"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what's wrong with you can call it as much as you want

In front of the city gate.

Even now, some time after joining the defense, no decay was seen in Harrison's sword moves.

Slash and chop every bird flying on all the wide castle gates on its own. Bottom Bottom Bottom and the carcass of a bird that fell at his feet were crushed many times by Harrison, tragically flattened and further lost the prototype. One of the knights of the third squad walks up to the moment and speaks up to Harrison to pass on the report. Until Harrison, who does not respond, returns the reaction, sheltering his face with his arms from fragments and splashes.

Harrison keeps shredding the birds without loosening his fast legs, but only once did the laughter subside to listen to the knight.


The special ability man, who had a far-sighted view of the condition from the top of the tree, doubted his eyes that the bird was bursting.

If you rely on the moonlight and the lights of the castle gate to gaze, the crowd of birds you are manipulating will be annihilated, while not a single invasion has yet been fulfilled to defeat the knight. Besides, I ran out of birds that could already be manipulated. If I had time, I could have called the birds as far as operable as ever, but Harrison's demise wouldn't even allow that time. Barari, Parari and finally the number of birds filling the castle gate had decreased to around ten.

But being a slave for as long as my husband has commanded me, I don't think she's going to change her behavior or give up. We just have to keep attacking the knights, the gatekeepers, until they can get through the gate, no matter how much it's wasted, until they retire or become incapable of fighting.

After a while, she finally conceals herself once the manipulative range bird is gone, concentrating on re-calling the bird from the attack to the manipulative range


Zakung, and.

A knife protruded sharply directly next to his face.

A knight with dark hair suddenly appears in her present, who should have been hiding on a tree, without even signs of being found until now. He is a knight with long hair shaking and a hidden face with both ends of hair, even though his forehead is cut all together. It stained red and black with blood from the knob to the toe, and only purple eyes shimmered from under it.

What's more, the grin pulled up like it was a rip, and a knife with a grip protruded directly next to her face to the trunk behind her. She was stuffed with a grin so far away that the tip of her nose hit her, she screamed smaller at you than the knife directly next to her.

At some point, the question arises as to why it was found, but she does not realize that it was the knight in front of her that had prevented the flock of birds by herself until just now.

As soon as the bird was exhausted, Harrison was checking her speculative latency range, communicated to the Knight of the Third Squad, one by one on the fast foot, to smudge. It's too much time for Harrison, even for a little while.

Until the enemy appeared in front of her, she could swallow it with her head and tried to step back from the spot, but she could not go any further down, having already deposited her back in the tree. It is also a height that is not safe if you jump down as well. I tried to use the bird but I'm already exhausted. She was deprived of all her means, and she flew to Harrison with a sharp eye.


─ Ru, before. His fist was relentlessly engulfed in his abdomen.

"We're going home.

Saying so in a voice that sounded cold, Harrison took a woman with one arm who would lose her mind.

Though it was adding palms and hearts, it was impossible for a person who received Harrison's fist directly to remain conscious. With a woman on his shoulder like a mound, he gently jumps off a tree. The twig screamed mechanically when the weight for both of them gathered in one place, but it was a flash and I didn't have to break it.

After landing with little impact, walk back to the castle gate without any special abilities. Already at the Castle Gate, "We've secured the captive." "Deputy Harrison." "The shackles." "Good luck!" and I can raise my voice from the knights.

While listening to that, I find myself blurred that I don't have shackles for special abilities. At the same time, I felt like I was forgetting something important. Harrison stops for a few seconds at a long time. And then before I could even think about it, I finally got a message from the column saying, "Harrison! What happened to the shackles?" he exclaimed. I had no choice but to stop thinking once and travel to his front with fast feet and hand it over directly.

"Is this all the slaves of the special abilities?

"Yeah, that's all if you match the number of people first confirmed from the carriage.

Right? and Column asks Alan as he receives the captor from Harrison.

At the time, Alan, one of them who directly confirmed the appearance of the special abilities who had jumped out of the carriage, replied lightly to it. Hang shackles for special abilities in the hands of women held up by the column as they are.

Who have already put him in prison, who have kept him from every squad, who have been protected by the walls. She was all of them, including those reported by the telecommuters.


Harrison shrugged to zero his lowered voice at the column's words.

Careless, but it was a heartfelt sentiment for Harrison. Despite the fact that it's been fun around the corner, there are no more special abilities. On the contrary, there is not even one enemy soldier who has reached the castle gate from while being handed over to the bird's special abilities. All after being powerless by the knights of the 10th and 1st and 2nd squads before reaching the castle gate.

