The Omniscient

Chapter 116 is a fine

Hawko is hard to believe that among the midst of the midst of different civilizations, there is such order.

Indeed, the war is the last means of interest, only the benefits are much greater than the cost, and the risk can be affected.

He said: "Since all the wisdom races can create wealth in the society, then why is the earth civilization, did not join this society?"

Hawko wants to ask, in fact, Fermi paradox.

The yellow pole said: "The original tribe and modern human society, the gap is already very. But the gap between the interstellar civilization and human beings is bigger than this. I can tell you very responsible, the earth people are in the Star standard, even civilization Not countless. "

"You are just smart species, just this."

"..." Huo Jin and Eilian are stale, what? The earth is not civilized?

They have scientific education, with industrial systems, with space technology, with rich and diversified society, with vibrant culture.

There is pity for the same kind, and there is a reason to treat the war like the alien civilization.

Is this not civilized?

The Yellow pole said: "At least in the Milky Way, there is a definition of civilization. That is to get out of your environment, the society is still able to run."

Hawki knows that it is to say that the earth people do not have the Star Colonial Ability.

Don't say that the StarCraft, now the empty space technology of the Earth, we can't do it in the nearest planet.

Hawking said: "I understand, you can't leave your own stars so far, so I am not qualified to join the Star Society. If you are eligible, it is not civilized."

"Why do you want to be so high ..."

The Yellow pole said: "Civilization standard is defined according to social needs. You think that it is very civilized, but in StarCraft, you can't get out of gencing of your own environment, just like bubbles, you may die at any time."

"Or you have natural disasters, or die itself. The greatness of life is to adapt to the environment, you have adapted to your environment, but this is just start. No one will help you."

"You are like an unborn baby, even if you bring you from your mother, you can't live it. You can't come out, adapt to this universe, it's not civilized, you are not better than the earth. Other creatures, how much, maybe in which humans are extinct, the mouse is still very good. "

"I admit that this standard is very high. This arrogance is like your society, the fetus in pregnant women is not as good ... I personally oppose this definition, so I call you for the original civilization."

"But the legal, don't give the fetus in your belly, this is really reasonable. Because the fetus, not necessarily born ... It is not easy to born, or you may have just born ... only when the baby opens your eyes. I started to understand this world, he is a societist. "

Hawhin feels sorrow, but it feels reasonable.

He can understand this idea, and the earth civilization has difficulty handling it, and a change in the earth is a disaster.

The egg is placed in a basket, and human beings are actually very fragile. Fragile to the eyes of the alien civilization, it is a meteor that may disappear at any time.

Humans must rely on themselves, no one will help them, because the interstellar society does not need a civilization that is already in the heart of the kindness.

That is not called civilization, called pet.

"So, we can't find any wisdom civilized communications in the universe because it is blocked by StarCraft? You set up a wall outside of the solar system?" Hawko guess.

The yellow pole said: "You can understand this, StarCraft needs a diversified new member, injecting vitality. So do not interfere with your development, and even protect you is not hurt by StarCraft."

"The fittest survival, you want to step into the interace, it is already difficult, the interstellar society can do, that is, don't add 'human hinders'."

"You can't receive wisdom communications from the sun system, because the outside society is too complicated ... it will make your society incomparably confused."

"The biggest misunderstanding of humanity is to like to put a complex civilization as a personality of the deadboard."

"Any civilization is complex and contradictory. Most groups are indifferent, only care about themselves, some groups want to help you, some groups are hurting you, some groups will help you, I will hurt you again for a while ..."

"You should be fortunate, the legal existence, it has set the bottom line."

"But even so, StarCraft cannot control the words and deeds of each member, so you can only block you."

This point of Hawko understands that the first propagation technology is definitely illegal, and the interstellar society needs humans to come out.

If the Earth is putting a radio receiver at home, he listens to the interstellar society, and the earth society will definitely.

In this regard, there must be a malicious thing, there must be a rhythm, there must be a lot of bad information.

At that time, the earth civilization has no way to develop, most of the earth people, can't distinguish good and malicious.

When there is no alien, a person can pull out a wave of evils. What's more? What is the revelation from StarCraft?

The light is imagined, Hawkin knows that the earth can be isolated through the technology, can only listen to the natural sound of the universe, is the best.

"Legal ... Law ..." Hawhin's head was in the storm operation.

His eyes are excited, sometimes confused.

"I have always thought that there is law between the civilization of the universe, it is the space opera ..." Hawko said.

The yellow pole said: "If there is no law, it means people look up to the starry sky, see is a destroyed picture of the chaos. Human beings will not live in the earth today ..."

"StarCraft needs legal constraints yourself, need to be legally constrained. As long as there are most civilizations, the law will be born."

"It is worth mentioning that as long as the law exists, there must be the existence of illegal people, and it must also have the existence of law enforcers."

Hawko said: "You are law enforcement?"

How is the yellow pole shook his head: "I am a illegal person ..."

"..." Hawko hiked, then said: "You come to see me, tell me these, it is illegal, right. You still use time weapons, reverse the time of the earth?"

The Yellow polar smiled: "I seem to have never said, I am a time traveler."

"Although there is already civilization in theory to prove 'Time emissions', I don't know how to do it. Maybe there is civilization in a certain place in the universe, but at least I know, there is also a category, No civilization can do it. "

Hawko is speaking, he carefully, the Yellow Pole did not say, he just took out the invitation letter that he had not sent it, and it seems to know what it is like, and then he is considered a time traveler.

