The Omniscient

Chapter 429 begins with the inner ghost

Bessel Tian District is a region of Bessel Civilization, a radius of two hundred light years, including several civilizations, including nobs, at least million stars. Because the biggest civilization is Beessel, the entire Tianzhu is named here.

This is not the most valuable market in Arnuna, so managing its big director. It is the veteran of the old Aunonachi. One of the ten olders of the year, in the last, code 'Ten', people say 'fire feathers Old ten '.

In the era of inner bucket in the past, the old six strong and smart, because thousands of varieties, always show people with the ethnicity, people 'Wanhua Laoxiao.

The old six fires and the old emperor, and pulled a school, and he defeated all the old people.

Among them, the old eight nine veterans have been his allies. As a result, the old six river dismantling the bridge, and the opposite of the old eight is cleaned up, and the old nine fled to the dark star, and an intensive pirate organization was set up.

As for this old ten, it is more embarrassing, knowing that I have no way to sell the old and the old woman, I took the initiative to sell the shares, and I retired into a big manager, and I rushed to retreat. It was preserved.

In this regard, the old six is ​​the only president of Arnono, the greater the more, and complete the shaft, involving a variety of black and white industries, and now has become a major force for the hunter.

For the battle of the past, fire feathers are not a special idea. After all, I have been in the leader of the old six, and he also made a lot of money, he also didn't temper. .

Take the big branch of the Bessel Tianda, also very content.

It can be said that it is true that it is so mixed in the future, there is no ambition.

However, there is no ambition, he said it is not ...

First of all, as one of the old bodies, who knows that he is hateful? He can be described as crowded in the decision-making layer, and the key field will not let him intervene.

Secondly, when I was rushing, I didn't move him, and he hadn't moved him, and he saved a big guys, plus him is a flamingo, belonging to a few ethnic groups, and the firem bird employee in the company hits the group. Jut is close to him.

In this way, fire feathers have a faction in the company, even if they only do it.

So, no matter what he himself, there is a lot of ambition, at least his power is there, in the eyes of the birds who are loyal to the old six, he is a thorn in the company.

After thousands of years, he has never been a look of no ambition. It has never been ambiguous, and there is no mistake, and there is no extension.

However, even if there is no handle, many of the old six people still prevent him.

Under the guidance of the Yellow Polar, attack the moon base, the object you suspiced in Kabri, that is, the old ten!

After the report, the company decided to block the message, all flavor did not know this.

Fire feathers haven't worried about a group of criminals with a group of criminals in the darkness, and I don't know that I have been suspicious.

After the yellow pole leaves, the Leiyang contacts fire feathers through the virtual universe.

But because Fire feathers are in dark stars, the network signal is delayed, and don't even think about it without a few months.

So Leiyang is just a message, please return.

As for the yellow pole, after home, change the body, put on a golden colonial, bring the match, to the bottom of the sea.

There is a huge shell building in the sea. There is a huge shell building.

It covers an area of ​​nine square kilometers, Nivi Tower has already packaged it, becoming private space, letting the revival community gather.

"Mati, you don't have to go in ... After this is coming, you will go directly to me to tell you the house, take all their things all." Huang pole said.

The match is nervous: "And the house will be guarded, I have to kill them."

The yellow pole laughed: "Are you afraid of killing?"

The game is biting his teeth: "Not afraid!"

The yellow pole said: "Don't want to kill, you don't kill, warning them don't intervene the mixed base industry, how to say yourself ... must make a mixed base industry, other keywords are 'Bumin', 'Spray', ' Wan Pupi 'The name of the three bosses, and' heart paralysis'. "

"Call ..." The match is still very nervous.

The yellow pole shared him a link and smiled: "" Break Empire "... This movie has seen."

"I have seen it! This series of holographic movies, I all brushed!" One mention this, the results of the match.

The yellow pole laughed: "Time is still early, then brush this movie twice, then play the king of the rule."

The match is very good at this game, happy: "It's good ..."

"In addition, I teach you that a few tricks you remember?" Huang pole said.

The match of the match: "Remember, but can it really defeat any nitrogen level 7?"

The yellow pole laughed: "You don't be nervous, you combine the void life, after my teachings, now there is a nitrogen level 7."

"But I didn't play it, those people are elite warriors." Safa said.

The yellow pole said: "It's right, you have to know, you have to understand the fight, these tricks, the power is reduced ..."

