"Yeah? What are you talking about?

I dare you to lower your voice in the tower.

Are you stupid to that face who pleads to me like no other? and he licks it with words with meaning and drips it like a saliva.

Val escaped, and in a few minutes the sand restraint was lifted.... Val must have been more than a certain distance away, dead or out of consciousness.

If we went back into the tower so that Adam between the blunts would rush us, the interior was in pretty good shape, too. Because due to Val's special abilities, the ceiling, contrary to being blocked, had a large hole in the floor for each person.

I hang on a wall with a peephole that has also become my fixed position and throw my feet out. Cachang sounded hard when he wrestled his sword cluttered around his waist.

"So... we should get out of here right now, as soon as that useless thing returns."

"Yes, no. I also prepared them for this corner. There's no other way than here.

Interrupt Adam's words without asking him to the end. As soon as that happened, Adam's eyes opened so close to white that he could not understand. Why, only his mouth goes up and down empty-handed without a voice.

Adam's judgment is not wrong. Because they missed Leon, who found out where he was, and Val, who came to help. I don't even know when the two will rendezvous with the Royal Friesian Army and let them know where they are. The general isn't coming back, and I guess he was in return for Leon anyway. If you're going to deal with the Knights of the Kingdom of Friesia with just three or two forces, you should flee before the other system is in place.

"Now is the only time. If you join our army now, at least you'll be worried that the Knights will surround this tower."


Desperate Adam's shape makes me unbearably blow out.

You were suddenly surprised that I laughed out, and Adam stiffened with his blocked mouth. His face, which was appealing to me to roll over, is wet with sweat dripping down to his neck, and the red behind the fine lines is slightly shaken by agitation. His chest swells and contracts greatly as he also remembered to breathe at the same time as his body solidifies. Far too far from the way you conceited your first advantage, I still think you're a little boss. After I keep laughing until I feel better every time, I finally throw up words at him.

"I'm not desperate, Adam. Ha ha... aren't I? I'm in trouble. No soldiers. No generals. No robes! At last, you and I are the only ones who can win so much. We can afford it. To the habit you were saying."


If you think they'll already know where you are, you'll raise your voice without worrying about being asked outside. Hold your stomach, keep laughing round your back. If I looked at Adam with too much laughter and my eyes seeping in tears, I would have looked so dumb. Gradually the details open and my face blushes with humiliation or shame. I'm sure the prince's. He's never been so ridiculed before.

Dirty in shame. I love him, laughing and laughing and continuing to pollute him more. If it were known as "pity," "all mouth," or "still invading nation," his hand was shaken with tremors. If you're coming to kill me like this, it's still good, I'll just pay you back. Anyway, there's not a single way he can help with me anymore.

"Hey? Adam.... whoo-hoo,... show me more of that face.

Tired of laughing, now I disturb my breath.

Grab his collar gently with haha disturbed breath and raised heat. Close to his face and a direct peek into his thin eyes held his breath. On the way to trying to talk, the mixed face of despair and confusion fades and exhales very beautifully and unexpectedly sweetly. Put your hands on his cheeks stretching hard and scratch gently with your nails. Though little boss, he was painted on a neat face, just like Val, thanks to the painter. He is dirty if you look nearby. Familiarly touched by me, his face blushed even more because of anger or humiliation. If you stroke that lip to taste the rough breath, your fingertips will be lightly damp.

Wanting to turn his anger into more despair, he poisons him again.

"... hey, be happy, huh? Because you die for me.

Catch your breath.

As he stopped breathing, he stroked his cheeks to pinch them with his hands. Taste the temperature of your lit face and invade you with my cold hands from ear to jaw and neck.

A prince who seriously assumed he could get the kingdom of Friesia. The Crown Prince was arrogant that he was able to manipulate me. Stupid, stupid... little boss deserving of an arrogant Lass Boss Queen stepping stone.

