"So.... this is how I am up for a favor to see Princess Pride for the last time.

Adam laughs as he smiles slightly.

Postpone your stay for the third day. They had to return to the Radiyan Empire today as planned.

As for Adam, I honestly didn't mind extending my stay further if I wanted to meet Pride now. And even now, in fact, we are diagnosing a postponement but the answer from the Kingdom of Friesia remains unchanged.

"I'm sorry, His Royal Highness Prince Adam. Sister, as you know, you have recovered, but now you are not in a position to see any of them.

Adam opened his fox-like eyes slightly to the style of smiling and apologetically speaking. Really... those eyes glow dull as I give them back.

After breakfast, before returning home and Adam had taken himself to the palace where Pride lived. And if I wanted Princess Pride to see you in front of the front door, it was Steele who responded. Pride couldn't let anyone see him, and even no longer had any reason to pull off Adam of the Radian Empire. Now there was no point in putting Adam in the castle any more. As for the style, I wanted to stake one or two of my wishes for interrogation, but... it was also true that I could not easily do that to the royal family of the great powers.

"Sister, you have woken up. Now, as originally promised, there is no reason to stop His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I will tell my sister about His Royal Highness Prince Adam.

Thank you so much, I'll tell you to be careful on the road. Style bowed his head and showed it to me. Adam eats down again with a grin on the style that doesn't move at all even after trying to attack him with the same words from earlier.

"I'm in trouble,... what can I do? I was expecting a lot of sincerity from the Kingdom of Friesia, too. Bad luck at Birthday. We never even got to say hello to Her Royal Highness.

"I'm sorry. My sister is busy. I'm resting on my body now, but I'll be the first to greet you then when I can be out in the official setting again.

Whatever you say, I don't find it affordable.

As if he were talking to that prime minister, Adam let the conversation pass behind his brain when he first met Jilbert.

Still, Adam shook his head loosely with a distorted grin, "Even at a glance," he said. I just told Adam that I wasn't even willing to move from here until I let him see me, and Stayle switches without breaking his grin. While I just want to kick him out and get on with the job I should be doing under Vest, the Regent. And anyway, I'll put around wondering if I haven't even got permission from Rosa, the queen, to meet Pride.

"If you really want to ask me, I'll ask my mother. Perhaps the fact that Prince Adam is here" naturally, I know it's above my knowledge, but please do me a favor. "

"I'm good. I'm a visitor at the corner.

Suddenly, the familiar voice of Stayle came down.

I didn't think so, and if I looked up, my pride was coming out of my room window and turning to me. He was waving flirtatiously, pointing a nimmari and unfavorable grin at Style and Adam.

Sister... Pride again speaks out the window to the style that leaks his voice unintentionally.

"Please let me through to my room, Style. … or should I ask you myself?

Hoo-hoo... and raised a suspicious inclusive laugh, Pride let him hang his foot on the window frame so he could see it on the style.

Understanding what she was trying to say, Style raised his voice, "Please wait," and leaned over with a slight frown wrinkle. No one can stop pride now. That would also be possible if she tried to force herself out of the room. But if a pride in house arrest in a room does that, it's bound to hurt someone. That way, no doubt, Pride is a tower of separation.

"... I'll show you to the guest room first. Please wait there.

Remaining in a dark voice, Stayle had no choice but to signal the guard and let him open the front door of the palace. Staring at the door that was supposed to open after Adam left, Style still regrets from the bottom of his heart that he shouldn't have held back Adam for three days. I need to hurry up and get Rosa's permission, the queen, after I lead her to the guest room right now. My stomach will gain weight.

Show me the end of the door with your hands, and turn to Adam.


Adam was stiffened with his mouth wide open.

His Royal Highness Prince Adam? And it doesn't change if I try to call you. Adam kept his eyes round and looked up at Pride as he said. I didn't even have a smile without shards of adoration like earlier, as if after my soul had been plucked.

Still, Style is surprised. Why is this so surprising as soon as he shows up, saying he wants to see Pride?

Please, and if I spoke again, it was only this time that Adam shook his shoulder back briefly, "No, anything," and proceeded to his feet all over the front door. Only the soldiers of the escort, and the generals of Radiya and the chief of staff, and the rest of them made him wait for the carriage. Even when Adam instructed me not to say a word, the squire looked like a doll on the style.

Adam went through the guest room, and Stayle told the guards never to let Adam and the others out of the guest room, and then rushed to Rosa.