What is the truth? But he believes that the yellow pole is only to do it.

The Yellow pole also came to him a few words, and he entered the venue alone.

People in the venue are revived.

Nivi Tower said hello, Yellow pole, was taken to the private room of Nivi Tower.

A flying flying chair in the densely numb is suspended in the air, forming a spherical outline, and the heart is a central gate.

"You are coming, people have not yet arrived ..." Nivi Tower said, waving in the seawater into the distribution of the venue, and where to deploy the heart.

Huang pole does not want to see, he all knows that this moment is gazing at a venue and a strong strong nobs that are full of helmecious rudder.

Nivi said: "That is Leser, he is comforting the harm of the damaged party."

The yellow pole laughed: "Why don't you go?"

Nivi Tower said: "I don't talk too much, Leser is good at speaking, can better encourage morale."

The yellow pole said: "sincerity is more important."

Nivipa smiled and didn't speak.

It is also waiting for a long time, people are basically all, and at least the middle-level cadres are in the case, and there are 20,000 people.

Most of them have even wear fake storage, except for the total rudder, basically no one knows the full list of Renaissance.

Not much time, Nivi took the yellow pole, and the yellow pole was looking for two chairs, and Nivi Tower was standing on the Central Taiwan.

"Total rudder"! "Everyone called.

Reser is basically the status of the vice presidency. He let the open position and pay tribute.

"Nivi Tower, the brothers of the revival society are here, you call everyone, have anything to tell."

Ni Phi Tower nodded and stared at the scene, especially in a few of the ghosts.

Subsequently, Luo said: "The Budstown Group monopolizes our civilized arms industries. Every time, we must purchase our civilization to buy a lot of backward arms to them. Their people can sing our military, and even ignore our law enforcement Personnel, it is. "

"They put our military research institute, but even holding our best scientists, for them."

"Even myself, I have been forced to celebrate Thanksgiving with them ... here I want to apologize for my civilization, I am sorry."

Too much thing to change nine thousand years.

The political, economic and culture of the entire civilization of Nobs is controlled by the intercourse.

Take culturally, most of the local areas of the whole world.

Among them, there is a 'Thanksgiving', which has become a legal festival after a few hundred years to commemorate the open agreement of the year, thanks to the novel civilization to open his motherstone, and there is this prosperous most of this.

In this year, I can simply die of the nobs, and I only have a whole of the whole, but gradually, the Nobs have passed this section, and they have a carnival ...

But there is still some stubborn molecules, swear to resist this festival, no doubt, people who join the revival, everyone is disgusted this festival.

Every time, Nifather has to apologize, after apologize, she said: "In order to stop them, we have assassinated, destroyed, and even spreading rumors. Do some results, but not enough ..."

"I believe many people have already known, welcome to the plan of the Holy teacher failed, not only this, we have exposed everything we have done in the Break Group,"

"Nowadays, the budget is taken as the nail in the eyes, and we have to remove us. This dozens of springs are hiped, we have fewer brothers."

"Name, I have remembered all."

When she said, she waved, and the sea was projected to a person, all the members of the sacrifice, one is not less.

After the crowd silently worched, Nifi Tower sounded a change: "The murderer ... I will not forget it!"

To be told, the projection is changed, all of the Baisell, is the investigation team sent by the Burst Group.

In addition to portraits, there are detailed strengths and other information.

The inner ghost face in the scene changed, I didn't expect Nifi Tower so there was such a thing, and they had a clear investigation!

The Yellow Pole Selling Information In addition to Nivi himself, only the pusts are known.

Therefore, other people have seen such detailed information, they are talking.

Some of the blood generations have been taken from: the total rudder! Since you know, the enemy is in the dark, and it is eliminated!

Nivi Tower is highly like: "Yes! This time, everyone is to revenge. These people dare to come to our civilization killing, don't want to go back!"

Under the stage, there is a ghost, and the combination of force is revenge? The investigation team does not go to the Tiangle?

Sorry, this is a resident, and this venue is not going!

On the stage, Leser also inspired the mouth: "Something! The total rudder, you authorize it, I will take them one by one, do you say who you start?"

Nivi said to he said: "Start with the ghost!"

The Less face changed, and then transformed into a confused appearance in an instant. "Who is the ghost?"

"How can we have inner ghost?"


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