"We have imitated what has passed in this recapture. But... thanks again to Captain Arthur, Captain Alan and Deputy Eric.

No column captain, but King Cedric's brother throws at Captain Alan and the others as well.

All of a sudden I could see Captain Alan and Deputy Eric walking right behind me. I even heard the sound of my throat rattling low, and I think Captain Alan and the others are nervous about their royal opponents.

Thank you......? And if I asked him back, King Cedric's brother would be behind me before he answered. He glanced at Captain Alan and Deputy Eric in turn. I can't thank you or remember anything. I was almost alone, and King Cedric's brother brought Tiara to the tower, awakened by his predictive abilities alone. I only heard from the knights, too, so I don't know the details. By and large, the Knights of Ningro said they had just listened...

Thanks to your guidance, I was able to fulfill my wishes.... I don't even really appreciate it.


Unexpectedly peels at the words of King Cedric's brother, who speaks peacefully. Reminds me of what I heard at the time from the knight at once and of Mr. Harrison's noise three days ago.

Instruction: Instruction is not...!

I noticed, and looking back before I thought about it, both Captain Alan and Deputy Eric were blue with their faces cramped. Clark weirdly compared us to King Cedric's brother, but there's no way I can tell.

King Cedric's brother at the time, pushing the knight away and walking alone.

I didn't believe it when I heard it either, but it seems King Cedric's brother pushed the knight back many times during the recapture battle and continued to flee to the tower.

You didn't just run away, you took control of the knight you tried to take home for protection. Sometimes I couldn't get out poorly on protected opponents, but still, it was quite a thing for a knight to be defeated. Only one knight, whether back-running or soldiering in another country, was rendered incapable of combat rarely more than once, powerless. The result was good because Tiara, a predictor, made it, but it was quite a shock in the Knights.

Besides, one of my 8th squad knights is getting paid back by King Cedric's brother. Some knights have since been rendered incapable of combat by King Cedric's brother, and that man has proven his strength, but still,...... Mr. Harrison is so angry.

The knights of the other squads must be allowed to lose, such as the knights of the eighth squad, who were allowed to act alone. King Cedric, I lost to my brother. He's been pretty to Mr. Gwynn.

Apparently since I heard about it in a report from a correspondent at the time, but it finally blew out three days before the strict state of precaution was lifted. When I got back to the Knights Exercise, I was just returning from my break when Mr. Gwynn almost slashed Mr. Harrison.

It's usual for Mr. Harrison to be slashed by his men, but he was more murderous than usual and a real hegemony that could kill him. At first I was watching, but I stopped at the boulder because I was more forgiving than usual and even started using my special abilities. For the first time, I was grateful to Mr. Harrison for interrupting me as soon as I spoke. Even if you weren't a superior officer, you wouldn't have stopped me if I had told you.... although Mr. Harrison's anger didn't subside even after the interruption.

Eventually, I spoke to Mr. Harrison and asked him to accompany me. Mr. Gwynn, you're dealing with him. Mr. Harrison is seriously going to kill him, and Mr. Gwynn wasn't hegemonic, contrary to Mr. Harrison, who cares about what happened at the time with Mr. Gwynn. I seriously think Mr. Harrison would have accidentally killed me if I had left it like that. We talked about it later and it was even darker than usual.... Originally, the Eighth Squad people were scared. They wouldn't even get involved.

"In spite of your busy days -...,...?

I'm in such a hurry for King Cedric's brother, who appreciates me with an emotional voice.

I wondered how King Cedric's brother could have been so strong or defeated the knight, but I have a terrible feeling about this now.

"I don't know about your guidance, but I remember. I've worked with King Cedric's brother several times before. I've heard that every time I repeat myself, I learn skills at great speeds, and Captain Alan and the others have taught me all sorts of things, but the knights have been returned to King Cedric because of us. It was also our fault that Mr. Gwynn was about to be killed by Mr. Harrison.

I ran cold through my spine thinking about it all at once. King Cedric's brother, Yay Clark and Father, who says thank you without realizing it, rushes me. King Cedric, with his eyes rounded on the way. If you think of anything because my brother stops the words weirdly,... he had his eyes behind mine.

If you follow your gaze and look back, Captain Alan is talking about something just with the movement of his mouth. I'm not in my voice, and I don't know what you're talking about, but from my desperate shape, I think maybe I'm complaining about something like not telling me. Deputy Eric also seemed to be looking at Captain Alan and thinking about what he wanted to say.

Turning again to King Cedric's brother, he stared at Captain Alan as he stopped his words and nodded in his arms at the end. "Excuse me," he said, lightly apologizing to me and Deputy Eric.... when or now did you pass it on?

"... I look forward to the upcoming event now. Captain Arthur will be waiting.

Wow, it's really telling. Captain Alan, what have you done now?

I exhale out of my shoulders to Prince Cedric, who has changed the story so much. Almost simultaneously, I heard the same noise from Captain Alan and Deputy Eric. Yeah, and I returned the words,... and now the cold sweat creaked for another reason. I get a heartbeat to my throat.

Coming up, the event.

The words make my head hot at once. I wanted to not think about it, but when I was conscious, my whole head circled. No, I'm dying now. King Cedric's brother looked at me worried again when the color also changed to the fever on his face.

I don't know. My face keeps twitching when I think it's time. Deputy Eric slapped me in the back with the van when my breath was even getting rough. The clogged breath exhales and I manage to wake up. Excuse me, I finally made up the words after I returned them.

