Gyu, and Pride also responded by turning his arms to the embrace as he leaked the sound of the cloth being tightened.

"Nice to see you again," he said gently, and Tiara's throat, who should have calmed down, struck again, shaking her shoulders hard up and down. My chest ached at her crying as she buried her face in Pride's chest,... and wondered if it hurt her holding that she had nodded so much to suggestions from me by now.

After stroking Tiara's wavy golden hair many times so that Pride could forgive her, pouring a merciful glance and laughing. Now he starts turning that look and grin on us.

Prince Stayle, after laughing at each other without sound with Chancellor Jilbert, he finally laughed at me, too. Cedric, his spine stretches unexpectedly when he is called by name.

"Thank you so much.... I couldn't think of anything.

That's what I said and laughed. Dazzling, and I can't help but hold my breath.

Being appreciated and praised for pride is too awesome. My eyes swim as I say "take... outrageous" out of pride and embarrassment.

Because the knights still can't tell me the unpublished information, I chose the words, and I was able to teach the royal genealogy from Chancellor Jilbert and Prince Steele, and with their help earlier, I was able to spin them in traceable words, and now the same words as "absurd" came back from another direction.

"I didn't have that idea either. We only agreed, and it must be your achievement.

"Master Steele is right. It would be an honor to say I could contribute, but at least I have nothing. The boulder is His Royal Highness the King of the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

... I received no more praise from Prince Stayle and Chancellor Gilbert, and at last my face gets suddenly hot without being able to bear it.

He says he has exposed them as well as pride to terrible ugliness until a year ago, but doesn't know what to do when he is so praised. No, I just... show my palms in front of my chest. The sweat dripped on my forehead if I turned my back and tried to escape their grin and gaze. If I recall the twitching and all the stupidity I've exposed you two to, I even struggle to contain the blush. I'm not in a position to be so flattered by both of you.

"Take... anyway, above all, if a positive consideration is achieved. Pride, Tiara................ please reconsider the good fiancée candidate then.

If we decide, we'll probably both start reselecting our fiancée candidates. Because if that proposal passes, the fiancée candidate policy itself will change.

To my words Pride only returned the words "thank you" with an ambiguous grin for some reason. If you wonder if all the fiancée candidates that had already been decided are out of policy, it's cold to the neck that they bothered Tiara as well as Pride. Captain Column, at least one of Pride's fiancée candidates, is a knight. If he decides it's a prescribed area, he'll be anxious that one of the other two was pulled away because of me at the mercy of Pride. But before trying to correct my anxiety, a voice like a bell was thrown at me.

"... fiancée candidate...,... rethink...?

Tiara, squirming with pompous and light rainy words, slowly raised her face. I cried too much white skin and around my eyes to dye red, and my throat was slightly gutted.

Tiara, who looks at me with her eyes round like a gold crystal,... inadvertently even thinks that face is adorable. I managed to desperately suffer any more redness, but I can't take my eyes off those moistened eyes. Tiara continued with a large grain of pompous moistened tears in her eyes as she tied her mouth tight for a while because the words heard back stopped there.

"Well... then, Prince Cedric...,... why yesterday... sometimes... eh... correct me... please don't...?

The voice, close to tears, was still squeaky and interrupted.

Only her mouth was moving desperately, and she apparently wants to ask why I couldn't correct the story from her as of yesterday.

I know what I'm trying to say, but I twist my neck with an eyebrow, not knowing my intentions. Talk about yesterday... That would be a conversation in the guest room. I vividly recall yesterday's conversation about whether there would have been any corrections or anything to do so. But I still don't know.

I guess it's a correction regarding the fiancée candidate because I heard Tiara raise her face whine about the mogomogo and "whoa... fiancée..." but I still don't know. Because there were also knight's eyes around him, or he seemed to dare refrain from doing more than that.

Since Pride came out of his sight, the guard knights who had refrained from outside the door also went into the room to escort the queen, but some knights who had refrained from this occasion and the Kingsguard knights of Pride probably did so.

Pride and Prince Style are also comparing Tiara to me as they ask me. But when I myself was all blind and troubled, Chancellor Gilbert opened his mouth with a warm smile as he drowned.

