"Somebody hurry up and gather the special abilities for injury treatment."

As soon as his vision switched, Alan shouted in such a voice that he sounded inside the ambulance without hesitation.

The doctor who was just in front of him opened his eyes and prompted him to rush over to them and immediately to the nearest bed. Alan holds Arthur carefully and puts him to bed. I entrust his arm, chopped off as it is, to the doctor before turning back to the column.

"I'm bringing in the Seventh Squad. I'm sure they were king's quarters."

More and more doctors rushed from the back of the ambulance building, some of them with special abilities to treat injuries, but still not enough. When Alan shouted to a column at close range so that he could not stay or stand, he returned with the same voice as "It must have been in the royal palace."

"Dear Steele, I will leave this room once and for all. For more information, go to the column…, …… Dear Steele……"

Alan tried to say it out in one breath as he lifted his breath, and the words stopped along the way.

Look, there's no Steele herself who should have brought us here. Earlier, when they moved here for a moment, they were definitely there, and I thought so.

One after another, all the special abilities of Squad Seven to treat injuries were instantly moved.

"… I have special powers…………………" "Can I help you?" "This is…". Everyone was surprised that their sights switched in the middle of the word, and their eyes were rounded.

Call the familiar ambulance and even the name to Alan and Column in front of you. The two immediately understood what it meant to their appearance. To the knights in bewilderment. Now the column releases its words first.

"I'll talk to you later. Follow the doctor's instructions."

And he slapped him, and one of his backs, and urged him to come unto Arthur, and they obeyed him immediately.

As soon as he rushed to the bed surrounded by doctors and confirmed his appearance, everyone in the knight shouted "Captain Arthur" and "Arthur".

"I dared to call a few special abilities in the royal palace to treat injuries..."

Almost at the same time as their screams, the style once again represented itself in instantaneous travel.

Speaking out quickly, he was pale on the back of his back with that tone. Black eyes are directed toward the bed surrounded by doctors and knights so that the point of view does not fit, and the feet are not even constrained. Dear Stayle, at last Stayle turned an unfocused eye to the words of Alan and Column, who joined their voices. I moved my trembling lips in such a way that I couldn't hide the upset and didn't even breathe badly.

"What... are you... Arthur Ha...! What's wrong, sister..."

That's what we wanted to hear.

Behavior and judgment were the quickest things to do. Neither Style, nor Alan and Column understand the current situation at all.

When we rushed, the search party guards were stuffed. And there was nothing in the tower, but before that, the column explained that many guards had fallen, and even more that Arthur had fallen with a dying weight, but there was no way that it was all convincing.

I didn't think the jailbroken Radiya Empire was irrelevant, but at the same time I didn't think Arthur would get hit that badly. Stayle was also pursued by search, status quo, and reporting with Vest all the way from Radiya's jailbreak.

Even if Arthur didn't know he was a fugitive, there's no reason Arthur can't wave his sword at them right now for attacking him. Even the generals of the Radiya Empire were convinced that there was no way they could beat their Arthur opponents. There's Arthur in the tower away, he said he'd be fine because the search party sent him on his way, too. Because of that trust, so far Stayle has never intended to head to the tower of separation.


"... Arthur... Arthur said... it's okay, isn't it?

With a shallow breath that was still disturbing, Stayle turned her still unfocused eyes to the two of them.

The only thing that got into Stayle's eyes since Alan called me was the look of a bloody friend. There's no way I can understand at a glance what kind of injury, what kind of condition, etc. The only thing I could tell was that Arthur was seriously injured by the style that stretched his shoulders and asked him that in a trembling voice.

It's bloody that far, and it's hard to believe it's safe to think from the shape of Alan and the column. The fact that the doctors are gathered in bed is still alive. At the same time, however, it seemed to represent how serious the noise was still unsettling.

Style's anxiety and anxiety increased to two people who glanced at each other, silenced their mouths and slightly diverted their attention from themselves so that there were no words. Unable to withstand the silence, Style walks over to Arthur on his own feet as he eats and binds his teeth.

Everyone around him raised and lowered their shoulders to the sword screen of Style, who turned to one of the doctors and said, "His condition is". On its back Alan tried to pull the stile "Dear Steel..." but the column grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him. Looking back, Alan skewed his face into a silently shaking column and bit into his mouth.

