"... Deputy Eric. Something's making me nervous.

"It's okay, so am I.

Lurking their voices and taking care not to move even their mouths, the two exchange words.

The faces did not meet, Arthur with the front facing him, his whole body tense, not just his face, and he even struggled to breathe. Eric can also force his nervous face into the hands he put together behind him as he was forced to cramp into a smile.

The two people lining up at the wall can't help but look away from the sight in front of them. I put my strength on my eyelids when I couldn't even blink. Sweat transmits from cheek to neck muscle and is not even allowed to be wiped. I was fascinated by the sight in front of me like all the other attendees while raising and lowering my throat buddha.

It is the people of the upper echelons who are here. And the royalty of the kingdom of Friesia and the royalty of the United Hanazoo kingdom, who is staying in the castle from the celebration, had also been invited.

Furthermore, from the Knights, not only the Knights Commander and Deputy Commander, but a large number of Knights stood to the left and right, watching over it with many attendees. Arthur and Eric, who were allowed to stay here as Kingsguard knights of Pride, are extra nervous because they are not in the same position as the other knights. Simply sumptuous faces, not. The problem lies ahead of their gaze.

Pride Royal Ivy

The first princess, and the princess we were supposed to protect, was standing there.

A candle decorated with gold is adorned throughout the hall, and a crimson carpet is laid straight through to her. A long carpet laid to distinguish between the knights aligning left and right, only three were allowed to tread on it.

Kneel, bow your head deeply and wait. They just quietly await forgiveness of pride.

The ritual proceeds without delay, and at last calls out loudly the name of the knight she kneels at with her mouth.

"Column Bordeaux.

In response to that word, one knight stood up with his face raised without sound.

To red-haired mixed hair, relatively skinny as a knight, he stepped on the carpet with a tight face. As he was sucked in the footsteps of his armor by a fine carpet, the knights' minds tightened as they only joined him as he passed in front of the watching knights. Admired by a large number of knights, the appearance of a column with high hopes was precisely the ideal shape itself, with every action being an example.

The knights swallow into their mouths, consciously knot their lips, and squeeze that they are going to have an accidental exclamation. Now I didn't even want to have a piece of extra in their sunny spot.

The columns walking with stretched backs as if stabbed the sword in the back were felt close and endlessly far to pride.

Her eyes stitch into her swift heart and her figure of waiting for only one of her in the light. It was as if my head would burn if I thought about the pride of smiling slightly and the nervousness of being watched by a large number of knights and guests, and above all what I was going to do now. The sound of the heart rings more than twice between the time you step on the carpet, leaving a clear feeling of blood circulating through the blood vessels of your throat.

On the surface it is a column that calms down more than anyone else and plays the ideal shape, but its interior was like a rough wave. Shizukuishi dripping down his neck felt terribly cold and at the end of the day tickled him like someone's fingertips while leaving a bad feeling.

Behind the pride were also Stayle and Tiara, Albert, the king's mate, and Gilbert, the prime minister. Rosa the Queen and Vest, who is also her assistant, are not here right now. But still, it was more impossible to talk about not being nervous about the nasty touch on my face.

Even if this is the "second time."

... Rather, you may be more nervous than you were the first time...

The column thinks as he stares calmly at himself with only his head.

At first sight, he said it was an honor. And I felt strongly that the memorial had finally come true. It was only at that time that I paid tribute to the person I took my vows against, but the gaze of the knights and cavaliers watching behind me was far more distracting and proud of me than that.

But now I just can't help but be aware of the woman at the end of the carpet. Just shrinking my distance from her was even a severe contraction of my heart. At the same time as being awesome, I also want to be one step closer to her.

Finally we reach before Pride, holding our breath and kneeling down to her.

The movement was only graceful, but only the heart just sounded annoying.

Far more proud than to line up next to her as a nobleman. As a knight, I am proud to break my knee before my pride, Fu. It just makes me dream as if I was thrown into my fantasy with all that motion. Because you want, you beg, and she'll make it happen.

