“Now, let's start the lesson. I'm not going to use the materials today, so please focus on me."

After confirming attendance, the first lesson began.

Me, Steyl, and Arthur are safe, sitting back in their usual seats and looking forward.

In the classroom of the third grade a year ago, I was able to confirm three pairs after one and two pairs this time, but unfortunately, this time it was also a mistake.I didn't have to meet with Cefek, but I didn't find anyone like him.

Now all that's left of the three classes is Nikkas.Even though the numbers have been narrowed down, if I can't find them here, I will be depressed by my own bad luck.It was worthwhile not to hit the other two classes in all 16 classes.With Tiara, the goddess of good fortune, I wonder if I found her sooner or if I can escape from reality.

Suddenly, when I turned my gaze to the window seat, I saw Arthur's sideways face.Arthur seemed a little sleepy this morning, but he still didn't want to fall asleep on purpose.Naori is listening to her teacher seriously, and she is no different from other students.You may not sleep for my protection, but you'll respect Arthur's seriousness as much as you want.I've fallen asleep many times in my previous life.Even when I thought I had to take my class seriously, I felt sleepy when I was sleepy.

Sometimes Arthur was a little depressed that he wasn't very good at studying, but from the seriousness of his roots, I think he would have become a very talented person if he had spent his training to become a knight in his studies.Different concentrations.

When I realized that, I stared across my face, and Arthur noticed me before the teacher.She turned her face to me and said, "What's wrong?"I shake my head to the side with a smile to Arthur, who asks me roundly.I can't say to Arthur, who is older than me, "I thought it was great not to fall asleep."

Focus on the teacher's classes, looking head-on again.In the last row, I think it would be good to be able to see not only the state of the teacher, but also the state of the student.

Well, I'll order you to officially gather opinions from the castle tomorrow.

... I wonder if it arrived sooner or later.

Remembering what Chancellor Gilbert said, one of them thought so.

Yesterday, after I got home from school, I was busy again.As for Nate, I was surprised that Tiara had taken a break with Chancellor Gilbert when she told me that she had been checking on Lyre and that we had been in contact with her.

After Prime Minister Gilbert showed me the student roster, Steyl also frowned, and even one topic took a lot of time to discuss.Particularly for junior high school students, Prime Minister Gilbert and Tiara were beginning to notice this to some extent in a report from the school.Moreover, even though I hadn't even figured out the Reyer...... he was pretty close to the core.I witnessed the horror of Chancellor Jilbert's skill.

It didn't take Steyl long to reach the same conclusion if he even shared the information with Chancellor Gilbert, and the two intelligentsias were really incredible.I know from the game setup that I feel like an accomplice or spy to a cornered killer.

At this rate, we'll have pieces next week.It's best if you can solve it without the knowledge of a game named My Prediction.... but there's only one problem.

If we keep this up, [he] won't be saved.

On the contrary, I thought that it might run wild again in a strange direction.

She didn't doubt that she was in the castle as long as it was in the game.

I can't imagine what direction he would go if he hadn't met the Las Boss.As of yesterday, Chancellor Gilbert and Steyl had been stuck at the core much more than I expected.If he keeps on clapping, his prospectus will be crushed before he meets Las Boss.But I don't think that he will give up so much after he messed up in the game.Originally, I was going to start working on Nate's problem after I could remember all the targets of the strategy, but I might not be able to say that at this rate.In his case, it is fair to say that the moment he sees the connection, everything ends.

Nate was my top priority.But I have to be ready to move next week.Ask for the cooperation of Steyl and the others by explaining from where to where as [Prediction].And from there, how do we get in touch with him?And most of all... how do I make it happen?

There is no way to convince me, but I want to do what I can.I want to go through it now that I remember the settings in the game."After all, it's fast to make contact..."

“And there are a lot of aristocrats, especially in this castle where we live.Most of the students in the special classroom are true, but..... "

Dr. Robert said that and pointed at us once.

Somehow consciousness returns to class to the explanation of the nobility, which is also a topic that I am used to hearing.

Me and Steyl often meet, especially at ceremonies and in social circles, and are indispensable for business.Some nobles are allowed to live in the castle, and the maidservants and servants who look after the royal family can go back to their former ranks and be no different from the higher to the lower ranks.The aristocratic rate of women working in the castle is very high.My personal maid, Lotte, is different, but the other personal maid, Marie, Tiara, and Steyl, are all originally from an aristocratic family.Even for work that is not directly related to royalty, only those who have been recognized for their merit through rigorous examinations are hired.This is why it is overwhelmingly easy for people who have been educated as aristocrats to receive it.The nobleman's house is not just for hiring daughters to earn money, but also for networking by working with royalty in the castle and being treated as one of the educational courses in a sense.

