Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Fucking roar and trampling footsteps. And the sound of a hoof rocks the ground.

The national gates of the kingdom of Friesia were finally opened to the onslaught of the Radiian army. So much so that it must be called a human bombing that it is more than an hour long to defend against a soldier holding a bomb and stepping on a pile of corpses to the gate and knocking on the gate and sticking his weapon up to destroy it.

All the artillery attacks could be rendered powerless, but Radiya's troop strength was so great that even manpower could cover it. It was horrible from the eyes of the Knights to push one after the other to the National Gate, no matter how much the warhead rained or anything. The great powers that had invaded and repeatedly invaded other countries were reminded that they were unwilling to stop at about the national gate, even if they tried to dump thousands of soldiers.

Together with the Fifth Squad, which was guarding the Kingdom of Friesia Gate, the Fourth Squad obtained permission from the main unit before communicating the invasion of the Radiian Empire to each faction via correspondents.

Suddenly the Radiian soldiers rejoiced at the national gate, which opened itself. In the uninterrupted rain of bullets, he nevertheless rushed in to invade the country without fear that it was time for victory. It doesn't matter if one of the soldiers next door gets shot out and goes again. I won't stop my foot moving forward.

Familiar with aggression, invasion, even the death of their companions, they jump ahead of us into the gap between the slowly opening national gates. An unidentified shooting is shook from overhead again where he dives through the national gate, but he pushes on with a number of violence, regardless. Forty people succeeded in invading, even if hundreds were killed, and five hundred people dived through the rain of bullets, even if a thousand were killed.

Freed from shooting, they entered the country with their weapons, and, as ordered, did everything they could to be atrocious and stormed their breaths to corrupt the castle.

I peeled my eyes off.

In front of the castle, in a pure white knighthood lined up as wide as you can see.

What was waiting for itself is within the assumed boundaries. But what was incredible was the appearance of that too calm knighthood. While quietly burning the fighting spirit, everyone was "conscious of fighting only" and sharpened to stab the hegemony.

There is not a single noise of the people, etc. Originally, evacuation cannot be completed in two or three hours. Rescue and evacuation guidance, evacuation orders, etc. were intertwined, and they were supposed to slap there.... Yet.

"Target, all units of the Radiya Imperial Army.

Chaki, and Alan point the blade.

That straight glance pierced Radiya's soldiers before the sword. With one more move, a sword or a gun, everyone feels with their skin that the Knights in front of them are coming in. Unlike the shooting earlier, this time they will taste it firsthand.

With the power of Freesia, known as the "monster" in the Radian Empire.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, who

Soldiers enter the Knights at the same time so that they can be fished by the soldier. The number of soldiers able to dive through the rain of shootings from the national gate and enter the country alive is less than 50%. But the Radiya Imperial Army, which can be called the Great Army, is still pouring wave-like troops into the country.

moment. A few meters before colliding with the Knights, the preceding soldier was torn in two straight through his neck and torso.

"Oh, my goodness."

Don't be late for Captain Alan. As he hears Eric screaming from behind him, Alan helps disable enemy soldiers running in one after another with that sword that tore the soldiers apart.

Unlike the other knights, the Radiya soldiers doubted their eyes at Alan, who apparently jumped into and slaughtered even the soldiers' pockets with stare feet. Further, with a hand that tore the soldier apart, Alan shot through the shoulder of the soldier who was behind him with a nostalgic gun without turning around.

The soldier groaned, he had already quickly stepped further into the back with his feet. The moment I try to scream at the speed of the step even compared to the other knights if this is a special ability, I fall down again slashed into two.

One of them stormed Alan, shooting through a soldier trying to intercept him with a gun from close range, this time while Eric rushed in. If the pampered, dry sound rings faster than the soldier, Alan looks back at Eric with a pleasant grin.

"Boulder Eric!

At the same time as the compliments from Alan were released, Eric and the others finally reached the front of the enemy army.

Eric, followed by Alan, switched from gun to sword in an instant as the captain and deputy captain of the second squad led the knight respectively and defended the left and right of the squad the most.

Behind Alan, who knocks down enemy soldiers one after the other, slashed and tore the steeple of enemy soldiers who swung up their swords to match their movements, and quickly twisted them into the sword, and the enemy soldiers' arms bled out of the armor gap. If you raise your voice and create a gap, Alan will quickly turn and kick with his legs in the next moment. The head of the enemy soldier was bounced off by a blow of unstoppable speed in his eyes, involving and blowing the soldier behind him with his consciousness flying.

