"Brother, what is a consultation by yourself...?

Tiara tilts her neck and looks at me.

As soon as I was finished studying, I hurried to ambush Tiara in front of the door before heading to Pride's room. Tiara, who seemed a little surprised that I had not gone to Pride's room to wait, responded to me as soon as I stopped and let my index finger stand in front of my mouth.

I need to talk to her alone, and she nodded and invited me into her room. If you put it in Tiara's room with a samurai or escort, the size is not much different from pride, but the atmosphere was there again with different adorable decorations and lace scattered spaces.

If hung on the couch as recommended, Tiara quickly has shaken the subject.

To Tiara, who tells her wonderfully that she can't even tell her sister... she turns away just once.

I really wanted to move more before. But the more I think about it, the more embarrassing it is. But I can't help myself. There are many things I still don't know about being royal and the sun is shallow, and... I thought it would be best to do this after all.

Squeeze out the words. My face got weirdly hot just trying to talk and tied my mouth once. Even though Tiara needs to be certain of her position as her brother-in-law.

Gyu, and make a fist with his hands on his knees, thoughtfully to Tiara. Now it's time to put it to words.

"Ah... ah, your... my birthday... thing, what...

No, my voice turned over more than I thought.

"Is it your sister's... birthday..." Tiara, who managed to listen, tilted her neck again. That alone makes my lips tremble with wonder, and I'm extra embarrassed. I haven't even talked about it yet.

I've already told you, I tell myself I have to tell you, and I go on with my words.

"... for my birthday next week... I was wondering about something, a gift or something. Tiara is going to give it to your sister.

Tiara rounded her golden eyes to my question, which became a more verbal word than just now.

Pride's birthday.

It's my first birthday in pride since I was adopted. The earliest pride of birthdays in the royal family will be nine years old at the end of next month.... It's an important day for me, too.

On my sister Tiara's birthday, it was only the first time we met, and Pride and I weren't at a personal celebration. But not the next Pride birthday. It's been months since me and Tiara became pride and siblings, and I'm not someone else.

When we were in the city, we all celebrated our friends' birthdays.

I also gave it to the girl by handmade things and all of us giving each other a little money. I'm an only child, but all the other kids in the house were celebrating each other's birthdays. Then even I, the brother-in-law of Pride, would like to make a proper gift to celebrate.

But even if I asked teachers and samurai, there was no arrangement between royalty. It has not been decided, nor banned. If you'd advised me, I would have given it to you normally without any problems.

Besides, I'm not the only Brother of Pride. And Tiara. Then I thought it would be a little different if I was the only one giving gifts. Tiara is also my sister, and unlike me, she separates her pride from her blood properly. I thought Tiara should also be invited to celebrate Pride's birthday................ Plus, if you're the same royal and girl Tiara, you can get in on a gift consultation.

Honestly, I just became royal before this, and I don't even know how to give or prepare the gift I deserve as a royal.

I'm used to giving gifts to girls, but I can't imagine how expensive they would be to give handmade items as royalty. If it's a special order, I can't make it if I don't get it ready soon.

I thought about that and shut up, and when I realized it, I was laying my eyes down from Tiara. It's not even hot, but it drips on my forehead to sweat, and I don't have the energy to wipe it. Then a little while later, Tiara came back and said, "Brother..."

"I think it's very nice. I, too, would like to make a gift to your sister."

If I raised my face to a bouncing voice, Tiara, who sparkled my eyes, was happily joining hands and turning to me with a full smile.

"It's Brother Boulder!" He even directed a similar look at me to respect, exhaling unexpectedly. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and pulled out my shoulder strength. Really? I give it back, but at the bottom of my mind I relieve myself. Good, they don't seem to think it's pitiful or anything.

When I thanked Tiara for her cooperation and started discussing what to make my gift to Pride, the ladies beside us had a very warm look at us.... a little, embarrassing. But I manage to calm myself down that this would be good if I was looking like a good brother.

When I heard about Tiara, the sense of money was different, but the way I thought about the gift itself wasn't so different from mine. Tiara's decision to make the gift a gift was also made lightly as she discussed whether it would be too simple.

I guess it would be nice to have less hesitation about these sisters of the same sex at the same time. I'd like to give it to you, too, but the embarrassment won me over that I'm kind of a pride opponent.

Tiara didn't give me one idea after another, but most of them were hesitant to give it to me. It's not that I don't want to give it, I'd rather give it. But the walls are too high for me right now.

Nearly an hour passed when I finally managed to squeeze out the snort.

"I think your sister would be happy with anything as a gift from your brother," Tiara finally tilted her neck again, reassured me that I had been decided.... it would certainly please you. But I don't want to give anything halfway or big. [M] I don't want to come forward as an ideal brother-in-law, and I want to give you something royal.