Vikri shook her body as she put her hand over her clothes from her neck to his chest to make sure she was alive. If I peeked and laughed at him taller than me with my upper eye, I bumped into the red in the back of my eye.

"It's no use having Rob around anyway. You'll be found by temperature-sensitive special abilities before you head out of the castle. I suppose you can only destroy someone who touches your special abilities, too?... Then if you get shot with a gun, you're done.

There are actually ways to escape. There is also here and another, long and long way out in the basement. If you follow there, you can escape under the castle.... I'm just the only one who knows that. And I don't even want to tell Adam.

I mock him as I taste him with my eyes and skin dyed with despair. If it's no use anymore, it makes you think you're going to die anyway. A traitor who dies in a game or abandons me and runs away. I'm sure you still don't feel comfortable dumping me and wanting to run. What makes you think you can still get the Kingdom of Freesia? Or do you want me as a force or a substitute?

But I won't let you get away with it.

"Ahaha! Woe to you. No more, no more. Help will not come to you and me. I can't make it anymore.... or do you want to be shot in the back running away like this?

Anyway, let's get you dead. As the game goes, as a shield until it reaches me.

Let's kill him so nicely and unharmed that I think Leon spared me just now. I want to see him scratch and suffer in despair.

For me to keep laughing at defeat, did Adam finally find himself falling into it too? Once the red pulls off my face and turns white. The exhaled breath shook in a fine way. I pull my hand around my back to my neck to Adam, who turns upset to the surface just to say I don't believe him. Every time his color went to despair, his chest rattled. I want to lick and melt him like this, stupid and cute.

"Orders, Adam. You go outside in my place. I'll give you a plan. If it works, I can help you. It doesn't have to work, but... if you're going to die anyway, you don't have to die for my benefit. - It makes a lot of sense, right?

That's what I say, I whisper to him softly about the measures. Remind him this is the only way.

To be honest, now that we've bought Climax the time he deserves until the full moon, there's nothing for him or his secret tools. There is absolutely nothing wrong with missing or killing as per the game. If Leon hadn't come, he would have played it all out....... but.

"If it works out, you might be able to help? So you're the only one who can cure the top of our country? Well, if you're lucky, it'll help.

Pull the end of your mouth up to its best, understanding that you have an ugly grin yourself.

I'm not lying, but once the top tier heals where I was helped, waiting is execution. He only has to die anyway.

It depends on the way you negotiate, but it's impossible to be freed alive unless there's a lot going on. Still make it look like your only hope. Will you die for me, or will you be caught relative to your enemy?... Either way, you just have to go outside as I instructed.

"Or I'll sell me to the Knights." Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

There is no more escape than the Radical Imperial Army has attacked and we are known to be the ones who drove our mothers crazy.

There's no way that insisting that you've been set up by me lightens your sins.

He himself, he doesn't move as if he knew it. Only my gaze remains nailed to me and thus drawn from my neck remains irresistible. I still can't change what's in front of me with an incredible look. I was looking forward to swallowing reality and wondering if it would piss me off or collapse. "What do we do?," he waited, licking with his gaze, slowly moving his mouth and his tongue waving.

"Are you...... desirous of the destruction of the Kingdom of Friesia...?

It was like, a word to be sure of something.

Lean your neck thinking about what you're doing now. My wishes remain the same. I've come this far to colour the best happy ending. A lot of people hate me, curse me, and make me an enemy to defeat. That's all.

I pull up my mouth and show it as I peek into Adam's face. If we hunt it down so far already, we'll have no problem where we talked about our original purpose. Worst case scenario, I'm also confident that he can come upside down and kill me in return.

Place one hand gently from Adam's neck onto his lower back sword. I let go of my face a little so that I could see the whole face out of his eyes so I wouldn't overlook the finesse of his expression, which would change from now on, and then I leap my lips. Really? Let's play mouth to mouth to affirm, and keep going.

"That's why I sent you and your mothers and the castle. And then I want them to have a happy ending.... Isn't that nice?

