"... Dear Pride. And then we'll do it.

That said, it was the column that spoke softly with his hands on Eric's shoulder.

Except at first, the prelude, which had been cut short, is now stretched long again. Pride's prelude to choosing her next dance opponent was now stretched out even for another reason, not for her to choose.

After Eric wept, Pride, who gently held his head together, did not move off the spot. He was gently pressing Eric's face against his own shoulder, causing him to hide his tears.

Not a single one is irritated by the pride of continuing to stroke his chestnut short hair over and over and Eric burying his face on that shoulder with one hand attached to her, asking him to move on with the dance quickly. Because the Knights know more about the character of pride than before.

To those who were recruits seven years ago, their breasts became as hot as they were about themselves. I'm delighted that Eric, who was the same recruit we were.

Eric's face was bright red with tears and shame as he noticed the voice of the column and slowly raised his face away from pride at his will. "Excuse me..." said Eric, bowing his head deeply to Pride with a shriveled raging voice, Pride stroking with his fingertips just to look at his hair tip again.

If the column pulled his hand in front of Eric's shoulder, whose vision was still unclear, now Alan turned his arm forcefully to his shoulder. Arthur grabs both a jock and a glass and rushes over to Eric. "It's water and booze," he stuck out in both hands, and Alan received the jock instead of Eric.

"Master Pride, please continue the dance.

Encouraged by the column, Pride looked around saying he was.

If you notice, you notice that the prelude is going to circle around, and if you don't hurry, you're in a bit of a hurry. I'm good, but I have trouble believing that Eric prolonged the dance because of what I strongly attracted.

Originally, dance is not an invitation from a woman. That's why Pride has to look for someone he wants to dance from the countless hands offered to him. Until now, I had all four Kingsguard knights since I found Alan, so I found them right away, and had extra prelude time. But the four of us have already finished the dance. Next, I recall that the person of interest was watching the dance a great distance from here. And as the prelude approaches Week Two, the way Pride squeezed out

"Ah, Arthur. Can you get Lieutenant Harrison?"

When I call it, I get inferior as a violation of manners.

Then Arthur's eyes turned round to Pride asking for a call from Harrison's favorite Arthur.

"Huh? Ah, yes," he said, turning back his words traceably and straining his throat to call him on the spot as his face lit up again for the reason that he looked directly at pride again.

Excuse me, Harrison.


The moment I thought the wind blew, Harrison's voice painted Arthur on top.

Instead of sewing between the knights, just the audience, Harrison stood between Pride and Arthur, crossing the dance floor and showing up at the shortest distance. Harrison kneels silently before the pride of rounding his eyes with Arthur, who slightly turned his back on the instant appearance.

He reached out respectfully to the princess in front of him as his long dark hair nearly touched the floor. Harrison also understood what his actions would be if the First Princess, who is now at a dance party and a woman, were in front of him. Before listening to Arthur's requirements, Harrison, who gives his best courtesy to Pride, has no hesitation in kneeling or offering his hand.

Except if it was really taken.

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Harrison.

That's what I said and they immediately took my extended hand, and Harrison rounds his eyes in an instant.

With his mouth tied in one letter, he stretches his knees out of his knees so that he can be pulled up to pride and rises. The open purple eyes glowed round like plates, photographing the deep red pride.

As she moves her legs toward the center, she only turns her face toward Arthur and complains about the requirements. But Arthur, who raised and lowered his shoulders when Harrison stared at him, desperately showed his pride with his hands and eyes. "That's the errand," he complained desperately as he panicked too much and zeroed the water out of the glass in his hand with Copoly.

It was easy for Arthur and the other knights to imagine that Pride, who continues to dance with the Kingsguard, would want to dance with Harrison next. Just one, pull yourself out.


Only question marks come to mind.

Why do you think you are while your pride draws your hand? It is also convincing that the other four Kingsguard knights are chosen because they are present with pride during the day. But I am a Kingsguard and the sun is shallow. Besides, unlike the other four, I am the first to finish greeting with the Knights in this celebration. Yet I couldn't understand why you bothered to invite yourself to the dance.