"You are teasing me?" Hawko said.

The reason why Huo Jin felt that the Yellow pole was teasing him, but it was because the Yellow pole did not deny it, and his positive answered the essence of time, and the feasibility of time travel.

The Yellow pole said: "Since you ask you sincerely, I will meet your problems. Is this what you did asking me?"

"Yes, I am teasing you."

"This is my fun, as the fun of the original civilized enthusiast, what opinions do you have?" Professor Hawki. "

"..." Huo Jin is hard, and the eyes reveal a trace.

What opinions he can have, and the Yilian behind the yellow pole does not hook it.

The yellow pole said: "I am already very friendly, even I, I will secretly violate the law, find someone."

"More, those who are indifferent, contempt, and even have malicious aliens?"

"The civilized race in the Star is a variety of people, and there are also hunter, especially to eat wisdom creatures."

"Nothing, but can eat legally protected object itself, it is fun. Among them, the process of ingredients, and how to adapt to this ingredients, it is very particular. The general alien, can't eat at all."

Hawko, he didn't expect Yellow Pole to say such a cruel thing.

Subsequently felt incomparable angry! eat human? Is it fun?

Ilian behind him, has been screened.

The Yellow pole said: "You will never think that in a large number of people who die every day on the earth, how much is you can sell to the Orion nebate."

"That number I said, you may have no concept, I change it to the resource ..."

"Ventively volatility, you have recently priced, a healthy 75kg human beings, probably exchange 20kg ant substrates."

Hawhim's chest is exhausted, and his mood can't calm down.

He is both anger, and it feels ridiculous ... and also feel that huge productivity is suppressed!

Anti-substance? With the skill of the earth, it is difficult to make a point back substance, and it will not be saved, only a few seconds of zero.

If there is 0.1 g of a long-term preserved anti-substance on the earth, any country is willing to get the funds of the high price, and you will buy it, even if you are seriously dragging your own economy.

Now, the aliens have told him that one human, change a place, can exchange 20kg backs!

You know, on the earth, famine and disease plague some non-developed regions, war and poverty make many people struggling in the life and death line, and some people care.

The life is commendable, but it is actually constant, and it is cheap.

The yellow pole said: "In fact, this price is okay, after all, the productivity is different. Simple trading, the general alien is consumed, expensive is actually eating ... and a fine ..."

"Fine?" Huo Jin is.

"Eat the protected wisdom creature, just a fine? Why is there a more stringent criminal law!" Huo Jin is unacceptable.

A fine of a fine! The fine is caused, and finally it will only be more absurd, and the exploitation of money.

From the tone of the Yellow Pole, he can listen, in fact, it is not a person, eat a fine! In other words, it is forcing ...

This is completely regarded as wild animals, and even wild animals are not as good, some precious wild animals are also sitting hard.

The Yellow pole said: "The law inside the civilization will be more stringent, but the law established by the alliance in civilization and civilization will not be too harsh."

"In addition, the homes on the earth are not focusing on key protection objects. Because you have been interfere with other civilizations, whether it is thinking or gene, it has an impact."

"White is a little, you are not wild."

Hawkin is sluggish, is not wild?

He felt a gas blocked in his throat, and he was unfair.

For animals, the earth human beings also treats differently. Humans only protect wild animals, that is, they will have a certain population. It does not need to rely on external conditions to survive, can survive in the wild, and can be normalized, developed, and breed in the absence of intervention.

This is the standard of human beings for wildlife, and does not conform to standards. People have never feel that there is any violation of it. Removing pets belongs to private property, which will protect from other aspects, not in line with non-wild animals, and there will be no punishment.

Just like a lion tiger beast, it is actually very scarce, but it does not belong to the protective animal. Because it is artificial ...

Now, the aliens in front of me have said something similar.

But this time, human beings become classified ...

Why don't you increase your strength? First protecting human beings are not for granted, followed by human beings.

"Chu Ke ..." Hawk, for the first time, I want to explode.

The yellow pole is slightly low: "This is the evil results caused by the perpetrators. I am deeply sick, I am deeply regrettable."

He has seen the unparalleled reality between cosmic civilization.

Even with civilization, between the same races, there are also various differences. Even if you have friendly races, there will be a malicious individual.

Love people? Have. Contemporary human, too. Some aliens regard human beings as goods, regard as food, and aliens regard human beings as a potential partnership, even when doing children.

This is the reason why the aliens protect humanity and selling people.

He used to be a whole word, regard three words of the 'alien' '.

The civilization of Tianfens and Orion nebula is different. Even Zhang San and Li Si will be different.

The yellow pole looks at the stars and gradually understands the evaluation of many aliens, but most civilizations are not known to humans! There is only basic awareness that does not affect the creature of wisdom.

Most of them are indifferent, or they don't know. As if: ? Is there a wisdom race in a certain galaxy, is it like this? Oh, I don't care about this, thank you for telling me this cold knowledge ...

A small number of people know that Earth humans, their ideas that like or disgust.

This is the Jedi Tiantong, and the aliens have evacuated in order and disappeared in the human field of vision without the prerequisites of humanity.

Just premise, what did he did, leading to human beings into the protection sequence, and the alien is full of aliens.

The yellow pole is still not thinking, but if you know the detailed legal terms, you may understand.

He wants to see aliens, even if it is just a watchdog, just let him see it again ...


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