"I'm sorry, Jeanne.I've kept you waiting again... "

"Oh, my God! I'm really sorry about what happened to me."

(iv) After school at the end of the school year.

After leaving school later than the other students, we had just left the hoistway.

Originally, instead of keeping Lieutenant Eric waiting, I wanted to return to the castle early and have Prince Leon prepare a letter and a student roll for Gilbert.But before that, Arthur and I had something to do.... the classmates' silence and payment.

If there is only a troublesome rumor about Arthur and Pride, there is a fight that includes a quid pro quo to silence them who persistently ask about it.Arthur compared his skills, and if I held down the numbers, there would be no more commotion than was necessary this morning.

Originally, the group psychology and the slightly prominent presence of that era... rather, the two people who were attracting attention from the opposite sex were the center of the rumor.I could easily change my admiration if I paid attention to it instead.

Earlier, they had a fight after class, but from the middle of the day, they were more excited about who could beat Arthur than about listening to us.The girls... well, while watching Arthur up close, I was also satisfied peacefully when I played lightly in the secret match.

At this time, I think it was good to learn a lot about social and people skills.Although it was originally for a different purpose, it is not bad if it helped pride as a result.Besides, thanks to my knowledge of this technique, I have been able to parry to the female opponent of the nobleman in the social circle.Compared to women in the social world and their parents, I think that women in the class will find it much more modest, lukewarm and honest.It was only natural because I was still fourteen.

As a result, Arthur was forced to wait for pride for a short time before finishing the match to the required number of players.

It was a pride that had hardened with a twisted smile, but thanks to it, the powder of fire to her was suppressed to the extreme.She is also used to such exchanges and parades in the social world, but if it is unnecessary powder of fire, I want to erase it before she hangs on to it.

I was the first to make this proposal in the second mobile classroom, but Arthur responded quickly.I definitely didn't dislike the way he stood on the desk and showed me his arm.

There will be no one who can beat Arthur with at least fourteen boys.There were some students who were trained for home work, but they were good enough to beat me when I was fourteen.If I can beat 14 Arthur's skills here, I will invite him directly to the Knights' entrance exam.

At this rate, you'll be out of interest by tomorrow or by the time next week opens.

"Ahh, that would be incredibly helpful."I'll tell you, it's a thousand times easier than strength. "

"You would have enjoyed it more than you enjoyed it."

Along the way.

Since Arthur started comparing forces, he pointed out that even though there was an occasional power difference, he was seriously smashing it.I'm sure he was enjoying a purely youthful exchange with them, not a rumored retaliation.The good things about such people have not changed since the old days.

Arthur laughed strangely, gently shedding a faint smile without any blurring of my words.He was stronger than I thought, but when he told me that he was serious, his pride began to smile as if he was clear.I'm sure you're relieved that Arthur enjoyed the time, not the annoyance.

"Philip was a rock, too."It was also an exquisite exchange of arithmetic battles with those children. "

The pride of your voice hides your mouth and laughs.

I accidentally swallowed it in my mouth when I was talking about it.As Arthur cast "Yes, Nsaka" into his mind, he explained in a lurking voice that Pride dared to make me worry about my calculations during the battle, and that I was devising to play an antagonistic battle with them.

Arthur may not have noticed it because he was comparing forces in the meantime, but he was definitely working on small pieces all the time.I'm just an ordinary...... at least the least noticeable of these three students in school.Even if you notice that your head turns strangely, even if you think that you "can't win" in a dark arithmetic match, it is troublesome.

It's best to dare to reverse it and [maybe] win.

There's no way Pride won't notice it.However, as a result, it would be uncomfortable to think that she was seen holding a woman in her hand, even if she was a minor.This isn't the Regent, it's the con man.

Scratch the back of your neck, and at the end, hold the black edge of your glasses to keep calm.

Because you can become more obsessed with games and play.

That's what I'm talking about, it's a black belly.