Harrison, who has run out of hand, is silenced as if the battery had died once.

If I wriggled my neck in dissatisfaction, that's all the blood dripping from my hair fell out of the potato. Not just blood, but a few steps back to distance himself from him while the column held a woman, to Harrison, who crept into his team clothes, which were white to the feathers and fragments.

As Alan instructs the telecommuters to report to the main unit, Squad Three will report the status quo to the columns again. Confirming reports under the castle, at the National Gate, and from inside the castle to Wangju, the column turned instructions to Squad Three to take all the special abilities they had captured to their cells.

"... I can't get out of alert yet. but...... probably a wave has crossed.

Special abilities have also been captured, and the National Gate is clear across all directions.

The Anemone knights in front of the castle had also been sedated once and for all since the Anemone knights, who had later joined them. The sweep under the castle also proceeded, and the upper management returned. There have been some serious injuries, but so far there have been no deaths. Tiara and Cedric were also reported safe by the knights. The generals have already been captured, and the only issues left are Adam and Tippett and Pride.

"Right," he hammered gently. He rang his neck left and right to distract Alan. Cockroaches, the sound of cockroaches and bones reach the ears of the column.

"Ahhh... I haven't seen Master Pride.

"... right.

I didn't even pay attention to Alan's blur in the wrong place this time around. Rather close your eyes and agree to think about it once.

Was the torture tower over there? and when Alan properly pointed, the column opened its eyes again, looking back and then pointing out the exact opposite: "This way".

"Master Stayle and the others will be there by now.... I hope Arthur makes it.

"No, you'll make it. Absolutely. He's got fast legs.


"Oh..." he leaked a galloping voice through his throat so that Alan was slightly clouded by the words in the last column. I asked the column on purpose, which would mean he didn't know where it was. "Sure..." Alan muttered with his mouth alone, turning his hands around his head with an accidental zero bitter laugh.

Few of the knights get lost in unfamiliar areas of the castle. When the subtle air started flowing between us.

"Column Bordeaux, by the way.

Harrison accidentally cut it off.

What? And the column immediately turns to the call. Seeing, Harrison had a jittery eye on the column when the battle was over and back to much of his usual condition. Rather than the usual stare, the column tilts its neck at its gaze, which also appeared a little thornless. That look, which I find unusual for me, contained a little confusion and hesitation.

Alan also tilted his neck to Harrison as he was concerned, and shortly afterwards he again turned his throat against Harrison, full of feathers and fragments, on the bloody top. I grumble to pay a little, but there's no response from Harrison about it. Instead it was spoken of.

"... Didn't you say key to Arthur Beresford earlier...?

Why are we talking about this now? The column rounds its eyes, thinking.

I did say it. I explained to Arthur, who wanted me to tell him what was going on, and told him that the column summed up important matters.

"Reporting via a nearby correspondent as soon as we discover the keys to Master Steele and Chancellor Zilbert as well"

"I did say... what happened to that?

Only silence returned from Harrison if asked if there would have been any deficiencies.

Alan also twists his neck to Harrison's mysterious inquiry. What's the matter with you? I ask, but I still don't hear back. To Harrison, who solidifies with no expression as I recall anything, the column said, "You forgot the report from the Knights Commander?" and throw it away. And I changed the details to make sure Alan had the right information.

"It is the key to the shackles that seal the special abilities hung on Master Steele and Chancellor Gilbert. If the captive general didn't have it, then perhaps Lord Pride or Emperor Adam"

"You mean this?

Chari, and. Harrison took it out of the inside of his clothes and showed it were two keys.

It was connected so that it could be wrapped in a single metal ring. It was intended for special abilities that knights could see at a glance. to Harrison, who tries to hook him up with his fingertips. Now both the column and Alan raise their voices. He cried out, comparing the keys to Harrison.

"Harrison, why do you have it?"

"We confiscated Ashton Egger when we captured him.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Harrison replies pale to the words of the column, but turns away from Alan's words without being able to answer them instantly. Only the key I put at my fingertips claimed to exist when it wobbled every bit.

A torn garment when stopping Ashton's foot from bleeding with a knife. Harrison recovered all his belongings and all his eye-catching objects from it, but his head boiled before Arthur's revenge, and he couldn't even think about it until the keys he recovered were important. I naturally knew about the shackles of the Stales, but they were completely out of my mind.

