The part-time worker story starting from Conan World

Chapter 173 Let the time flow in a hurry...

One hundred years of life.

Very short and very long.

In such a period of time, at any time, the originally peaceful life will suddenly change.

Just like Kudo Shinichi.

After a simple peek, it was discovered and poisoned.

Then his body shrank, and Edogawa Conan was born.

The same goes for leaves.

But he was not given any medicine, but cooperated to do an experiment, and then traveled to this world.

The dean's grandma named him Ye Zi.

To be honest, this name is really a bit subtle.

Here in Japan, most girls use "zi" as their name, such as Yuriko, Yuanzi, Hongzi, etc.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Recently, Ye Zi has a hunch that his life will usher in changes again.

I don't know what is good or bad.

But the greatest possibility is related to superpowers.

He also thought of one thing.

The boy who did the experiment and "duplicated" himself with superpowers had eyes with red and white pupils of different colors.

If red represents fire properties, what does white represent?

Ice attributes?

Or what other ability?

It seems possible.

Without clues to guess, the leaves can only wait.

Waiting for the arrival of new abilities.


the next morning.

Ye Ye just got up, washed up, and was about to make breakfast, so he received a call from Edogawa Conan for help.

It is said that the people of the organization have been discovered again, and they still have actions.

"Shui Wu Ren, don't you know? The host of the daily TV station."

"Hmm, I know."

"She is ready to act now, as if she is going to kill someone, Student Ye Zi, won't you come and help?"

"Not going."

Usually nothing.

But when you are in contact with the black organization, you can’t get too close to Edogawa Conan, as that will attract attention.

He himself is not afraid.

Even if the gin came, the last few shots were returned to him.

But Hui Yuanai and the others can't.

They face the organization one by one, and it can be said that they have no power to fight back.

Ye Ye didn't have the clone technique, so he couldn't protect them personally.

So stay away from this kind of thing.

"If you want someone to help, go to the FBI, they will definitely be happy."

"Where can I find it?"

"You don't need to look for it, you stand still and shout'Mr Judy' a few times, and she will come out to look for you."

"What nonsense..."


Even Ye Zi could hear the voice of greeting before he finished speaking.

"Look, you don't need to look for it, she ran out to find you by herself."


"Let's do it anyway, don't talk about me, goodbye."

After speaking, hang up the phone.

Let the FBI and the black organization dog bite the dog, there is no need to mix.

The life now is peaceful and beautiful, and he doesn't want to be destroyed.

"Let time flow in a hurry, I only care about you, I am willing to be infected..."

Humming a little song, making breakfast.

The two little girls also got up and went to the living room together.

"Good morning, Oni sauce."

"good Morning."

Leaf responded with a smile.

Ayumi Yoshida glanced at the living room, but didn't see Ogasawara Runko.

"Where is Lunzi sister?"

"She's too tired, she's still asleep, don't care, she doesn't have to go to work anyway."


"Go wash, it's time for breakfast."


Yoshida Ayumi didn't think much.

Hui Yuanwei stared at Ye Ye for a while, and shook his head helplessly.

These two people have been playing late recently.

That kind of thing...

Is it really that addictive?


Do not.

Can't think too much.

"Sorrow, let's go."


Get rid of those strange thoughts, and walk towards the bathroom with Yoshida Ayumi.

A new day started very ordinary.


For Edogawa Conan, today is a bit unusual.

Dr. Aka is married.

In order not to cause trouble to him, this time he was not going to ask him for help, but to the classmate Ye Zi.

Of course Ye Zi did not come.

It just pointed a way: go to the FBI for help.

But the FBI...


As soon as the voice fell, Judy Sterine came directly to him.

Because I have been monitoring Shui Wu Reinai recently, I happened to see the Maori family visiting Shui Wu Reina as a guest.

I thought it was normal.

But just now seeing Edogawa Conan's serious expression on his face, Judy knew that something must have happened.

So he ran over to find him, ready to ask about the situation.

However, Edogawa Conan asked to act together because he has intelligence and can track and eavesdrop.

Judy can't help it.

"Okay, let's come together!"

In this way, Edogawa Conan and the FBI began their first official cooperation.


Ye Zi and Ogasawara Runko are also discussing cooperation.

The novel is finished.

The publishing house is currently on sale in volume by volume as planned.

Animation has also been put on the agenda.

This is Ye Zi’s own project, he found the animation company, and his investment is mainly himself.

He doesn't want capital to mess around.

Ogasawara Runko's position in Musashino Animation, is the character design and general drawing supervisor, and is Musashino's ace animator.

In terms of character design, she is the best in the industry.

And now Ye Zi and her are discussing the character design of the novel.

Novels, comics, animation.

The direction of setting up the human body remains unchanged, but the specific details are still very different.

Novels are written descriptions.

Comics are relatively rich and full in various details.

For animation, first of all, there should not be too many lines, otherwise it will be more troublesome when it "moves" and it will collapse.

"The publishing house will speed up, and when the sixth volume is released, it's time to start animation, and it will take half a year."

"Half a year..."

Ogasawara Runko thought for a moment.

Then shook his head.

"The current Musashino is a bit difficult, I'm afraid it can't be done well."

"It doesn't matter, just pay more. Now this year, even a small company can make good works as long as it has money. At least there will be no big problems in painting."

There are still a lot of things like money.

He is not afraid of losing money.

Even if billions of yen are invested in, the quality of the work must be guaranteed.

This is his last and only animated work.

People have left names, wild gooses have left voices.

Since we have walked this road, of course we must leave a legend.

Just like when I drew books, I drew dozens of books in one afternoon.

It is impossible to complete, and there will be no more tasks that anyone can complete unless there is another painter who is not human.

But that probability is very rare.

"Moreover, Musashino is not an ordinary small company, it still has a lot of background, and has produced many classic works, hasn't it?"


After all, it is Ye Zi's novel. Ogasawara Ronko hopes that he can find a more powerful animation company to produce it.

But now that he has decided, there is no need to say more.

"Let's start, let's be a character first."


Ye Zi nodded.

Give the set of people to Ogasawara Runko.

"Sister Lunzi, you are in charge of the main role and the person setting of the important supporting role. Other supporting roles can be put in charge by your younger generations, so you can treat them as training them."


"Yes, it's like Anbara Ema, Anbara Ema, Anbara Ema or something."


Isn't this a person?

Ogasawara Runko looked at the leaf, a little suspicious.

"The new painter who has just joined for a short time, you are really optimistic about her, do you have any special thoughts about her?"

"Absolutely not."

It's just a little favorability.

What I really want to say is that I want to watch her dance with my own eyes...


It's a fitness gym.

Of course, there is no need to say more about this kind of thing.

"Let’s start now, Sister Lunzi, with my original author, it will not be too difficult for human design."

"it is good."

"First of all, the protagonist, a teenager..."
