"Again, it was painful for you to have broken your contract...

Early morning. Style shrugged pale at a top-secret meeting held only at the top level of the country, Queen Rosa, King with Albert, three Regent Vests, and Chancellor Gilbert, First Prince Style. On the spot where even the upper management was not allowed to participate, they cast a dark shadow on everyone.

"I'm sorry, it's my carelessness," Jill Bale bowed her head deeply to Style's words and apologized to Rosa and Albert as Vest nodded slowly. For them, too, it was unexpected that the contract would be broken.

"I ordered one new identical item yesterday. …" Next, let's pay close attention.

To Vest's words, Stile chewed in his mouth, silently dropping his gaze.

... If I could go on such an outrage, I would have ordered more than one from the beginning.

It had been informed two months earlier that the Radiyan Empire would visit again.

That's why he also put up guards so they wouldn't let him get away with strict security, so that he couldn't leave evidence, and took all his horses, his squire, his pen, his weapons, and then detained them. Most of the things I talked to Adam about after I saw him through it were arranged to the point. We have already had numerous countermeasures meetings after the Radiya Empire investigation and bill council, which is why we were able to respond to today's visit as well.

In order to temporarily house Adam, the visitor's palace was also rented only to the Radian Empire, and Cedric, who was staying, was transferred to the rooms of the palaces where the Styles lived.

I did not touch on the Radian Empire, and at this stage I hoped not to leave the room for a while, taking safety into account.

"In a week's time, as soon as the contract arrives," let's remind him again.

I already said I couldn't do it once and let them prepare the contract in five days. And the next order will be reordered not long after ordering. No matter how many orders you place from the castle, it's harder than being human to make it earlier than a week.

It was originally a step to be taken immediately after that, but there was nothing I could do about it without the contract.

There was a word of apology from Vest for the style he leaned on with his fist trembling with regret, but he shook his head violently and returned his words. Because Adam is the one who acted insanely.

"Then shall we interrogate his men first in the meantime?... do more than that in person. But I don't mind at all.

Tortured him farther away, and Jill Baer, recommending, let him gently ring his fingers.

"If you don't mind, I will," he tells Rosa with a serious look, laughing calmly. In fact, it was really not one of the choices over holding Adam and the others captive. With a limited period of time, no means can be chosen. It is also a realistic way to consider if the contractual interrogation did not materialize a week later.

"If you're torturing, you should do it early.... leaving a wound will also make it harder to obliterate.

Now I didn't say it far away, and there was also zero quiet intent to kill from the style that I would clearly put into words and ride on Jilbell.

Nine days left. In the meantime, if you have been wounded by torture or something, the treatment of the special abilities will generally heal you in a short period of time, but in the unlikely event that you get too much momentum and put your hands on it, you will in the worst case still be returned to the country as an injured person. Detention until healed does not absolve disturbances from the Radiyan Empire if the First Prince does not return for more than the scheduled number of days.

Originally, yesterday, the idea was not to resign to immediate torture either, if only after a firm confirmation had been obtained in the contract. but because the contract was broken along the way.

"Well,... in the worst case scenario, some of us are good at" that sort of thing.

Let's ask for his help, and Jilbel sharpened his long eyes as he remembered.

To Gilbert's grin, who lifted his mouth to the degree of affection, Albert, the king's mate, gently stepped from under the table to encourage restraint. "How about that," Jilbert asked Rosa as she took it and squeezed her face tight, "she, the queen, quietly put her hands together and nodded small.

"... Now let's move on as planned. In an emotional hurry, it will be irrevocable. As soon as you get the decision, think more than that. If the next contract doesn't prove it, we can also look at Gilbert's proposal. First, interrogate the Chief of Staff and the General..."

Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang.

Suddenly, the door slams hard to block Rosa's words.

"I'm sorry during the meeting," he said out loud, panicking from across the door, and everyone but Rosa stood up on the spot. Vest gave Rosa confirmation and shouted and allowed the door to open.

The door opened with momentum, and the guard who jumped in, kneeling on the spot, let out his voice again, "Excuse me, sir," breathing on his shoulder.

Normally, there can be no intrusion during upper level meetings. Meetings take precedence over any report or incident, except when action or instructions are needed on the spot. Everyone sensed an anomaly in the guards who came in nonetheless, took a spit and waited for it to continue. Has the guard rushed in, making a silence just for a few seconds to breathe so that his voice doesn't speak well, breathing deeply up before raising his face. "This is an urgent report," he said, straining his rough throat.

"P... Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride! We've escaped from the tower. Wang Ju's, perhaps the palace of the example………………"

Example palace. Everyone takes a breath in that word.

Even if you don't say your name, it was obvious that it was the palace for the guests who were capturing Adam and the others. If Jill Bale had noticed and turned around, there would have been no more Stiles. I stroke my chest down just once, wondering if I would have made it to Pride on a moment's journey. Vest asked, "What's wrong with the style?" But he misled them into saying that the place had moved to an unspecified pride, not knowing that it could be moved instantly to a particular person, "perhaps to the palace," and Jilbert looked straight out the window.

