"Pride... in the torture tower..."

Cedric listens back unexpectedly to what the knight tells him.

After breaking up with Val, Cedric and Tiara continued to check allowances or gradually towers with the temperature-sensitive knight of the escort. And now there were two more knights on the escort who were running in search of the telecommuters.

Repeating the ascent and descent of the stairs without Val's assistance, Tiara shorted her breath and sat with one hand the water received from the knight.

After hearing about the fluctuations in the war situation notified by the main unit, Tiara still kept looking for the tower, but shortly after the two towers had been raised and descended, the one stranded as soon as the telecommuters who had been connected to the main unit outside the tower were asked to return to the top was loose and the force was lost. Listening to the conversation between the telecommuters and Cedric, I still don't have the energy to join it. However, I was terribly relieved that the returning Rosa and the others joined the chain of command at the headquarters, and that Pride's whereabouts had been found.

I heard that Steele had already made his way to the tower with the Ninth Squad, and Cedric exhales with relief. Well... I looked in the direction of the torture tower. It's in the same castle, but there's no horse. It's quite a distance for them to travel.

"Then we must hurry, too. Tiara, can you still walk...?

"... it's okay, it is. I've had enough time off.

Tiara also nods at Cedric's throw.

Returning a leather bag with water to the knight, he rose in a flimsy foothold. After pampering and dusting her clothes, she put a few soft hairs untied from her tied hair behind her ears. I know where Pride is, and if the style is on its way, I'll have to go myself. Push your feet together again and correct your posture. Tiara, with her eyes on the knight of the escort, commanded them as princess.

"Go to your sister... I need guidance and an escort to the torture tower..." Quick, we need to get to your sister...!

"... I'm sorry, I can't do that.

"... Huh?

Tiara unexpectedly rounds her eyes in response from an unexpected knight.

It solidifies with a stunned look and relieves me of unacceptability. What's this all about? and to the knight who replied to Tiara. Cedric also turns to him with a strange face. After a beating delay, a bad feeling passed on Tiara's head and her whole body was tense. And as they determined it, the knights nodded heavily to Tiara only once, and opened their mouths.

"This is an order from Her Majesty Queen Rosa....... Her Royal Highness Princess Tiara II, as well as the escort of Her Royal Highness Prince Cedric II. And told me to take you to the main unit immediately.

To the words, now it was time for Tiara to draw her blood.

Until now, she's the second princess in a stronger position than Stayle, which is why she's allowed to act alone. It was within the limits of our assumptions, even as Tiara, that the knights, who were escorts, would be further escorted as soon as they discovered themselves, than they had also separated from Val, who had originally accompanied them instead. Rather, now that Val is away, it's far more comforting there than just Cedric and one knight. I was hoping that I would be able to get some guidance on escorts to my pride, but before that, I was given instructions from my superiors.

Orders of the Supreme Power, Queen Rosa.

The reinforcements of the kingdom of Anemone are now completely tamed as a defence system. Without Leon's injuries, Rosa and the others will not refuse reinforcements now because they are already involved.

But it was different when it came to Tiara and Cedric acting alone.

The Second Princess and the King's brother are on the battlefield. It's too dangerous, even though the enemy hasn't invaded yet. Normally the more you need an escort in the Knights, not just three. Squad IX heading to the torture tower. And the movement of the knights assigned from all ranks to fill the guards of Wangju. It was a natural decision to order the two of them to move to a safe headquarters now that the replacement of the Knights cannot move the Knights cheaply due to the intense current situation. Even Tiara is supposed to have been evacuated by the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

Mother...... Tiara, who utters the word, is small and laggy. The knight says, "I'm sorry," "accompany you," and lowers his head but shakes his neck to the side. I figured out where the corner pride was, but if they brought me back here to Wangju, everything would be in vain.

"Please... please, go to your sister... I'll talk to your mothers later.

Tiara desperately appeals to the knights, but naturally they don't nod.

There can be nothing stronger than the order of Queen Rosa. Besides, judging from the eyes of the knights who found Tiara and the others, it was too dangerous to leave Tiara and Cedric like this. Tiara and Cedric were too defenseless on the battlefield now that neither the Knights of Anemone nor the movement of special abilities by Val. It's sedated now, but I don't know when or what will happen more than the Radical Imperial Army is targeting the invasion.

