The Novel’s Villain
< 21. Load (1) >
Jinwoo sighed deeply.
I felt more busy after becoming a knight.
As a knight, I had no choice but to participate in a bold official event that required digestion. After all, I could not refuse as I belonged to the Korean Association of Talents. However, when I went to the knights' meeting, I liked that it was a friendly atmosphere. I don't know why, but the most fierce faction fights
Three high-ranking knights were smiling at each other and drinking.
They even have a sibling.
The knights called it the "Jinwoo effect," but Jinwoo wondered what kind of influence he had on himself.
I was quite busy for a while with conflicts between articles and G&P. Most of them were just approximate payments, but Elonti was also carefully involved.
‘It's all my fault. ’
I was trying to fix the monarch or something, but I had too much work done. I was so lucky to have such capable men. I thought it would be better to pay a little attention.
Jin Woo visited the JW Gate jurisdiction.
The lack of security did not mean that you could hide your face appropriately. There was nothing too uncomfortable about registering Juna as an Acolyte and a Supporter.
‘I don't know if my education is going well. ’
General Manager's education was clear enough for Jin Woo to admit, but I was worried that he was an Elf.
The faction itself was too kind and naive. It was like seeing a child by the water.
I visited the jurisdiction to check on how I was doing I'm sorry about Juna, but I snuck out. It was because she was also very busy with G&P as well as the jurisdiction.
I was also afraid that doctors and researchers would jump.
Was it this way?
The streets of gate culture were different every time they came.
New buildings were crowded, and there were more people than ever before. Wednesday and even though it was morning, the whole street was full of people.
Is it this way?
It was time to go past the store to Elonth Entertainment.
“Green elf bowl! Very cheap! 10,000 KRW for one! ”
“Yes, of course you can. Do you want me to put it in?”
“A trendy elf outfit. Take a look and go! We'll fit you in! ”
Jinwoo stops walking with a blemish.
Turning around, the elves are selling goods very skillfully. You cover your ears with magic, but you can't hide the elf's beauty.
Thanks to that, I had a lot of customers.
You secretly use the spirit of the wind to spread your voice. It was professional to treat customers with a smile.
Jinwoo looked at the scene for a moment.
It was absurd.
“Please refund this. I'm gassed. Can I sell this? ”
“Sir, if you lie, your heart is sharp. Then I'm sick and my guests are sick. ”
“Yes? What? ”
“Come here. Imagine us together. ”
An elf pierces the lie through the elf's eyes.
The elf grabs the customer's hand, smiling softly and leaning over him.
“Hehe · · · · ·. ”
As it felt like I was in my mother's arms, the guest shed tears. Thanks to the natural energy emanating from the Elves, the customer was greatly comforted, not angry.
“Sorry, I got greedy. There · · · ·. ”
“Yes! Thank you! Welcome back!"
I immediately smiled at the guest with a smile.
Is it because all Elves are as pure as blank paper?
It seemed like the time had come very quickly.
Come to think of it, the Elves had a tremendous talent as sales people. I was able to see through the lies and warm the heart of my evil guests with the energy of nature. And even though it was very beautiful, it felt like a family, so I was able to secure my regulars quickly.
‘Hmm · · · ·. ’
I saw a great look.
Jinwoo took a quick walk to Elonty Entertainment.
“That · · · ·. ”
A new scene opened up again.
In front of Elonth Entertainment is a vacant space where people come and swing their wooden swords hard in a row. They were ordinary people, not capable.
You can see the elf teaching you the posture above the statue.
It was Delu, a dark elf. I was wearing a sweatshirt, but it looked very good on me. I was showing model force.
Jin Woo forgets his words for a moment.
“There! My posture is all twisted! ”
“I'll fix it!”
“You! Don't rest! ”
The ordinary people sweated and worked very hard.
Delu led the public with great charisma. There were more women to learn swords.
Jinwoo examined the information in detail.
[E] Dark Elf's Diet Sword
Exercise, my queen! ’
A workout designed by Dark Elves Delu.
Made for Ella, a lack of exercise, but now a fashionable swordsmanship diet on Earth. Not only is it effective in making a beautiful body, but it also consumes a lot of calories.
Ella says she's on the run from Delu.
* [E] Elven Flesh: Makes the right muscles and beautiful lines.
* [E] Calories Consumed: Incredible calories consumed. I have to eat something greasy after exercise.
I searched on my mobile phone and it seemed definitely trendy. I had to pay a substantial amount to receive lectures directly from Delu, but the queue is already full. There were especially many celebrities. The reviews were also high.
‘Elves · · · · ·. ’
Thought it was a fragile flower, but it grew well everywhere. Delu has finished her training and is down on the platform.
“My lord?”
Despite covering his face, Delu recognizes him at once. Delujourneyed in a happy mood. The gazes began to converge, and I moved to the entertainment room in Elondi Entertainment.
“Lord, it's been a long time. ”
“Yes, the Elves. You're doing really well."
“Yes, everyone is satisfied. Everyone wanted to come here. It really is a paradise. ”
He says he doesn't want to go back once he comes out.
Although Yuna said she is adapting well in her reports, she is almost settling down rather than adapting. On a perfect level.