It's also close to reflection that Arthur called me to fly out. I couldn't even look at myself and Pride after they took my hand, like they called me to do a dance.

"I'm sorry I rushed you.

Pride, who arrived early in the center while lowly apologizing to Harrison, quickly combines with Harrison. As soon as they lay their hands on each other and turned their hands on their backs, their eyes met each other.

Harrison streamed silently into the song in a situation where he danced with Pride, and just after the prelude was over. Her deep red and Harrison brunette shakes at the same time and is taken to a loose step. I still haven't figured out the situation, but I didn't dare to conform to my role now.

Not as glamorous as the knights have been before, Harrison's appearance of continuing to take basic steps was nevertheless a sight to keep the knights' eyes open. There's no way you can imagine Harrison doing a dance, feared by the knights when the battle goes hand in hand with the divination on his fast feet. On the contrary, many knights' jaws came off at the very fact that Harrison could dance.

"You're good, Lieutenant Harrison.

It was a little surprising, and the pride of laughing as he continued admires Harrison's footsteps with no hesitation at all.

Even for Pride, Harrison had no image of being good at dancing. But it seemed nice enough to dance gracefully, even though there was no way to get lost in choreography and no prep time in the prelude. In terms of strength alone, Harrison of the same level of skill as Arthur at Tiara's Birthday Festival, but he was many times more prosperous in leading his pride with dignity.

I'm afraid, Harrison, returning in one word, let Pride then dive into his arms. Harrison, who only tried to acquire the least amount of dance that had nothing to do with the battle, is also well aware of his strengths. Repeating the choreography that suited my height, I was still painting enough to do it lightly.

Only slight tension is maintained between the fact that the opponent is a pride and that he is seen by the Knights Commander and Deputy Commander. Harrison, who arcs with Pride and doesn't move one eyebrow after being applauded, can't even read his emotions from Pride's eyes.

"Um..., Deputy Harrison, thank you. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience this time.... you have also committed an unacceptable crime.

"?... What are you talking about?

Harrison's brow narrows slightly between his thoughtfully worded pride.

Harrison, inquiring in such a way that he had no recollection of gratitude or apology at all, gave only a look close to confusion. Just stay calm and keep taking steps over and over.

Compared to the other four, Harrison is not so much about pride as a Kingsguard knight. It was the scene where Pride turned leopard that I witnessed, but it wasn't myself who stopped her after that. Originally, Harrison, who is also an auxiliary personnel as a Kingsguard knight, rarely engages with Pride among Kingsguard knights.

It was a bigger part of me not falling in love when I was thanked for my pride in not knowing that I had helped Arthur in the shadows on the tower of separation and had taken the watch or captured the general in a recapture battle.

But Pride looked straight into Harrison's eyes, which also seemed to be staring at him, and he spoke clearly with a praised voice.

"Arthur's injuries are also my responsibility, to say the least. At the time, I directed Adam to go after Arthur.... is the captain of the Eighth Squad, take him.


It's easy to hide from Harrison.

But Pride didn't want to do it himself. Pride doesn't know how Arthur was injured at the time. But I only knew that Arthur was injured because of me. I had decided that I couldn't hide that from Harrison, who cared about Arthur both as captain and even before he became captain.

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess was manipulated.

"But it's no different from what I ordered.

I also thought it was cowardly during the dance, but I wasn't sure I could calmly speak to Harrison who would otherwise be angry. I was ready for Harrison to get more than half a kill, but that scared me more when Harrison ran off and held me accountable than I could shelter.

Harrison's adorability of Arthur has been paused by the columns, but the fact that he wounded the captain of the Eighth Squad, even if he doesn't, is good enough for Harrison to be angry. Moreover, in fact, rather than a major injury, the knight's life was cut off and even his life was endangered.