In a misleading way, Arthur slapped me on the back with his pride-stretched hand.

I know what I'm trying to deceive, but this is it.I tied my mouth and rubbed it lightly, but I couldn't even hang it on my teeth.But soon after, Pride began to laugh happily again, so I gave up.If she and Arthur haven't changed their way of looking at me, then I don't care.

Approaching the school gate from the hoistway, I finally saw the shadow of Vice Captain Eric.Pride keeps me waiting and Arthur keeps me waiting.

There is a shadow of a knight unlike the guard, and a little further away are the shadows of King Cedric's younger brother and Captain Alan.Thinking that the three of us hadn't spoken today, I noticed that another shadow was stacked beside Deputy Captain Eric.I wondered if he was grabbing somebody else in our class again, but I soon realized something different.Even from his height, he is not of the same grade. That's.....

"Norman and this..."

Before I knew it, Arthur leaked his voice.

Along with a slightly dry voice, even the footsteps lag behind us.Just as I don't want to be involved with Amlet and his brother in this classified infiltration, so is Arthur, one of the most unwilling opponents.To be precise, to his brother, though.

Arthur's throat is slightly turned away from pride, and I change the placement so that I come forward first.

At least Norman isn't here yet.My sister, Lila, is the only one who can parry lightly.

"Ah! Onee-chan!"

I looked back at Lieutenant Eric, who noticed us, and laughed before my pride could call out.

The cute girl who waves her hand and smiles happily is so loving that she doesn't look like her brother.... No, it turns out that Norman's not exactly a bad lover either.

"Hello, Lila. Isn't your brother here yet today?"

After a shout of apology for keeping Lieutenant Erik waiting, Pride drops his hips and peeks into her.

Lila seems to be living in a school dormitory, but her brother Norman comes to see her every day, worried about her living apart.So far, we haven't encountered many, but his immediate boss, Arthur, hasn't felt comfortable living.And not only Arthur, but also me and Pride.

Lila shook her head with a smile on her laughing pride and denied it with a bright voice.

"My brother's already gone.But today I don't have time to talk to Lila's friends, so this oniichan told me! "

Having said that, he pointed straight at First Officer Eric.... either way, it looks like we've caused trouble again because we're late.

Since the beginning of this undercover tour, I feel really troubled and troubled about Deputy Erik. I really don't apologize.

As soon as I realized that Norman had already left, Arthur, who had come forward next to me, bowed his head to Lieutenant Erik in silence.Just keep your head down so you can keep it down from me.

That's right, and I raised my gaze once as Pride remembered, who was dealing with Lila, and then I returned.

"Huh? But Lila-chan... do you know what kind of person this oniisan is...?"

"Erik-san. It's my brother's job, and it has nothing to do with"...... ah.I like him because he's a knight, but he's a good man. "

"I see..."

I can see Lila's pride laughing bitterly behind her words.

Lila, Norman's younger sister, doesn't like her brother's knights.I'm jealous of the knight, to be exact.Arthur was terribly depressed when he first heard about his cute jealousy because of his brother's strong admiration for knights.

I'm still relieved that Lieutenant Eric doesn't dislike me, but at the same time, Lila is complicated by the fact that she doesn't like knights.It's just a child's jealousy, so just give it up.

Even Lieutenant Eric laughed just by dropping his eyebrows when he said it in front of his eyes.

Even if you enclose it in a frame of dislike, if you get a little involved, you'll be jealous enough to like it.It doesn't have to be that serious.

"I was asking if your brother is working hard!I don't want to hear about your work from my brother. "

... I wonder if the way you say you don't dress this tooth is in the bloodline of Norman.

I can hear it because I know what it means, but if I don't, I can even think that my siblings are bad.I think a childlike smile with no offense sticks more like a nail than a word from Norman.With a smile on her face, Pride twisted the edges of her mouth slightly.Speaking of which, I remembered that Lila had asked us to do the same.

