belly black.

This is the face I've often seen since I began to be Lord Pride's Kingsguard. It's not unusual. Returning the words with that in mind, for some reason Style let the expression drift as far as he could only with the black signs intact.

"............... it's been a long time since my sister had such a pleasant laugh.

The voice of the bitter stile releases as it is lowered.

... Indeed.

Honestly, I was much more concerned that way than Prince Cedric's transformation.

Master Pride laughs a lot. But it was unusual to laugh like that.

When I was talking to Prince Cedric, I only thought about the continuation of one case in the garden. But for some reason while talking, Prince Cedric turned his face bright red, and I thought that Master Pride was laughing happily, and even bothering to introduce Tiara again, so gradually Master Pride was amazing. Nico laughed... something.

I'm so jealous.

The fact that they made that guy laugh just like that, even.

I didn't put it on my expression whether Style was the same as me or because it was in public, but it seemed like he was totally concerned about Prince Cedric and Lord Pride.

I didn't even know his expression after changing his position like I was hiding Tiara from him on the way, but I saw Prince Cedric's face toward Lord Pride.

He's talking with a serious look on his face, and his face is so red. It's not uncommon for the Knights or the social world to talk to Master Pride and get nervous or have a bright red face, but I got a little worried that if my face turned bright red so many times, it would be a serious cold. For some reason, my face is a little red when I say hello to Deputy Eric, and... no, simply because Master Pride is still around? But I really do. When I see you greeting me with polite behavior, I also think that all the disrespect from that time is a lie.

"... before, Prince Cedric called you a" beautiful man ".

After returning my greetings to Master Pride from a distance. Boom, and Style shrugged.... that's awesome for me too. I know.

If Lord Pride had been praised, I would be glad. When I thought so and turned my attention to Stayle, for some reason my eyes were sharper the other way around.

I repeatedly blinked when I heard Style say "Hey, eyes," thinking that his eyes were not good during the party on the boulder.... but still slightly sharp. Stayle opened his mouth again, looking at Prince Cedric, who also greets the seniors of the Kingsguard surrogate knights besides Deputy Eric.

"…………" Beautiful person… "

... Something tells me there's another noisy sign overflowing from the style.

Several knights looked around in reaction to that sign of the style, but the same signs seeped and disputed from some of the knights who had already noticed the pleasant laughter of Lord Pride as well as Koitz.

I also wondered why I was so angry, but if I was envious that I could make Master Pride smile like that, I'd be amazing too. And...

"... good flowers."

... Suddenly, for some reason, I remember Lord Pride's words this morning. There really shouldn't be any context.

At the end Lord Pride gently stroked the yellow flower that Prince Cedric said was the same flower as his own.

Normally I shouldn't even care about it, but for some reason, I'm only worried about it as soon as I remember, and weirdly the back of my chest bothers me.

I could tell myself my eyes were getting sharper until me if I noticed. Prince Cedric and Prince Pride finally broke up while we were at it. As soon as he turned his grin this way from a distance, I felt soothed at once.

"I'm sorry to worry about you. I was a little concerned about Cedric's condition.

"No, not at all. So, how was your conversation with Prince Cedric?

Master Pride laughed a little bitterly at Style's words.

I thought something had happened, but I immediately said, "Something, I'm so relieved," and I was laughing with pleasure.... No. I'm so jealous if I do it.

Style groaned at Prince Cedric only once, "Really..." on Style. So while we were at the party, those eyes weren't even there.

Master Pride also noticed, "Stayle...?," he said, trying to calm him down and placing his hand on the shoulder of the style.

"It's okay. Because we were really just having fun chatting. Both of you, I'm sure you can tell. Let's all talk about it the next time, shall we?

Lord Pride, who laughs at that, said hello to the other knights and left.

... something. Wow, why are you mocking me?

"Talk to me and you'll see...

After smiling off Master Pride, Style only moved his mouth as it stood in its face. My shoulder accidentally went up and down to that grin seeping out of my incredibly low voice and creeps.

"Then it's a corner opportunity, and you might want to talk to me, Lord Arthur.