"His Royal Highness King Cedric. Isn't it time for your return? Your Majesty would certainly like to see His Highness off.

If you don't mind. And, as I say, I point to between the glances of Chancellor Gilbert softly closed.

I suppose he was supposed to come and get me after I withheld him from a nearby guest room, but he ended up with Tiara in front of me for a long time. When I returned the words, Chancellor Gilbert threw his gaze at Tiara, who remained stuck in Pride's chest as he grinned bitterly.

"Master Tiara seems to want to talk to you, and we'll be waiting inside first. Please" be here as soon as you are ready.

Because Master Tiara will be better off after she calms down. and made the knights open the door to urge them to say so.

Preparation, nothing. I've come to the kingdom of Friesia on this one, so nothing like packing. I mean, it would be a care to talk to Tiara properly and then come. Softly away from Tiara, Pride, the Kingsguard knight and Prince Stayle left behind the door with Chancellor Gilbert as he turned his eyes to her to worry. "Take your time," he laughs softly in an elegant motion. Prime Minister Jilbert's care leaves his head down.

Having kept our distance from the knights in front of the door, we remained silent for about thirteen seconds after being shut.

Tiara, who hiccups and slightly still rings her throat, leans over with a bright red face for crying.... No, if you see extra red every time you peek into my face, maybe you're mixing anger and humiliation, not just the act of crying. I hold my fist with my hands still down, and now I wait for her words more than an apology. There was force in his face and he bit into his mouth.

I didn't want to make her cry or anything. I wanted my eyes to shine and laugh at the future of uniting my country with pride. But... I guess I can't enjoy it well at the point that it was me she hated that I suggested. As of yesterday, if only enough to make her suffer this far, you should have asked for suggestions from Prince Pride and Prince Stayle, not me. No, but I'm going to push the prides to make a suggestion that could have been disrespectful to the Queen...

"Why... didn't you tell me about this suggestion yesterday when I told you I couldn't get engaged...?

She asks in a submerged voice not to be asked small, still leaning down.

Apparently, as of yesterday, he has no consultation and is angry at what he suddenly proposed in front of the Queen today. I finally got to the point, and I snorted alone. I'm sorry, I lurk my voice not to be heard from me after the first apology.

"I didn't want to please you with expectations or pleasure, not knowing if I could even accept it. Most importantly, even if you disagreed, my resolve didn't change.

It was worth pleading with, even if she told me not to be disrespectful to the Queen, that there was no way through, reckless, and no more disrespectful.

If only I could be ashamed. If permission comes down from the queen and then Tiara says no that the blame is too heavy, that's fine. But as a result,... Tiara has already made up her mind on this occasion. After all, she is also one of the proud royalty.

"But you made up your mind, too," he continued, overflowing with nature and laughter. Tiara reassembled her fingers over and over again, leaking her words in such a way that she didn't think it was... I guess I'm still dissatisfied with the restless behavior.

"Besides, I knew I would be turned down by you even if this proposal were to pass. That's why I took it spoiled first.

"........................... Huh?

Second, Tiara suddenly leaked her voice into my words.

After shaking his shoulders once tingly, he raises his face in motions such as roughness. The eyes of the golden eyes were still red, and the eyes and nose were rubbed red.

The tone of the conversation, again asking me back, was similar to that of the exchange about three months ago. I answer with a little wonder why I react like that here. Lurk your voice to the extreme and keep an eye on her straight.

"... now you are with the prides, whoever you choose to marry. You don't have to marry me until you force yourself to.

In the meantime, Tiara's eyes become round as if they were crystals.

I wait for her expression to stain me with relief, wondering if I'd finally realized it now.... while realizing that my own chest would rub in that relief.

Tiara put me as a fiancée candidate in order to stay in the Kingdom of Friesia even after I got married. To mark the time with my beloved country and people. And I don't need that anymore. Because if the proposal is allowed, she can continue to live as a royalty in the castle rather than in the country. There's no way she's finally picking on me for liking and loathing me for nothing else.

My love affair with Prince Stayle was a mistake. And you won't be able to marry Prince Leon, the first heir to the throne of the kingdom of Anemone. But I'm sure that from now on, more men will be chosen who deserve her.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh."