Harrison only had one shoulder up for a confession from Pride. He did not blink one and kept staring at the princess as she streamed into the song and looked up at herself without cowering, opening her mouth after a few dozen seconds of silence.

"………… I cannot blame Her Royal Highness the First Princess.

"... is that right...

Pride drops his gaze on Harrison's conclusion alone.

I can't blame you. That's not like you never blame me, or you're unwilling to blame me. As long as Harrison is a knight and Pride is the first princess, "I don't think Pride means you can blame him as a position.

I'm not dropping my shoulders for not being forgiven. It's just that I'm not worth blaming, and... I tightened my chest to the fact that I couldn't blame myself. Misleading a cloudy look as he clasps desperately and consciously that his powers are going to fall out of the hand that accompanies Harrison. "Right," he returns with a little discouragement, making Harrison laugh not to be misunderstood in the sight of the knights.

"Thank you so much for your dedication to recapture as a knight, even in that sentiment.

"" That's...? "

Frowning again at Pride's response.

I don't care if Harrison says anything strange to Pride from the look on his face or the knights around him. My breasts ranged from distance to Arthur at the way they were talking. I'm anxious to see what the hell Harrison has said to Pride's manicured smile.

"... one, would you mind?

uncommon, now Harrison teased open his mouth,

Pride flipped his voice a little more nervously at Harrison's expression, such as he was still uncomfortable. Please, give it back, and I'm prepared to say a word or a sharp statement that Harrison won't forgive me this time. A finger that turns to his back shivers pickly, swallowing through his mouth and waiting for words.

Harrison moved that mouth after making a turn at the edge of the floor with Pride.

"Has Her Royal Highness the First Princess taken this hand just to say it?

Dance to apologize and thank yourself. Harrison's short statement was the only pride I understood, but without asking, "Huh?" and repeatedly blinked.

Seeing, Harrison's purple eyes sank darker than earlier, contrary to the pale, spoken tone. Pride also noticed that the originally lowered voice was without a heart or even lower. At this time, Pride returns his natural words by suppressing his desire to tilt his neck, wondering a little.

"No, I just wanted to dance with Deputy Harrison.... I really wish I was in a position to only enjoy dancing......

I'm sorry. And apologized again.

As a pride, I would not have liked to dance with Harrison or anyone else like the other Kingsguard knights. If I hadn't even made this mistake, I'd have liked to laugh more from the start and just enjoy dancing with them. But considering what I did now, I couldn't help but say my apologies and thanks. No matter how much someone forgives me, I still think that if I face to face with someone else, I don't deserve that again.

Again Harrison shut up in response from Pride. With his eyes open, he suddenly gained strength in the fingers of his hands that accompanied his pride as if to stand his nails. It hurt to the point of being gently twisted, but my pride stuffs my breath and raises and lowers my shoulders accidentally. Harrison also noticed the boulder and said, "Excuse me," and once I let go, I immediately re-accompanied him.

There can be no such thing as releasing a woman's hand outside of choreography during a dance. That was something that was also sporadically said to Clark, the deputy chief who taught me to dance at the time.

"No," he returns, "I'm just surprised," Pride later reflects immediately after his apology on whether he would have lacked consideration such as the statement "I just wanted to dance". But under the circumstances, he also lied to Harrison.

Pride peeks up at Harrison as his shoulders tense, wondering if he would have pissed him off. Even with his chopped forehead, long dark hair and originally hard to see his face, he just tilts his face a little and doesn't understand his expression.

"… then enjoy.

Huh? And Harrison's word, released so suddenly, seemed blurry.

Speaking pale, he was turning his face in the direction of the dance, not pride. Only long flowing dark hair and high nose tips are visible to Pride's eyes.

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess has the right to enjoy the feast.

The next word was strangely clear.

I can say I assure you, in a clear tone, the eyes of pride become round. I don't know why Harrison, who should have been angry with himself until now, would say that to me. I keep twisting my thoughts as to whether it means at least behaving like a royal.

When I realized it, the steps I was accustomed to taking were put out slightly sooner. It was an acceleration that seemed on its own, but firmly its arm led the way in pride.

