"Alright, this is the end of the class." Please return the equipment properly. "

After the end of the Second Limit.

Unlike female students, who predominate in classroom and indoor classes, male students are often sent out to the schoolyard immediately after classroom transfer. Depending on the content of the lesson, it is a subject tailored to the type of occupation and skill required because it is a man who performs labor and technology related to civil engineering.

In order to protect themselves, there are classes for the restoration of houses and household goods, but other important subjects are for them to promote higher-paid occupations and instant combat forces after graduation or while in school.

And even today, their classes were all manual labor. And this time, it's coal mining. Although it was not actually carried out in a coal mine far from the castle, it was sufficient fatigue level even for a limited time by carrying the same amount of weight in the truck as the actual experience using the equipment.

There are many students who help them work at home, but it is a task that ranks at the top of the demanding work as physical labor. If you sweat the work you do under the sun even if you just touch one end of it, your body that is used to working will scream to herald tomorrow's muscle pain.

Even after the instructor tells the teacher to end the class, many students do not have the energy to rush to the lunch break as usual. Some people want to roll on the ground while moving their legs to put the equipment back next to the teacher.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Wait, Jack, don't leave me.

As soon as the teacher issued the order, the two students quickly turned back and ran at full speed.

Arthur, who didn't show any fragments of fatigue, bites into his mouth as Stale chases after him in defeat. By the time he was fourteen years old, he was already brushing his sword arms, and he had more strength than the average man. However, as a royal and instantaneous mobility specialist, he rarely carried heavy loads.

Unlike Arthur, who had been accustomed to farm work before training as a knight, his body weighed close to the average even while training. Honestly, therefore, this lesson was also fatiguing for him.

But I still let him run with all my might.

I wondered why I only used this kind of physical strength today, but there was nothing I could do about it. As a result, Arthur can't beat the speed of his legs, and he's unnecessarily distanced. I'm relieved to see that Arthur has slowed down more than usual to suit me.

Considering his own rush to mislead the frustration, his legs kicking the ground naturally strengthened. Remembering Ray, who had already repeatedly shown pride, rude remarks and dangerous special abilities, I don't feel like Ray is messing around again while I'm doing this. Unlike the others out there, Ray only had to go down two flights of stairs.

Moreover, considering that I would have visited the second limit before, I can't fully rest assured until I hear from Pride what happened in the meantime. Amlet, who is of the same sex, and Dios and Croy are present, and since Harrison is not present, I don't think there will be any major accidents.

If Pride is serious, he can use his powers to disable Ray. But if he rampages his special abilities, the story will change. At least since there was no small fire yet, it was only a matter of reassurance that Ray hadn't used his special abilities.

Despite his tired legs, Steyl, who with Arthur ran past the other boys, ran up the stairs from the middle school building.

Thanks to the mobile classroom, the two of them were able to finish class a little early, but the bell finally rings. If I hurried to reach the classroom even one second earlier than Ray, the passing teacher called out "Don't run in the hallway" and it was far away again.

Arthur cried out cheerfully in a hallway voice, "I'm sorry," but neither of us felt like loosening our legs at all.

You go up the stairs, you go out into the hallway, and you're close. If you check where the female students come out of the classroom, you can be sure that the class has finished on time. I slipped back into my classroom.

"Jeanne! So, when did you really start?"

It's not like I'm being threatened.

"But it's pretty good, I've seen it under that mask before."

"I know Philip and Jack, and they didn't say anything."

Gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gaya, gay

Steyl and Arthur were too dense to see pride at first glance. I stopped in front of the door once with my mouth open.

After all, I understood what had happened by looking at the excited girls. A stile with a rough breath on her shoulder steps into the classroom while placing her hand on the door frame.

Arthur and the girls were wondering if it was okay for them to enter the densely populated area, so they fixed the vase position of the silver-rimmed glasses with their fingers. I could only pick up the voice of pride, which was suffering from concentrated artillery fire. Without being able to tell whether it was Ray or Pride who made it, once he snorted his throat, Steel decided to prepare and moved his mouth first.


