Jack, calm down before you get home.

"Yes..." Erik smiled unexpectedly at Arthur as he gave back his powerlessness.

Erik turned his arms to himself by lending his shoulders, and his back was rounded to match Arthur's height.While calling out to Arthur, who can only walk wildly with his eyes completely red, I don't think it's impossible.

While Prit and Sail walked forward to make it easier for them to escort him, they both looked back again and again to see Arthur's complexion.Still laughing at Sail, and her pride narrowing her shoulders as she filled up with frivolity, she was much more concerned about Arthur than she was ahead.

“Are you okay?” Pride asks again and again, but Arthur's response remains unchanged.Only now did she have the strength to look her in the face properly.Is it because you're walking on Eric's shoulder, or because your heart is still tired?I don't even know if it's dizzy or if it feels like my feet are fluffy.I wanted to crouch there, hiding my face with crossed arms, if not on the way home.

Already some distance from the school, there is no other person like a student.While somehow moving his legs back and forth, Arthur finally spun words from his mouth in a dumb voice.

"Vice Captain Erik... I'm sorry."I'm going to ask some awesome questions to the students because of myself..... "

“It's okay. I haven't been asked anything weird.Most of them talked about how great Jack was. ”

"You're as popular as ever," he said, smiling lightly.

Erik thinks that Arthur's personality may be the reason why people come to him, even if he hides his position, while replying with a pleasant voice so that he doesn't feel sorry for him.

I told them in a clear voice that could be heard by Steyl and Pride, and I also told them that I wasn't suspicious of their identity.In fact, there was not a single person who was interested in three people.

... I guess.

Eric once again swallowed the fact that he had hidden it in a brightly lit word.

Like I said, "I guess" was all about how great Arthur was.Do you have any training at home? Have Eric and Alan ever had a match with Jack? Have you carried two high school students today? Have you always been so powerful? Did you teach a knight how to climb a tree? Do you think Jack could be a knight? Did you think Eric himself was so amazing when he was thirteen? Have all knights been physically capable since he was a child?Eric answered these kinds of questions on the premise that he was only the boss's nephew, but the response was not very hard.I'm glad you're interested in the Knight and I admire Arthur.

He had been known since the time he joined the Knights as the son of the Knight Commander, who was not a Knight Commander, but he was proud to have been able to confirm that even if he did not have it, he would still be loved this much.But if there's only one thing that gets caught,

Is Jack and Jeanne close at home?

What about Philip?

Even if Jeanne is at home, she can accompany him during Jack's training.

Well, Jack and Philip are just relatives of Jeanne, aren't they?

"No, Philip has a lover in his hometown."

If you say that, Jack will too!

The correlation diagram of sweet and sour was being formed in them.

Especially among the girls, Eric thought.Although the students gathered in Eric today were only a small part of the class of Pride, their story definitely divided them into "Jeanne and Jack", "Jeanne and Philip", and "I am aiming for Jeanne".

Needless to say, the third was the boys, but there were other boys who seemed to be hoping that Jeanne was going out with either of them.Perhaps if you think that your favorite girl is in love with Arthur or Steyl, you will think that she is unexpected or unpleasant.

But at the same time, rumors were mixed up even in front of his eyes that "Philip has another lover", "Jack has a lover", "It's a lie".

That's why when the girl jumped to pride, she was also made to observe the development after that to a certain extent, but it was just the last development.From his pride, Eric understood that he wanted to help Arthur well but not deny him, but in fact, only one person, Arthur, started a fire.

For me, the most powerful and well-appointed person is not Jack, but the Paladin of Rumors.

The holy knight who was told to do so is now leaning on his shoulder, so I can't help it.

But Eric didn't dare say anything, knowing that that word of pride contained a lethal dose.And Arthur himself still hadn't made up his mind about it.

... snatching... that's what I'm talking about.

Arthur, who once thought he could get a fever by uttering words, thinks back to what he was doing when he was able to turn his head.

