A toast.

The people.

All over the kingdom of Friesia. Especially under the castle, the voice flew wide apart. One store decorated its appearance to attract customers for today, one store lined up large quantities of products to sell more than one, and one store closed the store and ran out to enjoy the festival.

Now to the king's capital, where the people of the whole country gather most.

Many people were stuck in front of the castle before the sun came up. Not only did the invited domestic nobles mix, but also civilians, lower-level humans, and even the use of nobles and royalties in other countries who heard rumors continued to wait for that time as soon as possible to get information.... hear the official announcement from the Queen before the celebration, for that matter.

It was fixed time, and the first guests' nobles were passed through the castle gate in turn. As guards and knights of various special abilities questioned, including temperature sensing, they proceeded to the front of the castle as they were guided.

Beyond the castle gate and the walls, they are the only ones who can see directly up that building with a view down to the castle. And the people, who are not, also continue to gather news of the royal figure and voice from before the castle gate. As the invited nobles entered the castle, the people gathered closer. Their minds were only distracted while the guards raised their voices to make way for them not to get too close.

The stiffness of the people of the castle gate increases, while the nobles passed through calm down to the tension in the place. They were also also only informed that there was public news today. Everyone has guessed that the invasion and total victory of the Radian Empire, from the signing of the treaty, is about it. But now that the threat had left, the only news awaited by everyone in the people was the details of the Radian Empire and the signing of the treaty.

At the same time, the sound of a light trumpet echoed in both the gazebo and the closed castle gate.

At the same time, the name of the queen was proclaimed exalted as the hearts of the people roared so high. Queen Rosa finally showed up as she even began to quiet down the castle gate she had been bothering.

Next to it continues Albert, the king's mate, and Vest, the regent, with the distinguished knights, including the Knights as escorts, holding back behind them. There was an unusual tension around the gazebo to protect the royalty who appeared before the people, including temperature-sensitive special abilities.

Everyone is blinded by the luxurious dress and the majestically wrapped queen Rosa. Graceful motion, beautiful appearance, and a voice that sounds more than you can imagine from a supple, thin body are emitted from her.

"This time, there would have been a great deal of confusion about the violation and invasion of the treaty by the Radiyan Empire.

Everyone sharpens their hearing to that voice that is loosely released.

And many of them nodded slightly silently. From them it was all sudden that evacuation instructions were given, invasions and victories. It is only natural that we want to know why this happened, both in doubt and in dissatisfaction with the Radian Empire, and also the origin of it all.

Listening to Rosa's story, the people who had hoped for that truth sooner abandoned to think immediately after the next word.

"The beginning of the matter is the Birth Festival of Tiara Royal Ivy, the Second Princess. So Pride, the first princess, was subjected to a" state of gravity ”by the hands of Radiya.

and the sound of many voices leaking overlapped with the sound of breathtaking.

presence that was in the vortex of greatest interest to them. Pride Royal Ivy's medical condition, which until today was said to be laying low on sickness. Even if only those who predicted that it was her heavy cause that was the Radian Empire, the upset cannot be hidden. And what was told from Rosa's mouth was the course to this day and the truth about it.

Heavy state of pride due to attempted assassination from the Radian Empire. The capture and internal invasion of the Radiyan Empire, which was again invited to the castle. Since its discovery, it hastily directed evacuation to the people, and the activity of the Knights who rushed to reclaim their pride by (...) quality (...) to (...) take (...) et al. (...). And...

"And this time, with our defensive victory from the Radian Empire, we succeeded in recapturing it safely.

Ooh... and my voice leaks again.

That, if not more, builds expectations among the people as they continue to whine. Once the words were cut, Rosa gently looked back with only her face behind her back. If you send the signal with a graceful smile, the shadow appeared again from behind the gazebo.

Same wavy hair and clear skin as Rosa.

The same deep red and sharp, purple eyes as Albert the king's mate.

to call her a rosy lip and princess. Nestled in no more beauty, that woman is no doubt

"I am the first princess and heir to the first throne, Pride Royal Ivy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

To the introduction from Rosa, the people boiled in an instant.

Waiting for reward for the status quo and recovery of pride. Everyone rejoiced at the unprecedented evidence of the appearance of pride standing in line with Rosa and laughing gracefully in front of her.

The pride of gazing from within the castle to beyond the castle gate with a gentle wave of his right hand to respond to the cheers of the people makes only one mouth end cramp. I am glad that they rejoice in their safety and thus stand before the people again. But although Rosa's explanation doesn't lie, she's actually the main perpetrator of the coup she staged in the castle. Furthermore, there is no mistake in the state of gravity, but instead of falling asleep in that state, it even caused enormous human damage around the castle. Although it is good that there are no damaged people under the castle, it is also up to them to be driven away from their place, even temporarily, with evacuation, and their homes and buildings destroyed by the Radian Empire. Despite being the culprit of such disturbances, it makes me think that such things as being successfully hidden and cheered on by the people are the usual means of power-based villains of cartoons and games that I have often seen in my previous life.

He began to cramp pimples not only at the end of his mouth, but to his right shoulder, but all he could see was a first princess waving gracefully at the people looking up from a distance. Pride himself, when Rosa ordered me to say hello to the people, was also able to anticipate the interview. Moreover, some refused to believe that "even though it was the heart of the commotion, I do not deserve to stand before the people in that way".

but as soon as I mouthed it, it was quickly disputed by Stile and Jilbell.

In summary, although it was a gentle tone because it was before Rosa, "You were being manipulated, weren't you?" and "If you think about it because the people were worried, you should actively go out into public."

What's more, if Tiara, who was beside her, swelled her cheeks puffy, she could easily imagine what she was going to do, and the pride herself had to break.

In fact, the pride that was brainwashed by Adam has little responsibility per se, and very few people here think that pride is responsible even if Rosa tells the people everything from Adam's special abilities to the truth about the case. Because she was “used” by the Radian Empire. But that's not so easy to convince. Because for Pride, it's only the (...) former (...) offense of self- (...) minutes (...) of (...) intent (...) thought (...).

The look on his stretched shoulders and muscles too much force while continuing to respond to unstoppable cheers will not heal.

The cheer stopped to squeeze the sound if Rosa spread her hands and showed the people to calm down. At the same time, Pride also lowers his waving hand and stacks forward to correct his posture.

Step away from the center of the prompted viewing table and lean towards the edge. If Rosa began to speak to the people again, she looked back behind her back with only a slightly tilted face and eyes with her body facing the front. To the person at the end of his gaze, Pride loses only a little of his shoulder strength.

"I'd like to introduce you to some of the people who have devoted a great deal of time to recapture the First Princess Pride.

With that word, Queen Rosa opens the door to the other side of her pride.

One arm spread out to invite him, and the two invited to the middle of the gazebo showed up from behind with a definite step by step. The moment someone and everyone could stare at each other and see what they looked like, the yellow screams echoed in unison with Rosa and Pride.