Happy…… In the end……………… and returning the words so that Adam does not understand the explanation.

His face is distorted to amazement as expected. His thin eyes opened and his mouth stopped still in the shape of the last word he whined. Look at him snugly, loosening the delightful, lifted end of his mouth. How mad and hateful would it be to leave him a "proof" here and now? If you can see that, it might be fun to just sit back and kill each other before the final phase.

When I think about it, I realize that this attitude might be dangerous, too. I don't know how his special abilities as a little boss can work for me as a lass boss, but in case it does, he just touched me. I'm two dances for my mothers, too.

The moment I realize it, I'll poke Don and him. Because of the momentum I pushed with both hands, my back hit the wall with recoil, too. Pushed irresistibly, Adam retreated for about a metre with a twitch. Taunt him with his gaze still stabbed at me, not to be noticed in a hurry.

"I hate you... I want to kill you. Try to kill me without Rob."

Though he may die before he meets the Knights. And I pull out my sword at him, shuddering as I continue.

His secret tools haven't come home yet. Probably still left to be dropped by Val. The big hole he vacated continued from the room where I was to the lower level. I couldn't even see the bottom of the big hole in this room with no windows, and I didn't know if one was on the lower floor or the basement. Adam's story says he sounded quite a drop downstairs when the hole suddenly vacated, so I'm pretty sure the secret tool fell. I don't even know if he's alive or dead, but he came back here from the roof and never answered Adam's call.

I still haven't told Adam about Val taking Leon away, but I haven't told him about the fall of the secret tools. That would have been more convenient for me, too, if I could have split the two of you.

To make sure he's defeated.

"Fine, huh? Welcome.... Will you kill me or die for me? Because your destiny was only one thing or another from the beginning.

That's what I said. Turn the slowly drawn sword toward Adam.

If I aimed my sword tip at Adam's neck, I rang my throat loud as if the blade had already arrived. Contrary to the fox-like finesse cramping, its mouth ends hoist to distortion. The saliva glowed from the slightly open mouth gap.... he still looks forward to killing each other with me too

"Let's die for you..."

... Unexpectedly, an unexpected answer was returned.

For a moment, I raised my guard thinking it might be to induce my alarm, but apparently not. Without distorting his face, he giggled his eyes small from the back of his narrow as Ning Ro Happy.

He blushes again like he was excited about his face, which should have turned white, and rises to his breath. Contrary to me, willing to kill each other and benevolent, he walks over unconstitutionally. "It's great," he packed to the distance my sword would reach, repeatedly bumping like a solitaire, not kneeling. "It's wonderful………………………………………………………………………………".

"My greed has even been ruled by you since the beginning of my desire to exceed my desire………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

You gave up on obedience because you didn't think you could win, and you're unique on the fact that the rhetoric is pretty much too strong again. I'm being praised. I don't know what that means either.

Still, Adam has reached out to roughly ask for his breath as if his excitement could not be contained. I grabbed the sword thinking it was a trap, and if I gave you my opposite hand, you'd drop your mouth on my wrist again. Leaving a mark to stand and suck his teeth slightly, he licked me back with his melted eyes as if drunk. I don't think anything as much as I think it is a sign of the lie of wanting my life anyway. Finally, when he makes a dirty noise and releases his lips, he speaks to me with his mouth on.

"It would be good. I will die for your madness and be used as your toy by you (...) and you (...) as my happiness…………………"

Look up at me with a full smile like crazy.

The mouth edge was too high and the saliva conveyed and contaminated the floor. The reddish face also glowed to match the shitty and glowing eyes. Apparently he is able to submit to me, the lass boss everywhere. They follow me until I'm on the verge of choosing life or death, like a game.... What a convenient man.

Oh yes, I put out my legs instead of my sword to him, who keeps pulling up my grin. I kicked his hand with my fingertips as I tried to receive it and stepped to hang it on its shoulder.