I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Following Stale, Arthur called out.

As soon as their words were released, the picks and the air hardened in an instant. Not only pride, but all the girls within sight of Steyl and Arthur squinted their mouths and did not even look back at first.

Pride Feel the awkward air from one or more people, and they tilt their necks silently. It doesn't look like pride was being treated badly by them. Why is this awkward?

While I was thinking about it, I heard a rattling sound pulling the chair from their center. Phillip! Jack! and the voice she called so loudly turned slightly. In a hurry, "I'm sorry", "later" and the pride that appeared to sneak through the girl's waist low, held the backpack containing their sandwich in both hands.

The girls also wanted to stop their pride, but more than that, their crisis management abilities, which felt awkward and unique to women, made them shut their mouths.

If you say anything extra right now, I don't think Philip and Jack would feel like blood if they didn't know anything. At least no one wanted to open the lid with their own mouths.

The pride of running past the women's group and rushing over the backpack in both hands was clearly pale. The smile hardened enough to reveal the stilts, and the cold sweat was oozing out as if they had done the same physical work as they did. And above all,

"Jeanne, something happened to Ray."

"Let's go, Powell, let's go!" Anyway, let's hurry up. I'll explain later, so I'm sorry. "

Ahhhhhhh! And as she screamed in her heart, Pride pushed the two of them to the door.

If I hadn't spoken to them before I accidentally heard them through their mouths, she would have understood.

While bluing their faces, Steyl and Arthur rolled their eyes at the pride of shouting themselves out of the classroom in vain.

Arthur, who Luc had taken from her pride, was pushed out of her way in a rush of too much pride.

Jeanne and Steil were not surprised to hear it back, but they still couldn't answer their pride. At least this has to be spoken in an invisible place! It is desirable to have a crossing that is also a meeting point for the less crowded Powells. For a moment, I stretched out to grab the two hands again, but I remembered that I made them angry last time, and stopped along the way. Instead, use both hands to push the two backs together and keep pushing into your feet.

The two people who were stronger than the powerless girl walked without being able to resist. Walking with her back bent, she finally loosened her legs when she reached the crossing.

"Philip! Jeanne, Jack. What's wrong?"

Powell, noticed from a distance, opens his eyes wide and walks up with his neck tilted.

Besides, she took a deep breath while exhaling a lot from her pride. We need to get to Ray right away, but we need to talk to Powell first. Above all, if I hadn't told them about Ray's mess before the conversation broke down, I could have imagined that from Ray's inadvertent remarks to the next moment, Steyl and Arthur would turn blue because of their disrespect for the princess.

You know, Powell, if I told Ray first, I'd get a good instant response.

While sincerely thanking Powell for suddenly adjusting to our circumstances every time, I think it would be more convenient if both of us accepted this suddenly.

Aware of his own escape from reality, Pride seized his chest with a hand attached to their backs. With a small touch pulled from their backs, they both turned to her behind, just like Powell. What the hell is going on? What they wanted to hear was that they understood pride without words, and they saw it with both eyes straight.

Then Pride started to think and let his eyes swim. Um... well, Powell was the first to open his mouth when he was about to leak a word he couldn't keep.

"It's a special classroom. It's amazing that Jeanne and I have acquaintances everywhere." What the hell does that have to do with anything? "

In response to Powell's question, which seemed to make him want to say that it was a Book of Genesis, Pride focused his strength on his lips, which seemed to pull.

I tell myself that I have no choice but to say this, and I squeeze out my trembling voice. I felt my skin overflowing from the direction where I couldn't grasp the shape to the murderous aura, and I was shrinking my stomach saying that about one person was already angry.

"... my... lover? I wonder if that's who I got myself into...?"

Ahahah... and right after the withered laughter and squeezed out words.

I felt the murderous aura of just one person on my skin from the inner part where I couldn't make eye contact with the pride of three people.

Sometimes the source is right in front of us.