She bit her lower lip with a bent face, desperately enduring the fever.However, recalling the shock of that time, it is likely to reignite.

Arthur also noticed that the girls were making him praise himself to be induced by pride.I was in a hurry to annoy myself with my pride, and I couldn't stop sweating cold and feverish with my pride, which praised me one after another.And when she praises Arthur herself, she breaks her face happily.

Why are you right there, but when I thought you were going to praise me like that, I wanted to run away with my ears closed.I didn't think I'd have to ask any more if you'd denied it and cut the story, but one after another she proudly compliments me, "Jack is amazing."Arthur couldn't help but think why the girls wanted him to be so praised for his pride.

Isn't that the most...?

The first word, Arthur, while knowing that it was for cutting off the subject of the girls, beat them with pain.

Even though I thought it was the most ugly of pride, I was shocked to the extent that the fist of armor was dropped on my head when it was clearly said from the mouth of pride.

Immediately after the undercover inspection, he said, "You two are not my favorite thing at all!The same sensation resounded from my ears to my head as when I was told.However, I was able to withstand it if I thought that this would force me to praise my pride.Nevertheless, in spite of everything.

...... It's against the rules to put together the [Holy Knight] there.

If pride wasn't my opponent, I wanted to scream like that.

Grrrr, the impulsive words leaped up to my throat, biting my back teeth with my lips instead of enough.I think that the words "I don't like it" more than the words "I don't like it" have recovered sooner rather than later.

I never imagined that I would be more than twice as destructive immediately after being depressed in an instant.In the end, it was only for a moment that the fire sprang from pride and publicly said in front of everyone that it was "the strongest and the best-looking".Moreover, when she let it go, she looked directly at her with an honest smile that was completely irrelevant.If you know that she meant it, you can't stay calm.Arthur seriously thought that if he was suddenly praised without preparation, his heart would stop suddenly, rather than having a seizure.

It was once the word of the Farnham brothers.But the situation is too different.

At that time, I was just better than myself at studying, and I entrusted my role as a teacher to a much better pride and stylus. I admitted that I was losing to my 14-year-old twins in terms of study, and I was inspired by the words I put on my pride.

That's why I took it as a word to cheer me up to comfort myself, and I was so happy that I got hot.But this time, after being praised, the big bomb was thrown for the last time.With a little discouragement, the word "Paladin" from Pride came round and round.

...... To this abutment... someday, I'll die for real.

I suspect that she will be killed by words alone if the maximum limit of compliments is missed more than before.

No matter how much workout or exercise you do to strengthen your body and mind, Arthur doesn't think you can train all this heart.

And until just now, I thought that Konoya Row and my partner who still had a pleasant black smile in front of me were in a fading consciousness, but now my understanding has slightly surpassed.

I remembered how he had been crushed by alcohol just a few days ago, and now I can understand his mood more than at that time.You can't hit anyone, you never did anything wrong with pride, you just soared up on your own.In that way, there are never many ways to organize emotions similar to this passion.

I decided to train to the death or ask Harrison to join me.I felt like I could duel with Harrison until this morning.

"Um... so what should I do from tomorrow...?"

After a moment of silence, pride began to ask in a thin voice so that it could be cut small.

I know I deserve it, but I can't reach a conclusion during this silence.Above all, it's more frightening to think that you're going to annoy Arthur and Steil again.

Sail was the first to sense the intention of the pride of asking in a low position with hands in front of her chest so as not to be restless.Now that you've fully enjoyed your partner, who is crushed to a bright red, "I see...", we calmly analyzed our situation while holding down the black edge of the glasses.

"It's true that tomorrow, if this continues, the misunderstanding will spread in various ways, including that Jack was swayed by Jeanne, but well, I didn't see any malice from them, so I was wondering if it was okay to leave the rumor behind."

"Keh, but that's it... ahh, Jack!Only rumors of dishonor will follow... "

"No, I don't mind all that..."I don't have half a month left anyway, so long as Jeanne isn't in any danger or trouble. "

"No, no, no..."