There's no way they won't let me see you once as the kingdom of Friesia, even if they see you in pride.

The opponent is a country of peace, and a royal family who has long wanted to meet with pride. If we push him back without even letting him see us here at first sight, this time he may even question his remorse and the courtesy of the Kingdom of Friesia. Above all, it was after wishing Adam a secret about restoring his pride as well. If you don't thank me here, the worst case scenario is that the restoration of pride will be spread all over the world.

... From now on, we have to lock the window in Pride's room.

Don't let the murmur speak to you.

Reflects on the fact that, without prior permission to Rosa, the Queen, her opponents, who are not even close to the Prides, clog directly in front of the palace, a rare thing, but should have struck her hand more out of the eyes of others. Thinking about it so far, it really stung my chest that I myself admitted that my current pride was a "hidden existence.

Rosa and Albert, who then heard the explanation from Stayle, were to be allowed to meet with Pride and Adam only for a quick and short time under many conditions.


'... pride. During the meeting with Crown Prince Adam, there are a number of conditions. First, the time is only thirty minutes. If you ask me why I keep it secret, please just say I apologize for visiting you because you're ill. Naturally, please refrain from being disrespectful.

After a while I spoke out the window.

Style was the first to visit my room. I looked at him with a loose mouth telling me with a dark expression all the time if it was uncomfortable to see me now.

'And then the meeting is in this room because we can't get Pride out of the room. Multiple guards, me, and Jill Bale will be present.

Fluffy, I showed him the stretch, but Style kept talking.

If the guards and Steele and Chancellor Gilbert are together, I don't think we can have a bad conversation. Well, good. Because it's important to have contact with them first.

"If Pride takes problematic action again, it will be immediately interrupted and you will travel to the tower of separation without waiting for guidance with your fathers this afternoon.... Please, as the First Princess, I ask you to thank me.

I could not feel any emotions from the pale spoken tone. If you turn now only to the style you finished talking about, that look that blocked out the darkness... was soooo similar to the game's brother-in-law style.

Woohoo, I thought the game was working and that was all that really struck me. Nita, and if I raised the end of my mouth and laughed and showed it, the complexion of the style changed again. The appearance of holding the edge of the black edge glasses at his fingertips and leaning down to hide remained the footage of the game.

'... Then I will bring you Crown Prince Adam. Please keep your pride sitting on the couch and waiting.

That being said, would it be after about fifteen minutes of waiting for the style that left the room?

Tons, and if the door was knocked and replied, a large number of people, including the escorts, came into my room unscathed. He was invited to stay and the first person to come in was naturally Prince Adam, a visitor.

Speaking of which, I greet Tiara with a smile as she thinks she has seen him at her birthday. Then Chancellor Gilbert came into the room making sure he lined up next to the style. I beg your pardon, and ignore Chancellor Gilbert, who came in deeply bowed his head, and I glance at Crown Prince Adam.

I honestly was surprised by the unexpected person, although it was just under the window I was curious and peeking because I had a voice. 'Cause I can't believe he's the Crown Prince of the Radiya Empire.

There are no more handkerchiefs.

"I've been waiting for you, Your Royal Highness Prince Adam. My name is Pride Royal Ivy, First Princess. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Radiya Empire. In the first work, collaborators of Queen Pride since the second half of the spindle of the story. The position is about a little boss or a mob, but it's a handkerchief convenient on top of this for me right now,... an essential element in the ending.

In the game, the character was more often called by the name of the country as it stands: "Radiya Empire". Well, I guess I didn't even need a detailed setting for about the mob.

At Tiara's Birthday, she told her mother to only pay attention to the Radian Empire, but she didn't actually even get a chance to talk to him at all. That is why this opportunity cannot be missed. Because he is the character that exists only to be used by me.

If I were to say it in my previous life, would I even say that ducks carry leeks like this?

When I smiled and gave him my hand, he shook it back. The dumb surface that looks at the incredible makes me laugh, and the end of my mouth pulls up even more unexpectedly. When Crown Prince Adam returned his introduction with his hands held, he sat on the couch across the street without ever taking his eyes off me.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at Birthday, though I'm still in excellent health and can only talk a little.

"... not at all. It's an honor to make your time like this.... Princess Pride, Your Highness.

Prince Adam, who returns without blinking a single word from me, pulled up so that only the end of his mouth would interact with me.

Nitaaaa... and my mouth opens with a laugh. A vapor-like breath was exhaled from his mouth that seemed to be salivating. A mouth as if it were a carnivore who found his prey spins the word as it is.

