"... So far, you've heard a noise.

I didn't hear anything but the sound of the shelling earlier. and Arthur, looking quietly across the window, woke himself up gently.

Thanks to treatment with special abilities, Arthur opens his mouth blurry, having been able to speak normally if not loudly. The Knight of the Seventh Squad closed his eyes once to Arthur, who bent one leg and tied his lips with his face to the window so that he could not calm down. What Arthur says next is predictable.

"Mr. Mart, I knew I was a good n and I'd still be in the Knights"

"No eye. You'll definitely get out of this.

Ugh..., and Arthur speaks to Mart, the knight of the Seventh Squad. This was already the fifth time this exchange had taken place.

The captain of the seventh squad, Mart, who is not a deputy captain but has more knightly experience than Arthur, also had a power relationship with Arthur that hasn't changed much since he enlisted. To Arthur, who gave up badly, Mart says no "I'll say it again" and then speaks for the second time today of a state explanation.

"My throat is good, and my legs are fine for running. But shoulder wounds can spread to the neck and cause massive bleeding if they are poorly bruised. Even a wound to the stomach always hurts quickly and gets worse. Even a broken left arm would be a miracle if I could wave my sword once. Plus, most importantly, your dominant arm moves, but you haven't even got your senses back. If you run into enemy soldiers, you're sure to die.

Arthur falls to the back of the bed to weaken in Mart's rhetoric of relentlessly telling the facts. In the meantime, I gain too much momentum and my shoulder wound hurts, and if I clasp my face, I eat the "look" wasting.

"Ho ho ho... Mr. Mart you are unforgiving...

"Does being nice make you more adult?

No...... sorry...... and Arthur, to be sealed by Mart, leaked his sigh as he heard enemy soldiers and horses screaming and gunfire with his ears.

Few knights can break this far to their seriously injured fellow knights. Arthur also knows very well that just because he's out on the battlefield doesn't help. But still, the Knights are still out there, and I can't stay calm if I think the Stiles are fighting. If Pride is in the same castle, I don't want to run to her right now. Arthur, who hasn't even been informed by Mart that Pride is missing, doesn't even know why an ambush from the Radian Empire has been speeded up and whether Pride was protected by the Knights. No matter how much I asked, it was a strain of "I'll tell you when the war is over".

Speaking to Arthur about it, it was visible to him to crawl out of bed and make the wound worse, even on this occasion. That's why I was entrusted with Arthur's escort and surveillance. And Arthur also understood that Mart was the one who would never let that information leak once he shut his mouth. But still, if I hear combat noises from the outside, I really feel like it. I had no choice but to talk and distract myself from why I was unable to stay on that battlefield and every time my thoughts seemed to flow.

"No, but... I'm so sorry... I can't go to war with Mr. Mart with some kind of escort.

"" It's not something.... Never. Besides, it's only natural to protect you from evacuation because you were in the castle. So are the guards from another ambulance.

Yes...... And as he was crushed with words, Arthur waves his hair hung on his face just by the movement of his neck.

If I move, I wish I had the instantaneous movement of the style. He continued to protect the tower of separation, and the faces of the last of the fallen guards came to his attention. Everyone is a proud soldier who defended his pride and tried to stop him.

I wake my torso out of my back again so that Arthur doesn't settle down again. Mart wrinkled between his eyebrows and threw as he looked out the window.

"... next time you try to escape, I'll report you to Deputy Harrison.

After the war. Blood drew at once from Arthur's face to Mart's words to add.

If they found out the other day that I tried to get out of the room while I entrusted all that stuff to put it down, etc., it would be as if I didn't trust Harrison.

... No! I don't know about Mr. Harrison, but I trust him.

But Arthur sincerely thinks that Harrison would throw a knife relentlessly even in his seriously injured body without even asking for an excuse. Above all, I was interminably reluctant to suspect my trust in Harrison and the other knights.

".................. sorry......

Mart gently put the blanket back on Arthur, who lowered his head to depression and dropped his shoulder.

─ ……… I believe. It's just... it's just that still, I figured I'd let that guy

I throw my gaze at the window and the dazzling sun and the ironically sunny sky enter my eyes.

The rays of the sun struck directly and Arthur, unstoppable by his hand, squeezed his eyes and ate his teeth.

Now, while we're doing this, someone's fighting crazy to death. My chest made a terrible noise when I thought Radiya was attacking me.

─ Master Pride, pick him up.

While understanding that it was a wish that could not be fulfilled, Arthur put more effort into eating and tying teeth.

I regretted both fists so badly that I couldn't squeeze or tap them, that I wanted to scratch them.