He is unwavering at how humiliating it would be for the Crown Prince to set foot. Instead, he drooled his head at me with a laugh. I look at Adam's swirling hair and open his mouth thinking this might even mean stepping on his head.

"You're ready. Adam Borneo Nepentes.... I give you one opportunity to award that attitude.

You want a reward, don't you? and. His shoulder trembled as a stepping stone, if I speak sweetly.

Promise that if you can rule the kingdom of Friesia. That won't happen anymore. Now hang the bait in front of him again. Until the end of the day... to get it to work like a game. You don't even have to fake that I have a thing for him anymore. Because we've already peeled each other's skin off. So now it's time to give him another bait he wants.

"My brother, Stale Royal Ivy. Chancellor, Gilbert Butler. Leon Adonis Coronaria, First Prince of the Kingdom of Anemone. Cedric Silva Lowell, brother of the King of the United Kings of Hanazoo. If I could kill someone within them..."

Perhaps it's about Steele or Chancellor Gilbert who actually shows up.

Cedric is the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, and Leon is no longer combatable. Now that Arthur's dead, he's also so narrowed down the route if he realizes it.

Let's snort to Adam, who even holds his breath and listens so he doesn't miss a word in my words. You want so much reward, you can only admit the loss and submit to it. Put your strength on your feet stepping on the wretched prince, and lightly list the cheap bait.

"I'll give you me.

Now it's worth less than dust, this me.

But I'm sure he'd want his hands out of his mouth. Among the attackers. Because if he can kill just one, he can avenge anything he wants to kill me, to mock me, to mock me.

Naturally, though I'm not going to protect you.

Because my life is not taken by the little boss, but by the protagonist or the attacker. Otherwise it won't be the best happy ending. It's absolutely boring to lose to the little boss and end up.

Anyway, he can't beat the attacker, there's no way he can fulfill it. And in case I could kill someone, if the Knights were attacking me, I'd make good on my promise. Soon he and I will be acquitted. Hang only the bait so that at best it can be carried up to the attacker, not the knight.

As expected, Adam had a terrible grin. I opened my mouth all over my mouth as I pulled it up and even started trembling. Tickets to the last and last revenge. He will surely come to grasp with madness in his death.

Good…… Adam raised his voice high and stretched his lips to my feet. Pull your feet in before you can touch them, and now it's time to kick your head up with your heels.

I still didn't forgive him, and even though I refused, his grin was still discontinuous. Play favor and obedience as you rejoice in your promises and reveal your vengeance towards me. Thinking he was a troublesome man, I pointed to the ladder with my chin and urged him to go outside together to give him a measure. With his head deeply bowed, he came back with all his gear once out of the room. I also laugh up at him as he runs up the ladder with a grin that pulls up like a broken expression muscle. To him, much more stupid and foolish than the old Cedric.

Pathan, and after Adam closes the door from the top to the rooftop, he exhales in a room that is finally really quiet. Shortly afterwards, Pfft...... and at first he blew out Adam's foolishness and held his stomach. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

"............... Really, stupid man.

I was amazingly, fed up with the low voice myself.

If you leave your back on the wall and sit back, and look at the peephole, no one is there yet.... Well, there's plenty of potential for using the special ability of transparency.

Is Adam going to be playing favor with me at Alle? As much as I praise or leave a testimony in big words, if I try to do it, it's for everyone.

"Ah... no, I'm..."

'... when I get back.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Suddenly, those two words come back in a row.

... Leon's Bad End Route is killed by Pride without being able to do anything while keeping Tiara hostage.

I couldn't even avenge my younger brothers, and they died in Tiara's arms running over ridiculed by me. "... love... I do..." the scene I endeavored to mouth Tiara at the end was a complete sadness.

... If so, could Leon's words have been those of Tiara at the end, not mine? You've been thinking about Tiara at the bottom of your heart, and you want to help me, my sister, for Tiara's sake. I was lucky enough to help, and I can tell Tiara directly this time, even after the game is cleared. Well, Tiara will be after she's tied up with the other route opponents anyway.

