"All right, you're all here. Full class starts tomorrow, so today will be up to three limits for all grades. I will explain the school from the beginning before I dare to be absent. As those who heard yesterday ask again."

Male teachers describing simple school mechanisms and rules as prescribed will proceed with morning prayers in a step-by-step manner. Although yesterday was dominated by the school admission process, the flow of the day, and the tour of each facility, the first day today is dominated by specific class details and school life requirements.

Teachers spoke bitterly at first suggesting a rooftop break-in this morning, "basically not to go into a locked place," during the school's explanation of rules. Dr. Robert Haltz, who was screaming at Val as much as he wanted from the window earlier, is the one in charge who is now advancing the morning prayer in front of us.

Teachers are also good teachers who do not have abusive language or transgressive attitudes towards their children because they all have a good background or strength and they are the ones who come true to Chancellor Jilbert's glasses. If it was some kind of previous life, I feel like every time on my birthday, I would be able to celebrate with my serving students. That's how Dr. Robert talks about the school, and as the students are all intrigued and listening to that story, I...

I couldn't figure it out.


I already thought my heart would pop out of my mouth the moment I heard that name.

He is the third hidden character, not the second. Prime Minister Gilbert's position in the first book, where you can complete the route for all and play for the first time. I can't even sort out why he's in this school, which is the second stage of his work.

He is not a people of our country, even in games, and certainly not strange to be at the right age. He's the only one who's the target of a third offense, and he's no stranger to being in a commoner's school!

Obviously younger than him I know in the game, and I should have made sure his grade or age just now.... From what I've learned, he was the only "age unknown" in the third book, even with fanbooks and exclusive production benefits material, so I don't know how many years before the game started.

I don't care if I put my age down anymore, the look or outfit is too different from the game, and there's no way I can push away his benefactor, Style, and ask him about the circumstances of my first encounter in a glamorous way, but to be honest, I couldn't help but want to blame him so much for the questions. I want to know why he's doing this now and what's going on. Plus most importantly, the difference between the second and third cloud mud! That's my third one.

I mean, I'm a huge fan.

I was in my last life, to be exact.

I'm not the only one. Many fans have fitted Kimihika from the third one. Anyway, it was the first series animated at the time in the Kimihika series.

I also watched the animation and fitted in, from there into the original game, and covered the whole series. But after all, the best fit for me is the third one. Only the third one has played it over and over again. I liked all the characters at once because of the animated fit, and I never got tired of doing anyone's route no matter how many times I did it. In all of Kimihika's series, it's no exaggeration that all three of them are my deduced characters anymore. And Powell, a hidden character, is also one of my favorite characters without leaking into examples.

Honestly, I was already ready.

Judging by the fact that the second one is worn with the Pradest I made in the school system, he said it could be the third one, not the IF.... Though it still sounds a lot strange as a tsuji in other series.

But I never expected to meet the characters in the third book at school. It's a complete surprise.


Kimihika's third hidden character. The age is unknown, but as a third offender, I'm sure it's the oldest.

It was a special abilist and an unusual situation. He was in a really terrible state in the game. That's why I wanted to make him happy, but I did his route again and again!

When it's an animation of how it fits, it feels good to have a harem end where everyone's happy thanks to the protagonist, but Kimihika's game doesn't have a harem end. Only two stations, one happy end or one bad end.

Thanks to me at the time, it was already done at the memorization level by Powell's happy end as many times as any other attacker wanted to see.

Its sooo bad for his heart even if he was just walking and moving in front of me and talking. Besides, it looks like you're in a much happier situation than the game just by looking at it, and you're not wearing proper clothes and hiding your face, and you're talking sloppy words and you're not scratched, you're not wearing collars, you're not chained, you're not shackled.

I'm really, really happy already.

If this was my own bed, not my classroom, I could have rolled a bummer with joy. At least I can't help but be glad that Powell is already spared from that game start.

Plus, Stayle and I've known each other for four years. I had no idea the slave victim was him then. First of all, Style always said he was a special ability man of light.

He is not a special ability man of light, he is a special ability man of electricity.

That's what all the characters properly called it in the game. Besides, it generates pretty powerful electricity, so it was pretty dangerous to treat people in the game by helping that there were various other elements as well. Maybe he doesn't even know his true special abilities yet, like he did when Arthur. Sure, if you just want to see the electricity and the light, you're shiny and together. Besides,....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Just in my mouth I squeal.

