"... what are you going to do, Cedric?

After leaving Pride's room.

The three members of the United Hanazoo kingdom, urged by the Vest of Style and Regent, once moved from the Palace of Pride to the Royal Palace with Rosa, the Queen. The three men, who were escorted to the special room for the meeting, take their seats while being guarded by soldiers of the escort.

Lance was the first to break the silence of the three men who pierced their silence to contain their emotions, even in the carriage.

"Why did you ride those words? It must be obvious that you are innocent.

Cedric, sitting next to Lance, closed his mouth with his arms together. Now Yoan rides himself out over Lance and speaks to Cedric with a harsh look like something in mind.

"You don't have to worry about us, Cedric. Either way, if you're really guilty, the situation won't change.

Joan also found out that Cedric dared to talk about pride in order to return the kings, Lance and Joan alone, to the country. But that doesn't make it a fundamental solution. Cedric finally opened his mouth to Yoan telling him he should still sue for his innocence.

"As long as I had no choice, if I hadn't affirmed myself, even my brothers would have been sued for" suspicious behavior "this time.

to pride. And Cedric, who grumbles heavily, weighs on his back with his combined arms.

I don't know why I thought so myself. But Cedric couldn't help but think that Pride would do that with certainty. Most importantly, the moment I saw that laugh of rising pride, my whole body was setting off an alarm that it was dangerous to resist her now.

"Besides, it's still a problem for my brother and brother to open the country. We've been open for half a month.

If we don't get home soon, Cedric whines and looks straight at the clock. If I don't run the carriage in an hour, I won't be able to make it to Anemone Kingdom flights. In that case, it will be ten more days before I can return to my country.

"... I can't believe this is happening.

Boosh, whining Yoan quietly squeezed his chest cross.

There is no way you can imagine Cedric being treated like a murderer in that pride as a result of postponing his return to the country after showing him his pride. Lance placed his hand forcefully on Yoan's shoulder as his back became rounded with depression. Cedric's charges are obvious, but we can't be more confused than ourselves.

Then this time Cedric, who noticed how Yoan was doing, made sure he was front-loaded from his seat to the table and peeked over Lance in the face.

"It also weighs different than the king's brother or brother and me leaving the country to be captured. If you hear that your brother has been captured, the people of Chinensis will cry.

To Cedric's words, even Lance nodded that he was right.

That's the same for you guys, and Joan wanted to give it back, but more than that, he laughs bitterly at Cedric, who is guilty of a felony such as attempted assassination of a princess, and Lance, who is staunch. I've thought about it many times before, but it soothed a little in my heart that I'm still a brother.

Both Yoan and Lance face Cedric at the same time who continued "to it," knowing or not that Yoan's chest. I wonder if there's anything else yet, Cedric says it clearly as he puts his assembled arms on the table.

"I can give up if I think of it as a plea for disrespect a year ago.

Ha......, and to Cedric's words. Now it's time for the two of them to hold their heads at the same time as the sigh.

At the time, we both largely grasped the disrespect Cedric committed to Pride. And Cedric already has knowledge of the laws of the Kingdom of Friesia covered. On top of that, Cedric's admission that current wrongs and past mistakes correspond to comparable penalties... means "that's what it is". As soon as I understood that, I had a headache again.

"Of course, I'm not going to bother Hanazoo or my brothers any more," Cedric said to the two people holding his head when he embarked on an attempt to elucidate himself.


I beg your pardon, but the words were hung from across the door.

Put the voice on the signal. The three rise from the spot simultaneously. Go ahead, and the face of the highest power of the kingdom of Friesia emerged from the door opened by the guards if you return the words.

Beginning with Rosa, the queen, Albert, the king's mate, the top of the Regent's Vest. Then the Chancellor, Gilbert, Stayle, greeted him in turn with his escort and proceeded to the other side of the table. After greeting each other quietly and taking their seats. Rosa stared quietly at Cedric and opened her mouth.

"I heard everything from Regent Vest and Style.

The words unleashed with a slow and graceful voice were full of majesty.

When Rosa turned to Vest at the same time as the words, Vest signaled that the escort, who had just come in from the spot, was once again sent out of the room. When he sees it, Yoan signals this one and his country's escort. The soldiers of the United Hanazoo kingdom also leave the room to flow outside the room with the guards of the Kingdom of Friesia. The door closed at the same time as the last one thanked her, and after another silence Rosa slowly inquired.

