"Jeanne, please wait."

Amlet, who had been waiting for a while to come back, had two cups made for her on a tray.

I want to repeat that I really don't care, but I also want to say a word back. Sitting in a chair, my spine became stiff, as if waiting for an interview.

Amlet put a tray on my desk and put a simple design cup in my hand. Hold your own cup in one hand and sit down on the bed paying attention not to overflow.

"I'm sorry, you came to the corner but you made me wait by myself. The truth is, Jack and the others have settled down together, right?"

... rather, I'm sorry to disturb your private space with [four] people.

Yes, I apologized in my heart.

While returning that there is no such thing in words, I am conscious that my face will not spasm. Now, the situation is a little different from what I see in her room. Amlet and I are here. And... three knights.

It all started when I asked Amlet to join me.

Somehow, there is no way to escort me in the girls' dorm without being noticed by other students or people involved. Yes, Steyl consulted with the Knight Commander. This is the perfect countermeasure by a good planner.

Right now, a knight is unknown to me. There were three of them, including a knight who had a special ability of transparency to disappear. If Steyl and the Knights Commander had chosen me, I would have chosen them. The First Prince and the Commander of the Knights agreed to a confidential request.

I also thought there were more people who had to thank me after the highly confidential inspection, but I really appreciated it. I'm sorry that I sneaked a proud knight into the Forbidden Boys' Zone, even though it was just bad that I infiltrated the school so that the Guardian Knight wouldn't even notice. To them and to the girls' dormitory.

At least their salvation and care is that they are irrelevant to Pradeston and Amlet.

Officially, it is not uncommon for royalty to be escorted to a somewhat private location. However, if you bring in a man like Steyl and Arthur who already knows both Pradestone and the students, you will feel a great sense of privacy similar to eavesdropping and stealing.... no, it's still been fully infringed.

"Did Jeanne get used to school anymore? When it's holiday time, you often go out, right?"

"Yes, I want to see a lot of things." Amlet, how's school? Are you in any trouble? "

"No, the school isn't at all! It's so much fun being friends with Jeanne and the others! Ah, speaking of which....."

The feeling of listening to each other's progress while having casual conversations is literally a tea ceremony.

Sneaking the poison from the knight so that Amlet wouldn't notice, I enjoyed the story of having the cup in one hand for a while.

I have been invited to tea parties many times in the social world, but I think it is much more relaxing now. Without an escort, Amlet and I may not be alone, but her healing effect is. Just like when I was talking to Tiara, it was a good peace of mind.

Rather than my sister... she feels exactly like talking to her classmates in her previous life. If you think so, you will be healed extra. In this world, even if you are invited to a party or tea party in the social world, you are still drawn one step away. Even the same royalty has a thick wall against the great power of Freesia. Compared to the times when I was tired of being a country of special abilities, it was better.

"...... um, that's Jeanne. Actually, I need to talk to you today..."

"Yes!, you can tell me anything you want with me"

When the conversation broke off with Amlet, who had been laughing and talking.

Suddenly, my shoulders rose up and down as I suddenly changed my tone of voice and spoke to Amlet.

"I came here," I cried in my heart, and tied my lips once. I know it from the beginning. That's why she invited me here.

Amlet was nervous, too, and the cup on her lap made a ripple of tea in her hand. With her face down, her cheeks blushed slightly as if they were already full. From now on, as if to say it had become a billion dollars, you don't say anything while peering at me with your eyes. That's hard to say, isn't it?

"... tomorrow... no, this week is fine." Actually, I just want to talk to Jeanne for a minute, so after school... can you come and visit me in my room...? "

What was that inquiries that were urgently needed?

I did not force her, and I endured silence for a moment while I waited for her to speak. They tried so hard to call me, so I'm sure they're going to tell you.

The more I wait, the more nervous my chest gets, and I take a sip in a poisoned cup. It's cold, but it's delicious. I wonder if Amlet has brewed it for me. Stone Maiden Game Heroine Magic. I don't like cooking, but it seems to be strong here.

When I thought about it, I heard a small, fading voice saying, "......". I lifted my face and turned to Amlet, but I closed my lips again.

I wonder if it's time to talk, but now I keep staring at her heartfelt mouth movements, and finally more than one sound is spun.

"Finally... my brother, actually... his birthday is coming up. That's why I was wondering what to give you for my birthday....."

Jiwa...... I can see my eyes are getting round after a flushing consultation.

Oniisan, I remember her oniisama, whom I had seen before. Oniisama Philip Efron. Amlet and Oniisama had a pseudonym for Stale.

I can't believe I was worried about oniisama's birthday present. I felt somewhat relieved with a consultation that was much less serious than I was prepared for, and my whole body was relieved.

"Congratulations! If it's okay with me, I'll think about it together. I want you to be happy."

She also said that she had no trouble at school, and her voice inadvertently plays out when she consults with the peace itself.