"Why did the guards unleash their pride all the way to Wangju?"

Gilbert's shoulder rises as if to absurd a rare voice for Albert.

It's also unclear how he unlocked the restraint, but the room is also locked from the outside. Moreover, many guards are on guard to protect their pride around the remote tower. Even if I saw a gap and ran away, there's no way the guards did anything until then. There is no way to escape from the tower and even be left in the wild until the King's residence, which should have been too far away.

Unless you jump down the windows of a tower away, land intact from the height of death if you are a regular person, snatch away the guards that hold you back, and take your horse.

Gilbert closed his eyes quietly as the guards told him as much detail as possible about what was found to be the status quo and even Rosa, Albert and Vest opened their eyes in amazement.

To date, only one of him has seen Pride's remarkable physical abilities and combat.

The princess, who stood grandly around her trafficked raw opponent and also jumped flat from the castle of the Kingdom of Sursis, deserves no surprise where she showed some physical ability to exceed his expectations. Instead, the question that leaves is why have you never escaped before? Why did you run away at this time? Why are you headed to Adam, who you don't even know has visited? Coincidence, or. And in terms of how you removed the restraint from bed.

... If Master Stayle had been turned, would he have converged already?

He could also move momentarily to return pride to the tower of separation in an instant.

I thought so and looked around the room softly at the Alberts who couldn't hide their amazement.... but I still don't get the style back. I remember nearly a month ago after I even thought that my story with Pride might be putting in.

Pride's leopard freaks out about him rejecting her as someone else now, as if he couldn't stand it.

As soon as that happened, the heart pulsed loudly, and Jilbell held his chest down. A disgusting sweat blows out of his forehead at once, consciously breathing deeply. "Once I'm in shape, too," the moment I try to follow the style to my pride.

"... excuse me. Mother...... I'm sorry.

Style's voice was released into the room again.

Everyone on the spot turned their faces to some hesitant suppressed voice... and held their breath.

"Huh. You're in a good mood, my dear darling, my family.

Laughing lightly with Ahaha, laughing as he pulls up and distorts the end of his mouth, in his pride appearance.

Style was leaning back to turn away from the pride of placing his hands on his shoulders next to him. He grips his fist and looks up at Rosa and the others just with his upper eyes shaking slightly. I checked them round my eyes with surprise and whined again with a small, "I'm sorry..." plundering voice.

After a few beats, Pride! Dear Pride! The words were released at about the same time. Pride lets him wave to them with an extra grin to enjoy the reaction. Rosa and I were surprised at the beginning of her existence, but soon this time we were stunned by what she looked like.

The First Princess is in her nightgown, even in public. Even more so, the clothes rolled around, the parts were dirty, the horse's hair stuck, and even the bare feet exposed without shoes were dirty because they ran around.

In that outfit, which I don't think is a princess, and even thinner from the cloth, the line of the body, instead of the dress, clearly saw the bare skin to hide. At the same time as Rosa accidentally covers her mouth, Albert roughs up her voice telling the guards to shut the door directly. There's no way you can even cheaply expose the First Princess's ugliness to the guards.

"The castle guards aren't a big deal, are they? I need to apprentice the Knights more.

Humph...... and leaked an inclusive laugh, Pride stroked Style's shoulder to ask for consent.

But Style turns his arms silently and waves away his pride hands, turning away blindly.

"Pride.... why, how, did you leave the room?

Rosa asks her from the spot to be ready somewhere. I fixed my expression on my daughter, who sits in an incredible outfit in front of me, desperately trying to be resolute as a queen.

Pride quietly pulls up the end of his mouth to inquire from Rosa. Without distracting herself from the laughter of pride she had become accustomed to seeing over the past two months, Rosa waited for a reply. And Pride tells him to mock it.

"I predicted. The poor Crown Prince has a terrible moment in our castle.... That's why I came to help you.

The Crown Prince.

Right now, there's only one Crown Prince and so on who's been captured by the castle. He opened his eyes and called on the name of Stayle as Vest asked. When the style distorted his face bitterly, he nodded only once and opened his mouth heavily.

"When I ran, I even stayed in the palace where Crown Prince Adam was...

I put it in a stop before I went into the room...... and they had no words in the low voice whining Style's words.

There is no way in the tower of separation that Pride could have known about Adam's visit. Even though it was strictly precautionary, the visit of the Radian Empire itself was also accepted with the utmost confidentiality.

"It's not terrible, Mother. I was looking forward to seeing you, wasn't I? If I hadn't done this, Chan and I would have stayed in the tower as far away as ever.

"I stayed for you..." Jill Baer ran cold on his spine in the words.

It is rhetoric as if it had so far remained deliberately captured. Everyone in the room understood it and dampened their palms.

"Hey? I asked you for a favor today and you brought me here to stay.... you'll listen to me, won't you? It's a favor for my dear, dear daughter.

Vest frowns quietly at Rosa, the queen, for her pride story as if she were half-threatening.

Rosa urged pride in one word as she firmly tightened her neat face.

"It's good because I've already reflected fully on it, right? Why don't you give me back to the palace? I'll be good with you.