"We're catching up with the best team right now."

"He said he's been catching up since the first shot.

I laughed at Alan and said, "It's just bullets!" While returning it, Eric accurately powerless the enemy's arms and instantly pierced the steeple if there was a gap.

Alan continues to slash the soldier who appears in front of him, connecting him to the squad the most. It's like a spear, with Alan in the lead, Eric, and the squadron breaking straight from the center into two pieces of enemy troops. A complete siege net would have been created if the knights of the second squad had fallen from left to right without sparing the enemy troops broken at both ends.

It was also possible force moves with the collaboration of Alan, who is entrusted with the most squad captain, and the most squad.

If a soldier tried to target Alan's pocket at close range cutting ahead with a special attack, Alan's hands and legs disabled the enemy before the sword with an overwhelming reflex nerve for sure. A flash of fist or kick was faster than a sword, blowing up a radio-soldier-forged even fist of those who did not have a sword, and never letting them get up again. If it's close range, even the gun can disable the shooter before he's pulled the trigger. If we put up guns from further and further afield, Eric beside Alan shot out the enemy first. My hand, which had a sword until earlier, turned into a gun, pah! and definitely shot through the enemy soldier's brain.

Captain Knight, the way the Knights of the Most Squad surely powerless one enemy soldier after another in front of them, as continued to the Deputy Captain, also seemed to crack the bellies of giant creatures to the Knights of the Fifth Squad, who were looking down and confirming from above the National Gate.

"If you resent me, leave me alone."

Gago! and Alan's spinning kick hit his neck. The soldier's bones broke without difficulty.

Because your body is warming up, instead of one soldier being slashed with one sword after another blocking you to Alan, even attacks with fists and legs before that make it harder for you to be safe. If you can protrude your fists, you will not be able to reduce your belly from armor to armor, and if your joints and stripped areas are targeted, the sound of your bones breaking will sound, and if you are swung down your sword, you will lose even from the front, and even more soldiers will have your sword broken. Drawing out of the crowd in a bare-handed fight, Alan had no hesitation in poking his sword at the enemy, disabling the enemy sufficiently only with his hands and legs if he could not do so. Eric, who sees Alan's fighting and sword up close, wraps his tongue around the same Alan onslaught.

... that's still amazing Captain Alan.

It's not just Eric. Everytime I see Alan fighting, everyone in the knight thinks so.

While the arms of the sword were always superior, the fights of the bare hands and the performances of himself were overwhelming among the Knights.

Even Arthur has more to lose to Alan. If it's a mock fight with bare hands without special abilities, Alan, who outranks Harrison or even the column, is also the most respectful of the squad. And...

"Eric, right, right."

"Tilt to the right flank of the squad the most." Don't leave the squad on your own. Slash it down before you do. "

Eric adapts to one of Alan's words, which confirms the movement of Squad Two without looking back.

On behalf of Alan, who sweeps more enemies than anyone else, Eric speaks out to his men precisely. Within the enemy army divided by the most squads, Eric gives precise instructions, confirming that he is pushing the second squad in numbers slightly more on the right. At Eric's behest, he slashes and lays down the enemy soldiers that flow from the center to the right to pinch the second squad.

Their role is not to defeat all enemy soldiers. Reducing the mass of five thousand to fifty rather than disabling one hundred of the hundred enemy soldiers. Because now that the people have all retreated, the last fort is not theirs.

Shortly after each voice returned from the knights, Eric fired a gun from his low profile, trying to break his knee. The dry noise sounded many times, and a soldier who was on the central side of an enemy army flowing on the right was shot through his throat and suffered ku. The sudden fall of a soldier who was in between further collapsed and disrupted the formation of enemy soldiers.

"Don't lose your hand on the left flank. If you defeat two on the right, defeat one on the left."

Shortly after he shouted so, Eric, who was swept down by enemy soldiers, was bladed and outgunned by a barrel in time with his sword.

Eric, who remained low, weighed more against enemy soldiers, but in the next moment he played off beautifully and kicked his foot off. Eric's sword restarts his posture as the enemy falls, silencing the enemy soldier in one swing.

Eric, who draws his will with Alan's movements, commands the whole thing, and even takes the upper hand with all the essential items as a knight, is also less aware of his undoubtedly excellence in the Knights.

