"... go home, don't go home.... Father."

Ki..., and the used door opens.

Answering only my words, "I'll be home soon," Father went behind the door without stopping.

At the end of the promotion celebration from Lord Pride and after Lord Pride returned, Captain Alan and the others not only cleaned up, but even really unloaded.

It's a celebratory seat that you did for me, and I said it was good until I unloaded it, but I even told Clark that the six of us would be here in no time, and I wound up unloading it quickly after I even got involved with my real father. However, still, it was midnight already, and when I left the Knights Exercise Ground with my father, the date was also changing. After Clark and the others dropped me off at the gate, I told her she wasn't awake now, but Father kept walking in silence, regardless of me.

... n and somehow began to descend in a different direction from home along the way.

I also thought you were falling asleep, but Father just said, "I have a little place to stop" and pulled me off without even telling me where I was going. I went all the way into the city and the last thing I arrived at was this tavern.

Just nagging, I remember... I feel it. When I was a kid, my father brought me here for a drink with Clark. I was really a kid, and I can only remember my father and Clark drinking, but I do feel like this.

I'm a little surprised you're still going to drink it before you go home. Even as I stood up at the entrance, my father and the shop owner talked lightly, and then the store owner pulled into the back after leaving only the keys. Somehow I wonder if it's that tavern I used to wear when I was a kid.

My father called me to shut the door when he put out a glass and a liquor bottle in the counter.

"... you still drink.

I report to my mother quickly and open the letter, but I close the door as I was told in the corner of my heart.

My father put a glass in the next seat, so it seems to mean I should sit down too. As soon as I did...... a little, I was happy.

When I was a kid, my father and Clark used to put their shoulders together. That I could sit in that seat.

When I sat in my seat prompted, my father silently poured liquor into my glass before his own. Thank you, I bow my head and freakishly frighten myself as I return the words. More than usual, I also wonder if my father, who has a smaller mouth count, will preach anything.

"... Your work in this defense battle is... acknowledged by both me and the other knights.

Your father's mouth opened to the lid. The words were definitely directed at me as I poured alcohol into my glass.

"Arthur.... you are still immature except in battle.

Guh, I can't help but feel the power on my shoulder. I was damned the moment I thought I could be praised. I know about that myself. Especially since I haven't commanded the operation yet, and I didn't know much about my paperwork as a knight captain. Tomorrow, but Mr. Harrison, or... I even thought I'd teach Captain Column if I couldn't.

But after all, when Father tells me, it recesses. When I thought so, my father went on to "say yes..." and donned the liquor bottle on the counter with a low voice.

"You said you'd be the Knights Commander...

Frightened, his shoulders jumped at once the moment he heard the words.

A soothing father draped his neck and held his head with one hand before putting his mouth on the glass. I don't even know if you're angry because you can't even see your face by leaning down.... I knew you remembered... well.

"Father said... you need to see me become the Knights Commander."

During the battle on the front line, my mouth slipped, leaving it to momentum.

I can never tell anyone. I told the father of the current Knights Commander about my goal. When I remembered later, I was so embarrassed, I seriously thought maybe you could forget that Father didn't hear me or something.

My father said, "Is that a declaration of war against me?" He continued to keep his voice low, so he twitched and suddenly became embarrassed and sweat seeped into his forehead.

"You haven't been a knight in less than ten years...

I don't even feel like touching the glass in front of me and it solidifies with my fists on both knees. I glanced sideways and my father's shoulder bent down was shaking slightly.... Yabe, I'm so angry. My throat rang from now on wondering if the reason I brought you here was to stab the nail without getting on track before reporting on the promotion of the Cavalier Captain. Then, gradually, the tremor on your father's shoulder grew larger, gradually this time.

... I heard a laugh that made me laugh.

Kuck... and for a moment I didn't know whose voice it was, but it was definitely from my father.

I can't believe I'm laughing. I turn to my father as much as I want. I don't see your face, but my father was totally laughing at the voice that leaked, "You young men who haven't even gotten twenty..." as he squeezed out.

I'm also surprised that my father was laughing, but more than that, my face suddenly gets hot and angry that my goal was laughed at. "Please don't laugh! When I shouted," As soon as I did, I heard my father laugh clearly from his misguided face, along with the sound that now buffled. Suddenly it's silly that I was nervous until just now, and I turn away from my father and say it back, too.

"Beh... that's not good...! I'm not thinking of anything I'm not familiar with right now just because it's happening in the future.

I know I haven't done it myself yet. Instead of being captain of the Knights, he said there's no way I could be this messed up just because I could be captain of the Knights. But... someday.

"I... will be sitting on this seat for another twenty years.

Kuck, his father opened his mouth with a mix of laughter. He's still laughing, but he's getting angry, and he says back in a strong tone, "I don't mind."

"Twenty years from now, will you win the chair and show it?"

"Is it good in twenty years?

............ suddenly, my father blocked my words.

If I raised my face to my sudden calm father's voice, my father would still be turning to me with his mouth still laughing.

I didn't know what you meant, and my father turned to me physically to solidify with his big mouth open.

"... I will sit in this seat for twenty years. But let's promise.

My father, who tells me quietly, grabbed the glass. I haven't even put a mouthful on it yet, and if I swayed it gently, the water waved small.

"If, by then, you will.... when it became a vessel that crossed me.

Father, speaking softly with his eyes half-closed, with a single elbow on the counter, spoke with an awesome gentle voice. To his father's appearance, to his words, … when I noticed his palms getting wet step by step, he was ringing his throat again. I ate just that, but my stomach felt empty and my heart was bugging me. And Father tilted a glass at me with a soft grin.

"I will give you the seat of this Knight Commander.

Doggung, and. For a big time, my heart vibrated my body.

Finally, my hand shivered to my fingertips and I sweated. I know my own eyes, too, are incredibly open.

Father pulled up the end of his mouth like he was expecting my reaction,... laughed.

"Go over this me, Arthur Beresford.

I was happy, and now my whole body shuddered to the point of poppy.

I drank my breath, and when I pulled my mouth together, my father waited and swayed the glass he tilted at me to the left and right. Ni, and my father, who laughs forcefully, looks amazing.

I was greedy again, and I took the glass with my trembling hand. Breathe deeply and stop the tremor. I'm so proud that it's the Knights of this country right in front of me, and I can't put it into words that he's my father.

Tilt the glass in your hand toward your father's glass with the momentum of zero contents.


Karavan!... and. The light vitreous sound echoed the liquor store.

I swallowed the cold liquor all at once, keeping my face and body hot, and now my throat burned.

I told my father to say "Congratulations on the promotion of Captain Knight of the Eighth Squadron" to me, who could swallow at an unexpectedly high degree.

Don't tell me when I'm swallowing it. When I got mad, I got a smile back that I'd never seen before.

Wow, I laughed happily. When I saw your father's face,... I just put it up a little bit.