This time, Vice Captain Erik dropped his hips from a position where his back was rounded to match Lyla's.

"Norman is doing his job accurately.It's been recognized by the greatest members of the team, and Lyla and the others are doing their best.So let's be careful that Lila doesn't get hurt or sick, too. "

"Yes!" replied Lila cheerfully to Lieutenant Eric.

Alright, if you can just stroke your head like that, you'll return a full smile as if you've shone.Lieutenant Erik may be a good person, but Lila thinks it's a really friendly, accurate person.

One of the ingredients would be the part where I could feel safe because I knew my brother, and the fact that I still hated "knights".However, I am also worried that such children may be used by people as bad as these.... and Norman came every day to see how Lila was doing.

After that, I started to blossom when I told Vice-Captain Eric and Pride that "Lila's friend won third place in the special living exam", that she would stay in her friend's room in the dorm next week, that she could eat cake next time, and that she had something to hate about school food.Gradually, when I came into the public domain, I decided to cut the story off from me.

Jeanne asked if it was time to go home, and she raised her hips as if she had noticed her pride.

"See you! Oniichan and Onee-chan!"

Lyra returned with a light smile, then waved her hand at us and ran away towards the girls' dormitory.

I waved my hand along with my pride until I couldn't see my back, but...... I suddenly realized that I was uneasy and regretful at the same time.With a smile on my face, if I could just bite my back teeth, Arthur would hide his voice in my ear thinking the same thing.

"I'm so excited that the defect in the high school has decreased..."

"Neither do I.... but I'm a little sorry."

Arthur's honest words made me lose my true meaning.

Now that some of the Higher Education Departments were targeting lower-ranking students, and knowing that the target was a lower-ranking student who was weaker than herself, Lyla was also anxious for a moment to be targeted, even though she was not a lower-ranking student.Yeah, if that's how you spend your time after school alone.If I hadn't handled it already, I would have thought I'd send you to the girls' dorm.

But the hand has already been struck.As a result, I was able to confirm the scale that switched to peaceful listening in the middle section even today.... thanks to his vicious and violent methods.

That's true for the middle school, but it's going to make him angry the day after tomorrow.

"Then it's not a problem, is it?" I see him laughing in the face of the bad guy.I admit that he has a good track record, but that doesn't make him a good reason to use violence against ordinary students.

I don't have the right to complain now, but I got permission from Pride.Even though Corner Sephek and Kemeto were a little worried, they grew up well, but then Val himself became the most problematic person.... no, that's even better now. It hasn't changed since time immemorial.

But still, hypothetically, there are still students from the Pradesh high school.

Yeah, if you're a regular student.

... sometimes it gets caught a little bit.

Today, I have to report them to the junior high school and to Jillvale.He'll come to the same conclusion anyway.

Rather, it's possible that someone who knows the student roster will be convinced before I am.When I talk about Nate today, I think that I need to give Uncle Vest a little time to attend the debriefing meeting.As soon as we get back to the castle, we'll ask the squire to deliver it before we start changing.

With Lyla out of sight, we're finally leaving school with Lieutenant Eric.

When we met with Lieutenant Eric, there was no one but the Knights Guard at the school gate after King Cedric's brothers had left in their carriages.As Arthur sneaks past the school gate, hiding in the shadows of me and Lieutenant Eric, I summarize what I will discuss with Pride and the others in my head.

If we go further, we'll go through the streets again.After seeing the students completely out of sight beyond that, I will talk to Deputy Captain Eric about Nate and the middle school students today.

There are only a few days left until the deadline for the undercover inspection.But for now, we need to think about clearing up Nate, Anchorson, and the problem of bad students.

Especially when it comes to Nate, Pride and Arthur probably came to the same conclusion as me.And if I heard from Lieutenant Erik, I would think the same thing.Like the Farnham siblings, if Nate has a crisis,

I won't allow you to talk or see anything else.