With that in mind, Tiara accidentally lay her own hands on both hands on my lap. Smaller and thinner hands wrap my hands gently than my pride.

"Let's please your sister a lot, shall we? I want to tell you a lot that we love your sister.

Tiara, laughing at me like that,... I knew she looked a little like Pride as well as Mother.

I nodded in response to the words, thinking they were really sweet people to smile at. Thank you, and now I laughed like I was lit if I stroked my head. My younger sister is really cute and sweet, although she hasn't been a brother and sister for six months yet.

I felt a little extravagant to have such a sweet sister again.


"Um... Pride, may I have a moment after this...?

It was after my birthday that Style said that to me alongside Tiara.

The expressionless style that pulled me back up the stairs to the room is a little red on my cheeks to see if I still have the enthusiasm in my body at Birthday.

Yeah, I'm gonna give it back with my neck tilted, and Style said thank you, and I asked right away, so I lurked in my voice asking you to wait in the room without changing. Is this some kind of consultation, or... What if it's some kind of pointer or sermon that won't get to anything this evening at Birthday? As far as I'm concerned, it was meant to end peacefully at Tiara's birthday last time. Though I don't think the hearty Steel and Tiara would do that on my birthday by virtue of it, it still makes me anxious.

As Steele told me, when I went back to my room, I didn't change into my nightgown, I sat in a chair and waited, and I wouldn't settle down for long. Hold your breasts alone and wait for them, convinced that this breathlessness and shallow breath is not the only thing Corset does.... Once I thought it felt as if the time had come for a plea of guilty, the tension jumped extra. I don't know what to do, I want to get away with it.

My ladies waiting to get dressed are laughing with some warm eyes, but I don't care anymore. I don't know what I'd do if I was really angry because the face of Steele just now looked red, and speaking of which, lately, I've been seeing more Steele alone with Tiara, and sometimes she didn't even come to my room after study time, and I feel like it's all disconnected flags and I can't stop sweating cold. I pretended not to care because I thought you two were getting closer together for the stealth route sooner rather than later, but suddenly I'm worried.

The samurai would open the window and wipe the sweat off my forehead with a handkerchief, but I was full because I would already hold the hem of the dress and squeal my throat.

Concon, and as soon as the knock sounds, the voice of the reply flips.

I wanted to jump out the window impulsively, but I managed to just focus on my hand holding the dress.

If it was just a consultation or something, I would do something very bad, and as a sister, I need to be as powerful as I can be.

Excuse me, and Style and Tiara coming in were both turning their hands around their backs. I kind of changed it. I was seven and six years old and I was already dating. I thought it was a report or something. My heart broke again because of the tension. Get your hands off the dress and laugh at the two of you as you lay your hands over your knees to look graceful. I can see that my mouth ends are pretty cracked myself.

"I'm sorry for your tiredness, Pride. Thank you for your time.

Tiara also continues on the style that lowers her head.

I'll give it back to the two of you walking straight up from the chair to me, which is perfectly good, too. I can't help but feel that Tiara, who laughs like she's lit up, and her face is the only one with no expression that can't even afford to make a smile, as usual, to report her relationship in earnest to Red Style. Even though I haven't met any of the other attackers yet, I still think it's a quick fix on the stealth route.

"Happy birthday again.... from me and Tiara.

... all of a sudden, each of them had a cute wrap in his hand that he put out of his back.

Even while Tiara laughed and said, "I and my brother chose each one," as she continued, I was surprised and voiceless.

I recieve reflexively the wrap the two of them offered me with their mouths open. It's a lovely pink bow from Tiara and a bright red bow wrapped around the style. When you are relieved to receive one hand at a time, there is no word from the style either.

As Tiara pulled the "brother" and the stile hem small with her fingertips, the faceless stile began to talk to me with only a slight tremor in her lips.

"P... Ride's, because it's a birthday to remember. I wanted to personally celebrate even my siblings, me and Tiara... It's not really a big deal from me, but if you're happy... I'm glad.

The style that was so magnificent at the Birthday festival gradually lights up her face even more like a child of the year.

Posture I lowered my head correctly and the style was red to my ears as it solidified at the same angle. I wonder if the boy might be ashamed of being a gift to his sister after all.... Still, I thought you had it ready, and suddenly the back of my throat went up.

"We love your sister. Your brother thought about giving us something to celebrate on your sister's special day. I'm so happy to be able to celebrate your sister like this.

Tiara's golden eyes gleam with delight.

I really adore the way you dye your cheeks and laugh like you're lit. As Style suddenly panicked, "Yes, eh... I just...!," he raised his face and caged his mouth.