"… beautiful………………………"

... it was too moonlight a praise.

I don't just feel bad, so if I gave it back to you with a grin, my eyes just turned round until earlier. Now I glowed. Ha, ha and my breath reaches this far as if I had just run. Suddenly I wondered if it even collapsed in my physical condition, I really pressed my chest to grab an eagle with both hands to tide my face. It was disgusting to be a little rough to the nose, and if I accidentally missed my eye and threw it toward Style and Jill Bale, they would have both made their faces tougher than mine. They're both questioning Crown Prince Adam's health.

But when Prince Adam leaned his torso towards the front of his head, our anxiety swept away at me like a lie.

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride, I've never seen a beautiful and attractive woman like you before. Your rumors have reached our country, and I have always wanted to be close to you since then.

Phew..., and I duly return to him the momentum that could disrupt the purple hair that flushed to the right.

The word is also a compliment that has been said many times before in the social world. I still think that the interpretation is a mob character, and the vocabulary is no big deal either. If words are commonplace even when trying to speak with fever, they don't sound great. Mostly, for the first time, you would have seen me at Birthday. Mix up the sarcasm and say, "You're good," and you yell bloated, "That's outrageous! Returned."

"I've always admired you. So much for being the first heirs to each other's thrones. For your sake, I will relinquish my right to inherit the throne..."

You're a pretty big guy by the looks of it, and I get spooked.

It's convenient for you to admire me, but it only sounds like a compliment. It's getting more and more troublesome to deal with them, and they're about to have another stretch.

Then Crown Prince Adam has reached out to me to shake hands again. If you give me your hand so much that I like to shake it, I'll mouth it so it flows to the back of my hand. The feeling of being unnecessarily mouthed is strong because it even makes a lip noise and releases it. Now I'm going to do it without hesitation, even if I tell you to lick my leg.

After releasing his lips, Crown Prince Adam glanced up at me with a trance-like look. The color of my demonic glowing eyes pierced my eyes straight through.

"Don't you remember the sender named" Nepentes "...

Nepentes.... not a rare name on this continent. It sounded familiar to me, starting with the Duke of my country.

Does the sender… mean the letter? When I went so far as to think, speaking of which, there was no country name written in the letter addressed to me, I recall that only Nepentes' name had been received many times before.

If I accidentally leaked my voice "… ah", I let my voice jump to the taste of "Did you read it?"

"I thought you'd be wary of a letter from my Radian Empire. Let me send it to a turning point to the merchants of other countries." Nepentes is not uncommon.

Adam Borneo Nepentes. His name is the First Prince of the Kingdom of Radia. Sure, that would be hard to identify, but I'd do anything to get around that much...,...


Think that far and understand.

So long as it was done, he wanted to connect the pipes with the Kingdom of Friesia. Indeed, it is convincing to think about developments after this. That's why he still acted in favor of me and named me the person who was sending the letter. Oh... how simple and shallow. Are you going to perform romantically, though less planned than Cedric did a year ago?

"For years, I admired you. And now... now I am truly your captivity. Her Royal Highness Princess Reiki Pride, if I may say so, may I recite the contents of that letter here and now?

Prince Adam keeps talking while I think about it.

He started playing with his mouth with a spread grin when he peered at me with a tidy face, in such a snug way that he thought he might be drunk.

"I have a sleepless evening with you who don't even know your face."

It's a word I do remember reading one day.

It was certainly immediately non-recruited by Steele and Chancellor Gilbert.

As soon as I thought so, now Crown Prince Adam has been mouthing to the back of my opposite left hand. Chu, the sound has rang and I have turned my lustrous grin as if I wanted my reaction. "You remember me," he says, and his grin pulls up even more.

"I can't breathe when I think of you."

Chu, and now the position of the mouthpiece was slightly raised and made into a wrist.

It's no different from the back of my hand and I don't think anything about it, but was that a sign of "desire"? Are you more foolish or brave than Cedric to do to me, the First Princess?

There was a rattling sound of the chair shaking from the one sitting on the style. I even look at Crown Prince Adam, wondering if he might have gone to sleep.

"My heart is so disturbed just thinking about you that love overflows with Shizuku."

Chu, and thought he had been mouthed again on his wrist, he grabbed his wrist and pressed it against Prince Adam's chest. Dogn, Dogn felt his heart pulsating hard in the palm of his hand. With a tranced grin, the face of Crown Prince Adam staring at me comes close. It opened up like I was the only one in sight anymore, and those eyes were closer.