"Me too, I'm looking forward to it. … to be honest, very awe-inspiring and nervous though.

"Me too. But I'm honored to be on the same stage as Captain Arthur again. … No, should I say to the Holy Knight here,

No, I laugh like a little light. King Cedric's brother caught me laughing, too.

Even the prince is still nervous, I think. They managed to tell me I was more honored, even though I was frightened. Normally, knights are supposed to be honored with the same stage as princes, but they took it first. But after all, King Cedric's brother's words were words and laughter that he really thought he was, not humble or flattering.

"Excuse me while I talk to you.... may I add you to the story?

Unexpectedly, the surrounding guests made another noise.

Ooh...... and some leaky voices were also heard and they all looked back at the same time. King Lance and King Joan return the words as representatives to the words thrown at them.

"This is His Royal Highness Prince Leon. Please, I apologize for the long story this way. That's for sure..."

"His Royal Highness Prince Leon, and Captain Column. Please let us talk too.

If King Lance shows and invites an empty space with his hands, he will also call on Captain Column, whom King Joan is next to Prince Leon. King Cedric's brother raised his voice softly when he heard it too. After shaking hands with Prince Leon, King Lance also reaches out to Captain Column saying he was "excused" as it was.

"Was it indeed Lord Bordeaux here? Lord Column, Cedric was very helpful in the retrieval.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Captain Column, who was also invited as Lord Bordeaux, was surrounded again, apart from us. My stomach will now be stuck with lead when I think about my work in the recapture battle and the fact that Lord Pride has completely healed...... maybe even me.

With Prince Leon. I guess that means we've been greeting each other again. Captain Column exchanged greetings from King Joan to King Cedric's brother in the form followed by Prince Leon. As soon as he shook his hand, he told Prince Cedric only, "Thank you so much for your guidance," and the captain of the column immediately guessed. The smile struck me slightly. The sweat is telling my cheeks as I give it back.

I was curious and I looked sideways and Clark's mouth laughed a little, and I feel like something's already on my mind.

Captain Column's glass was empty when I finished greeting him, so I went to get a new glass... and Deputy Eric stopped me when I tried to go. "If you, the Holy Knight, go, you won't be able to come home," he says, and instead, he goes to get it.

"Yes, King Cedric, I have heard of the work of my brother. Besides, he seems to have... a really great talent.

That's what Prince Leon, speaking to his father and King Lance, says and laughs smoothly.

Father hammered the words with interest. "Not yet as a king brother," King Lance and King Joan flaunted as they returned with a calm grin at it. I wonder if Prince Leon also heard about King Cedric's brother, the "Divine Son", in the corner of his head. Even when I heard it with Master Pride at the time, it wasn't exactly a pin to be able to stay in that body just because I saw it, but it's also an awesome talent if that's what it has to do with being able to defeat a knight with just a few matches.

In Prince Leon's words, King Cedric's brother apologized to his father, "I sincerely apologize to the knights for that fold". It's just words because they're in public, but if they weren't, this guy would definitely have his head down, too.

"Even our Knights have had a good opportunity to reflect.... That was a lack of power. My Knights are responsible.

Father bowed his head with great disrespect, even though he didn't know this one.

King Cedric, my brother immediately turned me down by hand, but I was quite panicked that my father had apologized to me. And I blued my face like I thought my eyes would compare us to your father alone.... Maybe you found out why Captain Alan stopped talking.

No, I squeezed my lips in hesitation to say anything more until I said yes.

"... you guys. I wouldn't dare ask, but from now on, keep it to the level of escort.


To Captain Column, as soon as Deputy Eric came home with the glass, Clark slapped us on the shoulder in a row.... Clark has always been so smart about this.

He lurked my voice so my father wouldn't notice, but as soon as Clark slapped me, my shoulders went up and down. Looking back, the similarly slapped captains Alan and his shoulders were gradually shaking. I tie my lips, my shoulders are up, and they all look the same. If you keep saying, "It's your men who cry," you'll have nothing more to excuse.

"" "" I'm sorry......

At the same time, a low voice overlapped Captain Alan and his four apologies.

Instead of a reply from Clark, only a croaking throaty laugh returned. King Cedric's brother, who was talking to his fathers, turned even bluer with his eyes only over here. I don't think you heard me, but maybe I found out Clark found out somehow.

As soon as his eyes met, King Cedric's brother shook his head sideways in small pieces to tell him it wasn't bad.... Still felt responsible, still pale as ever. I feel like I've done something wrong by letting my royal opponent worry about me.

Keeping the royal family around for a while allowed me and Captain Column to take a breather with Captain Alan and Deputy Eric for as long as the guests pulled.

Captain Column tells me everyone listened to me and it makes my head hot. I thought they were making me talk about me after all, so I hurried and apologized, and they slapped me on the shoulder and thanked me the other way around, saying, "Rather, I could have had a much more chesty time than the topic I was always shaken about.... My face boiled extra because of it. Both King Cedric's brother and Captain Column are praised for their direct balls.

With that in mind, I lean my glass all at once trying to cool it from the inside out. Stain it in your thirsty throat and exhale the heat with your breathing. Then, the sound of a light-hearted trumpet struck my ear.

"Starting now, we're having a dance party. Please gather the guests on the central floor.

……………… here we are.

Gubili, and. Moistened throat dried up again in an instant.