... hours, it would have been.

"Eh... pride...

In front of her, lying asleep, she still doesn't wake up.

In her room, Pride, sleeping in bed, keeps sleeping without moving one fingertip.

The room is also staffed with multiple Kingsguards and Kingsguard knights, dedicated samurai and doctors, and many guards and knights are also placed outside the room, everyone keeps waiting for the awakening of their pride. By the bed Tiara sits in a chair, holding her hand tight and swollen with tears, her eyes not trying to leave for an hour.... and so am I.

Suddenly at Tiara's birthday tonight, Pride fell.

He held his head and collapsed with an unusual scream.

rampage, torment, 36384; and her thin body grossly turned back.... in front of the masses, without any foretaste.

Hurry up and call a doctor and hold out her body ku and Pride lost his mind like a thread had been cut and stopped moving.

He pushed the clutter away, and Arthur, who rushed, also hurried to touch Pride, but nothing changed. Healing the disease of all things, even his special abilities

I don't know why. Why, why doesn't Arthur's power work? He says he doesn't know anything other than that he's lost his mind. There were no traumas, and I couldn't find anything poisonous from the last glass Pride drank, either in the large hall or from the guest's luggage.

Immediately sealed off the entire castle, and the knights and guards turned, but there were no intruders or traces of them, except for the guests. Above all, Pride suffered and fell in front of his guests. All guests are witnesses that no one is close to pride until shortly thereafter.

Among the possibilities that remain are the delayed poison that our country does not know, the seizure caused by Pride's own unidentified disease, or our last Friesian royalty involved with Pride, the United Kingdom of Hannaz, or the special abilities of our country's guests.

If it were the latter, all our guests in our country would be nobles. Moreover, this time he had invited some intermediate aristocracy as well as lower aristocracy. Then the motives include obstruction and retaliation for the noble audits that Jilbel and I had recently licked, mere treason against the royal family, and resentment for not being added to our fiancée candidacy in pride... oh well in any case, the... boils down again...

Dang, and if I noticed, I would have slapped my fist against the wall behind my back.

Some of them shook their shoulders and felt a gaze like I saw this one, but I keep staring only at my pride.

... Since the fall of pride, the whole great hall has been noisy.

The same goes for the killer and the cause, but more than that, many guests flattered that their pride had fallen. The agony of the Knights, including Arthur in particular, of the Kingdom of Anemone and of the guests of the United Hanazoo kingdoms, all of them, was great. I took her before I managed to hit her in the head when she collapsed, but that was all I could do.

The Knights consolidated their royal escort with the guards, and even that Jilbael was pale in the face since his pride stopped moving.

After the confirmation and background checks of the guest and the Great Hall, everyone was returned first, but the allies outside the distance also hoped to stay until they found out whether their pride was cheap or not.... Prince Leon was strong, too, and he wanted it.

However, under the current circumstances, which had already invited many domestic and international guests, we could neither accept nor stop anyone more than planned into our castle. … so much so that this time it was too large.

Besides, the opponent is a noble royalty. You can't keep him under house arrest in the hall forever as a Freesian royalty. … As a result, were there any situations or suspicious movements at that time? Then, as soon as the details of the possessions and other items were confirmed, the neighbors were sent out as planned, and the guests were urged to go to a dedicated palace. Thankfully, most people were cooperative and were able to send them out smoothly except those who wanted them to ask about their pride, their illness, etc., and got nothing.

To the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, I apologized from Gilbert and myself for suspending the announcement of the International Postal Service, but more than that, it guided me to my pride. King Lance and Prince Cedric snuck up on me. "The special abilities of the example were asked, but I could not say that I had already been treated.

Tiara cried all the time even when Pride was transported to bed, and now there are no inherent shards of brightness. It was darker and shady than it was when it was attached to pride after the defense war.

While the Knights are guarding the castle with a strict system of precautions, the Kingsguard knights, who always pull at night, are now striving to guard their pride with all four. At first I also thought that we should turn them two at a time, but everyone hoped until Pride woke up.

I feel safer about that, too. Worst of all, if Pride doesn't wake up tomorrow, you can call Captain Harrison and turn one by one rest in a four-person system.


The moment I thought so, anxiety and fear struck my whole body.

My stomach shakes badly and I even spill up to nausea. My hands trembled from my fingertips, my arms trembled badly, even with force. It became painful to my breath and I desperately and consciously breathed deeply.

