A few tens of minutes ago.

"Something happened to Master Pullyde, didn't it?"

“That's why I'm telling you to wait! The Knights have not been notified yet."

"If it's an emergency, it could be a messenger, or even if it's not, there's some kind of signal...!"

From the moment that Steyl moved with Arthur, Alan and the others could not, of course, be involved in other things.

It's definitely not his personal emergency that Steyl changed his complexion and took Arthur to the hospital. That was something that all the Kingsguard knights understood. Noticing the whistle from Pride, Arthur, who had decided that something had happened, chose Arthur, who had nothing else to do with it. It is only natural to consider the relationship between the two.

Soon after that, Alan and the others jumped out of the room to see if the Knights had received any alerts, but they didn't hear a single alarm outside.

The three of them are still standing by the wall with the door fully open, waiting for the change in both Alan's room and the Knights' Practice Area.

I didn't know when a knight from the same Knights Library would pass by or be heard, so their voices were lurking in each other's ears, but they didn't hide their serious faces from each other.

If Steyl and the others were to come back, it would be Alan's room, where he was definitely drinking with them. But after more than five minutes, Arthur doesn't even come back. In other words, Alan decided that there was something that was not a mistake. Both Column and Eric agree. However, if I turned to the Knight Commander or Wang Ji here, I had to tell them why I noticed something unusual. The first prince was drinking in Alan's room, which would not have been nice if he hadn't visited him casually, which would have made Steyl's position worse. They're just knights until we hear from the castle. Don't move.

"I'm sorry I'm late at night..."

"Excuse me..."

"I'm sorry, I'm back..."

Suddenly, three familiar voices were emitted from Alan's room.

Alan and the others, holding their breath and looking back, caught sight of an unexpected number of people. Immediately after that, Eric, who was closest to him, closed the door that was fully opened in a hurry. Even though I realized that I had rushed too fast and became violent, I decided to give priority to not seeing this situation by other knights.

And there was not one Steyl, but three royals, and not only Erik, but Alan and Calam shut their mouths, which called unto them. It would be terrible if the name resounded here and now.

I'm in the room right now because of Steyl, my pride in my sleepwear, and Tiara.

"Here... niisama, why are all the Kingsguard knights here...?"

“I told you before. During the infiltration of the school, the Kingsguard Knights also shared information. I thought I was gathering right now, and I just moved to Captain Alan."

"Ah, so this is Captain Alan's room...?" I'm sorry I pushed you all of a sudden. "

As Tiara rolled her eyes and looked around, Sail pretended to be a coincidence.

The frequent participation in drinking with the Kingsguard Knights was hidden from both Tiara and Pride. Arthur, who understood Steyl's intentions, dared not dare to say anything bad, but after that, the three Kingsguards acted quickly.

"Ah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, I, sorry,

Haha, Alan noticed that pride had come to his room, and in a hurry, he cleared out the glass that Steil had been drinking with the empty bottle. If Arthur finds out that there's another drink in this room, he'll slide it off the brand new long table.

As well as Alan trying to destroy the evidence, Column and Eric hurry to take off their jackets.

They were in quite a hurry now, for a different reason than Alan, who was visited in the room. I wanted to ask why he appeared not only to Stale, but also to Pride and Tiara, but to hide the princess in full sleeping clothes from behind.

If you excuse me, both Pride and Tiara pulled the clothes they wore with their crossed hands as if they had just noticed, hiding a thin fabric. Even though he was in a hurry, at least he should have prepared his own jacket.

Even though Steyl and Arthur didn't notice Tiara's room in the dark, they were more concerned, and now their faces were out of sight.

“Don't worry, it was just better than that. Please hurry and help the Kingsguard Knights."

The pride intensified as he called out to Alan, who was destroying evidence of a hurried glass and a bottle of wine.

The Guardian Knights, whose faces were filled with sharp voices, also tightened their expressions. "Ha," he said, then quickly aligned himself in front of them.

Understanding that it was the intention of pride that Steyl needed not only his partner Arthur but also himself, his awareness of being a knight cooled. When the knights corrected their postures with all their intentions, pride turned to each one.

"Tiara made a prediction. I think it is [faster] for you to look at it than to explain it....... Tiara, can you do me a favor?"

Yes! And Tiara returns the favor from Pride.

Her nod and gaze, which dramatically opened her round eyes, also inadvertently swallowed her mouth, knowing Tiara's ability to predict. I already remember that they were wearing it once.

I ran too nervous for the realistic one, but now I had to focus on Tiara, giving priority to understanding the situation. Just before that, I was prepared to receive her special abilities.

"Oh, wait a minute."

Suddenly, as I remembered, Arthur raised his hand.

Suddenly, the pride turned to Tiara, who was tensed without even thinking of her voice. Excuse me, and apologize to your seniors. Arthur put his hand on Stale's shoulder in a panic and closed his eyes.

