"Captain Column, please use this chair...

Cared for by one of the knights, he is offered a chair next to Arthur's bed.

If you noticed, it seemed like a lot of time had passed while you were standing on the spot. Looking out the window, the night had already dawned.

After I entrusted Arthur to the ambulance, I reported to the Knights Commander, and Alan headed back to the tower of separation. The same goes for my grasp of the situation, but I guess the fact that he's not back yet means that he's going to be on watch for just one day today instead of injured Arthur.... watch over Lord Pride.

From the time Master Steele asked me to replace the watch, I knew that Arthur had not tried to leave that tower to stop Master Pride, not against intruders into the tower away. Everyone still whispered and swallowed the meaning, no doubt understanding.

A knight is not allowed to raise his hand to the royal family of our country.

If you wear even one abrasion due to negligence, that alone deserves severe punishment.

Alan will probably be able to hold back even if Master Pride escapes, but there will only be enough to persuade him to leave. You could be punished for just pointing one sword at it. Speaking of the former, we just "happened to be together" position. I don't even know why we shouldn't let Master Pride out of the tower, because our involvement in it is, in itself, an act of transcendence.... Still, perhaps Alan will stop Lord Pride, even if he is powerful.

'Cause I might see you in twenty years'

I remember talking about it before, he's ready.... I'm sure Arthur decided that with the same readiness.

I took charge alone and confronted "something". Those in the Radiya Empire who, given the current state of affairs, have fled… is it the General who is most likely? Being able to do so much Arthur means being quite powerful. I hope Alan doesn't have anything to do either.

Besides, it remains unclear what the enemy's purpose is. There was no total damage in the tower. Assuming Master Pride has also been kidnapped, the reason is obvious, but not even so.

After Arthur received emergency treatment, the chief of staff, who was also one of many guards and fugitives from the remote tower, was transported to each ambulance building. There was one guard, shot with a gun, but he saved his life. But after he was shot, he said he couldn't even hear the scream while lying on the ground.

And the rest of the guards and the chief of staff don't wake up unconscious as if they've gone mad. The chief of staff has been wounded in the leg, and given the size of the wound, it is likely Arthur's sword. In other words, there was a reason why Arthur, who should not have known to flee, had to stop until then.

The guards are in another ambulance building in the castle. And Arthur, a former knight, and the fugitive, the Chief of Staff, were assigned to this ambulance building adjacent to our Knights' Exercise Ground.

Arthur was allowed to have knights as escorts, not only by the Chief of Staff, who needed surveillance, but also by permission from Master Stayle. Two knights will be attached in the Knights, one of whom I was now in charge of the Knight of the Seventh Squad in view of the wound healing and checking his condition.

I myself, too, am concerned about Arthur, but I also needed someone to explain why this happened.

Since Arthur's wounds had already been preached, several knights had packed him in front of the room to find out how he was doing each time it was time for rest. Everyone breathed and wanted an explanation for Arthur, who was bandaged all over his body and in terrible condition to see. We can't even talk about Lord Pride or the Tower of Away, but the spot we discovered was "in the castle" … that Alan and I stumbled upon a scene where the search party was gathered. Although Arthur could only tell that he was likely injured by the fugitive.

If we called the rest confidential, no one would have tried to hear it in depth. There will be no knights or anything like Arthur's sudden disposition and not guessing.... nobody.

Besides, my role is not just to explain. I heard about his condition. A knight.

Bataan, come on.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened again with momentum.

I didn't know you didn't even knock. Looking back with that in mind...... it still came at last. The person opens the door and then puts it down for a beat and goes out in and out of the room.

"... are you here, Harrison?

Harrison, deputy captain of the same eighth squad as Arthur.

Up until now, he's been on assignment, but he probably rushed right after the break. From outside the door, he said, "Is that Deputy Harrison?" "What's that now?" "Enemy or..." I hear the knight's noise. Apparently, he ran around on high speed feet to the inside of the ambulance building.

The Eighth Squad must have scattered throughout Wang Jiu.... which means I've been running this far from Wangju. I'm out of breath on the boulder, but I can't even figure out if it's due to running fatigue or agitation.

The purple eyes peering from the long hair on the left and right were already open to the limit, and its body flailing as it walked over here early from the door. That's Harrison's confused look I've seen for the first time, too.

Harrison, I called again, but my voice didn't seem to have arrived yet. Peek into the bed and drop your gaze without even blinking Arthur, who is full of bandages and remains unconscious. Did you only hear the preaching or from the knights who had already seen Arthur's condition, his gaze was nailed to its right arm at the end? Sutures and joints were achieved by doctors and special abilities, and bandages are now wrapped and secured with the right arm and shoulder attached. Harrison tried to touch to make sure with his trembling fingertips, knight of the Seventh Squad...... Jail stopped. Harrison gripped his fist on the verge of touching him when he was told that he should now refrain from even touching him at absolute rest

I grabbed my chest up.