With the insight of the most squadrons but also comparable to the third and fourth squadrons and enough sniper arms to be at the top of the fifth and sixth squadrons, Eric was sufficiently good as a knight, even without protruding one at a time.

"Don't lose to the second squad."

Don't hesitate to break the link, break it, break it down, tiredness and refill your weapon.

The knights of the 12th Squad specializing in Special Attacks and Precedents destroy the Radical Empire.

It should be noted that the number of soldiers invading had already exceeded a thousand. The strength of the most and second squadrons, which would surely slash them off and slay the enemy in front of them, clearly surpassed that of the Radiyan Imperial Army.

Sometimes knights of special abilities emit fire, water, and ice, and manipulate plants to poke the backs of enemy soldiers who have slipped under the castle.

The Knights of the Kingdom of Friesia and the great armies by the provinces of Radiya, an invading country to name but a few, are roughly equal. But the Knights, all of them lightly, were knights with more than a hundred soldiers.

Whether there is a leak or not, it does not change that it is the absolute advantage of the Kingdom of Friesia. A military force that far exceeds the expectations of the Radiyan Empire is equipped for every knight.

There is only a number of violence above quality, such as how the Radiya Empire enemies them, or enough force to be called the hands of their wives.


"... right? I told you.

Fluffy...... and lacking, neither Adam nor the general returned the word to the pride of hanging the word.

Already an hour after the first shelling noise. Still no sign of an avalanche in the castle by their own forces. The pride of leaning against the wall and stretching his legs, not to say within the assumption, peeked outside like a leisure time, but made no difference at all except the appearance of the guards searching around for themselves.

"The Knights of the Kingdom aren't that sweet. It's not easy to reach our castle.

Pride looks at the clock, squealing like he's still going to wait, and doesn't care.

At a time when it wasn't even noon, he stuck his hair at his fingertips saying he was still going to be waiting until the final showdown. Then Adam finally slowly moves that mouth and inquires.

"Princess Pride.... aren't you on our side...?

It's like, naturally, the Radiya Empire is losing. Rather, it was a fearful question to the pride of joy.

laughing Adam with his nose as the first majesty speaks like a lie. "Right?," Pride raised his gaze with caught eyes.

"Didn't I just say it was easy? To defeat our Knights by an elephant, the military might of the Radiya Empire is impossible. If you want to be comparable, it's no longer a number of outnumbered violence or what you can call your wife's power.

Lightly, that's what I say.

Though not a full-fledged army, Pride laughed at Adams and the others just saying that the damage to this extent would not be numbered while the Radiyan Imperial Army, which has corrupted many nations, was being held back. Nitaaaaaa...... spreads a suspiciously convulsive grin and also pulls up Adam's grin so that he can be caught by her with purple eyes shining. Understand what Pride means. Adam's changed expression made her dare to tilt her neck and show it as she asked. To peek from a distance into Adam's face, which sits straight from the seated position.

"Are you ready to (...) Chi (...) et al. (...) too?

Pride laughs so with certainty, having already been heard in the Tower of Leaving all the operations of the Radiya Empire.

Now the Radiyan Imperial Army, which is also sacrificing while doing this, says it is merely a throwaway stone and a connection.

Even in the game, it was noon that Tiara reached the castle with her attacking target. Nonetheless, it was also all within our assumptions that the showdown would take time in the offensive battle now under way for Pride to know that it was moon-night.

For her, who believes everything is "going according to the game," there is no way that the Radical Empire can succeed in invading the Kingdom of Friesia or that the Kingdom of Friesia can easily complete the Radical Empire.

Until the night of the moon when the showdown corresponds.

"Of course..."

Adam laughs again as he responds to pride.

Caught fox-like eyes slightly open, revealing a light and brutal grin. Without knowing that Pride wants the defeat of the Radical Empire, he treats the Knights of the Kingdom of Friesia as though they were pleasant. Instead, he treats the Radical Imperial Army and even himself as sweeping and throwing away, and the queen who looks at it at height is just loving.

"Then let's wait, shall we? Then until then, slowly.

The aggression that we are now carrying out, and the Radiya Imperial Army of our own army that is still being prevented and fallen asleep.

─ Well, anyway, I guess you're still no match.

My body was heated by the feeling that everything in this world was self- (...) minutes (...) and (...) his (...) woman (...) 's (...) ease.