I've looked up pride from this position many times before, but now I think she's beautiful for the moment.

I don't know if it's the cause of the strict decorations in the hall, the emotion for pride, or the cause of my own mood that I think this place is most honorable right now. However, as soon as I became aware of it, I felt happier than nervous.

My body hurts and even my quiet exhaling breath gives me a fever. The column, which proceeded without delay like a leaning water stream, pulled the sword out of its sheath. Little metal noise is emitted, and a silver sword with a reflection of light is respectfully offered to Pride with both hands.

The ritual was performed without any further adoration, and everyone watched the moment he exchanged his "vows" with Pride, with no further flow.

"... you, Column Bordeaux."


"Alan Bernards."

The next person to be called by that name was a brown blonde knight.

On his knees, desperately restraining his excitement, he also rises in firm footsteps. He rocked his short hair slightly, kneeling in front of pride, albeit slightly faster than the column, and the way he offered his sword with both hands was a dignified knight. The moment the sword was received in pride from its hand, it rang loud and high enough for the heart to shake the body.

Today is not the first time she has taken her sword in her hand. At the time, I had all the admiration and respect for pride, and now I look up at the sword she takes in her hands in a completely different way. I strongly wanted to burn that moment in my eyes because it would be good for just a moment, with my deeply dripping face. And really a little, only confirmed that for one second, Alan immediately lowered his gaze back. Bite the joy even just for that moment more. After all, I still realize that pride is also an object of admiration and respect for me.

Pride, who received Alan's sword, placed it gently on his shoulder. tons, and the weight for one blade added to his shoulder without sound, and as he leaned down, Alan bit his lower lip and closed his eyes.

Just like the first time, carve and bite all the other senses in your overturned vision. To the joy of my fingertips trembling, I seriously think it's okay to die on this occasion right now.

And finally the sound of the heart sounded terribly slow and heavy on the words spinning from pride.

"Be humble.

Rin's voice was as clear as a fresh stream.

The moment he hears that first word, Alan, who closes his eyes, is struck by the feeling of his whole body melting away. Not uncomfortable, comfortably warm in the chest. I wonder in the corner of my head if this is what I would call drowning happiness.

"Be honest. Be polite. Without betrayal, without deception…"

I want to hear this word and voice for the rest of my life.

The whole body melts and is filled with the feeling of becoming one. Desperately suppress your desire to say yes to every word. Now is not the time to respond.

"Always be kind to the weak, always brave to the strong"

For Pride, it was also a word I was used to spinning until it was already this year.

But this time I get more nervous at all times. And I hope my voice and sword don't tremble. They don't need this vow word or anything else if it's true. That much I could assure you that they already combined all of that.

"Be a shield that enhances your character, behaves with dignity, and protects your people.

I can't open my eyes. Burn each and every word of her to the heart just like it used to be.

On my first occasion, my whole body shook with joy, proud. Many times I decided to be a knight like an oath. Thinking of my future as a knight ahead, the back of my closed eyes dazzled me.

And it's still exactly the same now. Except for the high heartbeat and rotten fever.

"Be a spear against the Lord's enemies.

To that word, I couldn't stand it and Alan nodded just a few millimeters so no one would notice.

When the memorial is about to come true, the mouth will loosen if you think so. I tell myself that I thought I could die until just now, and don't die yet.

... Also, I don't know when I'm going to die.

Still, the next time you die, no doubt. If you think so, you die laughing again.

Undoubtedly from now on I will belong to Pride, and that alone stretched my chest. Alan thinks he'll be proud to say for the rest of his life that it's still good to wish him no more luxurious and extra rewards.

"Don't forget who you are as a knight.

I can't forget, I don't want to forget.

Because that's the pride I'm so proud of.

The ritual goes on, and the knights keep an eye on a completely different, quiet side from the usual Alan.

