The opening reward is one billion

Chapter 267 Wang Yafang's heart

A total of fifteen gods, Soviet, water exquisite, portrait, snow and Mu Xiaoyu together, Chen Ping's shackles.

Then the white snow, Qiao Pei Yan and Shen Yan blue, and Chen Ping is responsible for protection, escorting them leave.

Southern Duo is a turn to the home.

Blood roses belong to the killer, special alone, do not like others to protect, and then blink, disappear.

Finally, Lin Fei, Wang Min, Huang Qin, Chen Ping, rowed another one.

A total of three, each of his duties, and the women came back and said.

After all, this time I can arrange so many killers, I can't afford to be ambush, and I have to be careful.

Then, after escorting a group of beautiful women, he became Chen Ping, Tang Luo, Wang Yafang.

Many women in Chen Ping really want to stay, but I think that today is Tang Luo's birthday, I will not grab Chen Ping with Tang Luo, let Chen Ping wait for Tang Luo.

The reason why Wang Yafang stayed was to pull Tang Luo to come to drink, and chat.

But Tang Luo is still given Chen Ping very good. I am willing to follow Chen Ping for a lifetime. Wang Yaxian is speechless.

"Chen Ping, I don't care, what is you, how is it, is you going to take care of Luo?"

"I said that you have this kind of life, take care of your parents?"


"Surperse with you nonsense." Wang Yaxian said, immediately left.

"Chen Ping, send Yafang back." Tang Luo said at this time.

"No, I have a bodyguard to drive over."

"That's good." Chen Ping smiled and didn't want to send it!

"Chen Ping, don't mind, she is really for me."

"I know, this kind of person is very annoying. After all, I really like the things of others, I don't know if it is right, that is, this is very uncomfortable."

"You have to be unhappy, take her, let her wait for you every day, sing conquest, line!" Tang Luo said.

"I feel can."

"You are too confident, she doesn't like you."

"That is not necessarily, the radish greens have love, maybe one day she suddenly likes me this?"

"Give you a look, you know yourself."

"Surprisingly, I prefer to actually act." Chen Ping said, immediately picked up Tang Luo.

Chen Ping saw that so many gods left, gave them a chance, Chen Ping could forget, not a war, how could I got them.

"Chen Ping, what are you doing?"

"What do you say?"

"I am not ready yet, you let me go."

"I am ready."

"You a bastard."

"I was a bastard."

"Hey, gentle."


In this way, the two have lived a happy life.

However, less than ten minutes, Chen Ping suddenly interrupted everything.

Chen Ping also didn't think much, and immediately said: "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Chen Ping, is me, I am Wang Yaxian, now being chased, I can think of you."

"What? Are you chasing?" Chen Ping shocked.

"it's me."

"Understand, come right away."

Chen Ping finished, wearing clothes immediately, then look at Tang Luo: "Wear clothes quickly."

"Oh." Although Tang Luo is very confused, wear clothes immediately.

In this way, Chen Ping hugged the Tang Luozhen to come to Ferrari, then directly on the bus.

Chen Ping immediately opened his mobile phone to locate it, soon found Wang Yafang at this moment at this moment, now is crazy, but I don't know if I will be taken away immediately.

"Chen Ping, what happened?" Tang Luo said.

"Some people are chasing Wang Yafang."

"Ah! That must catch up!"


In this way, Chen Ping crazy drove in the past.

Time passed one minute and one second, Chen Ping failed to drive a car for ten minutes, finally finally came to Wang Yaxian.

However, at this moment, Wang Yafang's car has been knocked over, and Wang Yafang is walked by a person.

Chen Ping saw this situation, and immediately said to Tang Luo: "Waiting for me on the car, pay attention to safety, know?"


"No matter what kind of person, people who dare to move me will die." Chen Ping said, get off at the bus, and rush to a few people. "

Everyone suddenly felt what, the face is ugly to see Chen Ping, and he said: "Who?"

"Kill you."

Chen Ping said, speed to kill a few people.

"Looking for death, killing him."

But everything is too late, Chen Ping's horrible cold power is over, after the side of these people, the cold ice is frozen everything, and everyone turned into ice sculptures.

Chen Ping has ice attributes and fire properties, which can make cold ice, and control these realm is lower than him, more than him, and these people are just extraordinary, and they are unbearable.

"Chen Ping is too horrible." Tang Luo said shocked.

Then Chen Ping came to Wang Yafang in front of Wang Yafang, and successfully saved Wang Yafang.

Wang Yafang saw that Chen Ping rescued her, excited, could not say it.

"Chen Ping, thank you." Wang Yafang said immediately.

Wang Yafang, good feeling +5

Wang Yafang, good feeling +5

Wang Yafang has a good feeling of ninety. Please make persistent efforts.

"What is these people? Who did you have sin?" Chen Ping asked.

"The forces on the side of Beijing!"

"The people on the side of Beijing, the big old ran over and kill you," also can. "

"No, they focus on me."



"Your driver's bodyguard is dead, next, what do you plan?"

"I don't know, take a step to count one step!"

"That night, you stay in the villa!"

"Is this good? I don't want to bother your two worlds."

"Nothing, compare us, I am more worried that you will continue to be chased."


In this way, after Chen Ping hit Wang Yafang and came to an ice sculpture after got on the car, then showed, god, killing everyone.

Chen Ping didn't want to talk nonsense, killing and said, after all, kidnap others, and killing people, Chen Ping knows that these people are not a good bird, so they will kill.

After handling everything, Chen Ping drove away.

On the way, Tang Luo said that Wang Yafang, Wang Yafang's mood is a lot, but Wang Yafang has always pays attention to Chen Ping, but in the face of this man, he suddenly feels that Chen Ping is very charm, he is dangerous, Chen Ping two words It's coming over, this is safe.