He said he couldn't hide it.

"Life is still miraculously stopped." But the bleeding is terrible...... I can't promise if it will help. Even if you helped, your left arm is completely broken, so using special abilities will take a lot of time. Because your abdomen and shoulder wounds are serious, we prioritize your treatment first. My throat is crushed, but I was wondering if you had a special ability to recover quickly. It's just............... the right arm.

Right arm? And Steele, whose vision had already dazzled white and black with a doctor's explanation, calmed down with anxiety over her face wondering if it was any more than that.

The doctor nods silently, pointing at Arthur with his gaze. The doctor hastily sutured the abdominal and shoulder injuries, during which the knights used their special abilities on the left arm and throat, and

Arthur's, right arm.

The broken right arm is cut, on the shoulder.

As soon as I confirmed that moment, I stopped breathing the style. The heart also stopped for a few seconds and could not be repaired, his eyes shaking badly open like he had lost his eyelid. Breathing becomes irregular and your whole body is gagged and shaking visibly. Contrary to his body, where freedom ceased to work, his heart beat him violently from the inside out.

"Because there are missing arms, I was wondering if joining was possible. However, moving it like before is probably..."

From there the words ahead, they didn't get in my ear.

My hearing dies suddenly and I can't keep up with the handling of Steel's head. Except for defects, even if you can heal wounds with special abilities. Damage that bad isn't exactly compensated for in the hands of a brilliant special ability man. That's about it, and Steel knows it. I mean, Arthur's not anymore.

"Phew, phew, phew, phew..."

As soon as I understood, Style's vision was grossly distorted.

Unable to withstand the facts in front of her, Steele held her head out with a trembling hand, her whole body shaking shakingly. Alan rushes out and takes the falling style before it hits the floor. I supported the style by allowing myself to lean on it as it was.

Dear Steel-like Steel-like Steel-like Steel-like and Alan, Column, and the doctors called, Steel was shaking his body terribly with his head in his arms. If you think you finally let go of the words "... me... my, my fault...!... Arthur... his arm leaked... his arm..." Style was somehow disconnecting his consciousness. Keep an eye out, and grab both shoulders of the style supported by Alan as the column calls. He drew as he did and appealed desperately to his eyes as if he had not seen anything.

"Now, please consider Arthur's life a prerequisite. We will now report to the Knights Commander and return to the scene. Mr. Steele should also be remitted now. Arthur would surely tell you to prioritize them..."

The column desperately stops the style that thoughts are likely to abandon.

I put my strength into my fingers grabbing my shoulders and lay my words on him again when I finally started to focus on myself. The appearance of a column that frowned, disrupted hair, and appealed to itself in an unprecedented shape gradually matches the eyes of the style.

"It's okay... Arthur won't die... he's a proud knight... he can't die without Master Pride or Master Steele... now the doctors and we are doing our best... whether or not Mr. Steele is doing his best."

The column, which complained in such a strong tone against the first prince and the first prince for Arthur's sake, was trembling in its own hands.

Even for him, who has seen his fellow men die as knights, Arthur's condition cannot remain calm. But now, above all, I keep desperately trying to tie the style and stop it. The Column's appeal, albeit time-consuming, has resulted in regular calming of Style's breathing. He continued to breathe on his shoulders, rough but only focused his eyes.


There were no words, all he did was snort at the column, but Still, Style rebuilt his body, which was supported by Alan, with his own strength.

Away from Alan's hand, Frali and his body still grazed, but with a rugged look he sees Arthur across the bed again. Still hastily after eating and tying his teeth to the appearance of a life-saving procedure being carried out, Steele silently disappeared at the same time distracting him.

The column, which exhaled long enough to make a sound, slowly stretches its posture after a few beats. As soon as I turned my face, Alan and I looked at each other and nodded at each other. And left this place to the doctors and the knights, who also jumped the ambulance building out the door again.

"I told the Knights Commander," "I'm on the scene," he said. Multiplying words, the two run out in a different direction.

As a knight, to do more now than to mourn.

That's how I buried my thoughts.