“I heard you visited the Mana Dynasty. ”
“I went away for a while. ”
“I heard there's a monarch sleeping in the barn. It's legendary, but... ”
Jinwoo nods.
There was only one reason Jinwoo wanted to get along with the Demon King.
To stop the monarch. Otherwise, I didn't have to go to the market and do annoying work.
‘I really mixed it up too much.’ Jin Woo shook his head.
The original mixes a lot of things. There were a lot of things that came out of nowhere, so it was very difficult to respond.
‘The Third Monarch. ’
Monarch of the Maze.
He was a monarch who appeared on the horse system. He did not have a clear sense of self, such as vanity or greed.
Oddly, there was one monarch with a giant maze. He was also the oldest monarch to be called a legend. It was also called the feet of a drunk.
Legend has it that if you can raise the Monarch of the Maze and control it, you can ascend to the Monarch's throne. Because he needed immense magical power and power, Halas absorbed the Demon Kings' power and woke the Maze Monarch.
All the more reason for the Demon Kings to fight against each other and conquer the Magic System.
I will unite the horsemen and become a monarch, leading the revival of the horsemen!
Any of the Demon Kings would be a great accomplishment.
The protagonist once helped Harlas in his own way, thinking positively.
I hit my back, too.
‘It wasn't a legend. ’
By the way!
It turned out to be a legend planted by a greedy monarch!
The original writer used the monarch of the maze to turn things around in his own way. Why would a giant maze called the Legendary Monarch and Drinking Foot follow the Demon King's words and empower him?
‘Even though the description didn't come out · ·. ’
He eventually woke up the maze lord and died before he died.
It did a lot of damage to the horse system and somehow ended up on the Japanese side. That's where the international competition is. Moreover, the labyrinth was moved throughout the dimension, so new dimensions opened up.
In the labyrinth.
‘Intermediate · · · ·. ’
The most typical dimension was the intermediate system. It was the biggest dimension.
Seven coloured dragons and empires! Kingdoms! Nobles!
It was an attractive place to call a fantasy romance, but I liked it best when it was not relevant.
‘If we stop the Monarch of the Maze, it doesn't matter what the other dimension is. ’
How do we stop the other monarchs from waking up?
Jin Woo was not an adult enough to suffer on his own.
“If you can convince them peacefully, they'll be fine. ”
“Though they are vicious, · · ·. It's what the Lord does, so it will be. ”
Jinwoo got up from his seat. The Elves are doing well, so there's no need to worry. Along with vanity, Elah was also actively presenting a new song.
“Give Ella my regards. ”
“Ugh, hmm · · · ·. You've been avoiding me lately. I think it's puberty. He seems to be hiding something from me. · · ”
You must be feeling a lot lonely.
Although I was too old to call it puberty, Jin Woo just nodded. I had to sit back and listen to Delu's complaint for a while.
An emotionally enriched Delu since becoming a Dark Elf.
Anyway, things on Earth were going very well.
* * *
Jinwoo has moved to the Magic System.
To awaken the Monarch, he needed the power and magic of many Demon Kings. It was because the dark self moved and breathed the power of the maze. It was right to think of the dark self as the magic word itself.
I don't know what the dark self is about, but I see it in my eyes. I tried to do something about it.
I felt that thought from the dark magic.
Honestly, I was worried.
‘Anyway, since you don't have a protagonist, I hope that's okay. ’
We need to adjust it so that the Demon Kings can balance each other.
I also needed to convince Halas not to think in vain. Galrod's power has given Halas the most power.
Let's take care of Galrod for now.
Jinwoo wanted to get to know Galrod. He had a fairly normal way of thinking for a horse. It was just the first time I met him, but I felt like my next-door neighbor.
“My lord, as you said, I've built a cemetery in a place with a view. ”
“Well done.”
Despite what the greedy Monarch did, Jin Woo wanted to honor the victims of the horsemen.
Jinwoo heads to the cemetery with Arina.
The territory was still quiet.
There were very few territories. There was no one but the maids, the servants, and the horses guarding the building. It's because they haven't appeared yet and haven't received any immigrants.
“Galloth helped me build the cemetery. I could have sent a subordinate, but he came and helped me. He said he would help the Lord with his work. ”
“He's so nice. Be nice.”
He said he looked awkward since he had a lot of work. Even so, it's not the Demons helping us, it's actually the heavenly host.
The cemetery was well guarded.
The remains were all buried and square gravestones were erected on top of them. Everything that might get in the way is said to have been wiped out by the magic of extinction while Galrod was sweating red.
‘Galrod's territory is difficult · ·. ’
I was planning to visit Galrod's estate today.
You were right to help because you had help.
Especially, a good horse like Galrod had to lend his full support. Just like they did to the Elves.
Jin Woo took out a good drink from the subspace. I poured a lot of booze into the cemetery.
“Goodbye, and be born in a good place in your next life. ”
Jin Woo said that with all his heart.
I didn't know where the Horses were going when they died, but I wanted them to be born in a good place anyway.
[The Golden Monarch is touched by the spirit of the Horsemen.]