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince Adam.... I wonder how much more His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can say than that.

Low, clear style voice released.

At the same time, Chancellor Gilbert just banged his hands and sounded as strong as if he mistook it for a punch and a firing noise. Not only me but Prince Adam turned himself away to the voice of Style and the sound of that firing. "Oh, excuse me," Prince Adam returns with an unpleasant grin, turning his face to Chancellor Style and Gilbert.

"Also, if my eyes were certain earlier, they seemed to have been mouthed besides the back of my hand.

"No, not at all. Such a thing to Her Royal Highness the First Princess.

Style turned his black scorched eyes with a quiet angry voice, but Crown Prince Adam denied it with a grand gesture.

Whatever you think, I felt like I was mouthed twice on my wrist, but... they just took it off target. When I looked at the mouthed hand, there were still nagging marks on my wrist because of the strong sucking. Well, it'll disappear in a little while.

"His Royal Highness Prince Adam, you are apparently a little tired from your stay in our country. I know this is unfortunate, but today..."

"No, don't worry. Because we still have time. I will slowly play with the First Princess of Pride to the end.

"I think Chancellor Gilbert is right, too. Sister, you are still not in good shape, so I hope you will write to me to continue.

Crown Prince Adam tries to slip through Chancellor Gilbert trying to kick him out of the room with an unscrupulous smile.

Then now he gave the guard an eye instruction so that Style would respond to Chancellor Jilbert. Well, enough to be captured as a werewolf to mouth on your wrist by accident. Perhaps judging by the words of Style, you simply want to kick him out of the castle just now. It would also be natural not to think well of the Radian Empire, which is also due to the United Kingdom of Hanazoo. I guess that's why Crown Prince Adam just tried to get rid of me when he came to see me.

... but then you're in trouble.

I need Crown Prince Adam to be my pawn from now on.

I don't know when I'll see you next if I don't pull you in here. I need you to come back to me as soon as possible. If he tries to approach me by acting in my favor, I have no hand in not using it either.

No, I still have to talk to you and grab Crown Prince Adam's left hand laughing with a fox-like eye this time from me. I was surprised that suddenly he grabbed me. Crown Prince Adam turned to me with the face he was pointing at the Stiles. A fox-like eye opens in Russia and a sharp eye pours on me. And just as surprisingly, I jammed my words to show them to Chancellor Jilbert and Style. I...

On Crown Prince Adam's wrist, mouth it.

"Ahh.... oh? I made a mistake, too.

Kiku, and after sucking with a big mouth, let go and then hoist the nimali and mouth end to make him laugh.

Crown Prince Adam's wrist was red on the shape of my mouth because of a strong suction.

Prince Adam, who stiffened his mouth with his mouth open like an idiot, glistened his eyes with an even more reddish face. I stroked his cheek with my index finger from the cheek, to the jaw, and to the opposite cheek. Until just now I laughed like a good (wow) Crown Prince's unparalleled relief made me laugh and show it all the time from me that I had an advantage this time.

"You're nice, aren't you? I had a heartbeat about you, too.... could you disturb me more?

Hey? And when I hung the words, I overflowed with joy as Prince Adam's face looked all over me.

I guess you're happy you're using me well. "Of course," he said, shining his eyes, taking my hand, which he conveyed to his cheek, and holding it.

"I want to see more... more of you? We'll see you soon, won't we, Your Highness Prince Adam?......... as many times as you want until you fill me up.

If I, the First Princess, want it strongly, I'm sure Prince Adam will not miss this opportunity either.

First of all, it might be a good idea to pretend to be a good boy while Crown Prince Adam is here. That might make it easier for my mothers not to reject Crown Prince Adam as a deterrent to me.

Prince Adam's eyes glow suspiciously as he returns his words to me. I could see the color of desire shining from behind my fox-like eyes. Gently turn your eyes only to Chancellor Gilbert and Style as you turn your face to Prince Adam whispering poetic romantic texts that you remember from me again. They both had a very nice face because they interrupted me to kick him out.

Pale in the face, Chancellor Gilbert frowns with a rare and feeble look while slightly defying his head behind him.

Blushing his face close to faceless, without distracting his open eyes from us, and the style that draped his hands without force.

It's like the end of the world. Its face is so lovely that its body lights up.

I was there when I realized I was turning a heartfelt grin on them.