………… visibility.

Her roaring voice, which overlapped about three months ago, echoed across the wide hallway.

It wasn't just me out loud all of a sudden, but the knights in front of the door stood up and circled their eyes. I guess she's not even used to seeing anything but me, like how warm she gets angry.

I thought she'd be relieved, totally angry. He stared sharply at his round eyes and swelled his cheeks with tightly tied lips on his bright red complexion. The hands that were supposed to be together are making fists and shivering pulls from arm to shoulder. I stood reflexively and flicked my jaw, wondering if I would swing again, just like I did then. But her anger has unleashed more hegemony than last time. I sound my throat wondering if they would let the knife go instead of my fist just like this.

I don't know how the hell I made you so angry, and confused and eye-to-eye with her flaunts the faces of good things. Tiara is also Tiara, and she doesn't say anything while she stares at me with the color of anger so that there are no more words. My moist eyes glistened even more, and I could hear it from my tied mouth to the sound of biting my teeth off.... really, why.

No matter how many times I let my memory go around, I still can't find a reason for her to be angry. I also wondered if I had been disrespectful, but other than not respectful, I also meant to choose the right words.

Her anger never stops while she thinks about it. His bright red face and trembling shoulders were like before the eruption of the volcano. When I let her cry again because of me, tears began to accumulate in her eyes from her moist eyes more than earlier, she hurried to the boulder. I couldn't touch her cheaply, and Tiara walked up to me more sadly wandering my gaze about what to do.

With her thin feet and fine shoes, she stomped the floor as far as she could, and walked closer to me, and I left after half a step. If I turned my back and sheltered myself with my arms, half ready to be really beaten or stabbed, for her, I'd rampantly grab my shoulder and chest clothes with my right and left hands, respectively, eagle. Attracted by the power, her upper body leaned forward to her face-to-face without taking her eyes off her golden eyes. Shortly after I remembered vividly the memory of the time that you had been drawn to reprimand for similar things to Pride.

... cheeks, her lips touched.

Its neat face, approaching close range, filled his vision and could be seen up to the tip of his long lashes.

The sound of the knights breathing slowly reached his ears.

The soft, little lip feel stirred my cheeks and my heart stopped for real once. I understood that my lips weren't bumped by chance, that it was definitely willingly hit on my cheek. And not for a moment, but for two seconds. That lasted.

Tiara gently released her bud-like lips from me, which solidifies without moving one very fingertip of the shock. Even that instantaneous sensation of lips moving away from my cheeks is loving and even makes me think it's a shame.

I couldn't even move like I was paralyzed when her face, which was at close range, slowly separated and finally the whole face was so far away that it could be captured by sight. I also forgot to blink, and only my eyes moved nailed to her dyeing her face bright red.

Breathe on his shoulders, frown like he was still angry, and Tiara, staring at me with her crystal eyes, finally takes her hands off my clothes as well. And with a rugged look, he moved those rosy lips small that touched my cheek.

"This is a testimony, an oath... oh, it's not a thank you, hey!

The last time she yelled at me like that with a trembling, rubbing voice, she finally slammed me gently with both hands. He grows taller while twitching against the opposite from his predisposition.

Then she glanced at me with her bright red cheeks swollen and hit me on the shoulder and walked past the side. The sound of treading strongly on the floor unchanged went away, shouting out loud to the knights, "Please open the door," and immediately after the sound of the door opening, she walked away from her footsteps. I guess I went back before I saw it, but I couldn't look back with rigidity and can't move.

My heart rumbled around like a seizure with Bakubaku, not quite. Heart overwork, or blood turning terribly hot to boil to the face or head. I don't even know how to breathe anymore, and I thought I was gonna die like this.


I'm supposed to have an absolute memory, and my thoughts have vanished into white.

Pride peeps in interruptions, exchanges greetings with the queen, is given extra gratitude, and the memory of Regent Style laughing later remains, but the thought is utterly frivolous.

If I noticed, my brother grabbed me on both shoulders, "Hold on, you fool." I was rocked and moved, and I was drunk.

When my head finally started working properly, I wondered if that mouthpiece was a "reward" or something if it wasn't a testimony, an oath or a thank you.... thin blurry, I thought so.