"His Royal Highness Prince Cedric.... Can I ask you if it's true or false?

Calm Rosa's voice made Cedric breathe deeper.

Cedric, who has been relative to Rosa on several occasions, including talks about the international postal service, was futilely nervous and quickened his heartbeat when he thought the woman in front of him was Pride and Tiara's mother. Once fixed with a deeper breath, Cedric looked straight back at Rosa with burning eyes.

"Neither I nor the United Kingdom of Hanazoo are involved in the matter under oath to Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride. But you won't be able to escape pursuit any more than you suspect Princess Pride. Until both sides were satisfied with the veracity of this, I decided that I should entrust myself to the Kingdom of Friesia in the hope of doing so.

Rosa and the others nodded deeply to Cedric, who clearly told her that she was not guilty and that she was unwilling to make things rough.

There was no hostility to the Cedrics from any of them. At least one person exhales quietly at their reaction, which is unlikely to be an immediate sentence seeker on this occasion.

"... frankly.

The next person who opened his mouth heavily was Albert. Cedric and the others breathed consciously at him as he put his hands together on the table and turned a gaze that seemed to even stare. Rosa closes her eyes firmly only once to Albert's remarks, and then opens them. I'm in front of you, from my daughter, Pride himself, to three people, including Cedric, who was sued for the crime. Speak out the general thrust of the Freesian kingdom with a quiet voice.

"Shame on you, we don't trust what Pride has to say right now.

I believe in the words of His Royal Highness Prince Cedric, to the words of Albert, who ran out, and now Lance exhaled quietly.

The assertion from Albert, the king's mate, is greater than pride. As I echoed Albert's words. Now Vest apologized, "Sorry I couldn't answer you right away earlier," and the style continued. But from the three of us, Vest and Style were fully sheltering themselves. Not at all, I thank you for trusting me. After each of them returned the words, Jilbel opened his mouth this time.

"But there's no way we're not going to deal with it either, as you know, more than a complaint was filed by the princess herself. For this reason, we hope you will stay in our castle for a while until the suspicion of His Royal Highness Prince Cedric is cleared. … indefinitely, though.

That is, house arrest in the castle. What's more, I don't know when I can go home. To Jilbell, who tells him how sorry I am. Cedric replied slightly unexpectedly, "Do you not have to be in a cell?" Not at all, and Jill Bale, who shook his neck sideways in a calm manner, went on further.

"Until the charges against His Royal Highness Prince Cedric are cleared. … until the facts are proven or corrected by Lord Pride's mouth. In the name of Prince Cedric, we only wish to" postpone our stay "until we have decided to deliberate.

Then it will not be doubted by the neighbouring countries with bad eyes, both during house arrest and after their release.

Fortunately, Cedric and the others snorted as they were convinced if Jilbel told them that there were no more important names for postponing their stay: the director of the international postal service, which was unpublished. And at the end of the day, Jill Baer hesitates just a little bit to say another thing.

"… if the United Kingdom of Hanazoo is officially sued for the innocence of His Royal Highness Prince Cedric and the wrongdoing from our country. … it is also possible to give" special treatment "from our country and return it immediately with a formal apology.

Special procedures? Cedric asks back. And Lance and Yoan turned a little forward and asked. Then Gilbert looked a little more difficult, spreading a piece of paper toward the three of them to show them on the table.

This is an interrogation by contract, which exists only in our country.

The content written on parchment was in itself without any change of philosophy.

The above in the column where I write my name was such that I would tell you everything I know about the fall of Pride and everything I said and did at Birthday without lying or falsely telling you about it on this occasion.

From Jilbel's mouth, the contract was created by special abilities, and it is impossible to break it if you write the signature. Here Cedric writes his autograph, on which he is described as acquitted on the spot if he can put his innocence into words.

"However, we rarely use this as an interrogation in our country. Not to mention royalty. … even if used, it is only for" those most convicted ".

