"... that's all we know at this stage.

Knights Exercise Grounds.

After finishing a discussion with the Stayles in the Knights Chief's Office, Roderick, the Knights Chief, stood in front of the knights he had collected and told them everything.

The rapidly collected knights could not hide their confusion in Roderick's words.

But beside the high ground is Jilbert, the prime minister in shackled condition. Behind Roderick is Style, the first prince. Furthermore, while this is being spoken of now, knights with special abilities for temperature sensing were heightened in alert.

The first report from Roderick was that Arthur, a former knight captain, woke up. The moment they received the report, the knights relieved everyone, stroking down their breasts and rejoicing. Some knights distracted Arthur from wanting to go and make sure he was safe now, but everyone dropped their excitement at the report from Roderick, which was told next.

An impending invasion of the Radiya Empire in two days.

Take the queen, the king and the regent hostage. Crown Prince Adam occupies the royal palace.

Jilbel and Style are also sealed with special abilities and are monitored in Wangju.

Transparent special abilities and mad special abilities.

And the fact that the First Princess Pride, who was supposedly ill, was manipulated with special abilities, and the status quo is on the enemy's side.

Furthermore, when the Knights were told how each of them would move from now on, the knights of the boulder were finally swallowed up. I was feeling disturbed, but no one could imagine it, such as it had been a critical situation so far. It's natural because it's also a fact that seems so absurd. But no one doubted that information. There's no other source.

Because it was Arthur Beresford.

Everyone in the knight who knew Arthur's personality was sure that any information from him would be sure. There is no way that Arthur, who is honest and doesn't like lies, can fake it to himself, who is a knight, even if he is wrong.

Furthermore, it was a well-known fact throughout the Knights that Arthur had been transported with serious injuries and that he had been disposed of for reasons he could not tell. If he had been in such a state of affairs, he was also convinced of all of it.

"Suddenly there will be a lot of confusion. But it's all definitely information that I and Clark heard directly from Arthur Beresford, the former Knight Captain. Suspects may ask directly after obtaining their permission.

Naturally, no one even suspects the perjury that spoke Arthur's name. I don't think Arthur's father, Roderick, would do that.

"Starting today we will begin action under the water in two days' time. His Royal Highness Prince Steele and Chancellor Gilbert will also be added to the command. It's all about saving and protecting the royalty.

Everyone understood that "all" contained pride without confirmation.

In just two days, the royal family and country can be saved and protected. Naturally, it's not easy. But no one wanted to avoid the task.

The knights released a hectic reply at the same time, shaking the air. After finishing the story from Roderick, Style finally took his place and came forward.

In front of many knights, Style's whole body shook up once.

This was the view Pride saw a year ago, and even the emotions wavered extra. Swallow loudly through your mouth once and then slowly open your mouth and raise your voice.

"I'm the First Prince, the Stale Royal Ivy.

I was surprised that my voice sounded more than I thought.

I thought I could burn myself to the amount of gaze and heat I never felt when I was behind my pride before. It was also an unfamiliar experience for the style with which Pride has always stood in front and chosen to support it.

"You won't have to be surprised. But this is the truth. My mother and father are now bedridden by the special abilities of Prince Adam, and my sister, you...... It's as if I've been distorted now as if I were someone else.

I accidentally mock myself for choosing words that will allow me to gather nature and emotion.

I've come this far, and I'm still more stained with the art of getting in. At times like this, I feel envious that I should move their minds like pride, too. Continue the words, spin, feel the gaze of the knights, and with your head, wonder what Pride would have said at that time.

The words stopped.

"For that reason, please come from the proud Knights of our country...,...

The knight who knew him was surprised that the style that had inspired the knights so fluently in the defensive battle had stopped and solidified the words.

Some knights also show up worried that there is something to the style. I refrained behind it. At the time I tried to call out what was wrong with Roderick, too.

"... eh. ………… Is it enough?

Roderick was the only one to hear the blush, and the little style grunt.

Low, I've never even heard of Roderick except in front of Arthur, a voice mixed with dark signs is emitted. Then Stayle turned her back wide, as if taking a deep breath, and once again looked down at the knights who looked worried about herself.