I can't believe Style went out of his way to plan some kind of birthday celebration for me. I'm extra happy to think so, and my hands shaking grabbing the wrap they gave me.

I don't know what to do, I want to cry already and I want to hug you both now. But if I didn't check the contents properly, I managed to swallow the urge continuously.

"Thanks... wow, I'm so happy.... Can I open it now...?

Go ahead, and we both got our voices back.

The three of us sit in a chair surrounding the table trying to open the two gifts in a decent place, on the chest.

Though the birthday is over already, me and Tiara sit back in a chair with no back, taking care not to wrinkle in the dress as much as possible. I finally calmed down while the samurai helped me and put the wrap on the table where I pinched the two of them sitting across the street.

Worried about which to open it from, they gave in "from Tiara" and "from your brother" at the same time.

When I laugh at you thinking you're kind of adorable, Stile and Tiara don't give in to each other either. Ultimately, Lady First meant that I was allowed to open it from Tiara's gift.

Carefully unwrap the pink ribbon and roll it softly to avoid breaking the wrap.

I finally get to the box that was wrapped up while handling it with the tension of the hazardous material handling level. Once I swallowed the inside of my mouth, now it was time to open the lid of the box for one thought and there was a lovely hair decoration there.

It is a gorgeous ornament in the form of flowers. Each petal was so beautiful with gems of different colors embedded in it. Wow... I don't think I get an exclamation, and I'm even scared to pick that directly like a vitreous worker, and I take every box in my hand and stare at the holes so empty.

"I thought it suited your sister's beautiful hair. I'm glad you could use it someday.

Tiara, who says that in a soft voice, turns a dazzling smile at me.

I don't know what to do, I'm so stuck. It's such a lovely hair decoration that I can already say that it's really girly, cute and just boulder tiara chose. I'm glad I personally didn't have much of a cute system like this, although I think Tiara would look better on me.

What I had was a lot of flashy decorations of systems that showed more intimidation and authority, and I couldn't hope Queen Lasbos was embarrassed to get her hands on a cuter system now, even after remembering memories of her previous life.

"Shh... so cute... thanks, Tiara. I'll take care of it.

Honestly, I don't have any body and I'm not sure I can use it often, but...

But just looking at it makes me feel happy. Hold on to that with both hands on each box. To thank you, Tiara returned it with a full grin again. This kid is really too angelic.

As it is, I also want to see where I put it on. Tiara pushes me with a sweet voice, picking hair decorations with her gently trembling fingertips and putting them on my head.

Then Lotte, the samurai, gently named me "If you will…" and sweetened me to your word and quickly put it on my head. She quickly wore Tiara's hair decorations as she cleverly scratched my hair.

While another samurai brought me a mirror, Tiara, who saw my hair decoration, said, "It's lovely...!," he said with his hands on his mouth and his eyes glowing. I also look at the style as my mouth loosens to Tiara, who admires it so much that it continues afterwards. I was wondering if you wanted the style to say nothing, and possibly open your share of the wrap as soon as possible.

... It was boiled.

The faceless face is only slightly round in the eyes.

I'm just embarrassed to see you like that at the time of your ninth birthday, and on the contrary, my heart squeezes my mouth as I say it bugs me again. Then Style delayed about three beats and said to me, "It suits you... very well," with a voice that just moved his mouth and seemed to disappear.... Yeah, I knew it was really sweet.

Soon afterwards I looked in the mirror that the samurai had brought to me and the adorable hair decorations were colored like a little crown over her deep red hair. Yeah, she's so cute. Though I thought a little… for me, Queen Lasbos face, it fits great, at least, with deep red hair. Most importantly, I personally prefer this hair decoration.

After thanking Tiara again, I now decide to open the style wrap.

Untie the bright red ribbon and remove the wrap as carefully as you did when Tiara. I'm worried about the style of mannequin-like while it's kind of solidified.

The last time I opened the box gently and carefully, it was a fountain pen.

It's a very feminine, mature design.

The decorations are also sprinkled with gems, which you can see at a glance are truly special items. Did you match the color of my hair, the fountain pen, which is based on deep red, came firmly into my hand when I gripped it. That's lovely! and Tiara make me play my voice with both hands together. She was so beautiful, and when I spoke out, Style opened her mouth again.

"Pride is… albeit brilliant, I still find it hard to learn as much as possible with the Queen. So I was hoping I could help you with that at all.

Style, who said it in a quiet voice, still only turned to me with a flickering eye. "I also wanted to make it more, like a girlie..." I wonder if this is the first time in itself to give a gift like this to a little mouthcage style again. I can't believe you're not confident that you have such a nice item.

The style still seemed adorable in a slightly more stylish way, making the smile I gave back unnecessarily loose.

