"Hello? I've been waiting for you, ladies and gentlemen of the United Hanazoo Kingdom.

Style, with the Vest of Regents, they were invited to the Pride room when they approached noon.

After the knock, the three Hanazoo kingdoms who opened the door and entered the room, and the style, the vest and even the guards were surrounding them so that they could stand between them and their pride.

"I congratulate Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride with all my heart on her recovery.

"Thank you, Your Majesty King Lance. It's good to see you before I leave, too. I'm sorry I acted so disrespectful when I woke up?

Pride returns with a grin, posturing correctly to Lance's words.

I grinned heavily at him, and the trick of leaning my little neck also seemed to behave like a princess, but I also felt slightly uncomfortable with my usual pride. Not only does Yoan and Cedric turn slightly against the laughter of a pride that should be loving, but Lance also turns slightly against herself.

"... Your Highness Princess Pride, is your body ready yet?

"Yes, His Majesty King Joan. Totally. I'm really sorry to bother you.

I showed you the embarrassment, and the pride with my hand in my mouth makes me laugh couscous.

Even that way of laughing was not as innocent as before, but as if it had been calculated out.

Still, Vest and Style stroke their hearts down to their pride not to speak and act as aggressively as ever. I still want to avoid the tower of separation as well, and I hope my behavior improves slightly as it is.

"... Her Royal Highness Princess Pride I. Did you remember anything about when you fell?

"Cedric.......... blah! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what are you talking about?

Suddenly Pride showed his eyes wide open at the throw from Cedric, who had put the words in order. Cedric inadvertently holds his breath in an unusual eye that even opened his pupils. Both Vest and Style felt dangerous in this, first holding guards back by letting Style stand between them not to come forward any further to Pride.

Pride, holding his belly and laughing joyfully, continued his words without a problem as he captured Cedric's golden hair, which he saw over the guard's shoulder.

"Oh yeah, I appreciate it then. Wow Cedric. Thank you for taking the time to come see me before your mother's story.

I doubted even Lance as well as Yoan if she was really the one on the other side of the guard to the pride of talking as if licking.

"You talked to us after the dance party, didn't you? Glad to hear it. Wow.

You're trying to remember when you fell, even Style stood up for the pride of telling you what happened just before that.

After Pride woke up, they asked the same question again and again, but until now it was all a stiff "I don't remember" from the person.

"............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ it was. Wow.

After accumulating for a few seconds, Pride snapped slowly.

He looked up at the unchanging ceiling as he remembered, with a few fingertips on his chin, and directed only his big eyes towards those with a little Cedric.

Nitaaaaaaaa... and even the guards who saw it in a torn ugly grin shook their shoulders and drew blood from their complexion.

Pride pointed his index finger straight towards Cedric, ahead of him, as he reached out to sew through the guard's gap.

"At that time. Didn't you give me weird pills? Cedric."

Breathe, drink.

Everyone in the room stopped breathing into Pride's remarks and alternately compared her to Cedric.

Rigid his entire body so as to doubt his ears, Cedric stiffened to his fingertips and opened his eyes in amazement. Become... leak your voice but nothing more. I don't understand what the hell Pride is talking about. Meanwhile, Pride continues his words loosely with a pleasant grin.

"Right. Wow, I just remembered. That's when Prince Cedric gave me a drink of suspicious wine.

I finally remembered, and the silent room finally began to creep into my laughing pride. I turned to Style and Vest to see if the guards should believe in the word of Pride and see each other again and again.

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Pride, can you say for sure?"

Neither Style nor Vest has truly received what Pride is saying now.

Especially since Style was with Pride and Cedric most of the time. As soon as Cedric does something suspicious like that, he'll know, and there's no way he doesn't realize it. I don't even remember Pride drinking wine at the time. Most importantly, Style knew there was no way Cedric would do that to Pride.

But the words of the "victim", the "princess", were absolute.

"Yeah, is that true? I just remembered. Definitely. Wow.... Oh? Then it wasn't Cedric's fault that I fell then either.

A powerful man who can even turn white into black. If the person says "remembered," no one can deny it.

Ahahahaha! and laughing pleasantly Pride keeps showing Cedric's golden hair visible from the guard's gap with supple fingers.

"Then could it mean that the United Hanazoo kingdom planned my assassination? No, I'm scared. Wow.... or Cedric's solo haha! frightened."

Neither Style nor Vest can stop the trembling of their hands at the delightful voice of pride, which they seem utterly frightened of.

It is clear from the eyes of both of us that Pride is about to fall into Cedric or the United Hanazoo kingdom. But... there's nothing to prove. Neither evidence that Cedric is innocent, nor that he isn't, nothing.

"What's going on? Uncle Vest. I'm going to miss this sinner... I'm not going to do that, am I?

Pride turns the pulled up mouth end like an outsider to the vest.

The opponent is the King's brother of the United Hanazoo kingdom, an ally. Furthermore, for the next term, the director of the international postal service.... and is also Tiara's fiancée candidate.