Gila, and Stile's eyes glow. I knew it wasn't hostility toward me, and my body was about to unconsciously disobey me.... I knew I was starting to look like Chancellor Gilbert.

Not to interrupt Prince Cedric, who started talking to the upper management quickly to the boulders, but to wait a while and anticipate Prince Cedric finishing his greeting with all the upper management before going to talk.... take me on the road for some reason.

Somehow I think the style is good for people to wait until Prince Cedric finishes talking to the upper echelons.

"His Royal Highness Prince Cedric.... Thanks for earlier.

Style gives Prince Cedric a voice with his usual grin.

Prince Cedric had just pulled a step off the spot after talking to all the upper management. Prince Cedric had his eyes rounded for a call from the Stale.

"His Royal Highness the First Prince of Style..." He squealed and turned his gaze straight at me, too.

"I was just about to have a flower bloom in my conversation with him, too. If you don't mind, why don't you come talk to me?

... wow awkward. I don't even know if Prince Cedric remembers me, but if he did, he'd have the worst impression of me. Even though it's to protect Lord Pride, I'm quite disrespectful when I intimidate this man.

He rubbed the back of his neck unconsciously, looking out of his way. I heard a breathtaking noise from Prince Cedric, and I thought you were nervous about the First Prince's style, too.

"Be sure to... please. His Royal Highness Prince Style I, Deputy Captain Arthur Beresford. I was just hoping to talk to you, too. … may I change the location?

I remember. Seriously.

I didn't think I could remember all the names, and in return I was surprised to see Prince Cedric with a slight nervousness or a flaming face. I also thought you were pretty much at the root for a moment, but I didn't feel any hostility in those eyes.... Speaking of which, I now recall what I used to say to Master Pride about being able to remember "Shinko" and everything.

I go out to the balcony connected to the Great Hall with Prince Cedric, with the style answering "Of course". Much of the hustle and bustle went away just out of the room. Instead, the night breeze quietly plunders my ears.

When Prince Cedric went outside, he quietly looked around to see if anyone else was there.

I thought it was something, and when I was a little wary, Prince Cedric called me by name again. They turn around, and I and Style accidentally correct their posture. Then Prince Cedric lowered his head... to us.

"Repeated disrespect,... I am truly sorry...

That's what they said all of a sudden, me and Style were void.

Because I was frustrated with my nose, or even Style doesn't have a word for it, and I get hardened with my mouth open the same way.

The same goes for being suddenly apologized for, but on top of that, it's extra because Prince Cedric's face was brighter than it was earlier. Dear Lord Pride, I don't know what it means to be so bright red on me or Steele.

But Prince Cedric didn't stop to give us the momentum. He apologized and thanked us.

Inside it felt like they really said everything from one to a thousand, like apologizing and thanking me for coming in twice between you and Master Pride, thanking you for the warnings from Stayle, and helping you in the defensive battle despite that. Even though it's a big deal to just be able to bow your head to the second prince, I don't even know what to do when he apologizes so politely.

"... what if I told you and Tiara the same story earlier...?

The style that remains pocan moves only the mouth and asks.

Then Prince Cedric gave me an explanation by covering his bright red face with one hand while saying, "It's not everything, but it also contains this content".

Anything, he realized how disrespectful he had been to Master Pride as a result of all his encouragement to study in the past month.... Instead, I was also curious as to why the royal family had never known or, conversely, what they had done with their studies until now, but I couldn't help but be surprised how Prince Cedric seemed to change now.

"I'm so sorry for your ugliness... But when I really think of my ugliness, I feel ashamed... I know it's a disgrace to ask in such a colour as a royal..."

No, it's not a big deal at all compared to what I had a month ago.

Though I thought so, I couldn't put it in my mouth, and when I looked back at Prince Cedric, Style was returning the words "no... thank you for your kindness..." I'm not entirely sure how much you appreciate Prince Cedric again. Something happens.

Prince Cedric quietly asked to shake hands to the style with his lit face. When Style responds, he asks me to shake hands next time. I thought you might be rude with your armored hands, but you squeezed my hand with no regard at all.

"I've never known you as wise as you, Your Highness the First Prince of Style. And Lieutenant Arthur, I've never known anyone as brave and strong as you. … I respect you with all my heart. Lord Pride will be proud and will naturally wish to put it aside.