"If the wounds of our captain say Her Royal Highness the First Princess is the former.

Kang, and the sound of the shoes sounds light.

It was easy to increase the speed to a step that had already repeated the same fundamentals many times before. Furthermore, the number of turns that I could only let in from time to time until just now, as well as the number of times I let my pride dive into my arms, increases.

"The presence of the Knights today is also a feat of Her Royal Highness the First Princess.

Pride was more surprised by Harrison's words than by the faster dance.

Harrison, who affirms in a pale tone, even mixed a slight hegemony. Unlike before, there was even pressure in Harrison's words to say, "I won't admit denial."

My...? and Harrison twirled himself a spin before trying to ask what it meant. For the first spin after dancing with Harrison, the dress spread softly.

"The fate of the Knights Commander and the admission of Arthur Beresford are the achievements of Her Royal Highness the First Princess. I wonder if it's impossible for His Royal Highness the First Princess, who was manipulating it and depriving us of her sanity, to ask us to blame her.

"! What... but with this!

Pride unexpectedly devours Harrison, who speaks quickly.

It's true that I helped the Knights a long time ago, but just because I helped doesn't mean I can treat them any better afterwards. In that way of thinking, Pride thinks that's the same as he was when he was being drunk by madness.

Harrison holds his pride tight as if it were too much force and his voice rubbed up. If the two of us turned to arc as they were, the wind pressure knocked out Pride's last voice. After a circle, Harrison goes on to say the words again as if he hadn't heard the story earlier.

"For example, if I killed the Knights Commander. Will Her Royal Highness the First Princess be convicted of me even if she complains that it was being manipulated by Crown Prince Radiya?

Pride let his mouth shut to words that spoke incredibly pale.

Bite his lips and Harrison received it as a reply to Pride, who would no longer be able to answer. Confirming Pride's expression from the gap in his hair only for a moment, he opened his mouth further as he took steps. I wait for the word to respond to Pride and the next because he took away the word to return once.

"... even someone like me killed the Knights Commander. Doesn't that seem natural?

"Naturally, I can see Deputy Harrison admiring the Knights Commander.

"Then would you kill me if I cried and begged for the death penalty?

Pride was stuck in words again for words that he couldn't get into his hair.

Even the story hurt like a chest stab just imagining it. In the game, Harrison doesn't even exist on the contrary. But if that happens to Harrison,

"I thought that was the answer.

Sutton was attacked by a compulsive understanding as if he had been stuck and pushed away.

We put our hands on each other on our backs, and even though we should be overlapping one hand, Pride really felt like we were going to let go and fall in. If you notice, you also hold your breath, chasing the same purple eyes as yourself in desperate attempt to look at Harrison, who deflects your face. But Harrison didn't want to look back into pride as he flushed the dance unchanged.

"It is impossible to tell His Royal Highness the First Princess to know her personality and background and to blame us for admiring her on it. It seems wiser to give up.

Give up, Pride understands that his thoughts are read to the word.

If you want to be blamed, if you want to be scolded, no one will. It is forgiven to everyone, even though they have committed an unacceptable thing. On the contrary, the inexcusable toothitch had scratched their chest thinly so that their tenderness would now be scraped with yasles.

"It is despicable to overlap apologies with a desire for forgiveness, but out-of-target redemption is self-satisfying. The apology, redemption and repudiation of Her Royal Highness the First Princess are all but burdensome to us.

Words that don't put silk on Harrison's teeth stab Zakuza and Pride in the chest.

Self satisfied, the word comes to grime and the wound. All I can say is that everything is as I say. Pride asked silently, wondering if he was such a talker.

I can't see Harrison's side unchanged, but that tone didn't change at all. But I guess Harrison's words mean "don't get yourself involved in self-satisfaction" in a word of something that's only polite.

"We are knights. It's all about saving, controlling and protecting. Our roots will shake if we are taken for granted to be so burdensome.

"I'm sorry......