In other words, it is synonymous with Cedric being judged by the Kingdom of Friesia at the time of this interrogation, as well as by the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, as "not credible enough". If not guilty, the fact that he was questioned would in itself mean that he was subjected to considerable stigma and humiliation. Naturally, the Kingdom of Friesia, which turned that suspicion against its opponents, also shames the United Kingdom of Hanazoo itself.

Listening to Jill Bale's explanation, Stayle held her fist so hard that she trembled under the table. Originally, this interrogation method should have been conducted to Adam, the Crown Prince of the Radian Empire. For this reason, the supplier was forced to complete the contract, which took a week, in five days. However, it was no longer used because Pride woke up and there was insufficient urgency and evidence.

No way, we're going to press Cedric, our collaborator, to make a choice until we get to Adam. and chewed through his mouth until he bled from self-blame and impudence to himself.

Not only against Arthur, but Cedric's lack of a face to match made the style lean small. In the meantime Cedric, who also heard about Jill Bale, muttered and silenced with a small "contract......"

"His Royal Highness Prince Cedric's" stay postponement "can naturally be laid down in our castle as well. However, in the case of this special procedure, it is only a matter of fact that Princess Pride has charged me with release.

Of course, I won't publish it cheaply. Both Lance and Yoan turned to Cedric at the same time to tell Jill Bale.

Prove Cedric's innocence on this occasion, and special treatment is better determined if he can return. At the same time, however, it could also create a scratch in relations between the Kingdom of Friesia and the United Kingdom of Hanazu. Which is better, the two of them waited for words to hear the opinion of Cedric, the person in charge, and Jilbel bowed his head deep down to the three first.

"We leave the choice to the United Kingdom of Hanazoo. This is our downfall that led to this.

I'm sorry, and again this time Jill Baer apologized, and both Lance and Yoan returned the words at the same time. After confirming Cedric, who was still staring at the contract like he was worried about the decision, Joan dived in and turned to Rosa and the others, "May I ask you something?"

"... of Her Royal Highness Princess Pride, what is that change? Has there been any progress in the investigation?

I know repeatedly that it was about stepping in, but I raise my face to ask Cedric as well, which goes on. If Lance put her hand on the table to synchronize, too, Rosa nodded only once small after taking confirmation with Albert, Vest and her eyes alone.

"... so far it has involved the royal people. If you can keep it a secret, I will share my country's views with you.

When the three responded with a clear willingness to Rosa's words, Vest opened his mouth this time.

From the childhood past of pride, its sudden changes. And about this coma and change, which is very similar to that.

Cedric and the others who listened were speechless. Pride's leopard wasn't the only one this time, which was also stunning, but more than that, it's childhood pride. As children, they may be forgiven, but they don't think of it as a pride they know. Moreover, it has not changed over the years, because it is a sudden change.

Vest closes with an "embarrassing story," he said to the three of them, who opened their eyes and listened with their shoulders slightly stiffened.

"Therefore, even we decide whether we should judge the change in pride as a" return "or an" unusual ". Originally, childhood pride was also our downfall.

Listening to Vest, Cedric thinks. There was also a precedent for reverting to the same shock in some of the books examined. Suppose Pride's personality fluctuated due to the shock that really blossomed his predictive abilities and returned to his original personality after another similar shock.

That would certainly convince me of some. But even so, it is also believed that there are separate anthropogenic factors that have impacted pride considerably.

"You're right," Cedric asked Vest as orderly as possible about what he thought. The answer returned immediately.

"For this reason, we are still investigating the factors that led to the fall of Pride. But either way, when it comes to pride............ probably.

Some of Vest's words seemed to even contemplate the possibility of pride falling apart from artificial reasons. I'm not going to talk until that's something. Just like him, Rosa and Albert shut their mouths heavily.

Lance, who also offered the possibility of a change in his pride returning from leopard weirdness to "what he was, made his face look worse as he leaned down. Yoan also returns the words" Really... "while holding the cross, but the look is terribly dark. As Rosa told me before, their faces didn't clear at all when Rosa told me that even if pride was difficult, I would set up another surrogate, that I would definitely restart.

So Cedric turned his attention to the style as he remembered. Style also noticed the gaze immediately and asked briefly, "Is something wrong," Cedric asked one question after apologizing for the words that had gone out in the foreground.

"By the way, I'm talking about the Radian Empire. Before returning home, … have you met with Princess Pride?