"Thanks, Style. Wow... I'm so glad. Because when I use this, I definitely try my best to remember about the style.

Although I don't know if I can use it everyday because I don't have any body like Tiara's.

Still happy and returning the word, Style finally pointed me straight in the face. After his rounded eyes lay low again only once, he immediately turned his smile and a soft smile this time.

He told me he wasn't good at putting it on his face during Tiara's birthday, Style, but now I feel like he's really laughing at me. She laughed at me with a red face with her lips tied, and Tiara with a full smile on her face, both cute and adorable. Once I gently put the fountain pen back in the box, I cross the table and hug the two of them with my hands.

Tiara leaks her voice low and buries her face as she hugs the shoulders of the style calling me "P, la..."

"Thank you so much, Style, Tiara. It's the best birthday I've ever had....... love it.

I sincerely think you're really happy to have such a sweet sibling.

Tiara holding me back soft and tight and I meditate my eyes once as I sweeten temporarily to the style that makes my spinning neck extra hot, whether it's snug and hot.

It has always been just a formal gift, except for my father and Uncle Vest, but... after all, the product you chose to think about me is special. I made up my mind to take absolutely care of it until I died.

For the first time, my birthday became more special than a ceremony.



"Pride.... that fountain pen, you're still using it.

Well, I saw it over Pride's back to my desk, and I don't know what to say.

I do feel that decorative thing was nearly ten years old. It's the first time I've ever given it to you.

I stopped my hand once on my words. Pride responded briefly, "Yes," then looked back at each body.

Uncle Vest gave me some rest time and, as usual, I visited Pride's room, and I was having tea first with Tiara across the table. That fountain pen just caught my eye as I watched as I waited for Pride to separate me from my official duties. As Tiara raised her voice, "It's always nice to see," she turned to Pride so that Captain Alan and Deputy Eric would be a little concerned.

"Although I can hardly use it without my body... I was wondering if it would be good with these important documents.

A deep red fountain pen, which had not faded at all since then, had been held in Pride's hands, laughing like so said and illuminated.

I've been giving away new things every year since I celebrated Pride's birthday for the first time, so I say every year please change it from old to everyday use, but... I can't get it to be used easily. Even if they say "no body" and "save it", as far as I'm concerned, you can hurt it or break it, so I'd be happy to use it regularly. You can't say anything from me because it's freedom of pride to use or not to use it.

Tiara whispered, "I take care of it because it's from my brother," but still the greed I want you to use is stronger.

"But I knew this would get me in the mood when I wrote important documents and stuff. It's very easy to use.... Ah. But..."

Pride, who praised the product from me so diligently, let his gaze swim like he remembered.

What's the matter, sir? And when I asked if it was also difficult or deficient to use for some fountain pen, Pride slowly went on to say it.

"Is it unsuitable for anything other than a letter addressed to Stayle? I couldn't even use Cedric in the end during the exchange of letters.

"… why………………"

Tension runs asexually for some reason to the pride of relaxing talking.

I've never heard of it that makes it harder for them to use. Your throat dries weirdly, tilting the cup and moisturizing your throat with tea

"Because when I use this, I just think about the style.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Gohoo, and nearly blew out the tea, entered the trachea instead of swallowing it.

Gohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho "Dear brother," Tiara raised her voice, calling my name to Pride and rushing over from the front of her desk.

It's okay. Something happened to the tea.

Pride looked blue and compared tea to me because I coughed so flashly.

My face gets hot regardless of my breathlessness, and I hide and lean down while wiping my mouth with a handkerchief offered to me by a samurai. It's okay... Captain Alan and Deputy Eric, who are turning half a laugh at me as they manage to give it back, went into view.

I manage to calm my cough and correct my round back while Pride and Tiara even rub my back. It's okay, I finally look up as I say it again.

"Um... pride, just thinking about me...?

Ask what is too hard to hear, lurking your voice hiding your mouth with a handkerchief.

Then Pride blinked loudly and looked at me. "Huh? Because..." he muttered, Tiara pointing her index finger at my lips before me for pride. Then Pride nodded once as he figured it out, then lurked his voice just like mine.

"I told you the first time I got it, didn't I?" I said when I use this, I'll definitely try to remember the style.

So in that habit. and finally Pride, who laughed embarrassingly, scratched his cheek with his fingertips.... really, this guy.

Unable to contain any more burgeoning heat, scratch each forehead with both hands and lean with your head in your arms. Care is taken only to avoid falling off the misaligned glasses and exhale.

Shh, I closed my first one, sandwiched by Style Shh and another rushing pride and Tiara laughing happily next door couscous small.

"Good… as always, please use it as you wish now….

If that's how hard it is to use, it's not bad.