"Me.... go.

You must be used to wearing armor.

Gachari, like a chatter and a part of his body already. He fastened quickly and put his sword on his hips.

"... it's time.

Wear a pair of uniforms that you should be used to.

Bassari, and a long team garment as long as a cape flips lightly just through the sleeves. I nostalgic for the gun, and finally I grew sophisticated.

Open the door.

They opened the door, which they were accustomed to opening again and again, and they stepped outside the room.

"Good morning! Captain Alan."

"Good morning! Captain Column:"

From the front of each room, the knights' voices rose with all the momentum.

The best squad in Alan's room and the third squad in Column's room. And besides that, the knights admiring them were all gathered in front of the room in the early morning.

To welcome the two of you back from today.

Alan raised his voice unexpectedly to a welcome by a large number of knights. "Oh," he said, then grinning bitterly when he saw the knights bow their heads. "Even the big one," he slapped his men on the shoulders, beginning with Deputy Eric, opening his mouth.

The column circled its eyes for an unexpected welcome. I laughed small, thanking him not only for the third squad, but also for welcoming me to the knights of the other squads. Arthur can also be seen in the rear row of the knights. Now in an attempt to respond to their good intentions, he corrected his posture and opened his mouth.

"I'm home."

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

The knights boiled down to the words of their first affirmation of their return, when a month of prudence had been lifted.


"Good morning, Master Pride.

"It's been a while.

Captain Column and Captain Alan greeted me that morning as Kingsguard knights.

After Deputy Eric's return, it had been a month since he was discreetly disposed of.

Will the two of you return and come back as knights? Or are you leaving as you are after you have been officially disposed of, and I haven't slept busily in the last three days, especially worried about all that.

"Captain Column, Captain Alan...

It was so unintentional that after calling the two names, no continuation came up.

Either of you will be here in the morning, or if you both left the Knights, or if Arthur or Deputy Eric told you about it. I don't know what to do with it. It's just the two of them at the same time.

This past month, because of a lot of unpleasant imaginations, my heart burst against my stiffened body, no matter what I would have done if I had been greeted with a quick goodbye or something.

"... We apologize for the inconvenience.

"Thank you again today!


Unexpectedly, I dish my eyes. That is, that is! And if I looked back at the two of you to make sure, you were just about to bow your head to me.

I'm happy, I get all sorts of things all at once, and I keep staring silently at them until they both look up at me. And they looked up slowly, and they looked at my face... and they laughed at me.

"I will continue to protect Lord Pride.

"Again, I will not allow that to happen.

No more, that was the answer.

The words of Captain Alan and Captain Column were so delightful, relieved, and seeped right in front of me when I realized it. I felt like I could see Captain Alan and Captain Column giving a very surprising look on the verge of seeping. "Pfft, Dear Pride," both of them spoke up and worried me. When I accidentally rubbed my eyes, Lotte, an exclusive samurai, rushed to me with a handkerchief in her hand.


All I get is childish feelings and make Lotte laugh at me as I wipe my eyes.

I wanted to tell her that I was ashamed of my face, which would be scrawny with a crying face, but more than that, I was glad the two of them were back. Tears are wiped by Lotte, and she sees the two of them with clear eyes.

You were suddenly in a hurry for making the First Princess cry, and when you saw it, you were both bright red in the face. Maybe he worried again. "I'm glad you're back," he told me, and I grabbed Captain Alan and Captain Column's hands one hand at a time and squeezed them over the armor.

"... welcome back. Please continue to do so forever.

As soon as I put it into words, I burst into tears again but now I hold my breath and endure. Instead, I can help the two fingertips I gripped. I felt the fingertip part of the armor that gripped me hard warmed up a bit.

... No, it may not be my fault.

"...?... both of you... are you okay...?

Something is over the armor, but I feel a lot of heat. Plus, they're both at the same time. Looking up, for some reason, both Captain Column and Captain Alan had brighter faces than they had just done.

"Oh, no, this is..."

"Nah, it's nothing."

Captain Column is solidifying into a bee with his posture correct, and even to Captain Alan, he was inoperable and his voice was eating very hard, as he had done in the first days when he entrusted the Kingsguard.

Have you become nervous about my opponent in a month's blank? I'm a little shocked, but now I'm glad the two of you are in front of me more like this than that.

With his face accidentally loose, he said, "Do you know Arthur or Deputy Eric?" They both nodded and answered at the same time as their voices.

I'm sure they were both happy, and now Tiara picked me up from the room where she would have finished her morning duties.

Tiara was also very pleased with Captain Alan and Captain Column for the continuation of their return after raising their voices softly. "Your sister, your brother, Arthur, Deputy Eric, and the surrogate Kingsguard knights were all guided about you two!," Tiara told me, laughing as if they were both a little lit.

"I look forward to talking to Arthur and Deputy Eric this afternoon. Hey.

I answer Tiara, who laughs happily, too.... then suddenly Captain Alan leaked his voice, "Uh..."

When me and Tiara looked back as we walked down the hallway, Captain Column opened his mouth a little hard to say, "I was going to tell you after breakfast..."

"... I'm sorry. Perhaps it will be some time before I see Arthur.


Both me and Tiara raise their voices unexpectedly. Why aren't we supposed to have any assignments today?

I'm worried about whether it was also some urgent assignment to the Knights, or something to Arthur, and I stop at the spot.

"Actually, I had an emergency in Arthur this morning," Captain Alan also laughed with difficulty, telling him to be slightly cloudy, eyeing Captain Column.


Tiara peeks into Captain Alan as she also returns her words worryingly. Then Captain Alan opened his mouth heavily as he scratched his cheeks with his fingertips.

"With permission from the Knights Commander, I was in a duel with Harrison in the practice arena.


I don't know what that means anymore. Captain Harrison is so sweet on Arthur, what the hell happened to Arthur and his duel?

"... Arthur formally protested this morning about Arthur's failure to receive a satisfactory response from Harrison before.... So Harrison says, 'Then try and fight me.'

I can't block my mouth open to Captain Column's explanation. I can't believe I settled for physics because I'm not convinced by words. How far on earth is Squad Eight a combat tribe? It's a boulder where Arthur responds to it, too.... but I wonder what that Arthur isn't so convinced of. Besides, it's also a mystery why the Knights chief dropped off permission for something like that rhetorical fight.

Captain Column told me that the more detailed story came after the visit of Stayle, and me and Tiara walked out the hallway again in obscurity.

Difficult to leave and difficult again, the words circled in my head.