
Strike the knife into the room.

Almost a year after Val started teaching me knife throwing.

"... I wonder why I can't grasp it better at close range.

I sigh alone as I pull out the knife that stabbed me in the wall.

I can now target it well from a distance, but if it's close, it's still a little off. It should normally be harder to distance. Val also told me, "If I take the extra aim off at close range, they'll fight back," and I need to give you hit accuracy regardless of distance.

With that in mind I opened the chest. I take out the knife again as I watch out for the blade trying to practice ten at a time.

Val bought me a knife every time I came to the castle for delivery. "Throw it before you forget your senses more than one at a time," he repeated a lot of practice as he told me. Thanks to this, I can now grasp the feeling of throwing for the most part.

"I think that would be enough if we could do that even at close range...... Recently, the number of holes in the walls has itself decreased.

Chelsea, a dedicated samurai, drops her shoulder in a sigh mix.

Instead, the hole in the wall just gets deeper, but when I say it, Carler nods at it, too. I turned the page of the book that I pasted on the nearby wall as it was.

Since it was reduced to take the target off, I started throwing the goal of letting it hit the perfect hole that had been emptied in the first place. The steeple of the human body was also taught by Val where it was easy to aim, and although I studied in the book, I figured it was most certain that I could punch it into the place where it was meant to be because people were different in stature.

"The deliveryman also, … had already regarded himself as quite skilled….

"No way! Val was a better one!

I shake my head at Carler's words.

The two dedicated samurai have been asking me to keep a secret even after I decided to teach Val to throw a knife. Now when I practice like this, he also sits in front of the door and watches how things go.

In the beginning, he looked bright blue with the first aid kit in one hand, like a lie, and now he's calming me down. Chelsea said, "Dear Tiara, who read all those picture books..." though she still drops her shoulders sometimes. But he keeps his secrets exactly as I asked him to.

"Besides,... it's hard for weird habits to come up by accident, too.

to my words. Now both Carler and Chelsea put their hands on their foreheads at the same time.

Weird habits soon emerged after I began to learn knife throwing from Val. At first it was an exercise in whether the blade would stab straight from the throwing method, but... I stabbed him. But for some reason, regularity appeared in the stabbing area.

I was also uncomfortable and as Val instructed me to try and throw it to a person's shape I wrote it. I threw it to the target,... I stabbed him in the heart somehow every time.

Even if I change the size of the target person, every time for some reason I just hit the heart. Sefek and Chemetho said, "Wow!" He praised me, "but at that time he held his head with one hand as heavy as a curler and Chelsea as Val, slightly drooping.

"Is Bakemon's sister a Bakemon...

Squirt like that.

Your sister said she was a Bakemon, but it was ignored.

Talking about Val, I seem to have very good muscles. Normally, the knife won't stab you well instead of hitting you, and it's amazing how far away you are from it.

Sometimes Chemetho, who with me was taught knife throwing by Val, seemed very difficult to even throw straight at the blade at first, even if he pulled out the reason of being a child.

Sefek was... his hand was shaking at the point where he actually held the knife with his blade pointed. He said, "I'm fine!" "I'm just not used to it," he said, but Val immediately took the knife away. Sefek complained the whole time, but he kept telling me, "Temeh, be decent with his special abilities," and after that, he really didn't seem to be able to tell me.

As for why my knife stabs me in the heart position every time, he only asked me, "Is there really a guy you're killing?" He doesn't even know who this habit is, either.

However, the heart area is good if you're a person without protective equipment, but otherwise the knife won't arrive. If they were armed people, I would never be enemies. Val, who explained that to me, told me to aim for my throat or forehead. I often don't get my protective gear there, most importantly because it's a steep point for people.

From then on, I practiced to be sure I could fire the target I was after in any position. Before I went to bed, I was always conscious to fall or crouch on the floor and aim for my throat, unconsciously but not my heart.

I don't want to kill people. But you're really going to need this because it's going to be like a moment's judgment is going to decide everything.


It was just when I was shaken to throw the seventh bottle.

A guard outside the room knocks on the door. Chelsea opens the door as small as usual and listens to the guard, taking care not to be seen in the room.

Me and Carler also waited while hiding the knife and the target on their backs, and the door was immediately closed. Chelsea, who turned to me, reports correctly on her posture.

"Dear Tiara, Earlier, Master Pride and Master Stayle were returned from the kingdom of Anemone. When you are headed straight to the throne room.

What will you do?

I'm just a little worried about that question, relieved that your sisters are back safely. Hurry now, and I'll see you at first sight before your sisters and brothers get to the throne. I want to see your sister, your brother and Arthur as soon as possible....... but.

"............ I'm still on my way. I'll see your sister after we talk to her mothers!

That said, I release the knife once again.

Tossss! and the knife, with a little force from close range, stabbed deep over the original hole. "I thought I'd say so," I jump up the ninth knife and throw it away as I return my words to Chelsea.

I want to be with your sister and brother as much as possible. 'Cause we only have two more years. So when we couldn't be together, we didn't want to waste every minute or get out of hand.

If you decide to have five knives, five. If I decide to have ten, I won't leave the room until I can hit ten in a row. If your time with your sister and brother is important, you can't even take one off.

... Again, I couldn't go with your sister.

I can't help it. Because this is a top-secret visit.

If I am accompanied by a royal family, I will also have to increase my escorts.

