The Novel’s Villain
< 4. Talent (1) >
It was peaceful.
It wasn't what he did, but it was Jinwoo who once despised the Choi family in front of Chairman Lee Hee-jin.
I was glad that the psychological burden had cleared up, and that most of his connections seemed to have been removed.
I had some difficulties, but what I got was much bigger.
Bloodshed training?
I didn't need that.
Once I obtained the information, it was engraved on my head and body that made my life rich and relaxing.
Training was so easy.
Jinwoo's focus was on selecting artifacts and elixirs containing ancient books and abilities that had been swept away from the country.
The voice that I heard over the phone was reliable.
- Did you get the package?
“Yes, you must be the Raden Guild. I'm satisfied.”
- I'm glad you're satisfied.
The Rayden Guild was responsible for collecting, transporting, and negotiating. In the original article, it was found to interfere with the protagonist because of money.
They were essentially sure of their credit in the business, but even if it wasn't, they wouldn't be able to outrun the front group.
If you give me an order, I will risk my life to fulfill any mission. The loyalty of that Rayden Guild Master Kim Woo-seop will continue until, or after, the universe collapses.
“Well done, you're about two days early, so I'll give you a quadruple increase in your payout. ”
Go, thank you!
“Tell me if there's anything else difficult. ”
-Ah · · · · · · · · I'll tell you · · · · · · · ·.
I heard Kim Woo Seop's cautious voice.
- Actually, there is a dispute between the gold standard guild and the access to the gate. One of our guild members ran away with a certificate.
The Jin Shinjo Guild was backed by a Japanese lender.
In the original article, Rayden's guild lacked money because of legal disputes with the money guild.
They have suffered enormous losses because they were defeated by the gold standard guild, but we can't let these useful talents fall into such a crisis.
“Very well. I'll send in my own legions of lawyers. Don't worry about it and get to work. ”
Thank you, Your Lordship!
“Are you going on vacation? ”
- Yeah, I'm gonna take a week off from this.
“I'll pay for the vacation. Enjoy. ”
- (Sobbing)
Kim Woo-Seop was moved and cried.
Jin Woo gave me one last compliment and hung up.
More rewards and appropriate compliments than I thought have had a great effect.
[Waste Stack: 7 (3.5% efficiency increase)]
Jin Woo paid a lot of money and took care of the vacation because of the waste stack.
It was a stack that would never climb, but it did climb because it cost a tremendous amount of money.
1 just went up, increasing efficiency.
Efficiency was an efficiency for all the forces that Jinwoo had.
Influenced Maan as well as the power of swordsmanship and the accumulation of magical power.
“So · · · · · · · · · ·. ”
Jinwoo looks at the crate sent by the Rayden Guild.
Inside the box was a sphere that glowed green.
Poison crystal.
It was written by a man named Poison Bee in the United States, who was possessed by a vast amount of poison.
The original American Gate had a Guild of Talents who captured HYDRA, and Jinwoo paid a fortune for it.
Jin Woo ate various rare elixirs that can only be known by name and absorbed them.
I ate Thousand Years Old Snow Ginseng, full of mountain life, and took various elixirs with suppressive sound.
And now it has absorbed the energy of the Poison Crystal.
I didn't need any realization.
My body remembered and moved.
I recently acquired the Golden Forge, but my body is already full of magical power.
The synergy of the great elixirs and the golden swordsmen was truly enormous.
This adds Poison Resistance to the effects of the Goldsmith, so the poison was no longer of any use to Jinwoo.
There was also no need to worry about parasites or pathogens.
“It's too simple. Now I can eat anything. ”
In refining the elixirs I bought, I lost a lot of nutrition, but now it was okay to chew it alive.
That's why Jin Woo got the Poison Crystal through his efforts.
It was difficult to leave it with the drug company every time.
The drug company was founded by Jin Woo, who was conducting a study to medicate gate by-products.
Jin Woo recently founded a company called G&P.
It was meant to mean gate and peace, and under it, a pharmaceutical company was being built and growing on the enormous by-products that emerged from Anyang Gate.
There were similar subsidiaries in the first-line group, but the directionality was different.
The future was very bright with the main purpose of capturing the skills from the original and already achieving some degree of success.
In the original, there were many spies from China, the United States, and Japan as well as Europe. In this age, it was natural to use abilities as spies.
Of course, even if you get caught in the eyes of the first group, you'll be crushed.
Jin Woo had bought in advance the skills that the spies were going to steal from the country, and had hired authoritative Ph.D. 's, abandoned technicians, and capacity in the production sector.
With enormous money, abundant research materials, and time on my hands, nothing worked.
"Research is not a waste, but it's also a great place to build a waste stack. ’
Jin Woo was doing more than necessary.
If the research fails, the waste stack builds up, so whether it fails or succeeds, it is all profitable.
I finished training after digesting all the elixir.
Usually, harmlessness is a setting that creates magic in the heart, but the whole body is a vessel.
It is because the flesh and magic have become united.
Jinwoo was so powerful that it was blowing rapidly.
‘The more magical the better. ’
The protagonist's disadvantage was his lack of magical strength.
The writer has made a weakness for his own amusement, but that has left him unable to find what he needs and has made it easy to win.
