"That masked man. You haven't seen Jeanne yet today? Or did you come in the morning or something?"

Pride dropped from the bottom of his chest, as the topic deviated from with the corner handkerchief returned.

In addition, Dios was eating well. Bang! I put my hands on the desk, and then pointed my young leafy eyes.

"If he comes again, we'll kick him out!"

"You can't, even though you cried so much last time."

Revenge was burning hot, and his brother, Chloe, gave him water in a cold voice.

At that moment, Dios's face blushed as he turned his dick and neck from pride to Chloe. As a result of eating Ray last time, I remembered that he showed up under the mask at close range at the end and wolves started crying, and there seemed to be a fire coming out of his face.

I regretted that I was backfired, but I just cried at Jeanne. I'm pathetic as a man.

Mmm...... as he squeezes his lips, Kreuz returns with his gaze. No matter what I say to Chloe right now, Dios knew before I was told, "Isn't it true?"

To the two brothers who were about to quarrel, Amlet said, "You can't be surprised." She herself still remembers the impact of seeing that burn on the boulder. But that doesn't stop Chloe.

"I didn't ask because I was trying to get rid of him like Dios."...... in the end, did you meet someone named Ryer? "

Kloe lowered her voice to not be with the peeling Dios, and hid like she was talking to herself at the end.

Not only Dios and Amlet, but also Pride raised their brows and looked back at the unexpected question from Croi. Chloe's words sounded like she was pressing him, thinking that she didn't think well of Ray just like Dios did.

Dios stares at Kroy with rounded eyes, as if in the mirror of his eyes, and understands that Kroy is really curious about it, not deceptively. I wondered why I was concerned about such a thing, but I preferred to respond from my pride to speaking up.

"... yes. We've safely met. to the very person he was looking for."

"Hmm, that's good, isn't it?"

Kreuz said as if he was not interested, but Pride didn't miss that his shoulders were falling unnoticed.

Dios tilted his neck twice in a row, rejoicing that Amlet was purely happy that the search for the man had been fulfilled. Just by its movements and gaze, more than double the words that Dios wanted to say out of his mouth flowed into Chloe's head.

After all, you want to ask me something like this, and Kloe can't help but poked her cheek stick and opened her mouth.

"... we don't want Cedric to go missing, either." Well... it's good to see someone you want to meet. "

With a solid voice, the words were so warm that I felt pride.

When Dios heard the words, he immediately opened his eyes wide and pointed his lips. True to what Chloe had said, I was slightly depressed by the smallness of my vessel, which I was not immediately happy with.

Divert your gaze and drop it a little. I'm late here and I said, "Good job!" I feel terribly miserable in myself.

To the point that Dios' obedience was too depressing, Kroy pushed his foot with his toes, small from under his desk. I think Dios' envy is that it won't open up again.

"That's why it's annoying to harass Dios." After all, you haven't thanked or apologized to Jeanne. "

Apart from that, Kloe sharpened her words and turned her gaze from Dios to Pride.

With words and a little more sharpness in his eyes, Pride replied briefly with a bitter smile, "Yes." It is true that I have not been apologized for in words, but I am grateful for it. However, even considering Ray's personality, he understood that it was only dishonorable to say what he was thanked for here, and dared to scold him.

"That's good." Jeanne did her best to find you! "

"Ah! That's right! Jeanne, please!" I'm glad you found me! "

Following Amlet, Dios laughed again at his pride.

Amlet is not happy about Ray, but she knows that she was looking for someone important enough to be angry with if she was bewitched, and that Jeanne was cooperative. Even in the sense that Jeanne's hard work was rewarded, Amlet worked her friends with a heartfelt smile.

In addition, as Dios noticed now, he wanted to celebrate with all his might. "Jeanne did her best!" he said, putting his fists in his hands. ”I encouraged him with all my might.

Happy with the care of the three gentlemen, Pride once again returned to goodness with a heartfelt smile.

"Yeah, really... good."


“Ray Karen, do you have any more charges against me?”

Shin, a piercing voice echoes through the silence.

Between the spacious staircases, there were guards and superiors who could see them. Although it is a trial that moves to judgment only at the top level, since the case is a case, the top level also mostly wanted to be present at the trial.

And in the center stands a young man with his face half covered in an artistic mask.

He had never pointed out that he would not wear a mask before the greatest power in this country, but he was allowed to wear it again as soon as he took it off. Looking up at the queen sitting on the throne, Ray didn't even show his usual chest sticking out.

He stood straight on the spot with both his legs and listened to the charges that had been imposed on him with his hands tied in front of him.


Abuse of Marquis's power. As the head of the Anchorson family, he has exclusive authority as the president of the school. Hire a back office worker and instruct the lower-level students on campus to blackmail them. He also admitted in one word that he abandoned his duties as president of the school and brought back workers into the school.

Immediately after that, another man's scream echoed. It was so loud that the guards reflexively set up their weapons, but the man who screamed was already seized.

The man who was a former marquis was also summoned here from his cell for Ray's deliberation. Ray doesn't even glance at a man whose usual sumptuous appearance has become a lie. Ray's interest in the man who was already his father had disappeared. Rather than feelings as a parent and child, even grudges do not boil down to personal feelings.

Don't make a scene! The man who was tightened up by the guards was ordered to leave the room first.

The man who had been captured for a few days was a man whose judgment was decided when Ray admitted his relationship with his parents and children. The man who gave the management of the school to his son, Ray, and abandoned the management of the school, now decided to confiscate his position as a nobleman, his land and his property.