"I'm guessing how you feel. But please understand.

"We will surely protect you to our headquarters.

Two knights politely urged Tiara and Cedric as the telecommuters contacted HQ to guide Tiara and the others to HQ from now on. Please……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… This way, and to Tiara, who is shown to the knight in the direction of Wangju.

Cedric, come forward.

He stood forcibly between the knights and Tiara, turning his back to the knight.

His Royal Highness Cedric……… The knight leaks his voice, but it doesn't matter. He glances at Tiara. Suddenly, Tiara, rounding her eyes, extended one right leg behind her back again trying to fall back to too close a distance, but as soon as she did, Cedric reached out and held her forcefully.

Unexpectedly screaming from Tiara, the knights reach out to surprise at what can be described as disrespect for the Second Princess. Tiara shared her thoughts as she called Cedric's name and raised her voice about what.

What to do at a time like this, another moment when I was angry and trying to raise my voice about something stupid. As if it had been read, the spinning hand gently held the back of his head. From the orientation of the face I tried to look up, I was forced to hold it against Cedric's body and I couldn't see anything. What do you do? When I hit Pokali with my fist on its chest plate, I noticed Cedric's opposite hand movement.

"... I'm sorry.

From Cedric, who gently looked back at the knights only with his face, a low voice emitted like a blur and a solitary voice.

The knights frown on why they still won't let Tiara go while making an apology. It is naturally unacceptable for Cedric, who is also not my fiancée, to hold Tiara. If you let go of Tiara, the knight will call out and still touch his body to force him apart this time because he will not move at all. "Excuse me," he said when he grabbed Cedric's shoulder with a strong voice.

The flash was emitted.

Shortly after the plug was unplugged, a flash shell emitted overhead just by the appearance of a wrist movement emitted a strong light in front of the knights.

Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Stuck in sudden rays of light in the darkness of night to the breath. The two knights moaned and held their eyes, especially as they looked directly at each other at close range. The other knight also turns away only his face greatly, keeping one hand off Cedric's shoulder, and wonders what the hell he intends to do.

Then Cedric shouted, "Keep your eyes closed." Perhaps you're telling Tiara that one of the knights in that voice said, "We're getting away!" He called to his fellow knights.

To match that voice, the knights clear their ears instead as they close their eyes. If there is little shelter in this place other than the tower, we will chase them as long as we know the direction even if we run away.

But if he's dazzled, he'll really get away with it at worst. I don't know how long the flash will keep glowing. But if you intend to dive into a nearby tower, follow Cedric and Tiara's footsteps with your ears to get a hit as soon as your vision is restored.

Dokah, and. Successive shock sounds rang.

Turning physically to the knights who were turning their backs, Cedric stepped into the knight without hesitation in the light.

He first waved his fist at the back of the knight's head, who was grabbing his shoulder, and even struck a handknife into the knight's neck lined up next to him. If the two knights fell to the ground almost simultaneously, Cedric rushed out to the last correspondent who was down.

In response to the two shocking sounds and the coming footsteps, the knight quickly finds himself in shape. He set up his sword with his eyes closed and raised his voice of restraint to Cedric. But in the middle of the word, Cedric arrives to the knight's nostalgia and grabs that hand holding the sword from the side. I didn't think you were going to hold yourself as hard as you could, being a knight. If a knight could put his strength in his arms,

At the next moment, the knight, kicked off his leg, floated into the universe fluttering.

The moment he was paid both legs to be kicked up and wanted to get back in shape before he was tumbled over, Cedric's leg was struck into his belly over the armor before landing.

The knight, struck from the front in the air and even out of sight, strikes his back not while he takes passivity. The power is not that great, but an incredible series of hits and aerial attacks make me confused about the sense of direction. As soon as I got up and tried to find signs of Cedric, I was now tightened up with my arms from behind.

He held his breath, twisting his body in a hurry to deal with it, trying to fight back or get out of his arm but it was all held back as if it had even been read. As the critical neck continues to tighten and the consciousness interrupts, there are too many questions on the knight's head that cannot be helped.

... What I'm dealing with is really a prince... ●

The movement does not belong to the royalty, no matter what you think.

