Happy birthday, Your Highness, brother of King Cedric.

Graceful live music plays.

The song, unfamiliar to the kingdom of Freesia, belonged to a distant and distant Circassian kingdom. The decoration in the hallway just past the entrance hall is in line with the culture of the Kingdom of Freesia, but the nobility of the royal family is also attracted by the gold and brilliant gemstones.

The space, with its constantly flowing background songs tailored to the organisers, provided a special feeling to the invited guests.

The birthday party in the castle of the kingdom of Freesia, his palace in the king's house, was attended by a large number of guests.

The recently closed Kingdom of Hanazoo is still limited to those who will be invited to the ceremony after it is opened. Distance issues and the number of allies is often still low.

Among them, the party of the brother of King Cassis of the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, who rooted in the Kingdom of Freesia, was also a valuable occasion. Originally, the exhibition of gold and jewelry art that cannot be seen without going to the United Kingdom of Hanazoo is a great eye-catcher.

It is also a valuable opportunity for networking. One wing of Chainensis, the land of ore, and the King's brother of the Kingdom of Tharsis, the land of gold. Superintendent of the International Postal Organization, which will be launched in earnest in the future. That alone is worth the effort. And he himself.─

"Oh, it's been a long time, Brother Cedric...!" Can you remember that? "I, at the welcoming party ahead"

"Your Highness, Cedric Silva Lowell, I would like to see you for the first time. I, the First Princess of the Kingdom of Misumi"

"Your Highness, King Cedric's younger brother, I'm sorry to interrupt." Would you care for a little time? "

The appearance attracts a large number of women.

"It's been a long time, Her Royal Highness Princess Brigitte Patent Turniflora II. First of all, Your Royal Highness the First Princess of Christina. Your Highness, the First Princess Lillian, welcome. I'm sorry, but I need to speak with Her Royal Highness Princess Prijit first. Would you mind waiting a moment if we talked alone?"

If you don't mind all at once, I'll take it from here.

Immediately after I finished greeting the royalty I was talking to, I politely returned the words to each of the women who had opened their mouths at the same time. There were no more women around him. Making his masculine face graciously laugh, he turned to the first woman he spoke to.

He immediately responds on a first-come, first-served basis, remembering that his country is still negotiating an alliance with the Hanazoo United Kingdom. Although it is Cedric who can reply even if he speaks to us at the same time, I also understand that it is a rude attitude towards guests.

The woman's cheeks flushed as he continued the conversation without forgetting to set priorities. Cedric, who will be nineteen this year, is definitely a favorite opponent for them. It is now time to try the trigger in the name of welcome and greetings to the party he will be hosting.

On his celebratory day, which was officially recognized as a people of the Kingdom of Freesia, not only the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, his hometown, but also the Kingdom of Friesia, was enlivened.

On this occasion, a modest festival is held under the castle, and the whole country is enlivened.

"It's a popular rock, King Cedric's brother."

The First Prince of the Anemone Kingdom, who watched the situation from afar, smiled smoothly.

I know that he has already met at several ceremonies and is very popular with women in the social world. In the beginning, Cedric was surrounded by the nobles of the kingdoms who wanted an alliance, but now many women want a personal relationship.

Furthermore, if it becomes the castle of the Kingdom of Freesia, which is not the homeland of the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, many guests will be called as the nobility of the King of the Kingdom of Friesia or the ally of the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

It is also popular in the sense that it has a deep connection with the United Kingdom of Hanazoo and the Kingdom of Freesia. This time, it was a party hosted by him, and naturally, the attention and popularity exceeded that of Leon and Steyr.

Leon himself was very popular after being surrounded many times by the prince's noble lady, but now there was not a single woman by his side. The man, who stood with his glass in one hand, threw words at him, returning them with a nod.

"Yes, it's still the main character this time." And King Cedric's younger brother is also attracting the attention of many aristocrats in Pradestown. ”

"I guess so." I guess it will stay that way for a while until my guest arrives. I was in class when I went on a tour, but I think he'll agree. [M] Isn't that a popular column? "

No, Column turned to Leon in a panic.

Although not a ceremony in the Kingdom of Freesia, the columns were lined up with Leon, who was invited by Cedric as one of the "nobles of the Kingdom of Freesia". It is a column that is usually invited by the royal family of the Kingdom of Freesia as a candidate for "fiancée", but this time it is an invitation from Cedric personally.

Officially, Cedric should not have known that the column was a candidate for pride's fiancée, but if he knew that the column was a nobleman in the Kingdom of Freesia, it was not only a defensive battle, but also one of the annoying opponents in relation to the pride, there was no reason not to invite him.... even if Column himself wanted to be invited as an escort to Pride.

Although not as much as a ceremony, some aristocrats still want to explore their fellowship with pride, and the presence of Leon, a "reading companion", remains unchanged.

In fact, until Leon joined us, the Countess of Column said, "How was Archduke Column on his recent holiday?" "Lord Bordeaux's health is good." "You must be worried if he gets sick for a long time.” Many asked about the people in the house.

If he is attending on behalf of his sick parents, calling himself Lord Bordeaux's representative for any other reason, it is definitely black. Even though there was no one to ask for the name of pride directly on the flowing stone, the columns had a rough idea of whether it was to be explored or not from the verse of the words that were thrown. And most of it is exploration.

I see, and Leon, who humblely twisted his neck as a knight and instructor in front of him, turned his gaze gently around.

All the nobles in the Kingdom of Freesia who are now invited here are senior nobles, but I'm sure they wouldn't have left Column alone if they had had someone with a title below the count's.