Until the end of the spectacle, the neat appearance of it was as if it were someone else.

"... you, Alan Bernards."


"Harrison Dirk."

The name of the last knight was called.

The moment the name was called, Harrison looked up at such a speed as to cut the wind. Long black hair ripples left and right, crossing in front of the knights twice as fast as the column so that if you stand up, you can't contain your thoughts of rapidity.

Clark, the deputy captain who saw it, laughed small without making a sound, just like the first time. Though I taught him well at the time, I understand that must be the slowest in him.

Pride also screamed in his heart for faster leg carriage than Alan. I also wonder if I might be nervous about his proximity, which I find intimidating. But based on that, Harrison was still afraid of looming from the front. Still, as the first princess, only her expression makes a grin, desperately dressed as calm.

From the time he bowed his head deeply and knelt, Harrison also had a "first glance," which allowed him to return to his natural grin. I laugh at Harrison, who received the sword, placed it on his shoulder, and stopped being slight this time if he spins the words of his vows, that sounds like him. I was glad to think he was also receiving it in good faith.

Hearing Pride spin his vows, Harrison recalls rebelling that word over and over in his head, given time and over again at first sight. And now, just the words given to me by Pride crept into me.

Regrettably, I am glad to be on Alan's suggestion. I can't think of anything this sudden, even if I have something to envy myself. Along the way, his mouth stopped moving on the verge of returning "even hanging on this life" to words from Pride.

The sooner I want to raise my face, the more I want to swear by my will, the more I want to express, the more my body hurts to the point. The time had finally come when I had consciously prepared my breath and made my ears clear to her words.

"... you, Harrison Dirk."

He uttered the declaration and echoed his voice throughout the hall.

Pride floats his sword small from Harrison's shoulder, and now points that blade at Harrison himself. Harrison, who was allowed to look up for the first time, looked up in momentum at that moment.

Dark hair danced, his pride shoulders slightly up and down in his glaring purple eyes, but that was it. Harrison then turns into an incredibly slow motion.

Harrison finally got the moment he was waiting for before the sword he poked at him.

Even every single action I was given was something. Even if you can't put it in order for a long time, your readiness won't change without being told again. Still, the words given by Pride are irresistibly accepted. My chest rattled when I thought I was about to swear to her. And now I think we should honor this moment moment by moment.

If I looked up, my pride would have stood in front of me. A woman who was illuminated by the light and tried to carry a large number of royalty on her back and also in hopes of her own mistakes now even seemed radiant.

The exhilaration to the eye that was never there at first sight fills Harrison. Redness appeared on Harrison's skin, which was not supposed to be bloody.

The open eyes were also visible just before the hunt for prey, but the dwelling of light is soft. If I looked into my eyes with the same purple eyes as myself, my pride returned me a blooming grin. Harrison sincerely thinks he won't feel any pain being pierced like this now, in front of a blade poked at him.

Slowly shifted her superimposed gaze as if to spare her. Harrison also seemed just stiff to the knights watching Harrison behind him. But Pride, who looked at him from the front, found him firmly shifting his gaze to the sword.

As if to taste, immersed in the aftertaste. Harrison initially moved by staring only at the eye movement at the blade, and then letting his face pull from his neck to his gaze.

Close your eyes to the neck, face, and lips to accompany the lines of the blade and gently mouth them with tenderness that touches the petals.

When he said he was mouthing the sword, he felt as if he was swearing to a part of his pride, not an inorganic opponent, and his exhaled breath broke thinly.

At that moment, Harrison is sent a compliment just like the two of us who finished our vows earlier.

Slowly releasing his lips again to match the sound, Harrison bowed his head again deeply to the pride of returning his sword. Long hair drooped onto the floor, but even the length to the shoulder would have been a deep fu.

Second "Syria Ceremony"

"I appoint you my knight."

Today, through this time, they officially became (...) knights of p (...) la (...) a (...) d (...).