─ Jeanne could have been dating Jack or Philip just because she was looking at her face.

Eric thought about it and swallowed it in his heart.

I can easily imagine what kind of war would happen if I told them that now.If you badly turn Stale into an enemy, you might be able to pull out the old one and propose, “Well, let's make sure that Jeanne has a crush on Lieutenant Eric, just like the excuse for Keith.”

If the rumor had spread that pride had been shaken by either of them, I might have thought of something to do with it, but unless I did, neither Stale nor Arthur would care.Reputational damage to my temporary appearance was only a minor problem compared to the safety of pride.

Still, when Jack misunderstood because of himself, he was in a hurry. Still, Sail had no choice but to drop his shoulder before slowly telling her.

"Can I, Jeanne?" If you're thinking about Jack, please be quiet rather than badly denying it.Even you are eye-catching. "

Especially when they are not in the selected classes, be quiet.She also nodded with her lips tied to Stills, who told her to swallow each word.You can't even make a grunt in the eyes of a serious sail that doesn't allow you to answer.

I want to say that even though I can't help but stand out for what I did in exams, if I tell the truth with pride and pride, other than that, I will get attention because there are two people who are very popular with girls.Because it is a red dot sandwiched between two beautiful men, it is easy to hear rumors even for that reason.Even if my face was like that of a Las Boss.I seriously think that if Tiara were there, I would have been able to have a mobile character level presence.

However, I was also hesitant to transfer the responsibility to the two of them, and in the end, I was finished by breaking myself saying "I'm sorry...".

To the pride of withering and dropping his neck, Steyl smiled and said, "I'll do my best to deal with it tomorrow." Now he switched the conversation quietly.

"When I get back, Captain Column will tell me about Nate."I hope he's doing a good job. ”

I think we should think about Nate now.

With that, she raised her face firmly to the pride of Steyl.That's right, and as you squeeze the muscles of your face, you point toward the stele, and at the end, you face forward firmly.

He didn't encounter the Las Boss, but he prayed that there would be no more disasters.


"Ah... geez... ahhh..."

Holding his belly down, the boy kept rolling on the floor for a while.

Thinking that silence was the most pleasant thing to do now, he finally confirmed that his nausea had subsided and then got up from the floor to pull his small body.I laid my hand on the floor, rubbed my back with physiological tears, and leaned against the closest wall.I just chewed my mouth thinking that it was bad looking to go up and down without stopping my shoulders just by breathing.

As I try to turn my arms around my back, I remember that I don't have my usual backpack.Luc, who was lying on the floor with him, was not stopping his mouth, so he fell to his side, and the contents were all over the floor.

I reached out, but I couldn't reach it with my back on the wall.When I tried to stand up, another brand-new severe pain ran through, and I unexpectedly raised my voice and held it down.I couldn't help but think that I could bend my body towards the backpack a little more, and I managed to pull my hand against the string.

As I sat down, I held the backpack that was swelling to a height close to myself with both hands, and this time I deposited my body in front of it, not on the wall.

While waiting for the pain to subside, what he was looking at was monotonous.

... oh my God... I'm in shape...

Even when I'm tired of talking to myself, I think so only in my head.

It has been a pleasant day for me for a long time.I became obsessed, fascinated, cheerful, and slipped a little, and this happened.

Hoof, coughing again, I searched for my usual sole from inside the backpack.Before I was found, before I was found out, I had to hurry up, and my hand still didn't move to my fingertips.

Today I will only think about how long it will last and how desperate I have been not to think about it.That's all he can see now, like the little lights he saw beyond in the ocean at night.

As soon as I thought, as soon as I thought about it, I dared to speak up this time as if I wanted to become a reality.She coughed too much and her throat was still rattled, but she still left her voice silent.

"Also...... a bit......"

Nate pulled out of the backpack and said nothing more.