"Excellent connection between the students of the school and the instructor" and the second son of the Count family, not just a knight. Even more so, the eyes of the nobility were not so sophisticated as to not recognize him, who was once known as the first princess.

Now that rumors of being a candidate for pride's fiancée have to a certain extent gone down in flames, they can be seen in positions other than rumoredly prestigious figures like King Cedric's younger brother. Naturally, the purpose of the social world is also strong.

"Either way, you better be careful." There is also a way to make sure your daughter wants a relationship in order to probe you. "

"... I am aware of this many times."

If a woman wants a relationship between a man and a woman and accepts it there, it is proved that she is not a candidate for the fiancée of the first princess. To put it the other way around, if you make the slightest mistake, your suspicion of being a candidate for fiancée will increase.

Now that the information was manipulated by Gilbert's lethargy, the suspicion of the column was diminished, but Leon and the column understood that there were people who wanted to see through the gap.

While expressing sincere gratitude to Leon for his care and concern, Column twice touched her forehead with her fingertips. Recently, the number of night raids has decreased, but the number of ceremonies and invitations to visit my brother has increased.

And as Leon read, the school's [student] son was more often invited to evening parties and parties before the start of the year to hear about the school. I am busy with my duties as a knight, and I refuse to take part in the ceremony with my brother.

The information of the first princess's fiancé candidate, even if not, the second son of the count family and the column of the knight captain were good enough for the daughter.

Leon's words remind him of it, and the heavier-headed column consciously becomes aware that his back will not be rounded.

While bothering my brother, all I can do is try not to slander the name of the Bordeaux family now that I am attending on behalf of my father and brother.

Leon shrugged his shoulders silently at the column that unexpectedly clenched his mouth. I wonder if he remembers anything after all, but he doesn't dare to listen to me when he understands that it would be inappropriate to mention it. Then, just as she was stopping the conversation with both of her mouth shut, her daughter walked up to her again.

It was the count's column that was useful while bowing his head to Leon's side in awe. After a word of greeting to the column that was going forward, the daughter peered into the column with a small voice.

"... by the way, Lord Calam, not only Lord Bordeaux, but also Lord Vincent?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Celest." My father is still not feeling well, so my brother is too busy to attend the ceremony. ”

"I see. Now then, next time you have time..."

No, I'm sorry, but I'll tell you how I feel. One by one, the servant's daughter dropped her shoulders and left the place to the column that she had politely refused.

At that moment, Leon quietly thought, "I don't think there's a problem." It was the first time that I had seen Column refuse a daughter in front of me, but I appreciated the skill of finishing the conversation without delay by refusing her beautifully.

Until a few years ago, I was confused by the intention to deepen affinity without rejecting any of the words of the elders, so I am extra impressed by the words of the column.

And even though it was only a few seconds, Leon lined up next to the column again after reflecting that he had stopped the conversation and made a gap.

While signaling the waitress to change the glass with her hand, she gently followed the daughter's back, which disappeared into the crowd, with her tall eyes. "What do you think of the woman now?" I don't think so, "replied Leon, and the column quietly exhaled.

I turned my thoughts around to move my mouth and not cut the conversation with Leon again.

I apologize for the inconvenience, Your Royal Highness Prince Leon.

"It doesn't matter. It's time to change the location." It looks like the Knights are just getting a little empty, too. "

While saying that, Leon gazed softly at the knights' invited angle.

Originally, the Knights had taken refuge in the topic of books as a weapon until they were thin, but then Cedric's popularity changed. I walked out with the column, thanking Leon for escorting me to the Knights as usual.

Closer to home, Cedric invited the Knights of the Kingdom of Freesia to head and assist the Knights. Alan, who was allowed to take part in the Cavalier Championship on behalf of the Column, and Arthur and Eric, the Pride Guardians, lined up.

It is the most restful place for Colum, a knight before he was an aristocrat.

After Arthur became a Holy Knight, as a matter of course, his relationship with the Knights disappeared and he changed to Arthur. While I am sorry for Arthur, it is not bitter, but rather proud, that the Column, which I thank deeply in my heart, should be allowed to speak to him.

Closer, Roderick, the Commander of the Knights, was talking to the nobility, but Alan and the others were laughing at each other. The column walked down with its shoulders relieved by the sight, and suddenly a person caught in sight.

I was worried that the person whose expression was not better than usual might not be feeling well, but I packed my distance.

"Pride still seems busy." Well, then, I guess that's impossible. "

Column's gaze changed even further as Leon spoke of the visitor's appearance once again from the topic of the book.

That's right, while returning the words, I looked in the direction of the pride that had just completed the greeting with Leon. She was invisible, but as soon as I saw the group of guests there, I knew it was pride.

When I remembered the appearance of her that I had just seen, my cheeks burned slightly in the columns. If Leon throws "It was beautiful today," as he read the columns' complexion, he won't be able to say anything.

Although Cedric's ceremony, the royalty of the Kingdom of Freesia who were invited to the ceremony also attracted constant attention. In addition to the upper echelons, which were greeted by a large number of guests, the First Princess, Second Princess and First Prince of the Kingdom of Freesia also formed large crowds and rows. Gilbert gently walks up to her.

Especially in Tiara, there are strangely old men, and in Steyl, there are strangely old women, and that's the number of aristocratic columns.

"Oh, that's it. Your Highness the First Princess of Pride, could you please tell us more about it?"

Excuse me, I'd like to say hello to Pride-sama first.

"Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Pride, today you are even more beautiful..."

"Father, I just heard from Pride...!"

It was busy with men and women.