Not at all like mere counter-attacks or protective martial arts. I remember myself. Whatever you think of that attack, it wasn't a prince, it belonged to a knight.

My consciousness was interrupted when I thought so much about what the hell happened. It was smeared white, not only in my sight, but even in my head.

Cedric, who felt no longer resistant from a knight who was a telecommuter, pulled his strength out of his dreaded tightening arm. Pulse with hand exploration, make sure the knight is alive, then exhale.

Stand up slowly with a knight in your arms with your eyes still meditating strongly. While the light still continues, carry the knight inside with a heavy foothold to the tower. The light of the flash finally softened and disappeared when I put my hand on the door of the tower.

"Tiara, are you okay?

I look back at Tiara face to face with a nod of my eyes open.

The reply was also immediately received from Tiara, who kept her eyes covered with both hands. He was a frightened voice, but still confirmed the figure of Tiara, who remained safely on the spot, and Cedric finally lost his shoulder strength. After telling him it was okay to open his eyes anymore, he lay a knight in his arms inside the tower. And I looked back, and Tiara's blind back went into my eyes if I turned my heels back to carry the two remaining knights as well.


Cedric frowns at Tiara, who keeps staring at the two knights who have fallen in front of her so empty a hole. Sorry, I held up yet another knight as I apologized to her. Although it was a situation I had no choice, I was originally on my side. It doesn't make any difference that you have been abusive to the knights of the Kingdom of Friesia.

"I did it. It's okay, they're all just losing their minds. Inside the tower, at least until you wake up."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no..."

Huh? Tiara blacks and whites her golden eyes as she raises her voice about to rub it against Cedric.

The confusion was exposed to Tiara, and Cedric did not mind, wondering if the knight would still tolerate violence. The second knight also carried him into the tower.

Tiara stares at the back of the knight to be transported and Cedric, while no further words have yet emerged. He held his chest with both hands and just stared straight into Cedric's burning eyes as he came out of the tower. As soon as his eyes met, Cedric tilted his neck to the fact that there was no color of contempt in the eyes from Tiara, "What's up?" Ask and line up with Tiara. I waited for her reply before transporting the last one to the tower.

"Ah… you alone, ……………… or they are knights……… Ugh… in the Knights of our country, I mean"

"Oh, I can't help but be made an international problem. But if you don't do this, it's hard to get away. They definitely have faster legs than us.

Less so... Tiara wanted to raise her voice, but she was too confused to be able to do anything but shake her lips.

She complained with her eyes itching that she had not been able to communicate with her will, but Cedric apologized again and began to take the knight to the tower again with her fast feet. To Cedric, who disappeared once into the tower with his last knight, Tiara trampled the estate with her small, thin feet.

Naturally, Cedric's conduct is more than disrespectful, as well as unacceptable acts of violence and obstruction of the execution of the knights. Tiara also knows that she could rather be taken for treason against the Queen. I'm also pretty surprised Cedric did that for me, but the biggest shock isn't there. Cedric defeated the knight of the kingdom of Friesia.

He is not a soldier, he is a knight in the main unit who is a trained elite.

Tiara wasn't so surprised if the guards and soldiers lost.

Cedric's strength is her first hit, too. But in the knights of the kingdom of Friesia, it's a different story. It's harder not to be surprised because even though it's hard to win with one knight, you won with all three of them.

How did you win, and Tiara finally made it into words after Cedric, who came out of the tower, closed the door.

"? I would have watched, I used flash shells. This is the weapon Prince Leon gave me.

I didn't think it would help in this way, but Cedric muttered, opening his own jacket and letting him show more than one other piece of metal.

When Tiara was also held by Cedric, I could see him putting it out of his nostalgia. That's why Cedric held her so that Tiara could only see the presence of a flash bomb, and let her face down so she wouldn't see the light.

"They let me poke my surprise while my eyes were blinding. It's hard to take consciousness from a knight opponent on a boulder without doing this. I can grasp the distance and steep spot even as I meditate on my eyes.

Cedric, with his absolute memory abilities, both the placement and distance of the knight came to mind once he looked back and confirmed. Even with his eyes closed, he could easily guess which area he was in from the direction of memory and voice, and even more so the position of the knight's head and neck. There was some anticipation in his head as to how the knight might respond and set up against his attacks. Because he...

