"............ ehh"

My voice leaked out unexpectedly.

Less than ten days before the end of the highly confidential inspection, we separated from Nate and arrived at our classroom, and stood in front of the door.

As I walked down the corridor, I was already strange. The students are quite busy every day, but this time it was different. There were more students out in the hallway than usual, and as soon as it was two years old, the population density increased, which was particularly prominent before our class.

After climbing through the stairs, I said, "Jeanne!" Here we are! "" That's him! "" The children of the class and the students of other classes who listened to him also attracted attention. Thanks to you, I was able to find out what happened before I got to the classroom.

From the time I heard it, it was a word of "no way", but if all three of them changed their complexions, it was really no way.

Our classroom. And he was in the middle of the back window, where we often sat.

Having attracted far more attention from his students than we did, he opened his legs with a book in one hand and poked his cheek with his cheek stick, saying that it was a vegetable that attracted everyone's attention. As soon as he noticed us, he snorted his nose and let out a resounding voice in the noise.

"It's late. Who's going to keep me waiting?"

She closed the book as she read it with one hand and let it out with her gaze.

It's Ray. It was just yesterday, today, that Ray stared at us from beneath an artistic mask with only half his face hidden to the left. The fussy attitude is the same as when I first met her.

Well, it's true that there's a nobleman called the Karen family, and we're commoners, and they're helping us.... it's like there was no big incident yesterday, but I think it's a big change that you came to see me like this.

How could he have thought of our class, but if he had the president's authority, he would certainly have a student roster. I didn't expect my authority to be abused after it was forfeited.

"... you've already come."

Leaving aside his attitude, Ray put a closed book on his desk. With three desks lined up next to each other, the one in the middle is my seat, so I honestly want you to step back. Perhaps you've asked your classmates where I am and what my usual seat is.

Walking up to him, Arthur, carrying the three of us backpacks, fixed his gaze on Ray while placing his luggage at the window seat. Stills squinted at the black edge of his glasses with alarm.

The students who were taking a step back and watching Ray from around them became delusional as if they were surrounded by him. At that point, he was all alone.

Of course, the surroundings resounded. He's always in a special classroom upstairs from three years ago. In other words, the aristocrats and elite belong to the same class. On the other hand, there are only ordinary people, intermediate and lower-level students here. It is too different from the clothes already.

Whether he originally cared about clothes or whether Ankerson had them tailored, his outfit is clearly a fine garment worn by the nobility. Moreover, Ray stands out in the artistic mask to the extent that it overrides the original impression of beauty.

He is the only student who is wearing a special classroom mask in the middle school, and even if he is not, there are only a few people who are dressed like that, whether they are noblemen or not.

Of course, the perception of his departure as a special class at a glance is one of "Why are you here?" Moreover, I am already the problem child he nominates. It is decided to be noisy.

"I've prepared what I promised. Let's hear it from you guys."

From now on

I swallowed what I was about to say in the back of my throat. No, thank you for moving so quickly, but I appreciate it! I didn't expect you to come here on your own in the morning.

We were going to look around again from the classroom for the next year, and we were totally blown off. I had already spoken to Keith and Nate, and now that I had a little bit of time to press, it was a very subtle amount of time left to look at the clock.

But even though you brought me a corner here, it's rude not to use it now. Yesterday and today, you refused to accept my offer to cooperate!

"... I see."

Hold your breath and swallow.

As Ray was occupying the seat I wanted to sit in, Arthur pulled out the chair to give it to me. Thankfully, I borrowed a seat and turned to him in my chair.

Ray, who stuck his cheek stick in a dazed manner, continued to stare at me with a cold look for a while. The uncomfortable feeling of being interviewed for the exam is a perfect value. Even though I let her sit down, she didn't try to give me anything, and she grinned back at me at Ray who was staring at me.

Even though I was eager to say, "What is it?", I no longer have the gaze of that hostility and anger until yesterday. If you squeeze your fists with your hands on your knees, your shoulders will rise naturally. A few steps away, the voice of Ray and the children who were looking at my oppression interview became quiet.

After plenty of silence for more than three minutes, Ray exhaled once and then put his hand into his nostrils. A few dozen thick bundles of paper were taken out of the palm of your hand.

So, for the first time, he looked at me like he cared about people, and he pushed me with the bundle facing away.

"This is all I know about the case." Read it so other people don't see it. I'll forgive the surroundings. "

With that said, I pointed to Steyl and Arthur alternately with just my jaw.

The surroundings...... I noticed that Stale, who was supposed to be the first person to negotiate, was now surrounded. Well, I've had a lot of success, and it's not surprising that I was the first to buy his wrath.

I felt sorry for Steyl, who had sheltered me from the corners, but my shoulders narrowed and I opened the bundle of paper he gave me so that other students could not see it. Steyl and Arthur stood to the left and right of my wall, peeking together.

"We don't have time for this right now. First, check it from the three eyes."

Why not from the beginning? Thinking of it, he opened it according to Ray's instructions.

The first page was just a quick glance, but it was still lined up with basic information that Val and Steil had come up with. Skip the second gaze and open the third gaze to understand what he wants to say.

It's a portrait. Suddenly, Steil and Arthur blew a small breath from a large source. I don't know who gave it to me, but it's pretty much like the game Ryer. It feels like the difference in hairstyle, the atmosphere, and a slightly younger face, but it would be reasonable to consider Ray's age at the time of his last separation.

Beardless stretched hair flushed behind. A muscular body is drawn on the chest with sharp drooping eyes and a sharp outline and neck. It's like a designated person, so maybe it was drawn by someone who works behind the scenes.

That's why I'm sure that a hundred people are wanted instead of a hundred. And it's definitely the face of the second Leyer in the memory of his previous life.... well, I'm a game character, so I can't help it.

I think this is what Ray looked like when he met me. After all, the impression of hair styling changes. In the past, when Ray's face was told in the game, it was all about silhouettes and his face was invisible, and it wasn't until after the game started that his face was revealed.

How are you, do you recognize it?

I shake my head sideways in response to Ray's question.

I remember it in my previous life, but not in this life. I asked Steyl and Arthur, but they both shook their heads. Unfortunately, neither of them remembers.

At the very least, it would have been easier to understand if there had been a wound on the cheek, a burn like Ray, or a bigger physical feature. Because it is a character of the maiden game, even though it is a mobile character that only appears in the Rey Root, the face is prepared thanks to the god painter. It might be even nicer if I didn't have a mustache.

Thinking like that, along with the sound of sighing, the evil side was shouted from the front, "I can't use it." Looking back, Ray, who was in a grumpy mood, turned away from us with his cheek stick. Well, if anyone of us has seen it here, it's the quickest thing to talk about.

By the way, can I show this to someone we trust?

"If you're not behind the scenes or those who are light-hearted, do it on your own."...... I don't want to be identified and taken hostage by bad people "

Returning to Steyl's words with one sword, Ray lowered his voice and tongued for the last time.