Have you ever endured the pain of being on five sides?
Anyway, I was scraping all the magic stuff.
At this rate, I could build enough magic to overwhelm the twelve lords before the beginning of the original.
All that remained after the training was free time.
Jin Woo enjoyed games or movies.
I was so happy to lie on the bed and couch and watch TV lying around.
This is what relaxation looks like.
Jin Woo lay on the couch with his smartphone.
A wide, fluffy couch made me smile.
However, I was surprised when I unwittingly accessed the diver and saw the sword.
“Am I number one? ”
I had never said anything radical like Lee Jin-woo before, and of course I did not have an accident.
I clicked on the top of the live query to see if it was Dongmyung.
But I was right.
A picture of Jinwoo appeared on the diver's profile picture, and an article appeared under it.
‘Well done. ’
Recently updated photographs were impressive even to Jinwoo.
I felt like I was looking at a model.
It would be the work of the Future Strategy Department.
Jinwoo was able to immediately find out why he ranked # 1 in real-time search queries.
[Lee Jin-woo, reject the student proposal of the sword?]
[Swordsmith Lee Jin-woo's talents are natural.]
[A great genius? Indeed.]
[Announcement of the Birth of a Greater Ability!]
“Ahh · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”
Come to think of it, I hit something similar to an accident.
It was when I visited the checkpoint.
I don't regret it, but I didn't expect that story to come out as a story.
There were so many witnesses, and it wasn't unusual for the Strategic Future to know.
But they were all positive articles together.
It was covered with a bigotry and a distinctive beating that refused to accept the student proposal of the sword.
He was secretly expressing his praise for Jinwoo, although the details were missing.
asdd * * * *: Wow, if I told you to become a disciple, I'd fall to the ground, but Lee Jin-woo is different.
* figi * * *: What's the big deal about Lee Jin-woo catching a sword at that age? Blah blah blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
⁄ dodo * * *: I see it too. He's been training like crazy. Shocked to see blood flowing from my hands. Bones need to be exposed to heal.
* qwee * * *: I told blah Mansur he was a big asshole, but he trained him not to blah blah
* wide * * *: Funnier thing is Mansur apologized, blah blah blah blah.
Lee Jin-woo's old remarks about how image-enhancing operations in the Future Strategic Unit were working were being packed with chopping and becoming a meme.
Lee Jin-woo was always mentioned when he made a mean or discouraging remark, but it was very clean to catch all the people who made excessive insults.
‘I hope it gets better. ’
I liked it because the efficiency of the new construction became better when the fame rose after leaving everything else.
There was nothing honorable about it yet.
Build a good image first and then build it.
Knock, knock!
Then Yuna comes inside with a knock.
“Hmm? Didn't you flunk out today? ”
“Yes, I just stopped by to check on you. ”
“Really? Where are you going to play today? ”
“I have a sister's apprenticeship. ”
It was the day of my brother's attending elementary school class.
Both parents were in the hospital, and Turra Yuna had to go instead.
Yuna was wearing her usual black suit.
It looked good, but too dull.
“How much time do we have? ”
“I have about two hours before lunch to get to class. ”
Jinwoo suddenly woke up thinking for a moment.
“Get ready to leave. ”
“Are you going to do that? ”
“I'm fine.”
“If you do that, who would think it's Lee Jin-woo's side? ”
Jinwoo shakes his head excitedly. I thought I'd say no if I didn't let myself in.
“Reporting. ”
“That's enough.”
Jin Woo contacted the Future Strategy Department on his cell phone.
All the arrangements were made immediately in one contact.
It was always on standby, so there was no need to wait at all.
Jinwoo dressed up quite nicely and came out with Juna.
I had a little chat with Yuna's brother by lending him the pool the other day.
Things have gotten a lot better lately, but they say they've been bullied before.
It was because Juna lived in quite a poor life because the hospital cost was too high to cover the high salary.
I spent a billion dollars a month watching the treatment with only medicinal ingredients coming out of the gate.
Besides, Juna was so busy that she didn't have time to take care of him.
Now, of course, not only did I get a huge raise in hospital expenses, but I also got a huge raise in salary.
Jin Woo did not go out well, so he had a lot of time, and he continued to give paid leave when there was no work.
‘Poor and spoiled. ’
It reminds me of the old days.
Jin Woo was nicknamed after him in elementary school and middle school.
He was bullied naturally, and he didn't want to overcome it.
Jiwoo, who was looking at the car in the underground parking lot, picked out a black sedan.
It looked like a president, but it was a vehicle with the latest technology essence that wouldn't budge even if hit by anti-tank missiles.
I also used this vehicle when I was at the checkpoint a while ago.
It was originally only used for official events like that, but it looked just right for the situation.
Jin Woo opened the car door.
Inside, it was as luxurious as a hotel room with fine spirits and wines.
Yuna looks anxious.
“Why are you doing this? ”
“That's what I'm asking. ”
“It won't do any good to stop them. ”
“You know better. ”
When Yuna got in the car, Jinwoo grabbed the wheel by herself.
When I looked in the rearview mirror, I saw Yuna sitting in the shade.
< 4. Talent (1) > Ends