"That said, if you were a Pride Kingsguard opponent, you wouldn't have fought.

Because I fought again and again with a good knight's captainship.

Hearing Cedric's words, Tiara accidentally had a cramped mouth. The phrase "Please don't compare me to those four..." came out to my throat. Because all the Kingsguard knights of Pride are excellent knights of choice among the Knights.

And even if you're not a captain, knights aren't the only ones who can beat you. Even Cedric's first unintentional blow, even if a normal person could strike a blow with the same hand, would not simply go so far as to deprive him of consciousness where he hit him in the head or neck.

"Without definite skill, very much.

Cedric, however, had been given skill by that extraordinary knight.

Furthermore, Cedric, who had visited the Knights' practice area, even had in mind the corresponding patterns of the various knights in battle. Overall strength, experience, arm strength and speed are not even at the feet of the knights, but the combat skills taught by the Kingsguard knights were completely inundated.

"Punishment will be summed up when it's all over! Let's go, we must hurry to our pride."

I said that and gave my hand to Tiara, who was still confused.

To Cedric trying to pull his hand if he was tired, Tiara shook her head and said no, then shouted "Yes..." and ran out with her own feet. And I remember something important when I ran a few meters.

"! Please wait! I haven't asked the knights where the torture tower is."

"Don't worry! I remember."

Ahead! Tiara opened her eyes again to Cedric screaming.

How does Cedric know a tower that doesn't even grasp the tiara that lives in the castle? Then it was only this time that Cedric, who correctly read Tiara's question, replied briefly, "I learned during my stay in the castle" with his face pointed in the direction of progress.

"Why are you so close?"

Tiara touching one end of Cedric's absorption, but I don't know about the Divine Son.

For her like that, Cedric is getting a little scared through the surprise of doing something sluggish and unexpected. While running following Cedric, I accidentally overflowed from my mouth out of honest questions.

Cedric then turns around just with his face, pointing a decent look at Tiara. Cedric, faster legged than Tiara, loosens his leg slightly to avoid leaving her. Round open burning eyes lit one Tiara still in the dark night. "Why...?," said Cedric, shrugging small, pondering its meaning. And return his own answer to her.

"I've decided to do anything for you.

It was Cedric's answer that he received "why" in the sense of "not how".

Tiara can't block her pompous, empty mouth for that answer. I'm more flabbergasted by Cedric's response than I've been given a different response than I was meant to be.

My face is about to get hot about the inclusion of pride as well as myself in statements released without shame. Tiara squeezed her lips hard enough to indulge in it, gripping her fist tight enough to keep shaking.

And without realizing it, Cedric said, "What's up?" and looked back at Tiara, who had not responded worryingly. After all, it was still hard to run, and I asked him, "No, no, no, no, no." If he could turn his face away, he walked side-by-side to her as he narrowed between his eyebrows and peered into her face in a small way.

"... What, are you mad at me for holding you earlier...?


Tiara yells with a red face at Cedric, anxiously distorted in the face.

Instead, I didn't care about that at all, and Cedric said to Tiara, trying to enjoy her face getting hot, "I'm sorry, I knew it was disrespectful. But if I don't, I'll go as far as you..." he begins to apologize cordially.

"I don't care, let's hurry to your sister before it does! If the knights find us, it's tough!

Cedric finally said to Tiara, who meditates her eyes off and shouts out, "! That's right," he recollects. Then he reached out to her again as he fastened his legs to precede Tiara again.

Shut up your palm stretched out understanding your intentions, and just stare at Tiara. Now Cedric hangs his words.

"It would be uncomfortable with my hand, but it would be easier for you to run a little too.

Tiara frowns and mouths at Cedric, who turns her straight burning eyes.

And I made a pacin 'noise and grabbed Cedric's hand to hit him a little with an angry look on his face. Squeezing Tiara's hand back, Cedric quickens his legs while adding and subtracting to the extent Tiara can come with him.

Tiara, who dropped her gaze on her own feet running and on the ground, said nothing more with her face down. I don't even know why Cedric was able to defeat the knight after all, or why he's able to grasp all the buildings in the castle.

The damp heat of the gripping hand, without knowing which one it is.