Completely debated by Harrison.

My pride stretched back finally gets round as I dance. I lost my hegemony in my voice and my mouth cramped without being able to laugh or cry. Harrison finally turned his eyes and twisted his neck to a pride that made him sink heavily as if he were even being put on a pickle stone on his head, clouding his expression beyond concealment.

If you look at the discomfort suddenly thanked by Pride, for some reason, it's not even superior to her expression. I was afraid you were still feeling something, but I don't understand the mood that far. But I'm not the right person for that. Harrison twirled around with Pride again when he self-finished, trying to leave the part that he didn't know to other humans if he thought so. Repeat the basic steps and wait for the song to end.

"So, please, Her Royal Highness the First Princess, enjoy the feast.

I can't be ashamed of myself and enjoy swallowing myself if they point out to me how self-satisfied I am when I'm so fucked up so far.

Instead, why do you tell yourself to have fun when you can't get this far? With that in mind, Pride had already lost his temper to return it.

I remember Arthur talking about him a year ago to Harrison's conversation haul, which I don't think has too much context. But at least I understand that even the first story is kindness from Harrison.

If Harrison thought about what he would think of him if he were in the same position, I could also understand how knights and those around him wouldn't blame themselves. I think that's what Leon and Style told me again.

"Thank you...... Deputy Harrison.

Either way, it doesn't change what Harrison made me realize.

Pride chants small at Harrison as he slows down his movements as the song ends. Responding briefly to the word "no" from Pride, Harrison did not look at Pride until the end of the dance.

Stop moving, thank you, and head to the place where Harrison originally refrained until Arthur called him as he joined hands.

Pride glanced forward at Harrison walking next door as he was surrounded by a drink. Suddenly Pride peeked into his face, and even his expression distorted anxiously, Harrison inadvertently stopped on his way. To Harrison, who opens his eyes and returns "something" in return, Pride asked as he walked side by side.

"Can you dance again next time...? That, ……… even if it is not an obligation.

Harrison doubted his ears to Pride, who asks him a favor.

I don't know why I would ask for pride to come out worse (freshly). Besides, I didn't even know what it meant to put it that way "even if it wasn't an obligation". But the inquiry from Pride was not a joke, but a look that really wanted permission from me.

Pride overlaps words even more carefully as if he had guessed Harrison's confusion.

"From now on,... because I want to laugh from start to finish and dance with Deputy Harrison.

As I wish, the power of my pride fingers over me is strengthened.

That was what Pride, who was no other, wished for, had decided what words he would answer, etc.


Harrison's unchallenged voice still lit Pride's smile.

But thanks for the pride, Harrison finally got to where he was when he said just one word and he turned his gaze forward again. So I lay my hands on Harrison. Pride left softly and quietly.

"............... if.

... Shh, before. Harrison held that hand so he could pull back.

The hand I held along with the zero words was now a cautious hand as if touching the vitreous.

Stopped by Harrison, who had only been distracted until earlier, Pride had a surprisingly palpitated heart. Yes, and while I give it back, I also lurk my breath and turn to take Harrison's word for it.

Harrison's glance, so serious that he didn't think he'd just strayed until earlier, seemed like a blade of light. From him it gets sharper to a little hectic. Harrison strongly told Pride not to let go of one hand when he was about to get slashed at the end of the day here.

"If any fool tries to blame Her Royal Highness the First Princess, I will control this......!

Moment after moment, Harrison's purple eyes glistened.

What was a hegemony turned to killing, and pride accidentally went up and down his shoulder. Hit... the sound of the throat pulling leaked, and the surrounding knight reflexively stood up to Harrison.

No! No, so the pride and the pride don't speak while appealing only to their eyes around them. Harrison was overflowing with colorful killings that the knights couldn't help but react.

From the outside, I just think Harrison is up to his pride to kill. Oh, thank you very much. With a quick word back, Pride wonders how to prove Harrison's innocence. And before I could think of it, a calm voice hung for the two of us.