[The dark self helps.]
It was a moment of information.
A black flame flashes over the wine sprayed over the cemetery. I sprinkled it, but it looked like a strange pattern.
Margie, who was around, starts clumping and is dragged straight into the graveyard. Arina blinks. Even she who was practicing dark magic could not understand this phenomenon.
“Are you impressed by your words? ”
It was just a guess.
Arina laughed at that.
As Jinwoo smiles, the tombstone breaks and collapses.
You hear a wobbly vibration from underneath the cemetery.
Jinwoo looks closely at the cemetery. Something was happening in the cemetery.
Your hand pierces through the floor. It was a hand made of black bones. Starting with that hand, a lot of hands rushed up the floor. It was a very frightening sight to appear in horror films.
The neatly wrapped floors crack open and the black skeletons reveal themselves. It appeared as if waking from an egg, slicing through the floor.
It was quite large, but slender and sharp in shape. It looked much creepier than a regular skeleton.
I just kept coming up.
I kept coming up.
Go on.
“...... ”
“They're all born again. Hey, this is a good place, probably. Uh, so it must have been your order! As expected of you!” Arina's face was filled with chaos.
I tried to understand the situation calmly somehow.
I started standing in front of Jinwoo in a row, and this made me feel like I was the Demon King.
I was impressed by the red glow that seemed to burn exceptionally.
Jinwoo examines the skeleton with information.
[-C] Black Skeleton
A skeleton possessed with the soul of a Horse.
It was only through burial that the souls that had been left in the dark for hundreds of years were able to return to the dark self. However, when the golden prince prayed to the Necromancer in honor of his genuine amazement, he was moved and returned to the market system.
I was reborn in a good place.
Owned Skills
* [-C] Loyal Rager: Carry out as commanded.
* [E] Hangout: I can't talk, but I'm going to keep talking. For centuries I was trapped in a space where I could hear, see and feel nothing.
“Hmm · · · ·. ”
They were skeletons with a bad reason. After hundreds of skeletons have passed, the cemetery with good views has turned into a dark and scary cemetery.
Arina scouts the skeleton.
“Almost exactly the same skeleton as Desknight. ”
In the undead case, the deeper the grudge, the stronger the being. So the vengeful spirit was an important ingredient.
I could understand the depth of their grudge.
Daglack! Queek! Daglac! Queek!
You continue to tingle. You hear a very strange, cracked bone, and it gives you goosebumps.
I wanted to send it back quickly.
“You don't have to be on the horse again, do you? Go back and relax. ”
A black skeleton shivers and kneels, stunned by Jinwoo's words. It was a frustrating gesture. I couldn't speak, so I was expressing it with my body.
Other Black Skeletons did the same. Body language was truly a masterpiece.
“I don't think you want to go back. ”
“Hmm · · · ·. ”
“If you're a Mage, why don't you just accept it as a territory and get it done properly?" ”
Arina says all the skeletons nod. Then there was the headless skeleton.
‘Hagi · · · ·. It says it's empty and has a lot of work to do · ·. ’
It was a time when Arina was deciding whether to accept the territory. It looks like they needed labor. The Dwarves were out because they couldn't get out because of Margie.
“Yeah, that's better. ”
“Yes! Strangely, things are going well with the Lord. He is also the Lord of Gold. ”
I didn't know if it was going well or if it was getting twisted.
Anyway, it was a pleasure to have your revenge.
The Black Skeletons start working their way through the territory. The servants were startled at first, but the Black Skeletons were handed over, dealing with them skillfully and dealing with what they were forced to do.
There was nothing I couldn't do: laundry, architecture, weed pulling.
The black skeleton's visuals are so vile that the territory is somewhat dull, but still vibrant.
It's a mammoth, so isn't this the acceptable range? There was a Demon King, there was a Horseman, there was a monster, and there could be a vicious-looking skeleton.
‘I've got a lot to take in. ’
Jin Woo was the one who returned more than he received.
I packed a lot of stuff at the Dimensional Shop and Storage for Galrod.
Jinwoo looks at his right hand. I bought and inserted powerful seals in a dimensional shop. Thanks to this, you can't see dark magic unless you look closely.
I sighed.
The black gloves are dirty, but I can't help it.
‘Arina's territory is not considered a territory · ·.’ It was like a big set, like a workshop.
Jin Woo wondered what kind of land the real Horses live in. I thought I'd take a slow look around Galelot's territory and find the problem. I didn't think it would be awkward if there were a lot of visitors. I didn't want to disturb the busy galloth.
Of course I didn't have to walk.
Using the Portal Stone, you were able to arrive immediately near Galrod's territory.
‘Oh · · ·. ’
You see the wall. It's not long, but it's well built, and you see a slightly blurry castle. A vast, desolate field lies around the walls. There are also a number of magical devices that make your civilization seem less sophisticated.
There were a lot of Horses going around and around, but they seemed pretty busy.
‘You must be busy. ’
The men under the good lord are always busy moving. Jinwoo nods, deliberately avoiding the front door and approaching the other door. I covered myself by pressing the hood in my own way.
Jinwoo was filled with consideration.
< 21. Load (1) > End