While Column and Alan yelled at me with tremendous momentum, I still realize that there was blood on my head. If you think it's a reporting error to Roderick, the Knight Commander, and Clark, the Deputy Commander, Harrison seeps in a slight impatience at the bottom of his heart as well. Shit... I thought in my heart, but I can't even put it in my mouth.

But the column and Alan's impatience are naturally not normal either. Harrison has the key. This means that even if you go to the torture tower, it's impossible to get the shackle keys back from the prides. Because it's here now.

"Whatever you do, Chancellor Jill Bale is already out with Team Nine."

"Now that you're out on the battlefield, Master Steele is more serious." Harrison! Anyway, report to the Knights Commander now. "

It's a message.

Suddenly the telecommuters raised their voices loudly.

Alan and the column hold their mouths and tighten their expressions at the appearance of a change in blood phase and its voice color. To the two rarely aligned words, the telecommuter stretches his spine and opens his mouth. Harrison, who was slightly impatient, also looked back physically in momentum to hear the report. Fragments that remained on wet hair and group clothes on flipped claps splashed all the way to Alan.

"Dear Tiara and His Royal Highness Prince Cedric... defeat the Knight of the Guard and escape... I am awake now. I have a report from the Knight! I thought you probably headed to the torture tower..."

"What is it," Alan and the column round their eyes.

Harrison was silent, too, but lost sharpness and his open eyes expressed consternation.

"From the main battalion to all the knights, the discovered knights are promptly brought back to the protection and main battalion..."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Alan unintentionally waited for the commuter to report.

When I first received reports that I had discovered Tiara and Cedric, I was hearing reports from every correspondent. It was also shared by the Knights which knights were protecting the Second Princess and the King's brother. Of the three, one is a temperature-sensitive fourth squad knight on the guard of the Tiaras. One was on his way back from the ambulance building temporarily dispatched for an emergency. Knight of the Seventh Squad. And Gwynn, a telecommuter,


Alan chewed on his teeth too, not to mention Harrison, who suddenly became more murderous.

The knights around them also look back unexpectedly at Harrison's killings, which expose their anger against knights who lose to opponents who are not even soldiers, rather than opponents who defeat them. "Easy, Harrison!" The column scolds, but it has not reached my ear at all. On the contrary, the correspondent swallowed his mouth into Harrison's absurd voice, forgetting his own lapse, and then continued reporting.

Where Tiara refused to move to the main unit and wanted to join the torture tower, Cedric used a flash bomb to faint and escape the knight after his glare. "The caller looks away from Harrison, who is angry and burning at his men's failure once again," he said. Instead, he continued further, keeping his gaze towards the column.

"I don't think he was a prince according to the telecommuters, he was a battle technique like a main unit knight"

"Is that a reason?"

Harrison, who again cuts off the words of the telecommuter, holds out his sword from now on.

Not Cedric right now, but driven by the urge to go slap Gwynn the loser, but with all the effort the column held his arm down, and Alan held his opposite arm in with both hands as well. Column and Alan go to Harrison, who storms to unravel the two of us, not to tell him to let go silently.

Waterfall-like sweat, it doesn't hold up.

... I didn't know this was going to happen.

... uhhhhhhhhhh... do it.

He tied his lips tight and could desperately put more effort into the hand that held Harrison to his expression, but only sweat flowing through him was honest.

I am sure that Eric, who probably would have heard the same report in Wangju by now, would be in the same mood as ourselves. Cedric's means of escape to the best of his ability, because it was none other than ourselves who taught it.

I was going to teach it to Column and Eric in a light sense of escort or so. And naturally they also know Cedric has mastered it brilliantly.

Furthermore, in Alan, who knew Cedric's "Divine Son" with Arthur, after finding out that he could absorb it, he even taught the great trick in the funny half.... Never thought I'd be hit directly by a knight who's an ally.

"... I hear Prince Cedric was also fought well in a defensive battle a year ago! Not necessarily that they had deficiencies.

"Oh, yeah, and Prince Cedric didn't mean Radiya took him away."

Column and Alan desperately convince us that Gwynn will be torn apart by Harrison because of us as we are.

But Squad Eight is a complete meritocracy. It is only a disgrace that a knight who has been allowed to act personally can escape being stunned by a prince who is an escort while both other knights are attached. There was no way Harrison would forgive me or anyone else for being harsh.

In fact, Tiara and Cedric are now missing as a result of that act in dangerous conditions with no escort. Besides, the destination is the torture tower where Adam is. Harrison's anger subsides against his eighth squad knight as two other escort knights don't matter, an unacceptable lapse as a side of protecting the royal family even if they try to be resisted by the escort target.