There is no easy way to capture someone like that. But there was also no way that the First Princess could abandon the person she was complaining of having been harmed.

"Sister, what a mistake." Me and Tiara were there, but Prince Cedric didn't even have a glass. "

"Shut up. It's cheap, isn't it? Style."

Pride blocks and trumps Cedric's defense, desperately.

He was thrown a cold gaze like ice, his open style face stretched even harder. Squeeze your mouth, and even more pride continues to speak once you have spoken.

"Guards. Capture them quickly. The great sinner who tried to assassinate the first princess of our country.

And the pride that saith unto him, let him know his superiority; and he commanded him with one arm upon his hips. Confusion arises as to what a guard should do in the words of pride. Everyone who knew her everyday understood that pride was unusual now. Naturally, even the guards who work in the castle.

Pride stares at them from edge to edge in a boring way to guards who don't move according to their orders. Useless, he turned his garlic and dirty grin to Cedric again whining in his heart. His startling face could now be clearly peered out of the gap between the guards who puzzled him with pride's words.

"See? You better make a proper confession, Cedric.

Ahahahahahaha, laughing to Cedric, who turned his eyes to himself with a mockery.

From both sides of it I saw Lance, equally stunned and speechless, and Yoan leaning next to me to protect Cedric.

"Now, if you confess to Chan, it will end in your own sins, but... isn't the King's absence any more a problem?

Right? and Lance unconsciously lowered Cedric behind his back with his arms to the pride of attacking him with a voice like kindness.

I don't remember Cedric with absolute memory.

Because I didn't even have a glass then in preparation for the International Postal Service announcement. Naturally, neither Lance nor Yoan thinks Cedric would do that fine dust. But now in the kingdom of Friesia, it is the pride, not the king. And I also understand that pride now deliberately unleashes words that will plunge them.... that pride is not normal for them right now.

Though innocent, it was Hanazoo who wanted to see him after receiving prior attention. Angry with the murmur, no fuss, neither Lance nor Yoan shut up and asked how to get out of pride.

"Isn't it hard for the three royals to get caught? Ah-ha!... I can't believe the country that attacked the princess of the Kingdom of Friesia is where you want to trade.

Obvious, blackmail.

Guillari and glowing pride purple eyes captured the three.

More blood is lost from Cedric's complexion and his throat rings. If the three royal families of the United Hanazoo kingdom were truly captured as such, they would come to hinder trade as well as the country in their prolonged unplanned absence. Furthermore, it would be superfluous if it became public that he was captured on charges of assassination of a princess.

All the other countries they decided to deal with are allies of the Kingdom of Friesia. There's no reason I want to relate to the country that bought the objection, which attacked the princess. And if you really go as far as punishment, you definitely deserve execution or war.

Come on, Pride! Finally, Vest roughed up his voice, but Pride doesn't move at all. I kept looking at them without looking back to Vest with a nasty grin with Niyaniya. "What do we do? Hey, hey, hey," he laughs and keeps asking Cedric, and tells Vest without looking.

"Don't you believe what my lovely niece said? Uncle Vest. Then please ask your mother.... you're gonna believe me. Wow, 'cause I'm a" mother. "

In his head, he remembered his face when he spoke to Rosa, his mother, and without thinking huffle... Pride grinned brutally.

Even Vest can't ignore the fact that Pride sued the killer. We must tell Rosa and her king's wife Albert now and turn to them for judgment. If pride is now "normal," then there's really no chance that he's remembering and mentioning it.

of the United Hanazoo kingdom. Take them to the guest room once the Vest stares hard at pride, first saying they should change places

"... ok. I don't care if you catch me alone.

Cedric's clear voice echoed all over the room.

Unexpectedly Lance and Yoan raised their voices, but looking straight ahead, he puts his chest up to pride mocking them with pleasure from among the guards.

"If I'm alone, I'll be as guilty as I can be. So, Your Highness the First Princess of Pride. I would also like you to make it clear on this occasion that I have only one suspicious memory.

Let's keep pride quiet on Cedric's words, which show him to slap himself in the chest with one hand.

When I spread my grin thinly, I returned the words, "Yeah, that's good," in a light condition. At any rate, if one Cedric is found guilty, the United Kingdom of Hanazoo will also be held accountable. Suspended international postal services also suffer fatal injuries, which also come in the way of trade. Above all, because for Pride, keeping Cedric in the Kingdom of Friesia is the purpose.

"The only thing I doubt is one Prince Cedric at this stage.... can you take me with you?

That's all we talked about, and Pride, who seemed to enjoy himself, dropped back on the couch.

He put his legs together and urged Cedric himself to "go" to her waving a hiccup and the guards, leaving the room with Lance and the others. She moaned her golden hair and never looked back at her.

United Kingdom of Hanazoo, Second Prince Cedric Silva Lowell, King's brother.

Arrest, forced stay and house arrest on suspicion of attempted assassination of First Princess Pride.

The fact will also be that only part of the castle will be covered with a warrant.