It's Harrison, too.

Can you do me a favor? And Arthur nodded to Stale, asking him to move to Harrison, who couldn't help but shout out in the middle of the night and don't even know where he was.



"Zahran, have you found it?"

Good job!

It was not long after the fingers were whistled, that the columns came to Alan in an instant.

After seeing Tiara's predictions, the Guardian Knights, who understood Ray's face and situation correctly, were immediately released to the intermediate level by Steel's hand.

If we spread out the map of the castle and released one by one in the direction where the thin moon could be seen and in the middle class to the candidate area with the back streets and woods, it would not be difficult to find. Tie up the search time for each location, and if you don't find them every few minutes, Stale will continue to move them to a different candidate location, one after the other.

As a result, Ray's discovery was realized only by Steyl and the Four Knights of the Substantial Guard.

"Jeanne: Philip: Jack: After spending all her time in disguise, this was the pride of being convinced to leave it to the Kingsguard, but she wasn't worried about entrusting herself with the search either. Knights are far more familiar with the castle than they are, as long as they don't care about the timing.

Rather, they are the right people to hide their identities.

"Ahh, I managed to make it in time." It burned a little, but you're okay with this, right? "

Alan laughed and waved lightly at Column, Eric, and Harrison, who appeared in the flash.

The forest behind him burned somewhat from his feet, but at the same time Ray let go of his consciousness, it disappeared, so the damage was almost clear. And at Alan's feet, there were nearly ten men with weapons rolling around.

All of them are alive, but because of the current culprit who tried to attack the ordinary people, they will continue to throw themselves at the guards. Thinking whether it would be easier for them to call the guards while they were fainting or for the four of them to carry them alone, Alan looked at the shadows a little further away from the operators. Just like in the back office, Columns didn't even have to ask what Alan had done to Ray, who was completely unconscious.

Ray can't even fire now that Alan's shackles for the Special Ability People are hanging on his back just in case.

Bringing you in?

Harrison stood beside Ray in an instant with his high-speed legs, and grabbed Ray's head with a rash question.

Even though it was Arthur's call at the corner and his nomination for pride, he felt somewhat uncomfortable because he couldn't get involved at all. For Alan and the others to see Ray's future, Ray was close enough to the current culprit.

However, since Alan entered the arbitration when he tried to use his abilities in earnest, there is no remaining crime to take him to Ray this time.

Harrison grabbed Ray roughly without even saying he was guilty, and Alan panicked and said, "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." If Ray wakes up badly here and stimulates Harrison, he won't wake up in the hospital bed for the worst days.

Arthur told me you were coming to stop him this time.

"Harrison, don't forget that we were just" on the street ". More than that, call the guards from the station."

“Captain Alan, how soon does he wake up?”

Alan stops Harrison's hand as he grabs Ray's head. If further instructions were given from the column, Harrison could only do so now. He was unhappy and could not help but follow them. After a brief gust of wind blew against the columns, it melted into the night without a reply.

Eric asked, and Alan recalls that he was able to calm down this time while scratching his head.

After being moved a few moments from Stale, I ran around looking for Ray from the top of the building. I could see the noise of the men and the black flame that was closer than predicted. As it was, it jumped over the men's heads from the top of the building and easily disappeared into the black flame by kicking behind Ray. He was in a bit of a hurry to release the flame, but he still had enough time to take the part behind him before attacking.

At least I thought it was much easier than the Fire Special Ability that I had dealt with before.

"You hit me so hard, I think I'll wake up right away if I try to wake you up." What do you want me to tell you? "

"Just as a relative of Jeanne." Don't forget about coincidences. "

Well then, we'll keep them in custody.

I don't think he will wake up yet, but while saying that, Erik quickly clasped his hands from the man closest to him.

Column likewise takes care of them so they can't escape when they wake up, and notices someone burned on their face along the way. "Haha..." Alan looked back at the column that leaked his voice to the same face and burn as Tiara's prediction, as he sat down to wake Ray.

"Ah, I see. That guy's a little late for that." I haven't done any first aid yet, so please. "

"Alan, did you attack him in a state of fire?"

And, as he swallowed up his word, Karam scolded Alan.

In the past, Alan's eyes blamed that there was no color of reflection on the Flaming Special Ability's opponent, which seemed to be more painful than ever. But Alan and Alan laughed at the look and said, "No, there was still a little fire." I think it's a bad thing not to be careful, but it doesn't suit my nature to be scared just once I'm dying.

Eric didn't even notice that it was normal for Alan to slap his cheeks and Ray back into the column.

I continued to work while listening to Alan's voice as he called out to Ray in a lethargic voice that said, "Hey, I'm okay."

There was a way to force him to wake up if necessary, but Ray didn't take long to wake up with a series of small stimuli from Alan.

Just after Eric finished holding the last one, Ray wakes up moaning small.