I don't like it, there's no way Pride won't wake up... she's gone in this way, etc...!

Hold on to the emotions that hold you up to your throat with your fists. No, it stimulates the tear glands. You can't expose this right now. I made a promise to Arthur, and above all, it's like saying that if you expose it now, Pride will never wake up again. I won't forgive you for that.

I breathed loudly and repeatedly enough to make it sound, and I fought my emotions.

The doctor said he didn't even know if he was going to wake up.

She couldn't move at all, not knowing if she was asleep or dead, even that breath was shallow, and it wasn't surprising when she stopped breathing.

The doctors regularly check their pulses over and over again, check their breathing and see their complexion. No matter how many times I call, I have no response, and now I don't know what caused it. There was no other way but to wait to wake up.


"... Dear Stayle. Regent Vest is here for you.

Jack the Kingsguard, who opened the door, speaks to me.

Always calmed down. Even he now remained a dark, gloomy look. I'll go now and return the word, and once I line up with Tiara beside my pride.

Tiara called it "Brother..." when she realized I was standing next to her. He strokes Tiara's head, which now leaks her crying voice again, and squeezes Tiara's pride hand in her small hand to wrap it from above.

From the gap between Tiara's hands, she felt the temperature of her pride.

Becoming like a doll, she doesn't even make a sound of one sleeping breath.

"... I'm coming, Pride. You can always wake up.

He's such a hectic voice that he laughs himself.

Wishes only and hangs words on her. If I stroked her softly to comb her deep red hair with my opposite hand, it spread to the sheets.

Tell those in the room to report back to me as soon as Pride wakes up and leave the bed sparing her temperature.

Finally, by the bed, we walk over to the Kingsguard knights, who don't lose their posture. Unlike Tiara, who is beside her pride, she remained a strong expression so that everyone would bite if she peeked into their faces, which were in a position where she pulled only one step away.

Captain Alan, Captain Column's eyes were alive, but his expression was filled with anger at himself for failing to protect his pride, just like mine. Deputy Eric also looks terribly pale. He's been desperately tightening his mind, but I know very well that he's been biting his mouth off over and over again. And...

"Arthur,... Captain.

He's the worst.

Consciousness is what keeps me, but my eyes are empty. His complexion was also bloody and he stared at his palm many times. Toothpicks and self-blame that I couldn't save my pride with my special abilities were overflowing from my whole body.

Arthur, with his face up to my words, squeezed his face a little tighter. Excuse me... and apologize to me without help for leaning over. Tell him, "I'm going to Regent Vest now," and he'll get a short reply. The situation in the room seems to be getting to my head.

So if I connected the words, the mouth was also tightened in Russia.

"Until I get back, … please follow Tiara and your sister more beside me instead.... you're the only one I can ask.

I can trust you, only you.

Lieutenant Eric gently pressed his back at Arthur, who opened his eyes round to doubt his ears. I led the way and prompted Tiara to go next to her chair.

Slowly, Arthur walks right next to Pride in a foothold that confirms every step of the way. Fold your knees and line up with Tiara's gaze.

Tiara, who turned to Arthur, lay Arthur's hand over herself and Pride's with her hand. Sister with a slight fever. You felt your temperature, Arthur's stretched shoulders quietly descended.

Once he meditated strongly, and his newly opened deep pale eyes stared firmly at Pride's face, his opposite hand gently stroking Tiara's back.

I finally pulled myself out of Pride's room after I checked on the three of them.

The minute the door I knocked shut without sound and I couldn't feel her signs, my chest was squeezed. Squeeze your fists and bite your mouth to the point of bleeding.

"Eh... pride...

It's okay, it's okay.

I'm sure I'll wake up tomorrow. I guess I'll laugh as usual and drown my eyebrows saying I'm sorry for worrying.

Uncle Vest may have made some headway in calling me. Do you know the solution, or will your pride wake up first? I'm sure that's all we're talking about. Pride also has Arthur....... I'm fine.

I can desperately tell myself and focus on my feet trying to get away from my pride room. I wasn't going to be able to move a step like this without being willing. If Arthur hadn't been here, we might not have been able to get out of the room.

Step by step and hurry to Uncle Vest.

While I sincerely hope that this nightmare will end soon.