With his face facing depression, the teacher's words pass from ear to ear. My heart shrinks again and my forehead moistens with cold sweat. It hardens like it was in gold bondage from both shoulders to the fingertips, and only the head is forced to overwork at an awesome speed like the computational processing. It reminds me of the real world in front of me in my head and the setting and worldview of Kimihika's third work in my previous life.... I knew it, it's crazy.

There is no electricity in this world.

Thunder aside, there is not yet enough science in my country and surrounding countries to use appliances, at least.

Lamps, lights and chandeliers are fire, and the ride is a carriage. The motorcycles used by the Knights and the driving force are special abilities, not oil or electricity. All weapons use gunpowder, too, and instead of a phone call, there's no pokebell, no transceiver, no telegram. Not even the kingdom of Anemone, the largest trading country, deals with one single appliance.

Well, that's smart, Steele, because Powell's special abilities can only be described as "light"! He doesn't know anything about electricity either, so when he discovered it this way, it was a pretty bad situation for Style after he missed Powell.

At the time, he only said that he had lost his mind, but he did say that the special abilities of light shined and blinded him many times in the basement, and that Stile had burns all over the place. Though I thought he was involved in the explosion from the backyard operation, it might have been a little dazzling if he had burned himself with Powell's electricity, but if he was discharging in the Chamber, the situation would have completely changed.

If they generate electricity at the level of burns in the cellar, the oxygen will fade and we'll run out of acid! It might have been nice to be caught temporarily by a back-run person after the style fell when we got here. If it had been left for a long time in a place where oxygen was thin without being pulled up from the basement, that would have been life-threatening.

I never thought of the style as lacking acid in electricity either, so I guess I did something unscrupulous until I lost my mind. I'm really scared I don't know.

"Electricity... current... power..."

From the bumps and memories of my previous life, I remember the horrors of electricity.

I'm an absolute suspicious person who keeps whining in my mouth with a bump of mysterious words. You won't even hear what you're talking about, but you called me in with a voice that lurked from both neighbors to prevent Steele and Arthur from hearing my teachers about my suspicious behavior. If I accidentally leak it out of my mouth, they're going to think I'm crazy.

He hurriedly raised his face and shook his neck to the left and right to show that it was okay. Hear a few pieces from the wrapped hair, correct the posture and pretend to be focused on the teacher's words.

Anyway, the problem is the reciprocity of the third work. If this world is connected to other Kimihika series, then this is odd. In the third one, there were about the concept of electricity and bulbs, except that Powell used special abilities. I don't know if all the lights were bulbs, but there were occasions when Powell ruptured the bulbs, and it's a world that I knew for sure had power.

I've been thinking about how the other series would have been, but...... I still can't remember any details like that except the third one. Mostly, I didn't think it was such a fine relevance because I didn't think it was all connected in a parallel story.

If the atmosphere and themes look like Kimihika, I don't care about one or two civilizational openings, and honestly, if anyone notices them, I usually just think of them as "convenient for the production team" or "new series settings".

I don't care if it's from the side that enjoys romantic games such as civilized openings and scientific advances, and I don't think it might be connected to reality even though it seemed like civilized openings in some series. No, but I still feel like I can't pack everything I know into the same world axis, and when I do, which other series, including the timeline and tippets,

"... - Jeanne Bernards?... are you there?"

"Oh, Jeanne! They're calling me! Jeanne."

To the teacher's call, the style sitting next to him lurks his voice and pokes me small with his elbow.

"Yes" and a weird backvoice comes out reflexively. My shoulders went up and down to my sudden voice and I blinked and focused on the point of view that was still solidifying towards the teacher many times.

Look, Dr. Robert is looking at me like I'm in trouble. Apparently, I ignored him confirming his absence. I'm sorry, and I turned my head down in a hurry, and I was slightly embarrassed, "I'll have a confirmation of my absence every morning, starting tomorrow."

Sometimes on the first day of school, I wasn't really pissed off, but I'm very embarrassed to feel evil noticeable again. I've already received all the attention in the classroom since I sat down.

The men and women in the classroom looked at us before the teacher arrived. Everyone, men and women alike, looked over here and their faces were red, and I'm sure I was the one who yelled at the high school students, embarrassing them as their age. Although I'm actually even more embarrassed because I'm nineteen.