Though the first prince, my brother, who is your sister's assistant, and I, the second princess, are not. I had no choice but to act in small numbers. They must have left me this time, even if I was strong....... but.

"Huh... next time.

Tossss. And the knife stabbed him as he rolled onto the floor.

Eighth knife deeply stabbed in the hole in the wall "further stabbed in the handle of the ninth knife perpendicular to the handle.

Curler clapped small with his exclamation at the sight of three beautiful knives stabbed vertically.

I was able to center all ten of them exactly as I was aiming, and I pulled the knife out of the wall in a hurry. Chelsea also helps me, blocking Carler again from sticking it on the book page from where the knife fell out. I've got all the knives in the chest. I close the keys and check the room at the end. The knife has not fallen or stabbed, and all the holes that have been drilled have been filled.

Then I finally left the room with the two of them. To welcome the sisters who have finished talking to their mothers first.

... If this practice goes to waste until the end, it's still good.

That means that neither your sister nor the people around you were in danger.

But I didn't want to leave this country because I thought it might be better than living in fright.

"Sister! Welcome back, brother."

Waiting for your sisters to come out in front of the throne room, I jumped right into your sister's chest as the door opened from the inside.

My brother, who caresses my head with the sister who took me, said, "I'm home, Tiara," "Did you make a good boy?" and gives me the words. I love this moment a lot, both now and in the past.

Because I have two years left and I definitely want to protect this happiness as many times as I can.

"Yeah, what I was (...) doing to my (...) interest (...) mouth (...) in a proper (...) department (...) store (...).... any rewards?

I know you look like my brother. I smile back the way I laugh.

I smile and hide it as much as my brother does when he hides mean things. Even my brother is learning how to lie.

My brother gave me back with a smile that just said, "You're starting to say". But it's okay, they haven't noticed.

"Sorry, Tiara. I really wanted to see you sooner, because I had to report it to your mother first.

"No! I'm the one who's sorry I couldn't welcome you the most. I'm obsessed with reading (...) books (...) in your room.

I can never say I was practicing knife throwing.

I shook my sister's hand and said, "I want to hear a lot of stories soon!" and pulled it to your sister's room. Your sister and brother have finally returned. I also wanted to listen to you properly and hear what happened.

'Cause on that day, I think if there was... nothing... there would be nothing left. I know it annoys you a lot, but... thank you'

Your sister has been the same for a long time.

I hide what I think is hard on us and what I think is hard on us. We always want to hold on to your sister's hard work and hard work together.... So I put it into words. I'm sure that's something your brother or Arthur can't do.

'... Sister, what the hell are you going to do on your visit?

Both my brother and Arthur think best of your sister's happiness.

Because I love your sister, that's why I couldn't step in with Prince Leon. I believed your sister's words and just pushed my back to put a lid on my heart.

But because the real wishes of the two of us are absolutely different.

"Sister. I'm still too weak to help. We will not be able to come with you on this visit either. But... you can lean against your sister's heart '

"Not yet... Absolutely, next time, I'll try to be strong and help you properly.

So I only wanted that one moment to allow me to just lean on my sister's heart without power. Just leaning in is definitely not enough to save someone.

But "you're not alone," I wanted to give my sister just a little courage to believe someone and move forward. Hold him alone. One day he'll crumble. Before that.

"Stop Menace"

... like such a scary dream, before this guy went to a distant world by himself.

'No, sister. Try to hold it all by yourself.

I wanted you to realize it properly.

Never let your sister be alone no matter what happens next. Ahead,............ I'm gone, even after.

"Even if your sister moves by herself and solves it by herself,... so if one sister suffers, I'm not the only one who's hard"

We want to bear it together, we want to suffer together and cry together.

I'm not the only one. Because there are a lot of people who want to be like that with your sister. Because they are all people who care so much about your sister's heart.... because if your sister's heart dies, she must be very sad people.

We still don't know what happened to your sister and Prince Leon.

If Prince Leon was properly stopped from descending under the castle for the purpose, then Prince Leon remains your sister's fiancée without any problems.

I just don't know if that guy will take care of your sister more than anyone else. Because even when I was with my sister in the castle, she was the one who always laughed pathetically.

It's very, very sad that I can't be with your sister for the rest of the two years. But at least if Prince Leon makes your sister happy for that matter.

Sister, have you dissolved your fiancée?

Your sister gave it back to me with a bitter laugh as she accidentally screamed.

No more sadness or shame, like I'm relieved.

Prince Leon becomes king. I don't know how the hell that happened. That I'm sure you shouldn't know much about the fact that your sisters won't tell you. But that's all I'll ever know.

I'm sure your sister helped you with Prince Leon, too.

"... Well, take! Now it's time for me to go back to your room!

After all, let's practice more.

That's how I get up from the spot. I've really always wanted to stay with your sister like this. I wanted to go to the garden, lend him my knees, and take a nap with my brother and the three of us.

But in the end, your sister only got one wound for Prince Leon because she wanted to. A princess whose engagement was dissolved in a short period of time, even though her background will remain.

Still, your sister must have wished you the happiness of Prince Leon.

"I think your sister and brother have just returned and you're tired, and..."

Because I will definitely try to help my sisters more next time.

Don't let one of your sisters get hurt.

Don't let one of your sisters cry.

Don't let one of your sisters sacrifice you.

Next to your sister, now it's time for me to be there.

"You don't have to have a monopoly all the time today, and your sister is" our sister.

For Prince Leon's sake, we will continue to protect your sister.