"It's urgent. We have a video call from the Knights Commander!

The cry of the knight who has rushed in breaks between them and enters.

As soon as I hear that, the column hands loose. Don't miss that. Harrison pulled out of his hand and shook Alan off ramblingly grabbing the opposite arm.

The column says, "Connect immediately!" It was at the same time that Harrison rushed into the position where the footage was being received as he gave instructions to the telecommuters in front of him. Alan also continued, chasing them as the telecommuters discolored their eyes to send the footage.

Column and Alan were relieved at the bottom of their minds that Harrison's priorities switched once and for all to the name of Roderick, the Knight Commander.


"Here or...

From the top of the horse Stayle looked up at it quietly.

It was a simple place. Though it was the trees that glistened around it, few people stopped outside of the time of need now, because all but the executioner's table in the castle and its surroundings were relics made by the royalty of the past. The stone tower, which is still built a long time ago, stands tall only at height, not pulled from any building in the castle.

Two towers and a stone bridge that connects them. But on one tower there were no bare windows. It's an observation deck that goes up from the tower with the spiral staircase and doesn't even have a way to climb it except across the stone bridge.

Its top was surrounded high by stone walls, where whoever… was designed so that no matter what the royalty was breathing outside air, it would never be known. Now some of it is unnaturally crumbling, but because of its far upper position, even if you look up from the ground, you cannot see what's going on behind it.

In the tower with the spiral staircase, connected to the observation deck, the basement is a torture room with a prison and many utensils. The top floor was equipped with torture equipment as well as a sundeck. Together, the two are towers called in the name of the "Tower of Torture", which, with admonition, is not false. Although use is now forbidden, it continued to exist in a corner of the castle as an abominable relic of the past.

Now no torture, etc. is carried out solely for the purpose of continuing to inflict intransigent suffering until the tower is used. Apart from spitting sin and information, there is not a single person in the royal family today who uses this tower for amusement or pleasure.

If anyone ever uses this tower as a delight again, or acquiesces to it, Style thinks it's the person who deserves to be "tortured."... and be quiet and aware that if you're an Adam opponent, you could get into it.

"There is one entrance.... doors and also direct entry into the roof.

Right now, there's no one in front of the tower who just looks at it.

Only slight traces of special ability vehicles and luggage wheels disappeared due to transparent special abilities.

The knights each nod at the command of Style's lurking voice. He stepped out of the van and commanded each squad with whom Kenneth, the captain of the knight, would refrain from going outside with his voice alone to the uninformed knights, who would enter through the door, and who would attempt to break in directly from the walls of the tower.

"... please.

While gently grabbing and relaxing the strings that connect with the transparent special abilities, the style also disembarks from the luggage car with the knights.

Kenneth, connected by the same string to the words, responded by diving his voice, "I'll take care of it," surrounding him with multiple knights connected to the style, including himself. First, let's see how it goes. The knights will infiltrate through the doors and walls simultaneously and check the situation inside.

No one can see in Style's eyes but the knights of the escort connected with the same transparent special abilities. Even though each squad was connected by strings, the knights moving without the madness of the dimensions left even their footsteps erased instead of anyone hitting them.

With Kenneth's lurking voice, the knights surely attach to the walls of each tower and reach the door. Once again, I understand that the knights are on deployment just because they still can't see the style that saw the door make a small noise and slightly open to make sure it wasn't locked.

Tan, Tan Tan and slightly rhythmic footsteps were heard from all over. It's a sign that you're ready.

Kenneth glanced at Stayle, nodded at each other, then returned the signal in footsteps with a tan tan, again. Immediately thereafter, the door, which was only slightly open, opens quietly.

The knights tried to infiltrate at once without making any noise at all, except the screaming of the rusty door. All those who can run vertically from the wall with special abilities and climb the wall on their own are connected to long strings to maintain transparency, and progress at the same speed.

".................. Pride.

Not in his voice, but in his mouth alone, Style chanted.

I think the knights are still infiltrating the open door. Even if you look around, there is no shadow at all but the knight of the escort connected by the same transparent special abilities.

... Hasn't Arthur arrived yet?

Naturally. Unlike the Steelers, Arthur has no horses or special abilities to advance. In addition, we are stopping by the castle gate to confirm the location with the columns.

Come quick, hold your fists hoping, and wait for the knights to report. From the door I now look up at the top of the tower and call her with a murderous voice that would lurk somewhere.

"... I will stop now.

─ Now it's time to save you.