Then the voices of the styles unleashed went much better, and above all, were clearly enshrined in majesty.

"... on this occasion now. If there are knights ready to die for our royalty or our people, immediately (...) the people (...) and (...) the people (...) in the castle (...) below (...) or (...) they (...) escape (...) and (...) below (...) (...) (...) yes (...)."

To unexpected words, the knights lost their words.

As a knight, I know if anyone who is not prepared to give up his life is to leave. But everyone doubted their ears as to what it meant to leave the battlefield from those who were ready for it. The noise was not good, and the knights did not speak to anyone, but they all looked at each other. Then Style tells them to keep going.

"My sister, you, Pride Royal Ivy, do not want the sacrifice of the people. And the sacrifices of the knights are not good either. But this time, the former Knight Captain Arthur of Kingsguard came to that.

An emotion gradually rides its voice as the style speaks loosely in the voice it passes through.

The volume of the voice also intensified along with the angry voice.

"I'm really angry about that.... If you hadn't been captured by this shackle, you probably would have done what you all imagined.

There was an obvious willingness to kill from the grinning style.

The knight, whose smile on the style was too far-sighted to see, also felt only his killing temper on his skin. If Style can use his special abilities now. Everyone in the knight who knew his special abilities thought of the same conclusion.

"I am....... I don't want any more damage. And so will you, the sister we loved. I'm sure the First Princess of Pride will continue to blame herself if you sacrifice even one of them for getting your original sister back.

So. Style treads one foot hard.

Dang, and the high ground shouted, and Jarrang and the chains claimed themselves and made a noise. Once he leaned down, and at the same time Roderick did hear the sound of him eating and tying his teeth to the gills.

Still, the stiles raise their voices. Stand before them not as an assistant to the First Princess of Pride, but as the First Prince of this country.

"From now on, the knight who rises with us for the sake of the kingdom will be judged (...) and will die (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (... (...), (...), (...), (...), (... (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (... (...), (...), (...), (...), (... (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...), (...

The fierceness that rarely appears in public exudes heat and overflows from the style.

That voice, like spitting blood, was enough for everyone to understand that his words were genuine. Fist gripping, chains ringing, and he turns forward.

"This battle against Radiya is not a defensive battle! If you say" recapture battle "... destroy all traces of Radiya and rescue the royal family! Sister, take you back, no one will die, no one will die, only the enemy will pay... that is the absolute condition of our victory."

Highly, release your voice.

Everywhere, the masculine voice was only a declaration from one of the royalty, no matter who heard it.

I know it's impotent. But for Stayle, that was all there was to it. Now that Arthur has already sacrificed, I know that even if Pride has returned to normal, he will hurt his chest and blame himself. But he could easily imagine what would happen to Pride if he allowed it to go any further.

"In the name of the first prince of this country, the Stale Royal Ivy, I entrust you, the proud knight, to rely on you, my sister, whom you believed! My friend is proud of you for robbing me of my right arm...

Believe me. And that word was terribly heavy on the style, a word I didn't want to use lightly.

That's why I spit out that it's the word I need most now, and it's from my own heart.

Eat and bind your teeth and expose your neck with your high raised jaws. I pulled my shoulders back and stuck my chest out. Inhale deeply from your nose, and once stopped, release it sharply at once.

"Please help us."

If you notice, words from a year ago overflow naturally.

I didn't aim, just his heartfelt words coincided with pride as they were.

The knights roar at the same time, skinning his words, the first prince. Carve each determination and royalty into your breasts that you will not let the people, the knights, and none of you die, and you will not die.

I'm not an aide to Pride, I'm not my brother-in-law. The knights answered his words, the first prince, with a heartfelt roar, and shook up their arms.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oh Kachakacha...... and the chains trembled, and the sweat he dripped from the tension dripped to the side.

Reclaim your pride.

Rescue the royalty.

Protect the people, protect the country.

I wasn't lost to anyone on this occasion anymore.

Arthur grabbed it and made sure to raise his hopes that the stiles were connected, for that matter.

I finally identified the right enemy to head to.

All the Knights of the Kingdom of Friesia will rise now.