At the end of this indestructible scream, Anchorson disappeared across the door.

Once opened, the heavy door slams shut and transitions to Ray's Judgment only.

You really admit all this sin, don't you?

"I admit it."

“Is there anything I can tell you about why I sin?”

"It's my personal stupid intention to personalize the school."

Ray replied with a single word to the voice of Queen Rosa, who was released with majesty.

Rosa and Regent Vest, who stood beside her once, exchanged gazes on her eyes.

It is not uncommon for a man who has not yet attained adulthood to commit a great sin. The opponent had the authority of an aristocrat. However, Rosa was caught a little by the fact that the young man in front of her was too lost.

It doesn't look like someone is threatening you, even if you're not trying to be naive like a brainwashed slave. I thought it was retaliation for taking Karen's property and disposing of her father, but I was too curious about Anchors.

It was unusual for Rosa, who had presided over the trial for many years, to accept all his crimes without the young man who had been promoted to the castle, the highest body in the trial, having been able to calm down and reopen it.

There is no doubt that he is the son of Anchorson, that his mother was conceived by Anchorson, that his father was disposed of, that he was the child of the Karen family who was unjustly deprived of all his property, and that he is guilty of all his crimes.

I was supposed to proceed to arrest him as soon as I found out, but it was as if my mind was all ready. Moreover, since Anchorson was captured, he was supposed to have a grace period to escape, but instead of leaving the castle, he was captured without even leaving the mansion.

Of course, the question arises as to why such a young man was so connected to the personalization of the school and the operation of the back office. Rosa did not express her question in her expression, but floated it in her mind and stopped. Regardless of his circumstances, the sins he committed remain unchanged.

While Rosa is once again thinking about the appropriate punishment for Ray's crimes, Chancellor Gilbert is also proposing a number of penalties.

The final decision was made by Rosa, the queen, but the opinions of Gilbert, who presided over the trial, were also taken into consideration. While listening to Gilbert's judgment, Wester confirms that all of them are appropriate punishments. And in another part of the mind,

... Pride. Again, that girl.

I wonder if this is the case. Quietly, Vest understands.

As she exhaled without a sound, the wrinkles between her brows were slightly deeply carved. If I didn't hold the document in one arm now, I would definitely feel that I was holding it between my eyebrows.

Vest had never met Ray either. He hadn't even seen Ray, though he'd met Rhea, who had been waiting with the column in the carriage last night. But if you look at the address of Ray Karen's mansion on the file, you can tell it's where the carriage went last night. Furthermore, if the name "Ray" that Pride spoke of was the same as the young man in front of him, it was harder not to suspect it. I'm pretty sure Ryer ran to see him that time because of this young man.

I met a certain young man during the school infiltration. It belongs to a baroness named Ray Karen who works in a special secondary school classroom. "

Furthermore, considering the circumstances of Rhea heard from Pride, it seems that why Ray had a connection with the back-office business, and why he only used it for drawing in and extortion while committing a major crime such as monopolizing the control of the school, is all connected beautifully.

Pride didn't ask me much about Ray, and I'm not sure she knew about it. However, it is not possible to know the situation of a troubled youth, and it is not possible that it was a hidden child of the Marquis family who had the management right of the school until he got involved in the operation. However, West was confident that she would know all about it and that she was working with Ray.

It's not a violation or a problem. Regardless of Rhea's previous convictions, it's another story to return the memories Ray took from him, regardless of his guilt.

However, when I think that she was supposed to be conducting an undercover inspection to save the school, she was involved in the predicted problem from a different angle, I was surprised and shocked. Originally, it was not only predictions that revealed the misconduct of Anchorson, but also information from the column that was infiltrated for Pride himself and her escort as a student, while also investigating Jilbert. Moreover, as soon as Lyre's problem was solved, the relationship between Anchorson and Ray was uncovered, and so on.

Based on the information about Ray's relationship with Anchorson, it was the guards who interviewed and questioned Anchorson's neighbors with the talented ex-combatants working in the upper castle, but it seems that more than that, "something" is working.

With that in mind, Vest's gaze naturally poured on Gilbert, who was still proposing Ray's judgment. There is no evidence of his involvement in intelligent manipulation, but one more thing is clear, given that he was obsessed with pride.

"... these are my opinions." I understand that it is a little sudden, but I think it is a suitable punishment for him who wielded the authority of his parents, personalized the school, and threatened the students. We also took into account the fact that we were not involved in injuries or human trafficking, and that the Karen family was wrongfully deprived of their property by the Anchors. "

Ray's eyes were slightly opened to the referee of Gilbert, who was smiling mockingly.

Vest, who recommended thinking but listened to Gilbert's words without missing a word, was also made to think a little bit about the plan. There is not enough evidence for all the facts that I learned in my interactions with Pride and the truth that I derived from them to be commensurate with the deliberation. And when I told Rosa here, his guilt remained unchanged.

It's not Gilbert, it's not Vest, it's Rosa. However, the truth lingered in the vest like a whirlpool.

Sin is sin no matter what the circumstances or the reasons. That is the law of the land.

That's right...... and Rosa thought slightly about the punishment and judgment she had never had before. I'll scrutinize in her whether this is heavier or lighter than the punishment that should have been inflicted.

Vest, who, like Rosa, knows the laws of Freesia, finds his skill once again in Gilbert's words. Definitely the right answer, and I think that the added result is that the balance is kept in parallel. But there are still things to think about calmly.

"... I know it's an interesting attempt, Your Majesty."

To Vest's unexpected consent.

Gilbert's expression also changed.