"... I see. Is that what you mean...

The summoned Jilbell put his hand on his chin, slowly nodding as he was briefed by Style and Cedric.

I wondered what it was like when the guards rushed in the first time in a hurry and jumped out of the room before I thought about it, but if I visited it, it was more progress than I expected. No physical evidence, no basis, but now even a little help is a huge leap forward.

Looking at Cedric, who is still slightly confused, Gilbert wonders if he is still shallow about his anomalies.

It's unusual to just remember that large number at a glance, but it's usually impossible to remember it as vividly as you remember from there to your looks and outfits.

With that in mind, I unconsciously look at Cedric from the tip of my head to my feet. He is the second prince of the United Kingdom of Hanazoo and the king's brother. He is also the postal supervisor at the incoming international postal service.

He also had excellent results when he took the exam, but what a terrible talent. Gilbert thinks his pride has been pulling through again. When I first stayed in the kingdom of Friesia, I decided it was the realm of Ningro Fools, but I think this should be reconsidered.

"His Royal Highness King Cedric. … If you don't mind, could you describe the look and appearance of the people I'm going to ask you about last night?

Of course, because it is the people that His Highness Cedric has met. And if I told him, Cedric answered in one word and nodded.

First, we need to check Cedric's memory in order to avoid wrongdoing. Gilbert asked Cedric as he dared to also alter the scratch, from the royalty who is invited to the ceremony every time to try it, to the prince and the lady who changed the colour of the lipstick, who only specially stretched out the decorations today. But he says everything about the appearance and appearance of all of them.

Jilbel was also surprised that there were people who remembered so far besides himself, but also in the unknown realm of Vest and Style. I would remember if we had a special conversation, but otherwise the colour of a woman's lipstick, rather than the colour of her dress, is usually flaccid. Cedric, who can tell the details, is also Cedric, but Gilbert's memory, who can say it's all right, was also unusual.

After finishing several confirmations, Jilbel unwittingly wrapped his tongue around "You have a great memory…" and then breathed deeply so that he could calm himself down only once.

"... then.

I separated myself from saying that and asked if I could borrow a pen with the guest list in my hand with my usual graceful grin pointed at the style.

When the style handed it without one unusual and unpleasant face, it captured and matched the straight Jill Veil's long cut eyes. Words were not exchanged, and Jilbert grinned when he nodded at each other, and a calm grin was now shown to Cedric from the front.

"First, the person who was there when Lord Pride fell in His Royal Highness Prince Cedric's memory. Since only those who know the name are good, could you please raise them all?

To that extent. and Cedric nodded briefly at the same time as the words. In the meantime, Jilbert's grin intensified slightly, and Cedric turned away unexpectedly and gently.

Thank you, and Gilbert, who returns it, strokes everything with his eyes once to write a check on the name of the list. After constantly checking which page contains the name of which person. Go ahead, and encouraged Cedric.

Cedric is a little frightened by Jill Bale, but tells him who he knows his name from the edge to the edge of the footage of his memory. Forgot the vest, the style, the job in my hand, and literally continued to sweat in my hand and stare at one, another and the checks stamped on the list.

Jilbelle laughed thinly as the thread of tension stretched out many times throughout the room. With the intermittent name of the person named from Cedric's mouth, feeling it squeezed up in his hand, little by little, indeed.

... Now I can finally hit my hand.

Only Jilbel, already convinced of his memory and Cedric's absolute memory, laughs first.

As soon as Cedric finishes saying everyone's name, now it's your turn to improve the look and characteristics of the guests you didn't check out. That's when we finally find out who we need to ask.

Whatever method you used, even tighten it up and make it throw up, such as a hitter. If it is poisonous, you will also find the thread for detoxification. And if it's a crime committed by a guest of my own country… that is, someone with special abilities, capture the person who did something and let him solve it.

Second, when he realizes there, Gilbert stops Cedric's mouth once on the way. And told the samurai outside the room to bring tea so his throat wouldn't hurt any more. Because now he is the only one left behind and the thread to the truth.

Once again the recitation of the name by Cedric proceeded, with the maid carrying four servings of tea nearly half narrowed.

Just as I anticipated Cedric's throat getting a little tired, I'm handed a cup to him. Having sipped it and moistened his throat, Cedric named it again.

At last, when Cedric ran out of name recitations.

The number of guests left was only double digits. Barali, to Jilbel's grin once he confirmed it with Parali, this time even Style laughed badly hiding in the vest.

Already grabbed the killer's neck, along with his certainty.

The rest is easy if you identify it. There are other ways to make the Freesian kingdom throw up the truth besides interrogation. Some of them are "ways to force them to vomit. Style, too, only knows how to do that.

... I'll make you throw up even if you cry...

With firm intentions in his chest, Stayle laughs black.

And Jill Baer also laughed suspiciously, "Bye," as he responded to his will. With respect and gratitude to the King's brother for showing off his tremendous memory in front of him, and with his anger for the suspect he has yet to see.

"From now on, from the top of the list, I will verbalize the appearance and appearance of all the remaining guests.

The situation was going until Pride woke up first or let the real killer throw up first.