Of course, some positions and subcontractors have a low threshold.Stables, garden maintenance, laundry, dust and sludge collection.Some jobs are easier for men to hire if they have certain abilities.Guards are a good example. Unlike the maids, most people weren't noblemen.I have to pass the rigorous examinations for positions related to people who are directly in the position of castle, such as squire.

If you're not an aristocrat, but you can pass the exam and work in a castle, you'll be recommended or hired... Well, honestly, it might be grey and violate the rules in some cases.After that, is it about passing the first hand due to excellent special abilities even after taking the examination?Thinking of it that way, I think Lotte was really capable of hiring.At least I used to work at Wangjie when I was eight years old.

"I tend to think that my relationship with you is weak, but that's not true.Working in an aristocratic home is also a good place to work in the future.There are many types of jobs, so it is also possible to make use of your specialties. ”

The atmosphere in the classroom trembled slightly as I continued to talk about how many nobles were working with me at school to find employment.

You're absolutely right. In a nutshell, the aristocrats may feel like they're looking up a tree, but they're quite familiar under the castle.It is easy to get the impression that the power is great because there are many houses with lordly roles outside the capital and in the provinces.It is not much different from working as a servant of a large merchant's mansion around there.

"If you are aiming for a servant, I would recommend a lesson in education and manners.They work more, and they get better pay when they work in public places. ”

In the middle of that, some of the air from "manners..." passed.

Some of them who have experienced manners in elective classes may already have a bad consciousness.Boys in particular are prominent.If you're a woman, even if you're not dreaming of balls, you're motivated to admire feminine tricks, but you're not very familiar with boys.

It is difficult for me to wear it by myself, but I really want you to wear it on this occasion.Of course, even if you don't know manners, there are many jobs that you can manage if you can even speak a salute, and there are also good jobs that you can't even speak.Nate in the game is a good example of this.

Nate of the game was making money from his invention, so he didn't need any salutation.It was the same child who invented and sold it, and who repeatedly made a living by inventing it.Even from the point of view of presenting the invention to the protagonist Amlet, I think there was probably enough room for invention at my own pace rather than bicycle operation.... no, is Nate making umbrellas, keys, bandages, etc.?

There were quite a few chances that Nate would have invented it every time he met Amlet in the game, but many people didn't tell him what it was that he was making.Rather, I introduced it to Amlet, showed it to her and used it.

You can use this. It'll be less noticeable.

Nate's dialogues in the game take him by the head.

Amlet, who enrolled in high school as a sophomore.Sometimes she was put in by the sight of her surroundings, having completed her enrollment at a strange time and with a good head.

Bud Garden was a school where only the best minded children could enter, and it was a class organization that included both the lower and upper classes, so it was not particularly good for the students of the nobility.Amlet was embarrassed to be pointed at by a cat scratching her cheek, and I think Nate, who gave me his invention, was a bit different from the boyish attitude before."Because you're a woman, you want to hide the wound on your face, right?""Can you laugh and use such an incredible invention for yourself?"And to Amlet's surprise, he said,

Me anyway.──


I can still remember that pathetic smile.

I'm sure he didn't change what was important or what he wanted.That's why everything was used and exhausted.If only he didn't have that special ability... I think he might have been happier in the game.

When I thought about it, I became astutely concerned about Nate.I'm in a hurry to ask if I should take a lunch break soon.Now that my appointment with Leon is confirmed, I'm concerned about the progress of the invention I asked him to invent.

If you think about such things around and dwell on your head, you will feel restless and reconstruct your ankles under the desk, stand on your toes, and follow your heels.I told you yesterday that no one would go home, and I'm worried.At that time, it was really good to be able to treat it at least.I think it's okay because Captain Column is still with me.

He knows Nate's injuries, and he knows the circumstances to some extent.Although Nate had a bad attitude, he had some guidance from Arthur, and he called me back a little.There's not as many people to rely on as Captain Column, and Nate thinks he can rely on me for a little consultation.

She couldn't do it, so she could only save Amlet.

There is no contact between Amlet and Nate right now.

Both of them had different environments and positions at the start of the game.

When his face fell slightly from the teacher's desk, he was thrust to the point where he touched it with his elbow from next to him.When I turned my face, Stale looked at me with an eyebrow face.Apparently, he had a dark face.

When I was worried, I hurriedly made a smile and gave him back, and his shoulder dropped a little.Turn to the front again and regain your mind.

I had very little left to do with Leon.Just a little more, I'll tell myself a little more.

I never imagined that there would be a problem.