Even when I met you before, I was a little angry with your overprotective niisama or a rebellious amulet, and perhaps it would be embarrassing to give you a gift. In the game, I thought that Amlet, who was absent from the game, was worried about the gift, and I was happy after a smile.

Amlet finally raises her face, not just her eyes, to show me her full willingness to help. It's so cute to laugh "Thank you..." with a peachy expression on your cheek. Ryoku wanted to shout the second protagonist.

Red to her ears, she spoke as she squeezed her rounded posture back out.

"At school, there's only Jeanne and the others who know your identity..." Kitty and the others have always believed that "Oniisan is like a tender and good-looking prince"... and only Jeanne and the others can talk about the real brother... "

Amlet's voice sank a little.

... by the way, oniisama Efron always looks like that beautiful guy in public. I remember that Amlet used to be angry at her appearance in front of other friends, and that Efron was reluctant to return to her original appearance. It was a different person to use gentle words with a beautiful face similar to that of Leon.... but why did you skip the Styles? Besides, if you know who oniisama is, it's not just us.

"Where's Powell? He's also friends with Amlet and oniisama, right?"

Giggling, suddenly, Amlet's shoulders rose and fell violently.

The vermilion eyes open wide enough to overflow, with my face turned toward me. "Yes, my best friend..." After the bubble-class whisper, Amlet's face still burning as she chews her lower lip. Is it embarrassing to be known to Powell?

You can't answer me right away because you can't pump it out and you're tilting your face. On the contrary, my eyes are swimming. The contents of the cup wrapped in a trembling hand were about to overflow.

"Ah... ahhh, that Jeanne... oh, that's so..."

Amlet's trembling voice, which seemed to be alone at the epicenter of the earthquake, turned her face away from me again. Did I say something bad?

I put my cup on my desk and walked up to her sitting on the bed. I gently took the rippled cup and evacuated it beside my cup. Are you feeling sick? My sweat is dripping down my neck.

Wiping it off her forehead with a handkerchief, she sits next to it so that she can talk. I asked, rubbing her back, as the bed weighed for two roared tinyly. Are you sure you want to call a doctor or a dorm mother? Repeatedly, Amlet shook her head at me.

"Um............ I wonder what kind of relationship Powell and Jeanne and the others have......"


It felt like the world was spinning on her as she gulped down her eyes like she was expecting it.

While staring at the side of the bright red Amlet's face, I remembered that she had heard something similar to the girls before in this school life. It was definitely Stale and Arthur at that time, and obviously they were... "

"Ah... no!" I don't know what kind of relationship Powell has been talking about for a long time, and he hasn't told me what kind of relationship he is, or what kind of relationship he is, and he seems very happy to see me when school starts... I don't know what kind of life Powell lived until he came to the city, but it's Powell's problem, and I want to be helpful, but I've been with him for a long time, but I don't know Powell at all... maybe more than my brother, and... I don't know... "

Amlet, who spoke to me before I heard back, was a little tearful along the way.

At the end of the day, the words diminish to remind me of something, and my voice goes down. Her lips were trembling, and the scene of the game ran through her head, staring too hard at her side.

{Please tell me... what has happened to him in the past......?}

The scene of Amlet's attempt to discover the past of the target of the game.

Dios, Nate, and Ray were likely to have dialogues, and I didn't know who to target for the rest of the attack. However, it was a scene where she rushed to find out the trauma of the target of each route.... and of course, Powell, the target of the third game, is not included. But this is not possible.

No way, my face is getting hot gradually even though I can't believe it.

A heart that had inadvertently lost its readiness rang out so much that it could be heard deep into the ears. Maybe because my temperature has gone too high, Amlet turns her face to me as she steals, and screams at the next moment, "Wait..." Grab my hands at close range and close enough to catch my breath.

No, Powell's good-looking, and Amlet's a really, really good kid, and he's an angel, and if they've known each other for years,

"Oops, please... don't tell Powell or my brother or anyone... what a fuss it would be if you found out..."

... is this a good confession?

With his face getting too hot and blurry, he gazes at the hero desperately in a completely different direction from the game's seriality.

In the game, Amlet's impression is that she has been running to protect him and the school in a straight line for people she likes since she entered the route. Yeah... that's what this is, isn't it?

... Congratulations on your lovely relationship.

If this is a game, I think with my long-standing game brain that I want to play save and screenshots.

Not only the cute amulet, but also the love event of Powell's third love story, inadvertently dying. Powell goes too far here by surprise.

While reconsidering why she wanted to call me alone, I want to clamp down on the protagonist in front of me for not only visiting her for the first time, but also for the privilege of consulting with Love Banas.

My head is too busy to speak. Among them, Amlet talks quickly about the reasons for her hard work and the circumstances, but she's cute and can't help it anymore.

However, "I don't want my brother to know," I just understood that her battle had been going on for many years in a sense, and she kept pleading with me until I replied.