Gattan, suddenly grabbed up, and a chair fell on a standing clap.

Deputy Harrison X. and Jail shouted, but Harrison roughs up his voice with a voice that exceeds it.

Answer me, Column Bordeaux... what happened to Arthur Beresford?

A lowered voice trembled slightly with anger, his eyes burning with intent to kill.

Harrison, peeling his teeth out and yelling, says more than two words with a rough breath.... that he would be upset, could have been expected. Rather, it is even admirable that we have endured enough without throwing out the mission. If you overheard Arthur's condition, it would be superfluous.

Grab Harrison's hand back, and I'll slowly return the word so I can calm him down.

"The killer is probably Radiya's jailbreaker in search. Arthur sustained serious injuries to his abdomen and shoulder, but the wound blocked. He had already stopped the bleeding when he was discovered for some reason, and he saved his life. The crushed throat also received special abilities, so it would be fully healed early. But my left arm is completely broken."

"What happened to your right arm?"

Harrison roughs up his voice again without waiting until the end. The breath released from the gap in his teeth gave rise to heat, and his impatience passed on as he took it in his hands. ……… right, arm…….

"... when the guards rushed it was after they cut it off. Now I'm done suturing and joining. I don't know if I can use it until I wake up.... Most importantly, Arthur is still wandering the frontier of life and death.

I don't even know if I'll wake up. If you pass the information from my mouth again that you would already know, the colour of the upset obviously came out of Harrison.

I could hear the power of my hand grasping me suddenly slipping out and trembling, and an unnatural noise coming out of my throat. Forgotten blinking eyes shake and the originally bloody face turns even paler.

He's not the only one.

Many knights have never been able to hide their confusion in the condition of several Arthurs already. Some knights collapsed on the spot. Every time I spoke to them, I continued to teach them that the task and finding the fugitive was now a prerequisite.

"Harrison, I know what it's like to be upset. But now more than that."

Don, and. Harrison releases his hand in the middle of the word, and he is thrust. Lightly flirting, if he stopped the words, Harrison laid his hands on Arthur's bed, sleeping, with his vain eyes. If Harrison peeked his own face up close, Bassari and Harrison's long black hair hung over Arthur's bandage on his face.

"Get up, Arthur Beresford. Tell me now who wounded you. What happened? What happened? Who'd you see? Who took your arm? Who took the captain of our 8th Squad? I'll kill you with this hand.

Harrison's words, spoken pale, sounded terribly emotional, albeit flat.

Most importantly, Harrison and others rarely keep talking so much except in battle. Jail speaks to Harrison, who will continue to ask the same question again even after he finishes telling Arthur who hasn't responded. But they ignored me, and even more they shook me off without turning around, even if I put my hand on my shoulder. Even in the meantime, he keeps moving his mouth toward Arthur so much that he doesn't think Harrison will "forgive" him from the way out. And it wasn't just words, it started to overflow my whole body, and I went to Harrison, and I said, "Oh, my God.


"Keep it that far, Harrison.

... ru, words were released from the door that had been left open before with the sound of a knock.

Now not only we, but Harrison also looked back in momentum and corrected that attitude.

"Deputy Commander......

He began to breathe, as Harrison recalled, to the deputy commander who looked at this one with a slightly more rugged frown.

The deputy captain slowly walked over here as he closed the door with his back hand. The deputy chief, who also visited this room once during treatment, shriveled his eyes painfully when he saw Arthur, who still finished treatment. "I'm here to see what's going on instead of Roderick," he says, shifting his gaze from Arthur to Harrison. And when I put my hand on Harrison's shoulder, I turned my attention to me and Jail. When asked about Arthur's progress and condition report and answered it, he said, "Well," the deputy chief laughed quietly.

"... you're still alive, good.

It was a seeping grin of emotions that squeezed my chest at the same time as it was from my heart.

He accidentally swallowed it in his mouth until I did, and he slapped me on the shoulder with his opposite hand, "I'm sorry there's also a third squad command, but it's still attached and do it," he said.

"I hear Arthur's had a lot going on here, even where we don't know him.... now give him some rest.

Okay? And Harrison, who was slapped twice on the shoulder with his hand resting, nodded silently, letting his face bow down.

Then the deputy captain, who was also labored about Jail, took Harrison out of the room. When I left the room, Harrison, who looked back at this one time only, said nothing more.

