... I don't feel comfortable at all.

After being treated by the doctor, Arthur returned to his pride room again, feeling confused.

Knocking and entering through a door opened to Jack the Guard, her room weighed twice as much as usual. Soon after I came back, Pride said, "Are you all right?" Tiara sat next to her and waved her hand, taking time off to swap with Jilbert, who worried and left the room, but in any case his eyes were mostly painted with an uncomfortable expression in the room.

"Harrison, thank you for taking turns during your busy schedule." After that, I'd like the Eighth Corps, please. "

Got it.

Harrison was the only one who was staring back at him with the same look as usual.

Just now, thinking that his gaze would calm down, Arthur bowed his head and wished for a change. When Harrison answered that question, he just greeted the pride and quickly left the room. Harrison's most usual expression disappeared, and Arthur looked around the room again.

Everyone opens their mouths to see what he should say to Arthur right now, and when they close their eyes, they get a vague smile and a bitter smile.

Having already returned to the room, Tiara, who had already talked to Pride and the others, did not feel comfortable teaching Arthur. Tiara wasn't there, but she knew that the spark that my brother had set foot in was definitely in Pride and Arthur. Ultimately, I only inflated my cheeks because I understood it was the best, but I think Arthur will react differently if he finds out.

"... erm, what happened after that...?"

Speaking with Chancellor Jilbert, Arthur, who asks fearfully, raises his shoulder of pride.

Choose where you want to speak in an orderly fashion and speak to Arthur, who is completely different from Gilbert and Tiara, who are third parties. Then, Arthur opened his mouth more leisurely than she did because of Steyl himself, who had not spoken a word since Arthur's return.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to ask Gilbert to move on the case." This will make it a little easier to convince Ray Karen. "

“What do you mean? You've been working with Ray for a while."

"I changed the order a little bit."

Simply fulfilling the requirements makes Sail bitterly prideful.

Even with him, I think it would have been discouraging to say that Arthur was happy. If I told Arthur about the flow of the conversation from the beginning, I would know how the decision came about.

Arthur gets a bitter smile from her sitting next to the stele, and he turns to the stele to hide something. I haven't been able to swallow all the circumstances yet, but if I knew that I was injured and that Stale cared about it, it wasn't too hard to get to the outline blurry. I didn't think so, but now I'm going to draw my own reasoning from Steyl.

"... it's not like you're returning the will... right?"

“No, don't boast, that's just the quickest, least troublesome and least harmful thing to say.”

Let's get out of here.

Arthur pierced Steyl's words with only his heart.

He hesitated to drop his fist bones on the boulder, but his eyes still glowed. In response to his question, Arthur's serene expression surfaced rather than seeing the fire.

The quickest word after that seemed to be no lie, but I still understand that the trigger is definitely anger at being exposed to insults and dangers to one's own burns and pride.

Instead of hitting him here, Arthur let out a long, deep sigh that echoed through the room and sounded a warning to his partner.

"You... you're unforgiving to me." Even Ray is going to burn because of the fire. "

"...... It's not like I'm going to release it into the wild naked." There was a proper escape and minimal wealth left, and above all, it was decided sooner or later. "

If Ray had been so nice today, I wouldn't have thought of doing that if he couldn't cooperate.


Understanding that he had been spotted in a single shot, Sail was silenced even by the clarification that he had set the angle.

Grrr, while chewing inside my mouth, I pressed down on the black edge of my glasses, but it didn't hold up much longer.

We can't just quarrel in the pride room in front of our sisters. I thought that if I hadn't stopped at the right place, Arthur would surely have hit me with his power exercises and his unrepeatable words.

If you glance back at Arthur with all your strength in your face, he won't say anything more just by scratching his head. "I don't want to...", but I still reflect that I don't need to worry about Stale because of my pride.

Even the pride of watching Steyl and Arthur interact shoulder to shoulder, I think Arthur is a stone again. Even though I'm a Paladin, I still can't say that I'm this strong unless I'm friends who have been brushing their arms together for years. Best of all, if you look at Gilbert, who is a professional in argumentation, such as an opponent who can kill Sail silently, you think it might be something like Arthur or Tiara.

