"Oh, is it all right for Master Stale and Master Tiara to join us?" Even if I go to the Royal Palace first..... "

The pride of walking to the Christmas present room inadvertently makes my face laugh.

Normally, Steyl and Tiara, who would have gone to the assistant of the Regent's office and the assistant of the King's office as soon as possible, were still with them.... exactly, with the Jill Belle I'm following.

Just after breakfast, a servant reported that Jilbert had come to collect his presents before his official duties.

Even though it was said to be collected by myself, it was Jill Bale who only asked the servants to report, but when they arrived at the palace of Pride, the three of them waited just in front of the room. Sail and Tiara, who usually go to assistants early, still have no choice but to wonder what Gilbert will allocate.

No problem, don't worry! Gilbert's long, slender eyes laughed as he turned to the two of them.

I was surprised when Tiara invited me, but I understand that they seem to be enjoying Christmas more than I thought. It's also fun to know that even Stale is curious about what he pulls. Finally, Jill Bale came to pick out the three prides before work in order not to make them wait, but if you would stay with me like this until Sail, I think you would have picked this time to get it right.

Enter the room and choose a box. In a box that Jilbert can't read at all, Stale says from the side, "You know, but you can't have it. Don't read the contents." I know, but I quickly pick one while returning the word.

Open the box and tell the pride who stopped two steps ahead that it wasn't your thing first. Checking the contents, Jilbert said with a slightly rounded voice.

”... looks like it's quite a big win”

The first thing I took out with my hands was a giant bear stuffed animal.

The teddy bear with the ribbon around its neck was just the right size to sit and bow in an aligned large box. Tiara unexpectedly raised her voice and clapped her hands on a giant stuffed animal that might be the same as or bigger than the little Chemtu.

The stuffed animal with its cute eyes and golden eyes mirrored in crystals is not even the size of its own room. The hair looks good and I want to inadvertently hold it. Too cute a gift, Stale turned away, but there was a laugh.

Pride is too cute for Gilbert, a grown man whose age is not very different from his father's, and his mouth hardens with a smile. Once the stuffed animal was seated on the floor, Jill Bale reaches back into the box. Two bottles of wine followed.

"Stella will be delighted." The wine will be delicious for the family tonight. "

Gilbert, holding a giant bear in his arm and a bottle of wine in his opposite arm, laughed giggly.

To Stella, my daughter, I understand why Gilbert said "jackpot" in addition to the statement "Pride". For him, what makes a pretty girl happy is better than what makes him happy.

That's nice! After returning the words to Tiara, who made her bounce, Gilbert thanked the three of them deeply, “Thank you for the wonderful opportunity.” With all due respect, if you decide to leave the room as soon as possible to get back to work, Steyl and Tiara will follow. The two of you are going to the same place again.

"Oh, Prime Minister Jilbert!" If you don't mind, I'll let you carry her to your room...? "

"Are you okay?" It's a little heavier than it looks. "

“I agree with Tiara. Even if you have it, it only looks like a kidnapper or a suspicious person."

Say hello, as Pride sends off, Tiara's genuine desire to hold on to the bear's stuffed animal and Jill Vail giggle.

Stale, who was not going to take any of Jillvale's luggage, threw his dislike arm in arm, and Jillvale responded honestly. "Is it the kidnapping of the bear?" he gently handed over to Tiara to keep the child while daring to return what he heard as a joke from Stale.

Tiara raised her voice to "fuwa" the weight of a heavier bear than she was enthusiastic, and Sail stretched her arm to support her back.

In a sense, Tiara continued to enjoy the happy weight and mockingbirds up to the King's office.

It was not long after the door was opened that he threw his pseudonym until he became a member of the Butler family.

Naturally, the final naming authority is Stella.