"Harrison, don't let the killing go dark. Don't let the knights unplug their weapons at the corner celebration.

Clark, the deputy captain who scratched the knights from behind, reaches Harrison's shoulder.

As Pride and Harrison took to the other end of the dance, Clark looked at the two with a grin.

Harrison bows his head deeply apologizing to Clark for "excusing me," before he understands that he's been stopped and has done something again. Pride answered that, too, but now you can't help but worry that Harrison will not be suspected of his blackmail for his innocence. I already understand all the words that sound like there's no Harrison's context, but I don't see why Harrison suddenly got mad at me this time.

From Harrison I even saw the will to crush the person who blamed me, and even the person, with the exercise of their strength. The story Harrison seems to admire himself is a pride I heard a year ago from the columns, but I still don't think I know which one of them is in this.

"I'm sorry, Master Pride. Harrison also seemed a little too dry for a dance with Master Pride.

Shaggu, and pride swallowed shock at Clark's words.

During the dance, Harrison, who never showed a dry "ha" word, even lowered his head again to agree with Clark's words. "Enjoy the rest of the dance, please," Clark said as he was used to Harrison's reaction, slapping Harrison on the shoulder. Harrison takes the pride hand he was grasping apart to match Clark's signal.

Pride compared the hands released to Harrison a few times and solidified a little. Then again, when I thank you politely, I speak softly to Harrison at the end.

"Thank you so much for all your words. Also looking forward to the next dance................ properly, you reflect.

Reflections......? and Harrison tilted his neck slightly, but couldn't say anything to Pride as he waved back to the center alone.

Only Clark sighs with his hand on its shoulder, surprised without knowing how the knights were doing.

"... Harrison. Also, you said something misleading?

"I told you the way it was.

I have a bad feeling about this, and Harrison responds to Clark, who asks him like he's used to, without interrupting his hair. Clark repeated the question, wondering if his expectations were up to him in that response.


"Her Royal Highness the First Princess did not have to take responsibility, until we did what was natural as knights.

"And then what?

"If you think of the Knights, you'd rather enjoy this place than an unnecessary apology.


"I don't know.

Ha.................. and Clark drips neatly.

I'm convinced from years of experience that maybe not even half of it has been passed on. But to Harrison, who asks "what I am again," he slapped me on the shoulder twice, "No, I'm fine," he said.

Pride hasn't taken the word for herself either. At least from her reaction, that's the only relief I got when I didn't seem to get malicious words and misunderstandings from Harrison this time.

"It's unusual for you to talk so much.... what a good time it was.

Harrison tilted his neck slightly to Clark's words, who chuckled and giggled.

The contents were not heard, but it was clear to everyone that Harrison had spoken to Pride almost unilaterally from the way in. Clark told me, speaking of which, Harrison himself now realizes that he did have a peppery mouth going around.

It was only at first that I should have done it calmly, except for confusion and doubt, but from the way through, all I had was a small mouthful of myself spinning my tongue. Why, when do I think about it, I recall my earlier interaction with Pride?

"I just wanted to dance with Deputy Harrison."


Since then, I thought.

Harrison whispered consciously if he understood.

It was quite a shock to Harrison that Pride said-out to his head, who was convinced that he had only taken his hand to confess to himself.

My pride made me want to dance myself. At the end of the day, he wanted to dance with himself again. The fine exchange was skipped, and Harrison had enough of those two facts alone.

"You promised the next dance, too.... Looking forward to it?

"Yes, very.

Yeah, well, Clark stroked Harrison's head with me for fun.

Clark, the only person in the Knights who can take that action to Harrison, laughs with pleasure again at his throat. I don't know why you're laughing, but that's all Harrison was happy with Clark, who seemed sincerely entertaining.

exhale from his nose and look to the next dance of pride as he calmed down

"Fuck the Lord! Do you think I can do that?"


"... Harrison.

Harrison nodded silently at Clark, who was intolerable and slapped his shoulder so hard as to press in case.

... with mixed killings.