I think it would be helpful if the teacher's captain knew about this.

Ng!! That's where Nate's words jammed up.

After turning his throat in an easy-to-understand manner, he pulled out his gnawing teeth and stepped out into the field. "The column has nothing to do with it, right?" he exclaimed bitterly, but was paralyzed because he was also a member of the teacher.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for Nate to beat Sail with his mouth.

The management system of the school has changed, and the teachers seem to be very difficult. Captain Column is also busy with the help, so if you can investigate the cause, the burden will definitely be lighter. The more Steyl tells you, the more you can understand Nate's face and gain strength. Gugu...... I looked at Sail with pointed eyes, but he remained smiling.

A terrifying stilting spell. Thanks to you, Nate didn't think it strange that I was acting like a suspicious person in front of a classroom for a year.... even though this made Nate angry.

Still, when the bell rang, I thought that Stale had overstated it by making it a bit deceptive. "I'm sorry," he shrugged his shoulders and softened his voice.

"Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could report it to your teacher afterwards whenever you have the opportunity. Not everyone is looking for the culprit at the moment, so I'm sure it's just verbal caution.”

It would be a problem if you let the aristocrat Ray fall and spread rumors about the level of humiliation he would get into. He did not dare to point that out, but repeatedly advised that it was better to just confess to fleeing.

Even though Nate had a pointed face, his shoulders slowly descended to the soft words of Still. Until just now, the pressure to surrender was suddenly relieved, but the disgust was proportional to it. "... I understand," he said to himself, but he agreed.

When I first met him, I thought that he might have grown up a little, even though he might have been a "no-no-no-no-no."

Satisfied with Nate's reply, Steyl turned to me and Arthur and laughed, “Shall we go back to the classroom?” And when I left, I slapped Nate on the shoulder to say hello.

"... but thank you for being angry for Jeanne." Jack and I and Jeanne weren't in a position to say it back then, so it was really helpful. ”

The smile on Steel's face was a familiar, gentle smile.

I didn't expect to be thanked at the end, but Nate's eyes were so round that they were about to spill out. It seems that the compliments after the sermon were too surprising.

Instead of greeting me, he says, "Keep up the good work." “I'm sorry for the inconvenience,” Arthur continued, perhaps lowering his head for Ray and me.

Finally, Steyl waved at Arthur with a loud smile at my back. At the end of the day, it was a bit of a mischievous smile.

Gentle, isn't it?

The next moment, Nate's face erupted.

Before, it was a dazed face, but instead of a face all at once, I was waving my hands like heat and strength all over my body.

With Arthur supporting me on my shoulders, Steil gently puts his hands on my back to encourage me. There is no feeling of being forcibly recovered by the two of them, but the legs are lighter now.

If I moved my legs to return to the classroom, a scream came from behind, which was obviously Nate's.

"Ha... haaaa, that's enough room for a bevy, and... oh, that's so sweet!" I'm not afraid of that kind of guy, so... hey... you're listening to me, idiot... "

... you're as weak as ever in your compliments, and somehow you're smiling and hearing Nate's angry voice.

Nate's face was so bright red that he could tell from the distance by looking back a little before turning the stairs.

We went up the stairs even though we were screaming with the last resounding voice: "Idiot!"

After that, I didn't even hear Nate scream, so I probably went back to the classroom.

I went back to the classroom for two years, and I was taken to the two of them... or rather, I was escorted to my seat as if I were a rescuer. Stale was kind to Nate at the end, but Arthur, who had fewer words than usual, felt a little tingled. I normally greet the kids in my class with a good morning greeting, but other than that, I don't give a damn. This is entirely my culprit.

If you take a seat and sit in your usual lineup, all three of you will be silent for a few seconds.

Somehow I also felt tingling on my shoulders and my posture stretched even further than usual. I don't want to thank you for coming through that place or apologize again. If you say "um", all three of them overlapped.

At the same time, it's just a little awkward for the same dialogue. I've been tramping and kicking a lot today.

Please, first of all, while giving way to each other, the unusual and numb steil eventually declares, "I am." Please, focus your gaze on Stale with Arthur, and a serious gaze will shine through me.

After all, my heart pulsed a lot before my mouth was opened last night.

"Jeanne, I know it's unnecessary, but I still want to say it."

"Good morning, Jeanne!"

A clear, bright voice echoes like a serious voice from Steyl.... Shortly after, Stale sank brilliantly.

His face fell with the serious glance he had just now, and he pulled himself away from me slightly while lying down. She hides from me with a glowing smile, holding her head in her arms. Amlet.

Sail, who wanted to be as far away from Amlet as possible, fell silent all at once. Arthur steps up and speaks to Stale, standing between Amlet and him, but I think he's really holding his head because he broke his hips.

Arthur, who rests his hand on Stale's shoulder, stares at him with a pathetic look on his face.

"Good morning, Amlet. Have a nice day after school. I'm really looking forward to it."

"I was so looking forward to it!" It's the first time Jeanne has invited a friend to my room. ”

Amlet, who gave me a bright smile with a full wink, remembered Tiara for a moment.

I'm glad you were really looking forward to today. While returning the honor, we will meet briefly after school today to go straight to the dormitory and how long can we stay because the curfew of the house you are looking after is strict.

I apologize to Steyl and Arthur, but I can't say "I'll talk to Philip later" to Amlet, who came to see me in the morning. Besides, if you say that here, you might inadvertently get the impression of a sail on Amlet. Unhappy or lucky, Amlet hasn't even noticed that I was about to speak to Sail.

After the conversation, Amlet's face, which had been full of smiles, suddenly changed. The teacher finally came in, raising his eyebrows and muttering, "Jeanne, a little face..." Also, the timing is really bad.

I turned towards the door and waved my hand to see Amlet leave the front row, saying, "See you later." I traced my mouth and cheeks with my own hands to see if there was anything on my face, but there was nothing at all.

In order to apologize for cutting the story while putting my hand on my cheek, I apologized to Arthur who was sitting on the seat, and they both said, "No, it's okay." After all, they returned with a face with a little force in their eyebrows. I was worried that the two of them had different expressions and that they were not in good shape. Let's hear it once the lesson is over.

While listening to the attendance confirmation from the teacher, I took a deep breath out without making a sound.