Rather than being insidious, the air in the room was gradually loosened up to an air free of wonders and thorns, like a scolded brother and a scolded brother. Lining up with the column, Arthur returned to his usual position and said, "With an anchor?" When he threw it, he finally raised his rotten face.

After all, what's the plan from tomorrow?

In response to that question, Steel smiled slightly.

Arthur urged the First Prince's opponent with his jaw at his gaze, saying that he was willing to listen.

It was an unlikely reply if it was supposed to be a royal opponent, but I didn't think to point out the column standing next to it now. These exchanges are already familiar to Alan in his room. Best of all, now that Stale himself understands that he strongly wants such an attitude from Arthur, he decided that it was wild to point it out here. Hold your forehead with your fingertips and watch Arthur slightly open his mouth as he listens to the way forward that is spoken from Stale's mouth.

I think it would be wonderful to hear it all over the column, from the reason for moving the case, to the possible development of it, to the plan to dare to stall Ray Karen by manipulating Gilbert's information.

If you just listen to the solution, it is rather the shortest distance to the solution after calmly judging the situation. Arthur also understood one by one, and understood that it was an idea that extended to the area of comprehension that he had thought of becoming a steil.

"...... So, are you going to Ray's house tomorrow after all?"

"Oh, after all this is done." As far as the example is concerned, it has already reached my father's ears. Gilbert has the permission and the life he needs. "

It's probably the first time I've moved it, ”Steyl continued.

It was a project that took time to investigate and move underwater after it had already been discovered. With permission, I was ready to make a final decision at any time yesterday, so it is not surprising that I will put it into action today or tomorrow. Rather, it was much better than spending time on a stubborn ray.

While listening, Arthur organized his role for tomorrow, and as Steyl read from his heart, he continued, "Of course, I will officially tell the Knights as soon as everything is decided."

"That said, you won't be appointed to your 8th Corps this time." Probably 3rd or 4th. Captain Column, I'm sure you'll be busy. Thank you very much. As for Arthur, I need you to coordinate with the guards so that I can accompany you from this afternoon. "

And it came to pass, when Colum had returned in one word, that Arthur was gracious unto Colum.

When that happens, if I think that the second half of the escort will be me and Harrison as I am today... then I finally remember something important.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Harrison... that guy in the escort just now... you're going to stop me next..."


Of course, I couldn't confirm Harrison, but Arthur put his hand on his forehead and said, "I forgot...". Arthur's sudden cries of pride reminded him of what he said today in Ray's Mansion, “Oh...”

Colum and Tiara, who were not present, leaned their necks toward the sight of the three men. Tiara says, "What happened? When I asked, my pride began to explain with a bitter smile," That's it... "

Ray Karen's mansion, where Harrison was hiding behind a group of people, wiped them out of the window.

As soon as I heard that, my head hurt until the column this time.

I thought...... I tapped Arthur's shoulder as I worked round again.

Until recently, Harrison was there when Arthur took turns, but Ray's attack and rejection, and Arthur's minor injuries, were more important than Steyl's and Pride's instantly killed backstage operations. Speaking of which, I can't help but recall that it is in the range of overdoing, and Pride is now more than ever.

”But... thanks to that, we didn't engage in any fighting from behind the line of business, and we didn't see Deputy Harrison either.”

She knows exactly what it's like to defend Harrison.

In fact, as long as you escaped through the window at that time, it's more likely that Ray told you to escape before he got back up there. However, I also understood that Harrison would have suppressed the upside-down Ray even if he hadn't been slashed.

In terms of protecting his pride as a steil, he was also reluctant to complain to this outstanding man. Sometimes I struggle with him, but at the same time, I'm looking out for his quick moves and his absolute protection of his pride. This time too, it is not such a mistake to think that you moved because of the imminent danger to pride.

"... I can't help it, Arthur. I need a word with Lieutenant Harrison out of your mouth." Next time, at least keep it halfway so that Ray can stay calm. Even during this escort, you must decide what signal you can send. "

It was good to just "escape" and "no attack". The column also nodded heavily to Steyl. “That's good,” Arthur thinks is best for Harrison, who absolutely listens to orders.

However, once Arthur agreed, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I tried to get together..." If there are signs and signals from the Knights and the Eighth Corps, but apart from that, I tilted my head to see if there are signals that can be used as "Jack". Above all, even though I am the captain now, it was a little distracting to order Harrison to "move like this."