... something was awesome and praised.

Besides, Prince Cedric's red-burning eyes were pointed straight at me and Style. That was true when I tried to dictate Lord Pride or when I cured King Lance's illness, but I think it's amazing that this guy could really say that without hesitation or embarrassment. Whoa, why isn't my face red now, this guy?

When I got embarrassed and my face got hot, Prince Cedric thanked me for "Thank you for your continued support," and I hurried back to it as well. I finally understand that's what Master Pride meant when he said he would know.

"… what do you think of your sister?

Pompous, and Stile opened his mouth. Prince Cedric blinked loudly twice at the words… soft, laughed.

"I'm a big benefactor. For the rest of my life, I won't be able to lift my head to that one. And... he is more honorable than anything.

... for some reason, I'm weirdly convinced by the word.

Me and Stayle got stuck in words after we replied a word. Then Prince Cedric led us into the hall, saying, "I'm sorry I stopped you outside for so long, it's time to go inside."

"Thank you for your time. Please, brother, please stay with me forever.

Thank you again for your courtesy, and me and Style will respond accordingly. Something really seemed different a month ago.

Prince Cedric turns his back on us, saying hello to the other knights. The moment I lost my mind at once and tried to exhale quietly.... Prince Cedric turned to us again as he remembered something. "Earlier," he said, and in return, Prince Cedric lurked his voice to me and Stayle to care about him around.

"One day I will want to be closer to you, Princess Pride… and His Royal Highness Prince Style. Perhaps it would be inconvenient for you. Thank you for your time.

When I thanked him deeply, not only for the style, but also for me, it was now time to say hello to the other knights.......... that. What's that supposed to mean? Right now.

Close proximity to Lord Pride and Style... means stronger alliances. No, but annoyances and their folds seemed strangely meaningful...

When I thought about it that much and then looked back at the signs of disgust, Style was releasing another awesome hegemony.

I'd hide it with my body so it wouldn't look like the other knights in a hurry, but some knights still noticed and turned this way. My father and Clark are in such a hurry to look at me too.

"Hey, Style! What's up n"

"Close to you, sister...?

My suppressed voice overlapped with a voice that sounded like it was coming from the land of Stayle.

I didn't listen well, I listened back, but I didn't have a second time. Instead, I had a crack in it because of the glass of steel gripping too much. Gradually, the killing was mixed up from the style, and in the presence of a large number of knights, this sucked without joking, so I said in my ear, "Listen to me later, and don't now!" Half the time I yelled, I finally noticed. It fit in.

Even after settling down, he said to Boso, "Hey do it... but the other prince is the second prince...!" "Perfect as an identity..." "But the disrespect at that time..." "Mostly, he... no, but now..." and grumbling at Mitsuya was bothering my head. I don't know what the hell you didn't like, but if you don't dare, let's hear it after the celebration. If I ask now, I will definitely send out another belly monster.

I can't even slap him on the back in the official setting, and I can't take it anymore. Collect the glass from the steer. I was compared to Glass and me when the maid next door replaced me.... whoever broke it completely is on me.

When I handed the new glass to Steele, several knights and people from the upper echelons were watching over me as I talked to Steele.

As usual for the upper management, the style that worked in this defense battle, and I don't know, Tiara was also gaining popularity among the knights.... The most popular thing about Dantotsu is that it's like pride all the same.

He finally switched when he told the thinking style in his ear, raising his face and heading out to greet the other knights and upper management. Pah, he looks sneery and calm, but he totally forgot to leave without saying an ostensible greeting to me that was by his side, and maybe he's still busy with his head.

When I tried to get back to the knights while they left me in the style, Master Pride was just ahead of me. On that side of me bickering with the knights, … I overlapped laughing happily at Prince Cedric just momentarily earlier. Envy scorched my chest with only a little fever with chillies.... somehow, I don't know.

Thus, the celebration closed safely.

The next morning, Princes Cedric returned to their country by carriage, and even the royal carriage took ten days. In the distant Hanazoo United Kingdom, I realized that I would soon see him again, not...

Two months from now, it's Lord Pride's birthday.