"This room."

Gachari, I think.

The door was next opened after lunch. While both Tiara and Stale were away on official duty, one of the Pride Guardians and Guardians led them to the gift room.

Before ten boxes rearranged neatly again by the maid, the young man who was guided leaked his voice. I get the illusion of being lost in a strange space in the sight of dozens of identical boxes lined up in my own eyes. As a royalty, it is not uncommon for him to have gifts and gifts, but he has never had ten of the same huge boxes in his life.

Oooh, and the young man who leaked his exclamation briefly stepped forward after the door behind him was closed by the maid.

"This is interesting." I have no idea what I've got. I've never had such a show before. "

I thanked you for inviting me. Cedric looked from the edge of the room to the edge with his red eyes glowing like flames as he thanked Pride again. None of the boxes prepared for the gift exchange sponsored by the royal family were scratched, wrinkled or dirty.

Cedric's pride, which makes his eyes shine like a child, smiles. I explained to him again, thinking that I and Tiara had similar faces when they first entered the room. It is forbidden to explore other than with one's own eyes. Cedric, who had received all the letters, nodded and moved his leg slowly.

You walk in front of the arranged boxes, knowing that you don't have to choose, you don't have to look, you don't have to be careful. I walked to draw a spiral from the first one at the front end to the last one at the back, and then decided on the second box from the end.

I checked the contents and told Pride that it wasn't my fault. Then I pushed my arms in and took them out with both hands.

"Thank goodness. I've never read any of them before. A Freesia book?"

Thinking about it, Cedric held up the ten books that were stacked together at once and turned his back cover to look like pride.

The word book, maybe Cedric's jackpot...... is a pride that sneakily jumped in the chest, but immediately after that, I followed the title of the book with my eyes, and the heartbeat subsided quietly. Breathe out without a sound, and then make a judgment.

There is a wide range of books on geosciences with mixed books and new maps, as well as inference novels, pure literature, sage theory, imperial science, mathematical books, astrology, and the latest botanical atlas. Anyone who could read a few letters would find a lineup of books they liked. There are some books I'd like to borrow from Pride.

"Right, it's a Freesia book." But it was also fresh and good for Cedric, because there were no books in my castle's library. ”

"Have you ever read a book about pride?"

Just two books.

I borrowed it from Sail and Tiara.

While swallowing the words with tenderness, I take care not to make Cedric joyful as much as possible. Tiara, who is a reader and knowledgeable reader, reads a variety of books regardless of genre, but her sister, Pride, also realized that she was probably not Tiara from the list of titles of the book.

I have read a book that Tiara has loved since she was a child, but on the contrary, it even contains mathematical books that she doesn't read very much. Rather, on this subject, I have an idea who prepared the presents.

"There are some books that seem to like Tiara." On the contrary, there are some books that I'm not interested in. "

I see. If there's anything you like, I'd love to lend it to you.

It's a pride that claims not to be Tiara's, but Cedric doesn't move.

When I heard that there were more than ten participants, I didn't expect to get Tiara's prepared items so luckily. Rather, if you get a valuable Tiara item, you may feel offended by Tiara, who hates you no matter how much she is happy to get it. I hope you won't hit Tiara, even if you don't ruin her Christmas with your own stuff.

"... by the way, can I ask what happened to the gift that was opened so far?"

In response to Cedric's question, Pride places “I don't know whose it belongs to,” and tells him what he saw. Cedric glanced at the other items, confirming that none of the items he had prepared had yet reached his hand. I chose it with great care since you invited me to be a pride, but I still want you to stop thinking about Tiara. I don't want to see her discouraged at the corner of Christmas.

I see...... and the pride of thinking that Cedric, who had a sloppy voice, perceived that it was not Tiara's product, said, "But!” He strengthened his voice.

"That picture book matches Tiara." It's one of my favorite books from my childhood, and it's a sweet story of family friendship. ”

It's just a story about baking pancakes for kids, but it's a very warm and good story. Cedric's eyes twinkled as he recommended it with all his heart. The titles of all the other books were interesting, but the tiara books were still the ones that bothered me the most.

Further, Pride went on to say that one of them, a pure literary novel, was one of Tiara's favorite writers, and she decided to read it today.

I couldn't wait, and Cedric, who could read quickly if he opened the picture book on the spot, opened it so that he could enjoy one page at a time. Open it sparingly with a small number of pages, you will taste a painting full of paper and a story.

The content itself is certainly simple, but I was also convinced that the story of her brothers and sisters getting along was pleasant for her, and she liked it. If you think about how she felt when she was young, the feeling of being tangled in the bottom of her chest was mixed with a sweet feeling. How long did she keep wishing for a future like this book and wondering how it would never come true?

"... that's a good story."

The smile overflowed, and then closed at the end.

Just getting the same thing as her book is enough to make me happy. Moreover, it would be superfluous if it were not available in the library. At least for Cedric, who thinks he can't be introduced to Tiara herself, it was a valuable item.

Pride stroked her chest as Cedric seemed to be pleased. It was his first Christmas away from home this year when he became a folk of the Kingdom of Freesia.

Your intention to invite me to exchange gifts was stronger than what you told me about Hanazoo's Christmas. In the Kingdom of Freesia, unlike Hanazoo, there is a possibility that you will feel lonely because you do not make Christmas noise by citing the country. Cedric still has no family or lovers in Freesia, only servants.

Besides, I'm glad Cedric liked the book that Steil and I enjoyed with Tiara.

"Thank you. If you want to do it again next year, please invite me again." Thanks to you, it was a good day. "

After this, let's enjoy it slowly.

At the top, while rearranging the reasoning novels that he decided to read next, Cedric put them in the big box again. Let the guards that accompanied you take each box and leave the room.

I came back to my palace with the desire to mix my songs, thinking that I would have a good day in the mountains of this book.

In the corner of his head, he thought about how to lend Tiara the reasoning novel he had read.