However, if you think that without it, it will be a case of releasing a knife and this time again, you will be prepared to decide on your stomach.

“If you can't think of something, I'll think about it with you.”

"I'm sorry, thank you very much..."

Arthur bowed his head to the column, saying, "Of course, that's the best thing to do if you come up with it yourself."

It's easy to remember a given signal, but if I had to think for myself, I would have to think for myself. "Signal" is because it needs to be a movement that the other person can see at a glance and never perform in any other operation. And this time, I didn't want to be noticed as a signal by anyone else.

"Tomorrow, if we go as planned, we can resume school tours of the Anemone Kingdom without any sadness from next week." Tiara, I need you to show me around again. "

"Sure! I'll show you around as many times as I can"

Tiara clung to her arm of pride as she whispered happily to her brother's words.

I was also looking forward to showing Leon to the school, but I couldn't wait to meet the classes and teachers and students in the school, and to be able to check the state of pride in the class again. I always wanted to bounce when I thought that our visit would help us to keep our pride safe and alliance with the Anemone Kingdom.

For a moment, when I thought about the special classroom of the high school, I felt a force in my cheek, but pretended to cling to my pride, clinging to my face and misleading me.

"Thank you for your pride." This time, I'll try not to provoke Ray, as much as I can. "

“Yes, thank you, Steyl. I'm really sorry, I did something extra.”

Not a word, "said Steyl, shaking his head to the side. There was nothing to stir up in my ear.

Judging from the upside-down Ray, I don't even think he was meant to be attacked no matter what he said. Stills knew that Ray's field of view was so narrow.

"Um...... Stale?"

Pride gently shook his head, turning his hand toward the stele.

With a little anxiety, her expression drooping in her eyebrows and her white fingers stacked on her hands suddenly shook Sail's shoulders. I tied my lips and looked back, and a slightly weak voice overflowed from my pride.

"Ray... he has something to pay for." Even behind-the-scenes operations and those fires are unforgivable, even if they are unsuccessful or negligent. I know you should be judged. but... at least until then "

I want you to wait.

I begged him to do so, but even if he didn't tell me the rest of the story, I knew about Stale.

Stills unexpectedly put his strength on his tied lips when he realized that it was his own fault that he made his face so prideful.

I'm willing to give Ray the pride he desires from the start. It's true that she's angry with him, but she still believes in her predictions and intentions. However, when I saw her face drooping with anxiety, I still thought that it was a little too much.

"I'm... I'm... I'm..."

I am proud of the result of thinking calmly and rationally.

Even so, when Arthur and Pride told me, I felt that the melancholy that kept circling inside me was vaporized before it cleared up. She doesn't want to get involved in her own black thoughts, even if it's good for her and Jilbert.

Without being able to pull his hands off the stacked fingers, the consciously moving tongue narrows his neck slightly. I swallowed it in my mouth and then made sure to convey my intentions properly.

"It doesn't matter if I'm going to help Ray." I won't hunt you down any more than I need to....... I want to help him properly. "

Steyl is embarrassed to think that if he tried to convey the narrowed words without misunderstanding, it would become more like a child.

Her rounded shoulders and her soft expression finally gave her a smile that her pride was her usual style. I know that he thought of something for himself and Arthur, and that the solution isn't just my grudge. Still, I was worried about the black smile that came out of Ray's Mansion. Of course I hate Ray, but I think he's kind enough to say he wants to help.

Thank you, and as soon as I stroked Steyl's head, the air surrounding him suddenly withered.

I think Stale wants us to stop in front of Column and Arthur, but I still can't resist this. I'm glad that Jill Bale didn't have to see me, because I came all the way down from the sofa to Tiara to stroke my own head.

After finally returning to the usual state from the black domination and smile, the column relaxed its shoulders unnoticed.

Arthur's thorns and venom disappeared when he was beaten by Arthur, and when he was stroked by pride, he looked at the steil, which was completely incapacitated. Once again, I thought that these two were his other conscience, which was gentle and sometimes black.

And when the air in the room finally returned to purification, Marie and Lotte began to make a new cup of tea.

It was not until after sunset that Gilbert officially notified the people of tomorrow's decision from within the castle.