Without even looking at the glimmer of reflection on the back of his back with words, Pride asked Rosa with a nimmary smile.

Rosa eats and binds her neat teeth once to the demands of pride, which can be too glamorous. And with a strong eye, he shook his neck sideways and broke it.

"I won't. You will not be allowed to escape the tower yet. You are also allowed to meet with Prince Adam."

"Then I'll go see him on my own.

Rosa's words were applied and an awesome low voice was released from her pride. Everyone shivers their spine slightly at that statement like a child.

There was no way she could, I wish she could have, but now she had arrived on her own from the tower of separation to Adam's palace. How the hell did you get out of custody and escape from the tower? Pride laughed and continued his words as if he had read before it if Vest tried to repeat the question again.

"You can do that, can't you? Again and again, hundreds of times, I will escape on my own. It's easy if you try.

I won't tell you.

The will came from a suspicious grin directed at Vest to the point where he didn't like it. If Vest frowned reading its intentions, his pride grin pulled up to the contrary. He just laughs and goes on to say he wants to get you in more trouble.

"You don't have to bring back knights, samurai or guards or anything. If only you'd put me back in my room. And please officially admit from my mother that I am not sick but" normal ".... Then I'll hear from you and your mother.

You know, good, right? and purposefully leaning her neck and showing her pride, let Rosa, the queen, gently spread her hands.

From her spreading a grin that was so ugly, she couldn't even feel the cuteness in her current behavior.

"Or shut me down all the time? I don't want to anymore, I'll run away as many times as I want. And... I'm going to see poor Crown Prince Adam as many times as I can every day. Morning, noon,... even midnight, right?

She laughed out in her voice ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha If anything, Pride licked each and every one on the spot with his gaze whining "troubled wow".

"Crown Prince Adam. Seems like you cared a lot about me, and... if I went to see you every night, maybe one day I'd cross the line?

The purple eyes of laughing pride were filled with light that could also be taken as luscious.

As soon as some obscene greed even lingered in its eyes, "Pride" and scolding were simultaneously flown from Vest and Albert. In contrast, pride instead of humbling oneself is again ahahahahahahahahaha! and looked up at the ceiling and laughed. But now we stop laughing and turn to them right away. And Niyali, he further strengthened his gaze as if to blackmail.

"Am I serious? From now on, we will not stay in the tower of separation. If my mothers are going to keep me alive and kill me without acknowledging it, I will do what my mothers don't want me to do. If you're serious, it's easy to get down to the castle.

Point your chest at your fingertips and laugh suspiciously.

We still don't know if Pride can really escape as many times as he wants. I just couldn't help but think of that confident mouthful of hers on top of the unknown way out of it as a lie.

"Why do you hold Prince Adam until then?

Vest changed the question this time.

Pride turned his face softly and opened his mouth to Vest's question, which reinforced his doubts that something had been done to Adam.

"Well. Crown Prince Adam is the only one who praised me for being nice. Everyone left me after a slight change of attitude.

Everyone shut their mouths only once to a mouthful that looked as if they were not themselves and had a bad surrounding.

Pride was right, there was no one on this occasion who recognized her now.

"... I see what you're saying, Pride.... Already, back off.

Style, put pride in the tower of departure. and Rosa ordered while holding her forehead at her fingertips.

Style reached out to touch Pride again, and unnaturally stopped the move just before. Pride ahahahahahaha before Jilbel noticed it and tried to ask with a little surprise! and laughed off, "It's no use anyway!" He raised his voice.

"I'll just wait one night for you. But then again and again, I run away.... Oh, yeah. Just one last thing.

Is that good? And while stepping away from the style himself, Pride gave Rosa a straight purple glance.

When Rosa responded to it silently, Pride pulled up a grin as if she had ripped the end of her mouth with Nitaaaa at the end.

"Please stop taking the right to inherit the throne from me, even if I'm wrong? Mother.... if they do that"

Once, he cut the words and Pride grabbed Steele's hand abusively. He pulled with both hands to draw towards himself, pointing a grin like an outsider at the style. Pride turns that face to Rosa again with a delightful grin that the face of the leaning style was raised.

"Now, because the blade may turn towards my mother's truly beloved Tiara.


The loudest laugh I've ever had was a puffy cut along the way. Having confirmed that they had both disappeared from the spot at the same time due to the instantaneous movement of the style, they did not speak for a while.


The last word, no doubt, was that.

Ever since I showed up on this occasion, I have spoken such words many times, but what I'm saying now was that violence was not the ratio.

Because that's what Pride himself declared that if you take yourself off the throne heir, you won't have to leave Tiara intact.

Unexpectedly Rosa rubbed her arm many times with remarks and fears that went too far off track. Albert, Jill Bale, and even Vest remained exposed to pale faces.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

The guard's voice sounded through the door again, as if to keep standing. The guard waited in front of the door for a report as soon as the meeting was over.

The guard who broke his knee, as the guard who had come to inform him of Pride, raised his voice as soon as he had forgiveness, and gave Rosa and the others a report of what had happened a few decades earlier.

A companion of Crown Prince Adam Borneo Nepentes was injured and transported to the castle doctor.