"Ah, I'm awake. I'm awake. I'm sorry, I'm only holding you for a little while, but don't get angry because I'll take you off properly."

Alan crouched down and peered into Ray's face, telling the truth about the restraint before Ray woke up.

Knights in front of you and men rolling around. Furthermore, Ray moved his neck without losing his eye lid due to the fact that he was being restrained, but he couldn't get up well when his hands were sealed. "What the hell is this... why can't the knight swallow his situation?" Alan exclaimed casually, "Calm down, calm down." He lent his arm to wake up his body.

"Haha... I didn't do anything. These guys just attacked me..."

"I know, I know. I saw everything while I was watching. I saw him being attacked, and I was just trying to stop him. But since you had plenty of special abilities, I've sealed it off for now. If it hadn't been like that, we wouldn't have all been burned."

Instead, Alan laughs at the fact that he was burned to death with no bones left.

Ray remembered that his head was bleeding right before he lost consciousness, so he couldn't deny it right away. I still have a clear inflated feeling of murder in me.

I turn away from Alan and use my special abilities to try it out. But there was no fire at all. Moreover, I think it would have been quite troublesome if it had been seen. I didn't expect the knights to find me in the backstreets, rather than in the backstreets. If you honestly say that you are the people you originally hired here, you will be taken away from Alan.

"Ahh, I also heard about you from Jeanne and the others." Ray, right? I'm a relative of theirs. "

What's up?

Inadvertently, he raised his voice in response to the iodine.

I knew Jeanne had a knight relative, but it was better than that. Ray didn't suspect Alan's patrolling or stumbling through, but he doubts the coincidence. I can't believe what's going on. It's Jeanne's trap to bring these backworkers and knights to her. Reacting to a funny smile, Ray kept busying his head, explaining that if Alan was looking for someone else today, how far was it going to go?

"No, I didn't think he was your seeker." Coincidence is scary, isn't it?

"Do you know him?"

It stops.

Ray's head, which was beginning to mingle with all sorts of doubts, was taken away in an instant.

The opponent was a knight, and Alan turned his back slightly toward Ray, who brought his face closer to the front, forgetting his position and circumstances. Relax. Relax. Alan grabbed Ray's shoulders and kept his distance, but Ray didn't stop.

"Where is he?" "Please tell me..." "Is he alive?"

As I remembered along the way, if Ray had been so desperate to adjust his words late, Alan would have surely said something that would have set the fuse on fire.

Arthur was burned by this amount of heat regardless of his special abilities. Alan said strongly, "Alive," to Ray, who was still trying to get blood on his eyes. Only then did Ray lose some momentum.

"I've seen you quite recently. I'm trying to find out where he is. I think I'll find out where you are tomorrow after school. So go home today. What happened? You'd be in trouble if they attacked you again."

Ask Jeanne and the others for more details tomorrow, Alan couldn't afford to blink at Ray.

Just thinking that Lyre was alive and that there was a living witness who knew she was alive, both eyes of the glass glowed strongly. Hoping for more information right now, Ray feels better if he's the knight in front of him.

"Please tell me more!" I've been searching for him...... I can't go home until I'm convinced that I've really met Rhea at least... "

"So, you're coming home with me?" Then I'll answer you to the part where you can talk. "

I see……………………

When he stops the carriage, he explains verbally where he left the carriage without knowing the direction.

Listening to it, Alan rubbed his back to calm him down and gently replied, "It's quite a distance." Ray, who couldn't quench his arousal, stood him up in handcuffs trying to keep him up until the fever almost cooled down.

Ray didn't complain just now about Alan turning his arm around his shoulder and walking like a friend. I usually wanted to tell you not to get close, but I don't want to be upset with the source in front of me.

Alan leaves Karam and Erik here with Ray, who focuses his attention on keeping other humans out of sight. I think that I need to ask Ray about the situation to a certain extent while telling him that he will send it to me. Even though Ray would answer honestly.

"Can you answer one question instead of one?"

“I'll answer anything. That's why I want to know more about Rhea...... Are you sure you've met him? What the hell...?"

Is that the first question?

Ray was not confused about the words he would never use.

It's the first time I've spoken to Ray directly, but I'm sure that Ray will tell us that he's someone else when Pride sees it.

Ray, who had once spoken to Alan's question, thought for a moment as he walked.

Ultimately, I want them to answer everything, but the first thing I want to ask is to sort out my own questions. Continuing to wonder if this knight really knows Ryer, if he's just trying to round himself up out of his mouth, and how he can confirm that he really knows Ryer, I asked Alan the first question to ask.

What kind of relationship do you have with Ryer?

"... well, you almost pierced my stomach with your flaming spear."

In fact, it definitely penetrated, but Alan doesn't even know why it helped at the time.

With a bitter smile, Alan's expression and his detailed ability, which was not included in the materials he gave to Jeanne, stopped Ray from questioning it.

To the best of my knowledge, I can do such an act.