Well, at least the girl was yellow screaming at Style and Arthur, so maybe she got the attention in that sense. Is the boy jealous of my teasing or of Style and Arthur, who took away the woman's gaze?

I've already made my worst school debut, and I'm too embarrassed to do it even more absenteeism.

As he narrowed his shoulders and dropped his gaze as he felt the heat rising in his face, he went on to be called Arthur's name. In turn, I guess Style was already called, but I didn't notice at all.

It weirdly makes me feel weird that I can't treat one of my friends like a stranger if I stay like this. It's not about making friends, and it's about stopping the tragedy. Arthur said, "Are you okay?" He peeks in, but on the contrary, he gets embarrassed and covers his face with both hands. I'm only 19 years old and experienced at school, and I'm too ashamed to say that's the worst!

"Hey... I'm worried about Powell."

I apologize and stop thinking once and answer honestly.

If I'm okay again here and shut up, I'm sure something worrying or misleading will happen again.

When I answered that with my hands covered with my face, I felt the pinned air flowing from left to right for a moment. When I raise my fearful face, now Style asks me with a serious look lurking, "Is that a prediction……… or…". I don't care if it doesn't hit me somehow, but I don't want to put weird charges on your friend who got a corner style reunion. I couldn't dare to give it back to him, "It's not like that," and then I made Steele and Arthur laugh face-to-face.

"I'll talk to you later. Now listen to the teacher."

If we chat any more, Val will be followed by problematic child certification.

If I thought so and said no to the two of them, they could forgive me for saying it later, and after I snorted silently, I was only smiled back at by my mouth. I imitate the two of you gazing at the teacher who keeps confirming his absence, and now it's time for me to focus on Dr. Robert's words.

The absence confirmation is apparently not in name order, but in order of admission procedure. The three of us were in the middle of the class in order to make sure Chancellor Gilbert didn't stand out too well. I think it's Chancellor Boulder Gilbert who hides these people in people.

"Melvin Alderson.... Maximilian.... Mickey"

There's a mix of junior and intermediate, so they're just kids with names and surnames in them, and they're falling apart.

It is not uncommon for a child to have his or her own surname even in the lower echelons, but not if he or she has no parents for a long time or is in the lower echelons of the family.

"Celest Disley.... Bob ne (...) pe (...) n (...) te (...) s (...)."

Pickling and responding to a certain word, the two neighbors shook their shoulders.

My gaze is grumpy and directed at the boy who replied to the confirmation of his absence. I also look back to be caught by the two of us, but of course it's not that Adam, even if it's the same "Nepentes" there.

I stretch out my arms and gently mop my back to release the two slightly thin to the point of killing. Bob noticed the heat of his gaze as they stared at him, and he was so frightened that the chair jumped to make a noise the moment he turned to them.... I'm sorry, Bob.

They both turned their faces toward the teacher as soon as they calmed down, but the teacher was also round his eyes to this one as he called his name to the obvious overreaction. Something's already coming up for all three of us.

Nepentes is originally a common surname on our continent. I'm sure there are several other children in the school besides Bob named Nepentes. Every time, I have to be careful not to kill you both.

"A (...) m (...) le (...) t (...) efron"

Yes. And I heard a firm and willing voice.

As soon as I do, my eyes prick at the girl in the front row who replied. I felt like I heard the sound of my breath drinking double.

I somehow remember the back of a girl heading to the teacher, stretching her spine and sitting in the front row. Above all, I don't care what you think of the current name.

"Am...... eff......"

A voice, not me, called her by her name.

Turn around, the style sitting next to you is stuck at your desk with your head. Shivering to his pimply fingertips as if even with a headache, he is not a normal mind no matter what.

Speak up as Arthur was surprised by the change in style. Hey, what's up? To Arthur, who asked, Steele glanced at his index finger with momentum against his lips. The complexion of the face raised is slightly worse. Furthermore, he lowers his posture to hide even after he stops holding his head. Always in a beautiful position, he was now hiding in the shadow of a student sitting forward like he was asleep.

I don't know why you're upset up to Stayle. It's just something for sure.

Only that the (...) Lord (...) Lord (...) of the two (...) works (...) were in the same class as us.

Styles that hold the black edge of the glasses to make them smaller and Arthur tilting his neck. And with my head on the brink of a short appearance in the second protagonist following Powell, this is how exciting and exciting school life was decided.