The deputy commander came and I have to say I'm really glad. It would have been difficult for us to contain Harrison. Unlike other knights, he only has ears to listen to some humans. Besides, it was natural for Harrison to be driven by passion.

Arthur's right arm is broken... because it's like being cut off a lifeline as a knight.

Loss of arm. Even if the joints work, it's a different story until we can move it from there.

Even if the nerves are connected and moving, to the best of their ability to live their daily lives without labor. It is impossible to wave a sword as a knight. Turning your left arm into a dominant hand doesn't mean you can do what you used to do, swords, guns, and fights. It will probably take a long rehab before it does.... No, it may take years for your right arm to reach your everyday area of life before doing so. I mean, even if Arthur woke up miraculously, no more returning to the knight...,...


As soon as I think about it, even I'm about to be driven by passion this time.

He bit his back teeth and subdued the emotions he desperately burst into with force on the fingers of his assembled hands.

The vice president said, above all, that the knight captain, who is also his father, is bearable, but we cannot be disturbed. As I told Master Steele, we should now guide Arthur's life.

When he told the Knights Commander of Arthur's wounds, both the Knights Commander and the adjacent deputy commander were rushed to the ambulance building before explaining. I opened my eyes to my words when I came to report, flipped through the paperwork, hit my body on a desk or shelf and popped out of the Knights Chief's office... my expression was the one that kept me from hiding the upset. Both the Knight Commander and the Deputy Commander were so blind to Arthur's appearance that he was still under treatment and had not been bandaged. He forgot to breathe, stretched his body like an inorganic object, and even hesitated to enter the room for a few seconds. I heard him call the name "Arthur" slightly, but the doctor himself didn't even seem to say anything else until he ran over.

The doctor asked me how Arthur was doing, and when I heard him talking about his right arm, I could clearly hear him breathing for two. It was so rigid that the Knights Commander only glared for a moment and neither the Vice Commander nor I noticed it. "Priority should now be given to the task," he said, "not searching for the escapees, but only thoroughly guarding and defending them," and then behaved resolutely in front of the knight...... despair will not be our ratio.

Though the Knights chief must have been beaten up more than anyone else and wanted to be beside his son, Arthur.

Given the current state of mind of the Knights Commander, that alone hurts my chest terribly. Probably not yourself, but I entrusted the deputy director with the view so as not to disturb my mind any more.

"... at least,... I hope you wake up.

Even then, many will be saved.

At the same time, we will have to tell Arthur the brutal reality, but still.... Again, I will not stop hoping that Arthur will live.

Sitting beside him, peeking at his face with abrasive paint. Only that there was no head obstruction can be described as unfortunate luck. Close the lid and breathe slightly. It will be the best he can do, whether he wakes up and is thrust into despair or not, as long as he lives. Me, Alan, Eric and Harrison, both Knights Commander and Deputy Commander, many knights can support him. Besides, I'm a friend of Arthur's...

"... Arthur, will you still wake up? Captain Column."

Suddenly, I can call from next door without the sound of a door.

To that person, who is neither a knight nor a doctor, I rise from my chair and correct my posture.

"Dear Stayle......!

Thankfully, Jail knelt, and the doctor bowed his head deeply.

Master Stayle didn't even look at me without changing one expression, staring at Arthur sleeping in bed. If Arthur's condition was communicated by me to the inquiry from Master Steele, Mr. Steele, who returned only one small word, sank his expression even more. I also tried to apologize for not being able to protect Arthur, even though he was on guard duty, but... I could only tell him to bow his head "I'm sorry" in front of other knights and doctors.

Master Stayle shook his neck sideways and lowered his back there silently if the doctor offered him a chair. "Just because I got a longer break from Regent Vest," murmured Lady Style's voice has no power whatsoever. Furthermore, even if it is a break during this time period, it would be a temporary sleep time. I was also worried about Stayle-like's body, which must have been searching and tidying up the situation of the tower away from him without sleeping from night, but... more than that, as soon as that expression sat in the chair, it darkened inside the mire.

The doctor asked about Arthur's condition and explained it, but naturally, the look on his face is still not clear.

Lady Stayle slowly turned her face for the first time to confuse me about how to hang the words.

"... earlier, thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to report it to your mother. Because I was also certain that Radiya was still in our castle.

The guards are now resuming their search. and spoke in a flat voice, laughing powerlessly stabbed me in the chest far more than expressionless.

Nothing more told like a doll, Master Steele kept staring silently at Arthur's side. Only fists on his knees were gripped so hard that he trembled, his nails eating in and his blood seeping in.

Nearly half a day's rest time that would have been given to take a temporary sleep, etc. Master Stayle kept staring at Arthur with a dead man's eye without a single night's sleep.

Meanwhile, I don't even know what's going on in the royal palace.