"... good for you.

Unlike Arthur, Leon can live to see Tiara properly.

Scared as a game again by my shadow that nearly killed me, or gentle. Though he may be sick of me dying, it also heals me if Tiara. Besides, most importantly, he has a beloved kingdom of anemones.... It's okay, the wound can heal.

For some reason, I should have regretted not being able to kill you earlier, but now I'm relieved to wonder. He would be fine, his mouth was soft and loose if he thought he would be happy again. I'm sure it's because of more factors for those who brighten up the happy ending I make.

Yes, as I convinced myself, I lifted my hair up to my ear and flowed it to my neck, … and touched the area where my fingertips were hot. This is where they left evidence of their obsession while they were being held. If you continue to aim for my life, it is also a symbol of his resentment.

Val, there's only a little bit to play in the game. There was no occasion to make contact with me, and before I was convicted, I lost to the attacker and pulled to the dome on the dirt wall to end it. I don't know what kind of life he went through after a happy ending. Maybe he was only interested in me and the level of customer service.

That's how he hated me enough to leave a mark in this world. The scratches the secret tools put on seemed penetrating, but it was a pretty dangerous place and more likely dead. For nothing, he deserves to die of a mob character.

I regret being run away, but I tell myself I must have never even had to put my hands on the mob character. Yeah. Soothes the frustration I almost remembered snorting all by myself. Val dies and Chemetho and Sefek will cry, and I get excited and my chest pounds when I think about it.

I also wanted to see those kids mourn. I'm sure you turned your hate-burning eyes to me after you cried. It just makes me fun to think about the keen sefek and what the hell kind of look it is to be hated by a gentle chemet. The laughter leaks again as the mouth ends pull up on their own...... Just imagined being dirty in their despair and hatred as it were.

... I thought Val would want those two. For some reason, it only hurt with tickles.

I don't know what that means, I held my chest down but there's nothing wrong with it.

I peeked under my clothes, but I didn't have a scratch, and I didn't stab a needle in my clothes.... in a world of happy ending, where I was acquitted. I have trouble having two people who aren't happy, I'm sure that's all.

I nodded consciously again with that in mind. It's okay, being Val's enemy, I die, and Tiara, who is good friends with you, comforts me. If Leon's alive, he'll take care of the lives of both of us.

It's okay, I tell myself it's okay, and I'm nauseated by the feeling that something I should have mixed up has disgusted and separated me. Striking his tongue, he leaked his voice and leaned down, eh...

Destroy the Kingdom of Friesia.

And plead not guilty to us.... happy, end of story.

Make sure you say what I'm after. It's okay, I know exactly what the role is. Nothing, nothing changes. Falling into slave-producing countries was also successfully discouraged. And then if I die...,... that. It's good that I didn't make it a slave-producing country...... no, it's good. Because it's important that you let the country collapse before that. If I die after making it a slave-producing country, it won't end happily ever after. Then it makes no sense. 'Cause I..., I... I..., I...?

No, I can't, I stop thinking. Disgusting.

He pulled out his sword on eight hits and stuck it at his mercy. Zakung, and with the stiff sound, more than half of the sword body gained much momentum and pierced the cobblestone.

Destroy this country. Happy ending.

It's okay, I'm doing exactly what I'm trying to do. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay...

Weigh on the sword and lean down with your forehead against the pattern. This happened all because of Tiara and the attackers who still haven't come to take me down. If they come soon, it'll all, it'll all be done beautifully and I won't have to have such a headache.

-Come on, hurry up.

That's what I think, my hands tremble oddly.

It's not cold and it's not enough to throw up for some reason. Are you afraid of your own death now, or are you shivering samurai? As I thought about it with my eyes closed, my mouth now threw up on its own. As unexpected as I am, in a fine voice.

"... eh.... Quick,... somebody kill me... eh.

My purpose is unchanged.